Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 143 92 Stock Market

Now that she is a month old, it is inconvenient for Li Manjun to drive. Zhao Yong insists on taking her to work in the morning and asking Xiaoguan or Liu Chao to drive to pick her up in the afternoon. Whoever is free will pick her up anyway, so he does not feel comfortable letting Li Manjun go home by herself.

When the two came out of the hospital, Li Manjun felt uncomfortable even when she walked. The shoes she used to wear couldn't be worn at all, so Zhao Yong specially bought flat cotton shoes two sizes too big for her to wear.

The dark old cotton shoes looked silly and ugly, but Zhao Yong found them cute.

He didn't know why, but when he looked at his pregnant wife, he felt she was cute everywhere, especially her chubby face, which he couldn't put down.

Li Manjun glanced at him, feeling angry and wanting to laugh, "What are you looking at?"

"My wife looks good." Zhao Yong replied with a smile.

Li Manjun didn't know where he learned these glib words from, so he glanced at him and said, "Open the door."

Zhao Yong opened the car door without complaint, helped her sit in, knowing that her hands were now shorter, fastened the seat belt, and quickly kissed the chubby face, then closed the car door with satisfaction and took her home.

In the car, Li Manjun put his hand into his clothes and wiped his stomach. He could obviously feel some rough lines.

She had been applying oil very hard, but the stretch marks still didn't let her go.

Fortunately, it's only a little bit shallow and not very noticeable.

Li Manjun has been very depressed recently. She is swollen, has trouble sleeping at night, and has wrinkles. Nothing can make her happy.

Zhao Yong looked at the depressed little face in the rearview mirror and tentatively suggested, "Why don't you go to Granny Qiao's to wash your hair?"

By the way, it’s even more troublesome for her to wash her hair now!

Li Manjun nodded, thinking about the comfort of Grandma Qiao's fingers massaging her scalp, and her eyes finally showed a little glimmer.

"Cut your hair any way you want." Li Manjun touched her long, greasy black hair hanging over her shoulders and said, "Cut it shorter to make it easier to clean up after delivery."

"Ah?" Zhao Yong said reluctantly, "Do you want to cut your hair short?"

He still remembers the way her long hair flowed when the two met for the first time.

Li Manjun still finds long hair troublesome and has long wanted to change her hairstyle.

Zhao Yong parked the car downstairs, led Li Manjun to find Granny Qiao, settled the person, and then returned to the company.

Before leaving, she repeatedly warned Li Manjun: "Don't cut it too short. If it is too short, you will regret it."

"I know~" Li Manjun was made to laugh by him, and his mood improved again.

After Grandma Qiao finished cutting her last customer's hair, she came over and asked Li Manjun how short she wanted it to be.

Li Manjun said: "Just here on the collarbone."

Granny Qiao took a look outside the door and saw that Zhao Yong had disappeared, otherwise he would definitely rush back.

"Would you like it to be shorter?" Granny Qiao pointed to the neat short hair of a Hong Kong star beauty on the wall, "You have a small face, so this haircut will definitely look good. I'll perm your tail and you can style it casually before going out."

Li Manjun was a little excited, but someone's instructions before leaving immediately echoed in his mind. He waved his hands and just kept the length of his collarbone.

Grandma Qiao didn't force it, she cut it with a few clicks of the knife, and then gave Li Manjun a good wash.

Li Manjun had a short clavicle haircut, and Granny Qiao also gave her a side-shaped bangs, and permed the ends of her hair into an outward curl.

At first, Li Manjun was worried that having a curl would make her look older. Unexpectedly, the effect was unexpected. It was quite western, and she felt like a wealthy daughter who returned from studying abroad during the Republic of China.

"Aunt Li, do you want to buy a newspaper?" Wu Guo came in holding a bag of newspapers and asked shyly.

Feng Qian wanted her children to exercise their courage, so she went to the newsstand to get some newspapers and asked Wu Guo to take them to the park to sell them on weekends.

Wu Guo was too embarrassed to go to the park, so he just wandered downstairs of his home and whispered to the neighbors when he saw them.

The neighbors saw that he was sensible and cute, so they would buy a copy. By the end of the day, more than half of the newspaper had been sold.

"What newspapers are there? Is there an economic newspaper?" Li Manjun asked with a smile.

Wu Guo said yes, and the child found a copy for her seriously and handed it over with both hands, "Aunt Li, six cents."

Li Manjun gave him six cents of change, paid for Granny Qiao's haircut, and went home with the newspaper.

It was her turn to rest today. She didn't have to go to the store. Li Manjun simply did some housework at home. Seeing that it was almost time for Zhao Yong to come back, Taomi cooked the rice in the rice cooker.

Wait for Zhao Yong to come back and cook some vegetables, and then heat up the leftover radish stewed pork ribs from yesterday.

Li Manjun turned on the TV, got into the warm table, put a pillow made by Wang Xiaojuan on the back of her waist, opened the economic newspaper she just bought, and read to pass the time.

[In order to avoid the recurrence of the overcrowding that occurred when Shanghai stock investors queued up to buy stocks last month, the Shanghai Stock Exchange will issue subscription certificates on January 19. Shanghai residents can purchase unlimited subscription certificates with their ID cards, and buy stocks through lottery. The issue price is 30 yuan per ticket, and Haishi residents can purchase it within the purchase limit time]

Seeing this news, Li Manjun sat up straight immediately, "92 stock market!"

The first batch of millionaires. A set of serialized subscription certificates was sold for more than 10,000 yuan, with an average value of 500,000 yuan. 83 new stocks were added. The price limit was completely relaxed!

"Huh~" Li Manjun took a deep breath. It took half a minute to relieve the feeling of shortness of breath due to excessive excitement.

A huge opportunity appeared in front of her!

What day is it today?

Li Manjun hurriedly looked at the calendar. Today is December 19th. It's not bad. It's hot enough.

no! She must act immediately, and her capital must be in place.

Zhao Yong came home from get off work and was about to say hello to his wife. As soon as he opened his mouth, she raised her hand and interrupted him.

This was her gesture when she didn't want to be disturbed. Zhao Yong walked over suspiciously and saw Li Manjun calculating accounts with a notebook.

There were a bunch of messy calculations, and he didn't understand any of them.

But he felt a sense of urgency coming from her, as if she was preparing to do something big.

"Okay, you go ahead, I'm going to cook." Zhao Yong wisely kept the environment quiet and deliberately controlled the volume while cooking.

When he put dinner on the table, the person who was immersed in calculating the accounts raised his head and handed him a newspaper, "Look."

"What are you looking at?" Zhao Yong wiped the water on his hands and took the newspaper and asked.

"Look at the news about Haishi's upcoming issuance of subscription certificates."

"When did you start paying attention to the stock market?" Zhao Yong sat down next to her and teased.

Last year, the Shanghai Stock Exchange in Shanghai and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in Shenzhen opened one after another, but the situation was one in the sky and the other in the earth.

The situation in the Shanghai Stock Exchange is pretty good, but the Shenzhen Stock Exchange is miserable. It has not found its way out and is very cold.

Before, Mr. Qiu and Mr. Lin wanted to play with this stock like foreigners, but they didn't understand anything. They studied for a long time and gave up immediately.

The stock market is too complicated, and you can only make a few hundred yuan just by playing around, which is not as interesting as land speculation in Nan Province. Mr. Qiu said.

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