The blood moon was shining, and everything seemed to turn blood red, and everything around, including the space, was distorted like when the old TV signal was bad.

And I don't know if it's an illusion, but Chen Yu felt like the whole ground was moving.

Chen Yu looked at Ji Ruoxi next to him and Xiaobai in his arms, and could only see their general shapes.

Chen Yu could see that Ji Ruoxi opened his mouth, as if to say something.

However, following the blood moon, the sound seemed to disappear completely. Chen Yu couldn't hear any syllables Ji Ruoxi uttered, because everything around her was distorted, and it was difficult for Chen Yu to judge what she said by the shape of Ji Ruoxi's lips. .

At the same time, Chen Yu also found that the whole world has fallen into complete silence, just like the absolute darkness just now, and there is no sound from everything at this time.

Two people and one fox, although they are close together, seem to be infinitely far apart, as if they are not in the same world.

Tightening Ji Ruoxi's warm palm in his hand, Chen Yu also opened his mouth, indicating that he can't hear any sound now.

Ji Ruoxi, who understood, didn't speak anymore, and hugged Chen Yu's arm sideways, with a reassuring smile on his lips.

Chen Yu froze for a moment, but then relaxed again.

The red moon did not only exist for a few seconds like the original white sun.

This illusory yet real blood moon hung high in the sky for at least an hour before gradually fading away.

At the moment when the blood moon disappeared, Chen Yu could feel that the aura in the air was more than ten times stronger than before, and Chen Yu could feel that every cell in his body seemed to be cheering.

Chen Yu sank his consciousness into his mind.

Sure enough, as Chen Yu expected, he found that the energy of the system had increased from less than 20% to 100%, which meant that he had another chance to travel through.

At the same time, Chen Yu also noticed the change in Xiaobai's column.

Originally, the comment behind Xiaobai was in a state of unawakened blood.

However now it becomes:

Race—White Fox (Special Bloodline: Nine Tails—Awakening)

Chen Yu, who was about to stand up, suddenly found that both Ji Ruoxi on his arm and Xiao Bai in his arms had fallen asleep at this time.

Being able to fall asleep in this situation can only show that their trust and dependence on Chen Yu has reached a peak.

Chen Yu, who was watching this scene, had a smile on his mouth, and his body, which was sitting upright, sat on the back of the sofa again.

After noticing the noise outside due to the end of the mutation, Chen Yu mobilized the true energy in his body and closed the window.

In just one hour between the fall of darkness and the disappearance of the blood moon, it had a huge impact on the entire world, and hundreds of thousands of traffic accidents alone occurred in the entire world.

Even in Daming, the loss was not small despite the preparations in advance. In addition to the underestimation of the mutation, the most important thing is because Daming is in the east. Compared with the west, the current time is exactly daytime. .

In addition to the direct losses caused by traffic accidents, there is also the panic of mutations. Whether it is the world turning blood red, or the world is completely silent, there is no sound, everything is enough to make ordinary people psychologically unbalanced.

However, with the blood moon, not only these appeared, under the brilliance of the blood moon, countless faint, unclear shadows emerged from nothingness, but these shadows seemed to be not in the same latitude as Da Ming, even Someone ran into it in a panic, but it just passed through without causing any impact.

However, just the appearance of these figures is enough to give people who are already on the verge of collapse another kick.

Fortunately, Daming's preparations in advance came in handy. After the initial panic, the military police on the street quickly recovered with professional psychological quality, and they kept confronting each other on the street like headless chickens. Ordinary people lead.

Moreover, other government departments continued to coordinate, and finally did not cause too serious consequences.

However, this is just the beginning.

For people in Daming, it may be difficult to detect.

Because after the appearance of the blood moon, the altar built two days ago began to play a role, and began to absorb the aura brought by the second wave of aura tide, but the altar that should have emitted endless light was shrouded in the brilliance of the blood moon.

The altars standing all over Daming are like nails, nailing the whole of Daming together.

But for other countries in the world, it is a bit uncomfortable.

After the appearance of the blood moon, the topography of the entire world has changed. Compared with the original, the scope of the world has expanded by about three times, whether it is ocean or land, and even the height of mountains has increased a lot.

And the surface area has tripled, which means that the volume has expanded by about five times.

These seem to be born from one knows where the massive matter that is four times the original world comes from.

No one cares about this now, because the result of an average increase of three times the surface area is disastrous for human civilization.

It means that the place that was originally one meter apart has become about one meter seven. A large number of buildings have begun to be damaged, bridges have collapsed, roads have cracked, and high-rise buildings have begun to crack.

Countless human buildings were completely destroyed because of this change.

Except that Daming was connected into a whole because of the altar, it didn't suffer too much loss.

However, the geographical environment of Daming is not unchanged. Within the territory of Daming, those famous mountains and great lakes have not been affected by the altar. As a result, many new mountains have emerged.

However, compared to other countries where almost all of their vitality has been seriously injured, Daming is already quite good.

The death toll caused by this has even reached 1% of the world's population, and 70% of them are in large cities with dense buildings, while poor areas have not suffered much loss.

Don't look at this percentage, although it is not big, but with a population of nearly 10 billion in the world, the specific number is definitely a terrifying number.

After the blood moon disappeared, the five-billion-year-old star reappeared.

Originally, with the arrival of early summer, there should be some hot and dry feeling, but now everyone just feels a chill that freezes through the heart.

In addition, this seemingly unchanging star is not unchanged. From the naked eye alone, it looks about twice as large as before.

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