Restart Spain

Chapter 158: 2 days left

"If the Spaniards fully occupied Morocco, the Germans would have lost a lot of money for nothing."

"And if Spain can make a little compensation on the territory, then I think the German people can accept it."

Prime Minister Disraeli proposed this plan. Germany does have real interests in Morocco. If Spain seizes it, it will inevitably lead to further conflicts between the two sides.

And if part of the territorial compensation is made, it is a good choice for both parties.

"Germany can accept such a request, but the Moroccan area occupied by Spain is limited to the northwestern areas such as Arif and Fes!"

German representative Wilhelm Yang Yang said his own conditions, although the discussion between countries is about interests,

But at the moment, the performance of the German representative still made the Spanish ambassador, Campo Miro, furious.

"If your country really doesn't want to negotiate, then the two sides will meet on the battlefield, don't continue to play with us here!


Compu Miro smashed the teacup in his hand on the table angrily, his face flushed red, and he was burning with anger!

The conditions of the Germans are completely vexatious, the huge Morocco,

The Germans only gave the Spaniards less than 200,000 square kilometers of territory close to Spain.

The Spanish sent troops to contribute, but in vain made wedding dresses for the Germans.

Obviously, neither the Spanish government nor the people will accept such a thing.

"Your Excellency William! Your conditions are indeed too much. I think your country should seek better conditions."

Even the British, who were accustomed to robbers, felt a tinge of blush for the Germans at this time.

If it is ordinary indigenous people, but Spain is one of the most important powers in Western Europe.

The attitude of the Germans was a complete contempt for Spain's dignity as a great power.

"Your Excellency William, our King has ordered that if the Kingdom of Morocco does not give us an answer within ten days."

"The two sides will automatically enter a state of war, and then the Germans' choice is up to you!"

After Spanish diplomatic ambassador Campo Miro dropped these words, he put down the teacup in his hand and put on his gentleman's hat.

Resisting the anger in his heart, he said goodbye to British Prime Minister Disraeli:

"That's the only condition in Spain! I'm sorry..."

Compmiro had completely lost his desire to negotiate, and no Spaniard could stand this humiliation in the face of the Germans' smug lions.

After saying that, Compmiro left, and the entourage at the door followed quickly.

Only the British ambassador, Disraeli, and the German representative, William, looked at each other.

Although Compromiro's approach may have some less British face, I believe that the British know who is right and who is wrong in this matter.

And Compmiro, who had gone far, turned his head to the entourage behind him and said, "Send a message to the country and tell them the rude conditions of the Germans, and let the king make a choice."

He knew very well that Alfonso XII's attitude towards this matter was bound to be impossible to accept this condition...

"It's an adult..."


The next day of negotiation:

"Our negotiations with the Germans failed in the end!"

"The German ambassador asked us that if war breaks out, Spain can only occupy the Arif and Fes areas in Morocco."

"And all the territory we have worked so hard to occupy needs to be given up to the Germans."

"Our country is a major power in Europe anyway, and our government is bound to accept this kind of loss of power and humiliation, and despise our treaty..."

"We just want to find justice for our compatriots who have died tragically, and the aggressiveness of the Germans makes us feel chilled."

"We have made a commitment to guarantee the personal safety and property safety of German citizens and expatriates."

"But the hypocritical Germans still refused our request."

"That being the case, the Spanish government has decided to give up on continuing negotiations."

"If the Germans really want to teach us a lesson, come on, Spain's 16 million people will never back down!"

"The Spanish Royal Navy and the Spanish Royal Army are also on standby, ready to accept any challenge from outside forces."

"Let's wait quietly for three days..."

"We accept any outcome, all of us Spaniards will accept any consequences..."

The day after the negotiations, when news from London came to Madrid,

After reading it, Alfonso directly ordered the people of Le Monde to edit and publish it to the public.

It is such a big interest for the Germans to open their mouths, and the bargaining will inevitably fail to reach the bottom line that the Spaniards want.

And it just so happens that the German navy at this time is actually not as good as the Spanish.

Since they are coming, come.

With this mentality, Alfonso passed the information in his hands directly to all the citizens.

In fact, just as Alfonso expected, the entire Spanish people were provoked by the Germans.

"These **** old Since they want to start a war on us, come on!"

"Ready to sign up for the army, any country wants to bully us, all the Spanish people will not agree!


"These aggressive warmongers, the Spaniards will never let them bully them, they can come if they want!


"Defeat them!



The folk atmosphere in Spain in recent days can be said to be very frenetic.

From the grief and anger towards the dead compatriots at the beginning, to the anger when Germany intervened,

Until now, I can't wait to go to the battlefield and have a real blood rush with the Germans...

This was a good thing for the Spanish government, which was ready to go to war.

This means that the soldiers have morale, and the public's support for the war is also very high.

At least it will not be like in the period of Yin Sabella II and the period of the Republic, when the government launched a war, it will be blocked by the strong people.

The sequelae of the Carlos War that Alfonso XII worried about - the people's excessive war weariness and refusal to start a war, there is no sign of such a thing happening at all.

There are only two days left until the Moroccan deadline...

And the news of the meeting in London naturally spread to European countries.

While European countries were shocked by the huge appetite of the Germans, they were also thinking about how Spain should deal with it.

You and the French people can't help but express their diplomatic solidarity with the Spaniards while scolding the Germans.

Originally thought that the German-French war crisis, France and Germany have faced the option of war.

But no one thought that the conflict between the Spaniards and the Germans would come so violently and so quickly.

The whole of Europe and Central and South America are watching the conflict between Spain and Germany, and what kind of ending will it end.


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