Return back into the Novel as the Antagonistic Playboy

Chapter 317 Atypical Public Opinion Reversal

PS: Sorry, some Kawen, the update is late


The next day, when Li Zhibo woke up slowly, he just covered his drowsy head, and then his body seemed to be rushed by a hundred thousand volts of electricity, trembling and frightened suddenly, and the memories of the brutal beating instantly flooded his mind!

However, when he opened his eyes wide, he suddenly found himself on the bed in a bedroom that was obviously a girl, and he couldn't help feeling demented again.

Then he lowered his head and took a look, his whole body was naked, left and right, looking around, he didn't see a trace of scars.

"Is this a nightmare?"

Just when Li Zhibo was confused, the bedroom door was opened from the outside, and Xiaoqinqin, an unknown internet hostess, poked her head in, and said with a resentful and shy expression, "You're awake, hurry back when you wake up!"

"This is me... last night... we..." Li Zhibo was stunned and choked up.

"How dare you talk about last night!" My little dear said angrily, "If you can't drink it, you can't drink it. Once you drink too much, you will imitate other people's sex after drinking, you beast! I didn't expect you to be such a shameless scum I don’t want to see you again!” After a pause, he continued, “The clothes are still vomited and dirty, and I have to clean them up. They are washed and dried for you and put on the balcony. Put them on quickly. Get out!"


The door was slammed shut again.

Li Zhibo recalled those words of his little kiss, and he was confused again.

Could it be that I got drunk last night and forced an indescribable relationship with my little kiss? !

But why do I have no impression at all?

In addition, last night when I was hanged and abused by the men in black, was it really just a nightmare?

While hesitating, Li Zhibo smelled a peculiar smell, turned his eyes, and suddenly saw a used gun lying in the trash can next to the bed, and some indescribable liquid was accumulating in it...

Li Zhibo's head buzzed, and most of the doubts in his belly disappeared immediately.

Originally, he was thinking of calling the police, but seeing the situation after waking up, he had no choice but to give up the idea for the time being.

Even because of this inexplicable blessing, Li Zhibo was extraordinarily excited and happy. After putting on his underwear, he rushed out of the bedroom. : "Sister, don't be angry, brother is also unintentional. If I drink too much, I don't know what stupid thing I did. Don't worry, I will be resolute and responsible to you to the end?"

"Responsible? You have watched too many bloody dramas. After taking advantage of your aunt, you still want to continue to enjoy it!" The little kiss sneered angrily: "If you haven't woken up, go and look in the mirror. Don't even look at what kind of person you are, want money but have no money, have no face, do you think you are worthy?"

Li Zhibo couldn't hold his face anymore, and argued strongly: "This is only temporary, you don't know how popular your brother is now, with more than 10,000 Weibo fans, and then take advantage of the situation to hype it up, it will only happen overnight In between..."

"Then come see me when you're rich, and get out now, I'm disgusted when I think about what happened last night! You're a beast in clothes!" The little kiss stared and cursed: "You still don't get out, do you? Believe it or not, I'll report to warn you rape!"

"Okay, I'll get out! Get out now! You calm down for a while, and when you calm down, we'll talk again."

Li Zhibo was bored, so he had no choice but to walk away.

But just as he was going to get clothes from the balcony, suddenly the door was opened from the outside, and a strong, tall and handsome man walked in.

The two men looked at each other for only a second. When Li Zhibo was in a state of confusion again, he was punched on the face unexpectedly, and immediately made him stare at him and his dizzy dizzy!

"Who the hell are you?!"

The man rushed in like a thunderbolt, punched him, grabbed Li Zhibo's neck, and questioned him viciously.

Li Zhibo was so shocked that he didn't recover.

As soon as Xiaoqin's face changed, she began to howl immediately, and cried out with full emotion, "My dear! You are finally here,

This beast got me drunk and molested me last night! "

"Mother Hippie!"

The man's face became colder, his hands stronger, and he greeted him with several more fists.

"Wrong, wrong..." Li Zhibo didn't expect that Xiaoqin had such a number one boyfriend. He wanted to quibble, but his neck seemed to be hooped by a steel rod, and he couldn't even breathe smoothly, so he couldn't speak .

Immediately afterwards, there was another brutal beating, which immediately bruised his nose and swollen his face!

In his hazy consciousness, meeting the ferocious gaze of this man, Li Zhibo shuddered solidly again. He couldn't help but think of that tragic dream. People are exactly the same!

