There is such a mysterious saying in numerology, which is the problem of aura.

Everyone is born with an aura. Of course, this aura is invisible, but it does exist. It is a bit like the positive and negative poles of a magnet. When people are together, everything will go smoothly, but if they are together with people whose auras are not very cooperative, not only will the relationship not be very good, but nothing will be achieved.

Of course, this kind of statement was refuted by many people. At that time, Mo Ran was still an immature female college student, and she also felt that this statement was a bit too exaggerated. After all, some people are really unlucky because they are unlucky. It shouldn't matter much.

Taking a step back, does a person really have an aura? Thought it was a Xiuxian novel?

Later, this incident just passed away. After all, it was already a matter of the previous life. After fourteen years, Mo Ran lived and died, and died and lived again. Until now, so much time has passed.

Numerous scientists have studied the human brain, saying that it is the most exquisite instrument in the world. Now humans use less than 1% of the brain, so you will never be able to explain it. I don't know when a strange idea popped up.

Just like now, while Mo Ran kept running for her life, what came to her mind was this weird theory of numerology, and she actually applied it to herself as if possessed by a demon, and deeply discovered that she was really is too young.

How could someone be a fallacious theory?

This is clearly very reasonable!

Take yourself as an example, if she has an aura, then it must be extremely incompatible with this elf's aura, otherwise, there is no problem with Yuan Yuan, who has been hanging here for so long, as soon as he appeared, she hung a mature body The Yuan came out? If you don't cooperate with him, everything will be calm, but if you cooperate with him, the world will collapse? What does it mean?

This is what God is reminding himself, this elf is a disaster star!

Stay away! Must stay away!

Mo Ran thought so in his heart, and immediately began to constantly adjust the angle of his escape, and deliberately separated from the elf, but what was annoying was that the elf not only did not understand what Mo Ran meant, but also took a very enthusiastic step He ran to Mo Ran's side, grabbed her wrist, and forced her to continue running with him.

"Aren't you dead people who are serious about reading? Running straight is the shortest distance when escaping. Now that the speed of the waves is so fast, you still run diagonally. Don't you want to live?" The elf frowned. Mo Ran glanced, and the golden eyes revealed a faint light, which clearly showed that an ancient pure and noble race was deeply worried about the future of another race.

"I just want to live, so I have to stay away from you. Let me go." Mo Ran was forced to run wildly with the elf, while constantly breaking free. It is very big, and it is absolutely different from those weak chicken mages in general perception.

"What do you mean?" The elf still looked at the deceased worriedly. He deeply felt that the race of the dead should be flawed, and everyone's brains were not very good, especially the female dead.

"It means that you are a catastrophe, as long as I meet you, nothing good will happen!" Mo Ran took a deep breath, finally broke free from the imprisonment, and ran away without looking back.

However, the elf kept chasing after him. While running, he tried to overtake Mo Ran, and mocked coldly: "I should be the one who said this to you! Before I met you, I was doing well. As soon as I saw it, I started to be unlucky, and I started to fall into the big pit..."

It seems to add some fun to the process of two people running wildly. The huge waves chasing behind them also speed up from time to time, slow down from time to time, and even jump up when they encounter huge rocks It was a great joy to have a surprise with two people.

Soon the two were silent.

Of course it wasn't that they died down, it was physical strength that made the two of them shut up successfully.

The faces of the two of them turned blue from the suffocation, and they almost exhausted all their energy, but they could never shake off those waves, they were always only one step behind them.

It would be good to keep such a distance. After all, it is just a war of attrition. For a rag king like Mo Ran, he doesn't have much else on him. There are a lot of things that are used to escape and save his life, and she is enough to deal with it.

However, things in the world have never had this statement.

Just when the two thought it should be a war of attrition, the ground suddenly trembled violently.

Before entering the end of the world, the city where Mo Ran lived was not

However, Mo Ran is not calm now.

She found out that she said that she got used to earthquakes because she had never encountered an earthquake at the epicenter, and the earthquake at the epicenter couldn't be described as terrible.

There seems to be a giant boa constrictor under the ground. It swims in the extremely shallow place under the ground, causing the ground to continuously bulge and sag into various weird shapes, and from time to time, it will directly rip the originally flat ground into life. In this case, all the buildings on the ground will be completely torn, collapsed, and turned into ruins.

