Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 136 A stable horse

The results of Li Jianjun's high school entrance examination have come out. Perhaps the big red envelope prepared by his sister and brother-in-law and the promise of teaching driving had an effect. This kid was admitted to the worst high school in the city - Rongchengwan Town High School.

But at least I passed the exam and went to high school. No matter where I go in the future, it will be better than graduating from junior high school or studying in a technical secondary school.

Wang Xiaojuan and Li Dawei originally prepared a sum of money and wanted to find ways to do it, but now the money is saved directly.

"By the way, we can pay for welfare housing by the end of this year. Our building has a total of eight floors. Your dad was unlucky and got the first floor. This really pisses me off."

Wang Xiaojuan was angry and happy. After all, she could move into her new home right away. Even if it was on the first floor, it would be a big, new and good house.

Li Manjun comforted: "The first floor is also very good. Now you are still young and dislike the shortness of the first floor. When you are too old to go upstairs, you will know how fragrant the first floor is."

"If it's humid, you can still live comfortably if you put some effort into decorating it." A proper nursing home.

Wang Xiaojuan heard her daughter say this, and the concern in her heart disappeared instantly. Li Dawei also echoed beside her, "It is convenient to provide for the elderly. They should envy us in the future."

Wang Xiaojuan said that she just made some money from opening the store this year, and Li Jianjun saved another sum. She tried to install the new house before the Chinese New Year so that Li Manjun could go home and have confinement.

"I'm making a living. You should be born around the Chinese New Year. When the time comes, I can take care of you and my grandson." Thinking of this, Wang Xiaojuan didn't feel tired at all, she was very happy and excited.

Even Li Dawei was so excited when he thought about it that he rubbed his hands together. Neither of them asked Zhao Yong for his opinion. They acquiesced that their daughter would go home for confinement.

Li Lijun went home as soon as the summer vacation ended. At this moment, she heard the conversation between her parents and her sister. She leaned in front of the phone and added:

"Sister, we won't start school until the end of February. I'll take care of your baby!"

Even Li Jianjun said: "I'm ready to wash your diapers."

Wang Xiaojuan slapped him gently and said, "Go, go, you have some potential, men can't touch these things, it will affect your luck and prevent you from going to college."

Li Manjun immediately heard Li Lijun snort, and her eyes probably flew to the sky again.

She couldn't help but find it a bit funny. Some of Wang Xiaojuan's concepts may not make sense in this life. She can only change them slowly, bit by bit, and the process may be very slow.

Even Li Dawei rarely mentioned these old dross.

Li Manjun originally wanted to choke and ask Wang Xiaojuan and Zhao Yong if the father, Zhao Yong, could wash diapers, but then gave up.

Her father had washed Lijun and Jianjun's diapers back then. Wang Xiaojuan had three confinements, and each time she sat more comfortably. When Li Jianjun was born, Mrs. Li came to the town for the first time because she was a boy. She stayed in the town for two months. Wait until Wang Xiaojuan leaves confinement and goes to work.

Later, Qian Shufen also called her back, otherwise the old lady wouldn't want to leave.

She is willing to serve her grandson.

In Li Manjun's childhood memories, she came across scenes of her taking care of her younger siblings when they were very young. As soon as the old lady left, Wang Xiaojuan and Li Dawei both had to go to work and couldn't take care of Li Jianjun, so they paid their neighbors to help.

Then the older Li Lijun was taken care of by her sister, so the two sisters had a deep relationship since childhood.

In fact, Li Manjun has not yet decided how to do confinement. If possible, she hopes to be in Rongcheng.

But the house is indeed too small, and it is inconvenient for Wang Xiaojuan to come over.

Li Manjun wanted to find a confinement nanny, but later she thought that confinement nanny was not enough, someone had to cook. Because Zhao Yong cannot be at home all the time, and his company is also very busy, especially during the New Year period.

Then you have to have an hourly housekeeper to help with cooking and hygiene.

This house in Rongcheng is so small, and the plan to buy the house has been postponed because the bank currently does not have mortgage business and requires full payment. It suddenly feels crowded to accommodate two outsiders.