Could it be a nightmare warning? !

It indicates that I will suffer such a disaster this morning!

"Women who dare to play with me are getting impatient!" Jin Yongsheng slapped him a few more times, and there was a playful flash in the corner of his eyes.

The little kiss is still showing off his acting skills, shaking the mobile phone with the camera and recording turned on all the time in his hand, complaining: "Honey! This beast even took videos and photos of what happened last night, and just forced me to be his Girlfriend, if I don't agree, he will post it on the Internet, ruining my reputation!"

"No...uh!" Li Zhibo was frightened when he saw that his little relative had kept the evidence of what he had just said, and was frightened out of his wits. Picked up like a chicken.

"Okay, you! Grandson! Grab a woman from me!"

Jin Yongsheng took a cold look, suddenly raised his foot, kicked the person to the corner of the wall, and then threw himself on him again.

A few minutes passed, and Jin Yongsheng was almost beaten up. When he retreated, Li Zhibo was limp on the ground, exhaling more air than inhaling, and almost lost his human form.

That's it, Jin Yongsheng still hasn't let go of his anger, he turned his head and shouted at his little kiss: "What are you still doing in a daze! Call the police!"

Li Zhibo originally suspected that this might be a fairy dance, but when he saw that he was going to call the police, he immediately struggled to get up from the ground, and begged: "Brother... I have something to say... I did it wrong, why don't you tell me the number?" , I will absolutely compensate...don't call the police..."

"What nonsense! I'm fighting for one breath!"

Jin Yongsheng kicked him in the face, and finally kicked him to rest.

"Damn! I'm dizzy again! I can't help but hit him!" Jin Yongsheng kicked the guy's head lightly twice to confirm that there was no response. When he raised his head, he saw his little kiss slyly throwing him at him while calling the police. A wink.

"Looks like I haven't fed the hooves last night!" Jin Yongsheng sneered.

After the police came to the door, Jin Yongsheng immediately turned into a law-abiding citizen, and told about Li Zhibo's crimes with his little relatives.

On the spot, the police found the gunpowder thrown in the trash can, and then took Xiaoqinqin to do another inspection. After confirming that Xiaoqinqin had been sexually assaulted, the case was immediately established as a criminal case and filed The procuratorate arrested Li Zhibo.

There is another episode here.

Because Jin Yongsheng and Xiao Qinqin unanimously accused Li Zhibo of taking those indescribable videos and photos for threatening purposes, the police handling the case opened Li Zhibo's mobile phone to confirm, and also found a meaningful WeChat chat record.

It was Li Zhibo and a few people surnamed Wen who negotiated to slander and blackmail the Freemasonry Foundation, Qingmao Hospital and Yu Qinyi!

Coincidentally, Xu Fang, Yu Qinyi's manager, came to the Public Security Bureau to call the police, claiming that someone had fabricated rumors to slander Yu Qinyi's reputation, and begged the police to investigate the criminals.

This is good, the policemen solved two cases in a row without any effort.

After rigorous interrogation and investigation, Li Zhibo finally confessed in the face of numerous criminal evidences, and fully confessed that he and Wen Ruozhen's family members conspired to spread rumors, slander and attempt to extort money.

However, he repeatedly claimed that he was drunk and couldn't remember the process of kissing the little kiss last night. He also said that he was taken away by a mysterious person last night and suffered inhumane abuse.

But it doesn't matter anymore, the crimes of rape, picking quarrels and provoking trouble, and extortion are all firmly locked on his head, so that he will never stand up again!

At the same time, Wen Ruojin's group of unscrupulous family members were preparing to lead the folks and elders to continue to pull banners at the gate of Qingmao Hospital and complain about their grievances. The police who had been waiting for a long time were arrested.

"Look, guys, these conscientious rich people bribed the police to punish us poor people! Is there any law of heaven and king! This is to drive people to a dead end!"

When the family members of Wen Ruojin were arrested and brought into the car by the police, they still shouted with full of emotion and professional attitude, which attracted the attention of the onlookers and reporters.

Ever since, things began to ferment and explode on the Internet according to the usual public opinion routine.

Moral whores and keyboard warriors once again set out to denounce the oppression of the vulnerable groups by the capitalist coalition government!

When the public opinion was overwhelming, that night, the Huahai police reported the real situation of the case through the official microblog, fully expounding the inside story of Li Zhibo's rape of women and Wen Ruozhen's family members to make trouble for profit.

