
Taxes are a sensitive issue.

Even if you are a user who acts without being aware of the government, it is an inevitable duty as a person of Korean nationality.

At least none of the users insist on not paying taxes.

Large guilds also demand higher settlement rates, but do not mention taxes.

Because it is a separate matter.

User Management Headquarters.

It is a government-affiliated organization that manages users and everything about cracks, but it is no different than a company.

Instead of looking at the convenience of users and helping them dispose of cracks conveniently, a certain percentage is taken off.

The ratio is also large in the government's burden, so care to get as much back to users as possible.

Of course, the more, the more expensive, by-products it leads to the loss of users, but it's a good thing for most users to catch both convenience and profit.

This is what Lee Hye-sung is talking about.

The settlement rate, which users call a double tax.

"Taxes are enough to change nationality, but I don't have to throw away the nationality of Korea, the best country for rich people to live in, right? There will be countless experts who will save as much as they use and reduce taxes anyway. If you introduce yourself to me, that's enough. Let's take this opportunity to increase the settlement ratio and make sure to take care of the cracks.”

"That's great."

How can he think of this?

I can't help but admire it.

Of course, it is something that any user thinks about once after seeing the amount of money recorded in the statement of accounts.

I wish the proportion would be higher.

Even big guilds think the same every day.

But not even them, not even Kang In-ho, raised the rate.

Perhaps the same goes for Lee Hye-sung.

The reason why I admire him is that he has set up the most plausible operation he has ever seen.

I don't know if it's possible.

Even Kang In-ho in the world can talk about it once and then break through the closed curtain.

"By the way, why have you been giving it to me so far?”

"Don't even mention it. I'll never give you a percentage even if you fit everything in. At least 5% of the big guilds and me have given up. 7.5 to 2.5. Thieves."

No matter how much I don't care about money, I feel uncomfortable that someone is taking my money away.

Even if it's not a payoff.

It's an unfair rate for top rankers who earn hundreds of millions and billions of dollars in a crack once.

"I'm sure you've asked me to explain this and that. I'm asking you to raise your proportion."


"You can't do that. You have to be strong. Then I'll say this again. I've threatened you. You didn't want to do that, but the big guilds did. That's why I got 5 percent."


"If the user management headquarters is not a fool, would you listen to the threats made by the people who are hurting and eating in Korea? I'm sure it was just a moderate comfort. It's nothing if you leave Korea, so you can go to another country anytime, but why is that?"

The frowns straighten soon.

"Well, what's the point of asking a pushover? Only my head hurts."

"Something's a little unfair."

"That's enough. Look. What do I do?"

Then he nodded as he heard the doorbell ringing.

"You know, as indifferent as possible. Cool guy."

Kang In-ho nodded.

Ariel opened the door.


Kang In-ho is the number one user who is difficult for many countries to deal with even though he has been ignored by Lee Hye-sung.

In a way, it's natural.

The strongest man in the world.

The money is rotten enough to be compared with 10 fingers, and even the wife is pretty.

Negotiations with him, which have nothing to be desired, are difficult in itself for many countries that have nothing to be desired from him.

Such conditions have been naturally met and talked to numerous negotiation experts.

In the first place, Kang In-ho, a model of a righteous national anthem that has no intention of leaving the Republic of Korea, was lucky to have heard and endured so many temptations.

Is he uncomfortable with this kind of position?

That's absurd.

Rather, the story with Korea is so comfortable because he received a love call.

It's super power beyond Gap.

Kang In-ho gave up so much that he could have arrogant confidence.

The government is also trying to take care of him because it knows him, but objectively and subjectively, Kang In-ho gave way.

That's right, but it was a bit shameless to him, to think of it.

"China is nice. I heard it's a very shameless country, but the welfare offered to the rankers, oh. You know, I'm starting to want to change my team right now.”

"……Hey, I didn't bring an interpreter."

Waving and spitting out Chinese!

The user management team leader was embarrassed and apologized to the extent that he wondered when he learned Chinese so fluently.

With him, Lee Hye-sung scratches his head.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm half Chinese now. It pops out without me knowing. Haha."

Could it be more blatant?

Team leader who doesn't look happy.

"What brings you here? I've heard it roughly.

"Are you thinking about changing your membership to China?”

It goes straight to the point whether it's anxiety or not.

That's what I wanted!

Lee Hye-sung takes a while rolling up the tail of his mouth.

"I don't know. I'm thinking about it. Of course, with you here.”


Of course, Kang In-ho's existence is worth more than Lee Hye-sung to the government now.

