Return back into the Novel as the Antagonistic Playboy

Chapter 81: The All-Evil Omnipotent Risk

The news about the abuse of the elderly by the nurses in the nursing home quickly spread rapidly. Through various media and the Internet, it attracted the attention of a large number of people in the society and became a sensational hot topic.

When most of the masses were filled with righteous indignation and verbal criticism, Song Shicheng always maintained a stance of watching with cold eyes.

Not only because he is very clear about the truth behind this popular event, but also because of his previous media experience, he habitually uses rational thinking to interpret the context of the event.

It is foreseeable that not only the nurse will bear heavy stigma and legal responsibilities, but the community nursing home will also be notorious. I am afraid that it will not be long before a series of accountability procedures by the Civil Affairs Bureau and even the government will be launched. However, no matter how good the crisis public relations are, the signboard of this nursing home has been completely smashed. From a macro perspective, even the public pension system will inevitably be criticized and criticized.

Obviously, all this is developing in the direction expected by Shen Guotao.

Moreover, as Song Shicheng laments, this is only the beginning.

Until the pension base is completed and opened, various social incidents attacking and discrediting the public pension system will follow one after another. Most of them must be planned and hyped by Qingmao Group until the public pension system is defeated and transformed into a public medical system Such a predicament is their ultimate goal!

Some people may doubt the necessity of such a big fight, but it is basically clear at a glance when calculating the pension expenses.

The old people go to the public nursing home, and the monthly bed fee is only one to two thousand yuan, but when Qingmao Group’s pension base opens, according to internal information, the rental fee alone will cost around ten thousand yuan, not counting other medical services TOLL!

In fact, many elderly people are not short of money these days, especially those in big cities, who enjoy various welfare benefits for the elderly, and many elderly people still hold real estate and savings in their hands. As Shen Guotao once said, the money scene of the pension industry will only become more and more prosperous!

In this context, as long as the public elderly care system is discredited and the "customers" are guided from the public nursing homes to the elderly care bases, the degree of huge profits is no less than that of selling arms and drugs!

Just imagine, if the elderly or their family members continue to see scandals like this nurse worker abusing the elderly, will the elderly who have worked hard all their lives dare to entrust their happiness in their later years to a public nursing home? Do the family members still dare to bear the condemnation of conscience and the notoriety of filial piety, and send the old people to be abused?

I'm afraid that no matter how high the price of Shen Guotao's pension base is, they will fight for beds!

There are also "favorable factors" such as only children, empty nesters, and old people who have lost their only child. For any businessman, as long as he has enough resources and capital, he will do this business 100% of the time!

It's a pity that in terms of the ability to eat human blood steamed buns, there are really few people in the world who can beat Boss Shen!

Clear is clear, but Song Shicheng is not going to help the nursing home to clarify.

At first, this matter has nothing to do with me, and now Fenghua Group still holds shares in several pension bases, everyone is almost sitting in the same boat, why bother to do such a thankless and stupid thing.

Furthermore, look at the so-called crisis public relations of the government and the nursing home, which completely reflects the lag and rigidity of the public pension system. The official apology, not to mention that even Young Master Song can't stand it, I'm afraid it's someone else who knows People who know the truth have to say "deserve it".

Flies don't bite seamless eggs, but attack all kinds of flaws and loopholes in the public pension system. It's easy to defeat capitalists!

But indifference does not mean doing nothing. In view of the system's tasks and the current situation, Song Shicheng is already considering how to take this opportunity to stab Shen Guotao.

However, before he could conceive of a stabbing plan,

Dou Bin, the best dog-headed military strategist, came up with another plan to make a fortune.

"Song Shao, I think this matter is also a good opportunity for our foundation."

Dou Bin licked his mouth habitually, showing a flattering and shrewd smile: "Taking advantage of this wave of public opinion, we can send people to the nursing home to visit and care for the elderly, and launch another wave of charity crowdfunding through the foundation. Fame and fortune, and in the future, some life insurance businesses can be gradually promoted according to the public’s doubts about the public pension system. It is about paying a sum of money every month. The higher the accumulation, the more protection you can enjoy. It can also be like a regular fund. enjoy the benefits of..."

Song Shicheng couldn't help nodding his head, but when he heard about the insurance business behind him, he couldn't help muttering in his heart.

Isn't this insurance the universal insurance of another world?

It has both conventional insurance attributes and investment attributes, and enjoys high returns and high returns, which is probably the characteristic of universal insurance.

To put it bluntly, universal insurance is a financial product under the banner of insurance

At that time, in another world, due to factors such as the continuous decline of macro interest rates and the shortage of asset allocation, universal insurance products became popular in the financial market, attracting a large amount of funds.