Of course, the initial reaction of the moral bitch keyboard warriors was nothing more than "I don't listen, I don't listen, it must be that the capitalists colluded with the government to distort the facts and harm the vulnerable groups."

However, when the video of the confession of Li Zhibo and Wen Ruozhen's family members on trial and a series of evidence were released on the Internet, the little faces of these moral bitches and keyboard warriors were immediately brutally beaten.

Those fans and supporters who were already full of positions immediately launched a frenzied counterattack.

"Where's the moral whore? Where's the keyboard man? Why don't you stand up and take a walk, this face has been swollen and shrunk so quickly? Aren't you always smelly and shameless?"

"Don't worry upstairs, I've already circled the 'representatives of justice' who were the loudest before, and reported them to the Internet police. Now that they are all real-named, I'm not afraid I won't be able to find them!"

"Would it be too much upstairs? After all, the inside story of the incident was not clear before. It is rare for these people to stand up for the victims. It is just that they were deceived and used. Why should they pursue it?"

"Catch another moral whore upstairs alive! He was domineering and rampant when he was swearing, and after being slapped in the face, he pretended to be innocent and pitiful again. Anyway, let you be a good person! Bilian at the pharmacy!"

"Support upstairs! Why can't cyber violence be pursued? Why should good people be slandered and wronged for nothing? Since you dare to talk nonsense, you have to pay for your mistakes!"

"It's enough to think about what happened to Qingmao Hospital, Freemaid Foundation and Yu Qinyi. They didn't get any good reputation, but they were bitten by these white-eyed wolves! Who can they talk to about their grievances?"

"I still feel sorry for my old Yu the most. He is so upright. Just because Wen Ruozhen and her have collaborated in a film, he has been busy helping people to treat illnesses. But look at how his reputation has been ruined now. .”

"Take away Lao Yu! Finally, I will swear 100 million words of MMP to Li Bai, Wen Ruozhen, the family members of the filthy world leaders, and the moral bitch keyboard warriors! I wish them an early death and early rebirth!"

Just when the public opinion turned intensified, three days later, Yu Qinyi's Weibo, which had not been updated since Wen Ruoqi's death, suddenly had an astonishing news.

That night, Yu Qinyi emptied Weibo and updated a Weibo picture with only eight words on it: Goodbye Weibo! Goodbye star!

Obviously, after this round of moral kidnapping and public opinion violence, Yu Qinyi not only decided to quit Weibo, but also said goodbye to her acting career!

Later, a reporter contacted her manager Xu Fang, and the answer she got was that Yu Qinyi was recuperating from illness recently, and she made this decision that had been in the works for a long time, but it must be stated that she did not completely quit the entertainment circle , but will comprehensively transform behind-the-scenes work in the future.

One stone caused a thousand waves, and the melon-eating crowd boiled again. Among them, Yu Qinyi's fans were the worst. They kept begging Yu Qinyi to withdraw her decision. A Weibo big V took advantage of the situation and published a long article, Signed as "We all owe Qingmao, Mutual Ji and Lao Yu an apology and explanation".

This article first eloquently analyzed the evil nature of moral kidnapping and cyber violence, and then focused on shaping the images of victims of Qingmao, Mutual Aid and Lao Yu, accompanied by a lot of colorful chicken soup for the soul, and soon gained a lot of attention. Crazy repost.

All of a sudden, Yu Qinyi's popularity increased instead of decreasing, and even Qingmao Hospital and Freemaid Foundation, which were frustrated by the negative news, became famous again.

Taking advantage of this favorable wind, a few days later, Shen Yixian, Xu Fang, and Shen Xiaoyan jointly held a press conference, announcing that they would set up a love fund named after Wen Ruozhen under the Freemasonry Foundation. Special support for leukemia patients.

As for the supporting units and individuals of this love fund, they include Qingmao Group, Fenghua Group, Yu Qinyi, as well as big and small business celebrities and entertainment stars.

It is worth noting that in this list of assistance, there is another unexpected person, it is the former owner of Yu Qinyi who almost broke up with Yu Qinyi, Jin Hui, the boss of Chenhui Entertainment!

After the investigation, it was discovered that Jin Hui had donated 100 million to the foundation!

This obviously made the insider a little confused.

Just like the famous bitch Feng Yaxuan.



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