Of course, there is still good news in such a terrible situation. When the ground began to twist continuously, Mo Ran heard the screams of elves and ran all the way, and then looked back, only to see that this guy had followed She parted in a completely different direction.

So, this is farewell!

Okay, no problem, Elf, I will definitely set up a longevity tablet for you in the future!

Trying to suppress her jumping heart, Mo Ran put all her attention on her next escape.

There seems to be something under the feet that is about to drill out. It is panting, rolling, and jumping constantly. Such vibrations make it impossible for Mo Ran to stand still. Mo Ran's balance is already very high, but in such a situation Under such circumstances, apart from relying on her inertia to continue stumbling forward, it became a problem to ensure that she could still stand upright.

Relying on the inertia of being thrown out by the ground, Mo Ran ran wildly for two to three hundred meters on various uneven and wriggling ground, the shaking of the ground seemed to become gentle and slow down.

This is the end, right?

Mo Ran couldn't help but look forward to it in her heart.

What is dream?

The dream is that you wake up every morning and look at the list of the richest people in the world. Very good, you are still two places away from the first place, as long as you work hard, you can reach it.

So what is the reality?

The reality is that you wake up every morning, look at your salary card, you still have 50 yuan, but there is still a week before you start your salary. In addition, your credit will expire tomorrow. When you cheer up and prepare to go out to be a laborer, the landlord tells you that he will not rent your house anymore and asks you to quickly find another house within two days.

Note, this is not an adjective, it is a fact.

Because, when Mo Ran was expecting silently, something fell from the sky and hit her **** the back, causing her to be photographed on the ground and smashed into **** without even being able to fight back.

The thing on her body was extremely heavy, and it hit Mo Ran so suddenly that she was dazed and dizzy, but even so, she still heard a terrible voice in a trance—

"Oh, Lord Luna, thank you for allowing me to land safely!"

Isn't that the elf's voice?

During the earthquake just now, didn't the two of them separate?

"Oh! Dead man, it's you! We meet again!" The elf was much better than Mo Ran, and he quickly realized that there was still a meat pad under him, so he immediately comforted the meat pad in various ways.

Mo Ran, who was smashed to pieces, only had time to look up at this nightmare guy, and shouted viciously: "Get out of here..."


There was no other sound, because at the next moment, a huge wave came over, and directly swept the two people lying on the ground into the water.

The waves took their prizes and ran towards their hometown singing triumphantly all the way, but the two people caught in the waves were not so happy.

First of all, the huge waves were really fierce. When they came up, they couldn't tell the difference between the south, the east, the north, and the north, let alone struggling. They could only grab the nearest thing subconsciously.

each other.

Mo Ran held on to the elf's arm tightly, almost exerting all his strength, with a ferocious desire to pull his arm directly from his body.

The elf also hugged Mo Ran's thigh immediately, and clung to this not-so-safe straw like an octopus in an instant, refusing to let go.

Both of them don't really want to let go of the "things" in their hands, but the "things" are not very willing to be caught by each other. This is grabbing each other, struggling with each other, and there is a big show in the water.

Secondly, the huge wave swept away the two people, but not only the two people were swept away, but also various branches, weeds, and even a lot of debris that were scattered on the beach. .

Put Mo Ran and Elf together with these things

Mo Ran tried her best to open her eyes, trying to see what was going on, but she was hit on the chin by the elf's arm, causing her eyes to go dark in pain, but she didn't suffer, and directly He started kicking his legs vigorously.

All the chaos finally came to an end in the darkness of Mo Ran.

Before losing consciousness, what Mo Ran thought was, if he died this time, he wondered if he could be reborn again, and how many times could he take advantage of this kind of advantage?

What is the most comfortable thing in the world?

Probably everyone's answer is different, but for Mo Ran, there is nothing better than being able to wake up in a warm and soft bed, covered with a fluffy quilt, the sun lazily hitting her body, bringing A memory that belongs to spring.


Why in the blink of an eye, she felt that she was lying in a black iron frying pan, under her was a small fire frying with oil, and a hot iron plate was suddenly buckled from above? ? ?

no! How could she be lying in the pot!

No, no, she turned into a salted fish now? ?

Did she become a salted fish after dying again? Or, she went directly to the eighteenth floor of hell, and then turned into a salted fish! !

What are these!

Mo Ran suddenly woke up from this terrible dream.

The dazzling sun blazed on her body without any scruples, and it was so hot that she felt that she was still in the iron pot. She blinked and hesitated for a full two seconds before realizing that there was no iron pot.


