Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 146 Want her 50,000

Zhu Yaowei ordered a well-cooked steak and asked the waiter to get him a pair of chopsticks.

Because he found that Li Manjun was also eating pasta with chopsticks. The fork was placed in her hand, shiny and unused.

Li Manjun took a sip of coffee. Zhu Yaowei seemed to have remembered some bad memory and frowned, "Don't you feel bitter?"

If you ask him, this stuff from foreigners is not meant for people to drink.

Li Manjun laughed helplessly, "Don't you know how to add sugar yourself?"

Even though she was pregnant, she didn't dare to drink more, so she took a sip and put it down.

Zhu Yaowei sneered: "Add sugar to show off the dirt. Oh, I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about those sanctimonious people."

At some cocktail parties, there are always people who like to brag about foreign farts and think they are great. They have only seen coffee without sugar and look down on people who want to add sugar.

But that kind of person is still in a high position, and everyone below is supporting him. If three people become a tiger, adding sugar will make him unauthentic and a bumpkin.

The waiter brought the hot milk that Zhu Yaowei asked for. He drank half the cup and exhaled happily.

"What do you want from me?" Zhu Yaowei asked doubtfully.

Li Manjun was waiting for his words. He immediately put down the food in his hands, took out the newspaper from his bag, and handed it to him.

Economic News?

Zhu Yaowei glanced at Li Manjun and raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect that she paid attention to so many things.

He knows something about the stock market.

But what did Li Manjun mean by showing him this newspaper?

What does the affairs of the Haishi people have to do with them?

Seeing that he had finished reading and put down the newspaper, Li Manjun asked, "Do you know anyone in Haishi?"

When Qian Dongsheng was bragging to her, he said that his brother-in-law studied in Haishi University.

Therefore, it should be normal to have several Haishi alumni.

Zhu Yaowei frowned, feeling that what Li Manjun was going to say was not simple.

He didn't say he didn't know him, he just acquiesced.

Li Manjun told him his plan, hoping that he could help him go to the sea market, buy subscription certificates, and handle his remote operations until the end of May, when this madness ends.

"I was really worried at first. I didn't know who to ask to help me with this. I didn't expect that you are no longer in the steel factory. Isn't this God's will?"

Li Manjun asked him with a smile: "Are you right?"

Zhu Yaowei's heart felt violent ripples, but his face still looked calm, and he asked curiously:

"What makes you think I won't abscond with the money?"

"Intuition." Li Manjun replied.

"What if I don't agree?"

She firmly denied, "No, you will definitely agree!"

"Because you are just like me, we are both gamblers!" After saying this, she laughed happily, as if he had agreed to her remote command.

Zhu Yaowei also laughed and picked up the milk, "Gambler, I like this name, hahaha!"

Li Manjun picked up the coffee, the two clinked their glasses and drank the drinks in their hands.

The waiter happened to come over with the steak. Seeing this scene, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, thinking that you should go to the Chinese tavern to toast instead of coming to the coffee shop.

Now that the matter is settled, it’s time to talk about money.

"I have no money." Zhu Yaowei is very single.

He really has no money. He was suspended from work in late September and has been fired until now. He has not received a cent of salary.

Forget it, the factory couldn't even pay wages in the first half of last year, and he only received half of his wages, month by month.

If his sister couldn't stand it and helped him every month, he would have slept on the street long ago.

Zhu Yaowei didn't have a penny, which was completely beyond Li Manjun's expectation.

"What do you want?"

Zhu Yaowei thought for a while and asked Li Manjun to lend him fifty thousand.

Li Manjun said in his heart, I really thank you!

She only has 330,000 yuan in hand now. She estimates that Yao Zhaowen will be able to give her another 20,000 to 30,000 yuan in cash before the Chinese New Year for childbirth, confinement care, living expenses, etc., so she can invest all 330,000 yuan.

A set of subscription certificates costs 3,000 yuan. If you only sell subscription certificates, you can earn 10,000 yuan per set.

But if she wants to play to the end, she can subscribe for stocks through lottery and wait for the news that there will be no limit on the increase in May to make a big profit.

Therefore, you must have sufficient funds on hand.

The winning rate was initially said to be one percent, but in fact later on, the winning rate for a subscription certificate was as high as 83 percent.

A successful subscription with a subscription certificate can buy one lot, and one lot is one hundred shares. The current stock price is one hundred yuan, not one yuan in future generations.

Therefore, if you want to play with a set of subscription certificates, you must prepare at least 10,000 to 50,000.

Lending Zhu Yaowei 50,000 yuan is equivalent to one less set of subscription certificates for her to play with.

A set of subscription certificates would cost an average of 500,000 yuan. Doing the math in his mind, Li Manjun wanted to vomit blood.

Although it is possible that the butterfly has lost something because of her appearance, the super bull market in the first half of 1992 will still come.

It's just that the extreme value may deviate slightly from her known future.

What Wan Rongming and Zhu Yaowei admire most about Li Manjun is that she is willing to give up profits and has a high spirit of cooperation.

If he hadn't understood Li Manjun's character, Zhu Yaowei wouldn't have asked for a loan of 50,000 yuan.

He had made an accurate calculation. Fifty thousand was more uncomfortable for her, but it was acceptable.

Li Manjun didn't think for long and agreed.

"Do you want to sign a contract?" Zhu Yaowei asked proactively.

"Write an IOU." Forget about the contract, it's useless even if it's written.

Zhu Yaowei said readily and asked Li Manjun when he would set off.

"There's still time, wait a little longer, wait until after New Year's Day, you contact your old classmates in Haishi first, and I'll go get the money."

The two divided their work, finished eating, and left the cafe.

"Do you want me to see you off?" Zhu Yaowei took one look at her big belly and felt impressed.

This woman is cruel and shows no mercy to herself at all.

Thinking again that the time he was in Haishi should be the time when Li Manjun gave birth, Zhu Yaowei couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

From now on, when he looks for a woman, he will never look for someone like Li Manjun. Just thinking about it will make her blood pressure soar, and her husband can't bear it.

"There's no need to give it to me, I can just take a taxi."

Li Manjun glanced at Zhu Yaowei's chest and belt, and asked tentatively: "I have an idle BB camera. If you don't mind it, can I ask Yao Zhaowen to send it to you?"

Zhu Yaowei smiled bitterly and thanked him. He really has nothing now, and she is the only one who comes to him.

"Your family is very worried about you. Get together with them before you leave. You are such an old man, so don't make your family worry all the time." Li Manjun warned him like a big sister.

Zhu Yaowei nodded subconsciously, then reacted and glared at Li Manjun angrily.

A taxi was coming, and Zhu Yaowei hurriedly waved to stop it. Li Manjun thought he was stopping it for her, and was about to say thank you with a smile.

As a result, they opened the car door, slammed it shut, waved to him, "See you later!" and left.

Li Manjun: "."

She now began to doubt whether the partner she had found was really reliable.

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