Go to sleep as a rising rookie and Kang In-ho is a person who can go around the level 7 crack right now.

However, Lee Hye-sung should not be missed, but I tied him up in advance just in case he decided to change his mind.

The team leader's eyes were on Kang In-ho, perhaps thinking about the worst situation.

Kang In-ho ignored his eyes with a cool look.

It could be, it could not be.

That's enough for me.

This is Kang In-ho, who has never responded to an outside love call.

A situation where you can feel betrayed enough!

But the team leader wasn't sloppy enough to show his feelings.

I asked instead.

"May I ask why?"

a word with many implications

The horse said to Lee Hye-sung, but his eyes turned to Kang In-ho.

I'm asking.

Was it not enough?

I gave up on a lot of things, but I thought you did that much.

How can you do this to us?

Lee Hye-sung smiled and nodded.

"You knew. How China is benefiting."

"But it's temporary. When the deal is over, I'm going to be a cold rice...….”

"That's a matter of coordinating when we talk about the change of affiliation after the contract, and other than that, wouldn't talking about the future help you achieve your purpose here?"

Kang In-ho was not confident.

I can't believe I'm so bossy.

How can you be so natural, like you were born to do this?

He spoke so naturally that it would be embarrassing to think from the other person's point of view.

Come to think of it, there is no reason to catch the two by receiving such treatment in Korea.

It's definitely two great users, but it doesn't ruin the country of Korea without them.

The team leader, who is speechless, must also be thinking about it.

It's on his face.

Soon he spits out his words.

No, I was gonna spit it out.

"I'm sure you're thinking this. Why do I have to hold it like this? I'm a salary man and I'm sure I'll be back soon after I go to China. Without them, the country would not be ruined anyway."


If Lee Hye-sung didn't go first.

"But it's ruined."

If you hadn't threatened me.

"Weird things that appear around the world. High-level crack brakes have been spreading so much lately that it seems strange, right? Why is that? Do you think it's just going to pass like a shower? Never. The era of cracking has taken a new turn. In the future, the value of high-level rankers will be even higher, and the value of the world's No. 1 user and the super rookie who threaten the position? Will it be low enough to give up on this occasionally?”

A serious remark.

A reasonable story.

The team leader hasn't spoken for a while.

Lee Hye-sung made a conclusion for him.

"Of course, we don't want to bother moving our membership to China. I don't even want much. Just meet the same conditions. We don't have to come to China to crack the fine dust."

A brazen, proud, and inexorable conclusion.

"The settlement ratio is 10:0. The rest is a matter of slow adjustment."

The negotiating position ended unilaterally.

"…I'll tell you after I report."

The team leader has gone back.


Do you want me to do it for you want it?

asked Kang In-ho.

Lee Hye-sung nodded.

"Of course. I spoke and expressed my opinion with all my heart."

"But is that true? Crack brakes become more frequent.”

"I don't know, I do. It's just true that it's happened a lot these days, right?

I feel a little sorry.

Lee Hye-sung smirked as if he had noticed the smell.

"Now I'm going to be busy and tired because I'm going to have to make a document for approval and persuade my superiors, and they'll love it when it's time to come. Honestly, that's true. What's the loss if it's your brother or me or any other country?

"That's right."

It is a world where users are national power.

I'm not making a joke.

In fact, the profits generated by one user are so wide that it is said on a national level.

The number of ordinary people visiting Korea to see Kang In-ho is also out of control.

"All salaried men are the same. I'll take the less troublesome one. If you make a mistake and leave, all responsibility will come to you, and you'll be fired. It's better to persuade them if they're criticized."

The biggest reason for asking confidently and confidently.

"But this way, the other big guilds won't sit still."

"I know. It would feel bad if we discriminate against each other since we are Korean."

It's good if it works.

There are too many barriers in the way of one.

This is why Kang In-ho is frowning even though he went back to positively review it.

It is not a law, but it is never easy to change the rules and regulations set by state agencies.

Even that, Lee Hye-sung shrugged lightly.

"That's it."

"What should we do about that?”

Do you even have something in mind?

"You'll do it on your own.”


There wasn't.

"We're going to do a 10-0, and the user management headquarters will lose or come up with other measures. Why are you so considerate of me? It's up to you. That's how it works.”

"How the hell are you so good at this?"

But I admire it.

To the point where I want to learn from you.

Lee Hye-sung sighed and pointed to Ariel rolling around next to him.

"After 30 years of being bossed around by this dragonfish, it's natural.”

"Let's order room service.”

Ariel grinned.

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