"What works for me?" Jiang He couldn't help but be slightly surprised when he heard the answer from the Thunder Chulan Starman.

With the power of light and monsters he now wields, most of the technology was of little use to him.

The Naga people's previous technology of making pills and neutron bombs was indeed quite powerful, enough to easily destroy a planet, but he couldn't use it.

You can't make a few neutron bombs and put them away, and take them out and blow them up on the spot during the battle, then you probably will be blown up enough.

"It's not the same neutron bomb technology that has appeared before, but the latest achievements that the Naga have not yet thoroughly researched, which can transform the power of monsters into weapons that can be used in a short period of time. The Rechulan star said and immediately operated on the light screen.

Soon, an image appeared on the light screen.

I saw a huge glass cylinder placed in the empty research room above, and a dinosaur man with a frightened face was locked inside.

"Start the trial. As a Nagas pressed the control button in his hand, several orange arcs of electricity flashed on the glass cylinder, drawing the power of the dinosaur man and flowing to the console next to it through the two connected wires.

On the console, the orange and yellow arc flickered electronically, and slowly condensed a weapon that resembled the claws of a dinosaur man.

After the weapons and equipment were condensed, the Naga man picked up the mechanical dinosaur man's claws on it and nodded and glanced at it.

Then he scratched the test board in front of it, and immediately left three traces that were not shallow, which looked extremely sharp!

"The results of this study are indeed quite good. Jiang He's eyes suddenly lit up.

The technology that makes the energy provided by the monster into weapons and equipment for temporary use seems to have the same effect as a certain black technology that will appear in the future in the universe of the Land of Light next door.

However, according to the Rechulan Starlings, this technique should not have been thoroughly researched by the Naga, so why does it seem that it is completely capable now?

As if seeing his doubts, the Rechulan Star Man hurriedly explained: "This technique requires the target to have no resistance at all in order to extract enough power to transform into a weapon with the same power as the monsters, but the Naga people can't make other monsters completely obey their orders except for the dinosaur people who were bewitched by them before. "

As he spoke, the Rechuran put down another picture, in which the scene was similar to the previous one, but inside the glass cylinder, it was turned into a rock monster similar to that in Kura Island, Kakuma.

While the Nagas were conducting the same experiment, the rock monster Gakuma inside struggled to get up, and the orange arc flickered for a moment before it dissipated again before condensing its weapon.

In a few successive scenes, although there are cases where weapons and equipment are successfully condensed, the light power released by this is completely incomparable to the monster that originally provided power.

And after releasing the light once, the transformed temporary equipment directly turned into arc particles and shattered again.

"It's no wonder that the Nagas had only one blood sample left after capturing that Leonix. When Jiang He saw this picture, he immediately thought of the blood sample of a Leonix that he had found on the Naga spaceship before.

Obviously, the other party should have wanted to master this ability by studying the other party's power after discovering that Leonix had the ability to control monsters.

As a result, after a large number of experiments did not make much progress, only the blood sample remained.

But now it's cheaper.

A smile suddenly appeared on Jiang He's face.

The Naga can't get the monster to actively provide power to transform into temporary weapons, but he can!

All the monsters copied by the system, he didn't need to worry about loyalty at all.

Although this technique is not too big for the improvement of its own strength, it also has a good use, at least it will be more enjoyable to fight a little monster.

The only thing that is more troublesome is that this transformation device is also a little too big, and Jiang He looked at the device on the light screen with a twitch in the corner of his mouth.

When you can't use it yourself, you should carry a laboratory with you.

And he has monster cards, so he doesn't need to get a glass cylinder to use the monster.

"Let's simplify this function and install it in this camera. Jiang He thought about it, and showed his little camera to the Lei Chulan Star and asked the other party to do it.

"...."The Rechulan people cried, and they were in the camera again?

It couldn't remember how many times it had modified the little camera for this master, first scanning the perspective beam, then the laser gun.

Now that the conversion device has been installed, it wonders if the owner will let himself fit a spaceship in it.


On the other side, in the command room of the Victory Team base.

Megumi was sitting in her place, looking at her nails with an unnatural expression.

"Captain, why are you always distracted today. At this time, Lina, who was reporting the disappearance of someone, complained in distress.

"Ah, I'm sorry. Megumi came back to her senses and said apologetically, "Regarding the matter of the missing person, let's hand it over to Chief Yoshioka's patrol team to continue the investigation, it can't be shown that there is an abnormal situation yet, it should be within the jurisdiction of the patrol, and our victory team can't overstep its authority." "

"It's... But Captain, is there really something wrong with you?" asked Lina with some uneasy curiosity.

"No, nothing. Megumi was stunned for a moment, and glanced at her with a little red, how could she say this kind of thing, and quickly changed the topic, "By the way, what about after visiting your father?"

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