And, there is no private bathroom!

But that's not the most troublesome thing. What worries Li Manjun the most is the issue of returning to work after giving birth. She will definitely have to hire a nanny for a long time.

She discussed this with Zhao Yong, and he agreed. Now the two of them are already in the talent market to select suitable candidates.

If Wang Xiaojuan hadn't mentioned it, Li Manjun would never have thought of returning to her parents' home for confinement.

Now that I think about it, it seems good to go back to Heather Town. I have to go back for the Chinese New Year anyway. It will be much easier to ask the confinement sister-in-law to take care of the children, Wang Xiaojuan to help with the cooking, and my younger brothers and sisters to help.

The point is, Heather Town has a room to live in, a private bathroom and a water heater. The more I think about it, the more excited I am.

"What do you think?" Li Manjun asked Zhao Yong for his suggestion.

Zhao Yong did not give up and fiddled with the unfinished elastic band. After pondering for a moment, he nodded and said, "I think you will feel more comfortable when you go home. Besides, mom is willing to take care of you. With your parents by your side, I will return to the company then." Feel free to go to work.”

"Let's hire a professional confinement nanny to take care of the baby. When the time comes, we can give Mom some more money and treat her as asking her to take care of you for a month."

"When you recover, you can find a nanny to take care of the child at home. The second bedroom can be tidied up for the nanny to live in. The child can sleep with us at night."

"Or the childcare nanny can live with her. Anyway, my company is close to home, so I can keep an eye on it."

Li Manjun finally showed a relaxed smile, "That's the decision for now."

Seeing her like this, Zhao Yong couldn't help but mention that it would be better if he didn't buy a car at the beginning of the year and just bought a house.

Li Manjun comforted him in turn: "It's okay, it's my house and it can't escape. It doesn't matter if it's later, a good house is still to come."

Zhao Yong felt a little better and thought about making more money this year and trying to buy a big house next year.

Wang Xiaojuan was very fast. Li Manjun's maternity pants were quickly prepared and delivered to Rongcheng Bus Station. Zhao Yong drove over and took the pants back.

Wang Xiaojuan made three items in one go, and also made two nursing pajamas for her according to Li Manjun's description.

The style of the clothes is like a Cantonese buttoned cheongsam. When you want to feed, you just need to unbutton the side buttons. There is no need to lift up all the clothes.

Li Manjun thinks this style is very beautiful and can be worn outside. It would be a pity not to continue making clothes with her mother's skills.

The trousers are all made of trousers, made of pure cotton, which is perfect for the weather in early September, and the trousers are loose and yet not tight.

Li Manjun took her medical records, wore loose maternity pants made by her mother and a pair of flat sandals, and drove to the city hospital alone for a pregnancy check-up.

Originally, she wanted to give birth at the Maternity and Infant Hospital near her home, which was more convenient. Mrs. Lin said that she had an obstetrician she knew at the city hospital for Li Manjun. Zhao Yong felt reassured by the acquaintance, so the couple changed their minds.

Large hospitals have good conditions and can provide timely treatment if there is an accident during childbirth.

The family's car, Zhao Yong, occasionally drives it out to socialize and show off, but it is usually parked in the parking lot downstairs. On the day when Li Manjun wants to take a pregnancy test, it must be freed up for her.

Li Manjun, who is almost seven months pregnant, feels fine and it does not affect her driving at all. She drives slowly anyway.

The car horn behind her kept honking, and Li Manjun consciously took the right lane to let them pass. No one honking could affect her ability to keep pace.

There are many pregnant women who come to the hospital for check-ups alone. None of them are rich, and they still have to go to work to make money to support their families.

Li Manjun usually didn't need Zhao Yong to come. She would call him when needed. No matter what kind of entertainment Zhao Yong had that day, he turned them down. No one was as big as his wife and children.

Li Manjun did some routine checks this time, and immediately went to the toilet after finishing it. She really couldn't hold in her urine at all.

Unexpectedly, when he came out of the bathroom, he ran into Lu Shengming and Mrs. Lu.

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