After the insurance company got the funds, it began to invest in various channels, such as short-term speculation such as stock trading and lending.

Like the Vanke incident that caused ups and downs in another world, Baoneng and Evergrande merged Vanke’s shares, using the funds of universal insurance.

At that time, owning an insurance company to carry out universal insurance became the golden cornucopia that almost all bigwigs dreamed of.

The policyholders thought they could get a lot of money, but they obviously underestimated the deep tricks of the insurance industry.

For example, if you buy a universal insurance policy and pay a premium of 100 yuan, the insurance company will charge a handling fee of 10 yuan, and the remaining 90 yuan will be split into two parts and entered into the insurance account and the investment account respectively.

At this time, the routine came.

The insurance company will say that although we charge 40 yuan for insurance, you only need to pay 20 yuan now, and we will use the remaining 70 yuan for investment. If we make money, we will use it to offset the remaining 20 yuan premium.

Moreover, the rate of return on universal insurance promised by insurance companies is usually very high, giving you the illusion that it is a good deal.

Not only the safety of life is guaranteed, but also high income, why not do it?

But here comes the problem. If you invest 70 yuan, you can’t earn 20 yuan at all. You may only earn 2 yuan. In order to maintain the value of your policy, you have to pay an additional 18 yuan yourself.

Month after month, year after year, if you want to get protection, the money in the insurance account cannot be broken, but the income of the investment account is not ideal, so you just fall into the pit and can't get out.

Some people may question how the insurance company promises to have high returns, but then backtracks.

Insured people please keep your eyes open and pay attention. The high returns mentioned by insurance companies are usually just a verbal check. After all, investment is risky. They set a minimum guaranteed rate of return for you. How much money you can make in the end depends on the mood of the insurance company. .

The reason why Young Master Song knows this is because he was tricked by this thing in his previous life, but now that Dou Bin mentioned it, he couldn't help thinking of tricking others.

To be more precise, it was Shen Guotao!

"You have a good idea, but I think there are still some areas for improvement."

Song Shicheng took the pen and paper, and directly wrote out the evil all-purpose dangerous routine.

"This... is a genius! Young Master Song, your idea is simply an unprecedented and incomparable brilliant plan!"

Although Dou Bin exaggerated, the emotion of astonishment and admiration came from the bottom of his heart. Since he started business, all kinds of money-making tricks have emerged one after another, but when added up, they are definitely not as good as Song's money-making trick!

Even the top insurance actuaries in the industry may not be able to play insurance routines so smoothly!

Even though it has not been put into practice, based on Dou Bin's cognition and judgment, once this insurance product is launched on the market, it will soon attract immeasurable cash!

"This insurance product, take advantage of the nursing home incident to try to put it on the market. In the early stage, it was mainly aimed at the elderly. Most of the elderly have no shortage of money. Now they are worried that the old-age care will not be guaranteed. We will prescribe the right medicine. , linking insurance items with medical pensions, the success rate should be quite high, and when the response is good, you can expand the insured group in a timely manner." Song Shicheng instructed very sophisticatedly.

Dou Bin almost got down on his knees to worship his master. Who doesn't know that in the insurance field, the money of the elderly is often the easiest to coax, especially when it concerns their immediate medical care and pension issues. Let's pour some ecstasy soup, and the banknotes will roll in immediately!

But suddenly remembered something, Dou Bin hesitated for a moment, and said worriedly: "But this plan may cause dissatisfaction with Mr. Shen..."

Song Shicheng thought to himself that this bastard's brains are really bright, and he was silent just now, but he also had an insight into Shen Guotao's attempt to use marketing events to make money from the elderly.

But now, the first step of the universal insurance that I launched is to earn the money of the elderly first. After the completion of his pension base, the elderly who can afford the rent for the elderly will undoubtedly be greatly benefited. sharp reduction!

To put it bluntly, it's a bottom line! Cut off Shen Guotao's fortune!

"It's okay, anyway, he is also a shareholder of the foundation, and he also has a share of the money he earns. He won't have any opinions. You just have to be brave and do it."

Song Shicheng said disapprovingly, but Shen Guotao's wrath would definitely be met later.

After all, the old-age care base is the real industry controlled by Shen Guotao, while in the foundation he only holds some shares, and the decision-making power is still firmly in his hands. It's not his turn to have the final say.

Can see, touch, do anxious.

If you want to get a share of it, you have to lower your posture and ask yourself in the end!

When the time comes, it will be easy for me to grab more fat from this old fox's mouth!

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