Mo Ran sat up abruptly, she raised her hands to look, and found that it was still her hands and her body, she hadn't turned into a salted fish, nor had she been fried in an iron pan until both sides were golden. , she is still a person, no, she is still a dead person.

Then she looked down at her body, it was fine, it was still complete, or it had been incomplete, but now it has fully recovered, then she stretched out her hand and pinched her thigh fiercely, it was very painful.

It didn't look like a dream and she wasn't dead.

By the way, why did she say she was dead?

After a few seconds of hesitation in her brain, Mo Ran finally recalled all the things that happened before she woke up, and then, she saw a piece of gray-green clothes not far from her.

In an instant, there was a "buzz" in her head.

With some trembling, she looked up the gray-green clothes, sure enough, sure enough! She saw a humanoid creature with messy purple hair, long arms and legs, lying on its back in the sand, and, if she looked closely, she could even see his chest rising and falling minutely.

Who said it wasn't a nightmare?

This is where nightmares come from!

Mo Ran didn't even think about it, she just jumped up, took a few steps and rushed to the elf's side, then raised her foot without hesitation, and stomped **** his neck!

Mo Ran was determined to kill her. As long as it went smoothly, she would be able to hear the cracking sound of her neck bone breaking with this kick, and from then on, she would be considered at peace.

It's a pity that the moment Mo Ran's feet touched the elf's skin, she felt her feet being grabbed by something. Before she could see clearly, her whole body was thrown to the ground up.

The fighting factor hidden in her body was activated at once. Mo Ran jumped up like a carp almost the moment she fell to the ground. She habitually touched her hand behind her back, trying to pull out the She touched the double-edged blade, but found that it was empty. She felt cold, and quickly touched it again, but there was nothing there.

It seemed that her pair of long teeth had been lost somewhere long ago when she rolled in the big waves.

He raised his head to look at the elf opposite, but found that he was nowhere to be found. Similarly, his hands were empty, and the magic staff that had been in his hand was also missing.

And at this moment, the elf just raised his eyes, and the eyes of the two met together unsurprisingly. Mo Ran unceremoniously put on a boxing technique, and the elf also made a defensive posture.

"You have entered a combat state."

The two of you looked at me, and I looked at you. They were a little hesitant when they heard the system sound coming from their ears, and the elf even cried out: "Don't look at me with such eyes! I definitely didn't make the first move!" Yes! You were the one who did it first!"

Mo Ran narrowed his eyes.

No, if you were judged to be in a combat state just now, you have already been reminded, it is impossible to remind now, what's going on?

Suddenly there was a low and disturbing roar, this voice was very distinctive, no matter who it was, once it was heard, it would never be forgotten.

Whether it's Mo Ran or an elf, when they heard this voice, both

Then, he found that Mo Ran, who was opposite him, was quietly watching behind him, motionless, his face was as solemn as water, his back suddenly seemed to be covered with layers of white hair, and he quietly moved towards the back Turn your head away.

"I hope there is nothing, I hope there is nothing..." the elf muttered in his lips, swallowing desperately, and as he slowly turned around, he finally saw a bird about three hundred meters away from him. It was a weird monster with a black body that didn't seem to have any special shape. When it was lying on the ground, it looked like a leopard, but when it raised its front feet, it looked like a bird with its wings spread.

On its face was an irregular white bone mask, and at the position of the eyes, a pair of red lights looked at him and Mo Ran like light bulbs.

Wasn't this the monster they were dealing with on the shore? ! ! How could it be here too!

"Haha, what a coincidence..." The elf chuckled, and then ran away without looking back. As for Mo Ran... when the elf turned her head to look at the abyss, she had no hesitation. Sa Yazi ran away.

"Are you still human! We all lived and died together! At this time, you left me and ran first!" The elf chased after Mo Ran and complained in pain!

"I'm not a human, I'm a dead person! Who is in the same life and death relationship with you! I'm called a dead fellow! Stay away from me! You are a disaster!" Mo Ran almost cried Out…

Why, why did she fall to this point, she obviously made a lot of money from the place of human beings, why did she become like this when she turned her head! !

My God, can you make me even more unlucky!

As it turns out, you can.


The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-11-22 19:41:06~2020-11-23 19:04:53~

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of sharp knives; 6 bottles of lost black cats;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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