Restart Spain

Chapter 107: Guantanamo Conception

Spain also has its own way of profiting from this possible crisis.

When referring to the United States, anyone may think of powerful capitalists.

And the most attractive thing for capitalists, in addition to being drunk with money, may be the increase and decrease of assets.

Apple, the famous enterprise of later generations, successfully avoided tax of 13 billion euros through Irish companies.

The original purpose of tax havens was not simply tax avoidance, but an economic policy to attract foreign capital inflows and prosper the economy of the country or the region.

Luxembourg, Panama and Macau in Europe all belong to this category.

And this kind of place, Alfonso intends to establish one in Cuba, a Spanish American colony, to receive American capital after a possible civil war in the United States.

"Canovas, what do you think of this idea? I think once this kind of city is established, it will definitely attract a lot of foreign capital into the local area."

Alfonso asked Canovas expectantly, the arrival of a large amount of capital, even if it was to give up taxes. A large number of consumption will also greatly stimulate the local economy.

"Even if we are going to open a legal casino in Cuba, the casino will be protected by the government, and I believe it will attract a large number of foreigners to play."

Cuba is rich in local cigars. In the absence of a large-scale popularization of cigarettes, Cuban cigars are the well-deserved big brother in the world.

Cuban cigar casinos and tax avoidance, Alfonso does not believe that the American capitalists who are close at hand can withstand this kind of temptation.

The combination of Las Vegas and Luxembourg, but this kind of place cannot be placed on the mainland. Some famous tax havens in later generations are all small countries located in isolated islands or inland.

This idea is definitely more advanced in this era.

In 1898, the state of Delaware in the eastern United States faced financial difficulties for its government. As a result, the state passed legislation that greatly reduced corporate and operating taxes for companies registered in the state. The state government hopes to attract foreign companies to register through this method, thereby creating growth points for the local economy and solving the government's financial difficulties.

Once this act was promulgated, a large number of companies poured into Delaware registered companies, and Delaware also tasted the sweetness. By 1902, there were 1,407 registered companies in Delaware, and by 1919, Delaware registered companies. Has reached 4776.

Time advances to the 1950s and 1960s, and a wave of colonial independence was set off around the world. Many British and French colonies demanded independence.

Some island countries that lacked resources and could not develop their economy began to come up with this policy again, which also formed a tax haven for later countries.

Since it is already in chaos, it is better to relocate all the gambling cities of later generations to the same place, and create such an integrated evil capital at the earliest.

"But Your Majesty, once such a city is established, it will inevitably be resisted by the local residents, and it is equivalent to voluntarily giving up local taxes."

Canovas looked at Alfonso in front of him, and expressed his concerns in a deep voice. For a while, he didn't know how to convince Alfonso to give up this idea.

"Not only is the will of the local residents a problem, it will also put a lot of pressure on the local security. These rich and noble people are not a group of easy-going masters."

Cuba has a large population. Once such a place appears, it is bound to make the law and order more unsustainable. It is difficult for the weak local police force to maintain this policing task.

"You don't have to worry about this. If the city is established, there is no need to worry about the salaries of government officials. The development he brings to the local area is absolutely huge."

A large amount of capital has entered Cuba to register companies, and Cuba's relatively backward situation can also be changed.

The increased security problem, in the dark 19th century, what is it, the local rebellion has just subsided not long after.

"These capitals can not only be invested in tax havens, but also the investment opportunities in Spain will be greatly increased. For the long-term interests, this is totally worth it!"

Alfonso looked excitedly at the somewhat silent Prime Minister Canovas in front of him. As the king of Spain, Alfonso has proved that his ideas are right most of the time since he ascended the throne.

It can even be said that Alfonso forced the request, but no one in the Spanish government really dared to stand up against it, and the pressure was too great.

"Your Majesty, but if you think this city, where do you think it should be located?"

Canovas finally chose to trust the young king who had always been right, but still had doubts about the location of the city of sin.

"The first is to be close to the United States, and the second is the relatively slow-developing coastal areas. If this area is satisfied, it will be divided for the establishment of special zones."

"I think it's pretty good here, and it can be classified as a special zone!"

Alfonso pointed to Guantanamo in the southeast of Cuba. There is a relatively developed Santiago next to this area. It is more convenient to transport materials and accept foreign But will the local aborigines know? Agreeing is still a difficult problem. I don't know what excuses we should use to convince them? "

The legalization of casinos, this alone, has been fully able to challenge the bottom line of the locals.

Countless people have gone bankrupt because of gambling. No matter in any country at any time, it is difficult for a person with a good heart to accept the existence of gambling.

"It's fine to announce it normally. The government will even build a casino that belongs to the government. The current problem can only be solved by forceful means."

At least for Alfonso, this is almost an unsolvable problem, and the only hope is to beautify this matter through Le Monde.

Minimize local opposition.

Without actually feeling the changes, normal people would not stand up to resist. The real impact of casinos is actually the rich.

Similar to Las Vegas in later generations, countless billionaires may become paupers overnight, but they still cannot stop countless capitalists from going there to find fun.

However, the development of the local economy is also obvious, and a large amount of consumption has greatly stimulated the local economy.

Las Vegas has transformed from the desert of Nevada to the world's most famous casino. The local transformation can be said to be one step at a time.

"Your Majesty, I think it is possible to vigorously select the latest situation in Spain through the situation of Le Monde. I believe that many companies can be left behind!"

Canovas said his suggestion with a prudent face. Although it was no different from not saying it, the elderly prime minister actually began to pay attention to the role of public opinion.

Alfonso couldn't help but feel a little emotional...

slag m..

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