"So it really happened huh?" whispered a little black Dragon. He sounded really happy.

His name was Lux - yeah thats a really unusual name and that didn't help him in his situation on earth - and just a few hours ago he was human.

Lux tried to remember how he got here.

He walked home after school like every day relieved that classes were finally over cause bullies stole his homework and the teachers as always didn't care about it.

How he hated the people in his school they all looked down on him just because he was poor and often got hit at home. And after they learned that he was smarter than them they also started to beat him up every day after classes were finished.

So he decided to stay low and shortly afterwards he only got bad notes. Because of that the teachers started ignoring him but at least he accomplished his goal and they stopped beating him up every day.

He attended a random school that didn't got enough money so the teachers only cared about people who could maybe get a good carrier and get them some influence.

At home his drunk mum waited for him and was as always gonna blame everything that happened onto him. His dad was already dead, he died on a car crash with him.He died but Lux survived so his mother hates him and pushs the fault for everything onto Lux even though he was just a baby. The worst thing in her eyes is that it was his fault so she couldnt sue them for money but had to pay a lot.They couldn't afford it so they had a wicked debt. But she stopped working and became an alcoholic even though it made no sense and they began to live from the low health insurance they got after his dad died.

She completely broke down after the crash and started acting like crazy. But even when she hits him she doesnt hit to hard not cause she still likes him deep down in her heart, No! she already lost every bit of love she had for him but he has to do all the work at home from cleaning to cooking so he cant be injured to heavy or she has to do it by herself.

Lux tried a lot of things to make his life better. At first he cleaned up everything in the household without her telling him but she completely ignored it. Lux became so desperate after many attempts and tries that he even called the department of children affairs but all they did was sending one lone fat worker who simple ignored him after he talked a few set phrases with him and went straight in the house. There he spent a little time "talking" with his mum and came back not looking happy at all.

He started shouting at Lux who hoped for good news with barely suppressed anger in his voice that he should be ashamed to call the busy department over such tribal things.

Your mother didn't always had an easy life he yells now a little bit quieter. She has to take care of him so he should be grateful to have her and its completely normal that she sometimes isnt the best mother in the world. Then he went back to his car before Lux could even open his mouth and left him speechless and extremely disappointed there. He just couldnt believe how the worker was this blind even though he even had bruises from the slaps of his mum on his face.

This evening was the first time his mum beat him up so hard that he got serious injuries while yelling at him. She broke his arm but his mother didn't call the hospital and she fixed him up herself more badly than good. So he gave up on escaping and accepted his dark life hoping that a miracle would save him. After all he was just a kid so he couldn't go anywhere

That was when he was ten...

No miracle happened until his 16th birthday so he hated his life but also humans who never did anything good for him...

One of the only good things was the way home cause there was almost always a black cat that would accompany him on his way and he could talk to it every day. It prevented him from getting insane well if u can call talking to a cat every day sane.

He loves animals and they love him. Lux spent most of his free time with animals, helped them and give them food. That's the only time when he can feel free. Over the years animals were his only friends and the black cat even became his best friend

So on his usual way home he waited for Blacky -he named the cat like that- but it didn't come today. That's nothing unusual after all it's still a cat and it didn't come every day so he began to slowly walk along the street.

It wasn't a long way to their appartment -his mum picked the nearest and cheapest high school so that she didn't have to drive him and he looked around so that he could see blackie immediately if the cat decides to show up on his way home.

Lux noticed a bus coming down the street faster than usual most likely because the driver is late and also blackie who was slowly strolling over to him completely clueless that hes gonna get killed in the next second by a bus

He couldn't let his best friend die like that so he jumped on the street and pushed blackie away. The things he remembered after he jumped on the street was the sound of the crash, unbelievable pain that was so great he wanted to die, that he flew away, his last thought that he at least accomplished something in his life.Lux noticed that he didn't feel bad at all, he only felt relief that it was over

And then only darkness...

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