Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 164 Yuyuan Mall

"Boss, the newspaper you want."

Yao Zhaowen walked into the office carrying the aluminum lunch box for breakfast and handed Li Manjun the two newspapers she asked for.

Here are today's morning papers and yesterday's economic papers.

Li Manjun nodded, finished the work at hand, and glanced at the calendar on the desktop. March 26th should be almost there.

Let's look at the morning paper first. The debate in the newspaper about whether the surname is social or capitalist has finally been settled.

This year's great people visited several cities in the south during the Spring Festival and gave an accurate result to last year's heated debate.

As the results became clear, the Haishi stock market set off a huge wave.

Li Manjun felt that he was still cowardly. A set of subscription certificates in Haishi was now worth at least 16,000 yuan on the market.

The subscription certificate in Zhu Yaowei's hand was finally sold, and each set earned 3,000 yuan more than hers.

Of course, at this point, he can't sell it.

At the same time that the national economic path was set, the Shanghai Stock Exchange also announced that the number of newly issued stocks would increase to 53.

Zhu Yaowei, who now lives in Haishi, goes out every day and hears the word "stock" most often when he goes out.

With the issuance of new shares, the plan that Li Manjun and Zhu Yaowei had been planning for nearly two months was finally implemented.

"Are you sure you want to buy this one?" Zhu Yaowei has already picked up the latest mobile phone, which is convenient to use.

He had already sold the BB machine that Li Manjun gave him to a second-hand recycling store, and he got 800 yuan back in blood.

Li Manjun looked at the names of 53 stock companies that were about to be released in the Economic News, took a deep breath, and then answered: "I'm sure!"

"Do they all buy it?"

"Yes, buy them all from Yuyuan Mall."

Zhu Yaowei could hear the slight tremor in Li Manjun's voice. He also lowered his head and looked at the newspaper in his hand, as well as the status of various listed companies that his old classmates were asking for.

This stock, called Yuyuan Mall, is mediocre among the 53 stocks, far inferior to the famous ones.

The two have worked together for so long and have a tacit understanding.

Zhu Yaowei didn't know where Li Manjun's 'inside information' came from, but the subscription certificate in front of her was enough to prove that her choices were wise.

In fact, the day after he sold ten sets of subscription certificates for 16,000 yuan a set, as the second wave of subscription certificates became available, the price of the first wave of subscription certificates plummeted to 10,000 yuan. .

If he moves any slower, the cash in his hand will shrink by tens of thousands.

"Will you buy it from me this time?" Li Manjun asked a lot.

She never gave any opinion on Zhu Yaowei's part of the subscription certificate.

She only needs him to be able to pay back the 50,000 yuan he borrowed from her.

Zhu Yaowei thought for a while and suddenly asked: "How high do you think it can go?"

"What? Are you stuck again? You are really not afraid of overturning!" Li Manjun asked angrily, worried about the 50,000 he borrowed.

Zhu Yaowei chuckled twice and said, "Don't get excited. The money I owe you will be returned to you with interest."

"Ahem!" Having seen through his mind, Li Manjun pretended to cough twice to hide his embarrassment, and then showed his cards, "The deadline is the afternoon of May 24th."

"Okay, I get it."

After hanging up the phone, Zhu Yaowei packed up the cash in his hands. There were two suitcases, full of cash, his own and Li Manjun's. They were heavy in his hands.

That's the weight of nearly 1.5 million in cash.

Zhu Yaowei had seen many large checks, but this was the first time he had held so much cash in his hands, so he was cautious all the way.

After finally arriving in front of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, my face was calm and my palms were soaked with sweat.

An old classmate specially asked for leave to come and help. A big client like Zhu Yaowei could have a dedicated trading room.

The two walked into the trading room and breathed a sigh of relief.

An old classmate asked: "Which one are you going to buy? The market will open at half past one."

"Yuyuan Mall." Zhu Yaowei put down the cash box, took out his handkerchief and wiped the sweat from his hands.

It's not even April yet, and Haishi seems to have entered midsummer early.

An old classmate handed over a bottle of water, and Zhu Yaowei drank a quarter of it in one breath. He still wanted to drink, but he didn't dare, fearing that he would have to go to the toilet later and delay things.

"I borrowed my mother-in-law's coffin." The old classmate took off the cloth bag that had been tied to his belt. There was 20,000 yuan in it.

In 1992, the families who could afford a deposit of 20,000 yuan were at least middle-class. They had witnessed the skyrocketing price of subscription certificates, and the old classmates were willing to take the risk.

Someone offered 18,000 yuan for the set of subscription certificates in his hand, and he almost couldn't hold it back.

After all, he is just a bank clerk, and this money can already cover five or six years of salary.

With such a huge sum of money in front of you, who can not be tempted?

Another point is that this set of subscriptions requires at least 20,000 yuan to afford it. The standard of living of working-class families like them is indeed not bad, but they can't afford a huge sum of 20,000 yuan even if they empty their wallets.

But before selling the subscription certificate, his mind suddenly sobered up as if someone had suddenly poured cold water on it.

He couldn't borrow 20,000 yuan, but he could certainly borrow it.

The worst case scenario is to get a loan yourself. Bank staff also offer discounts on loans, so just go for it!

Everyone in his family said he was crazy. His wife told him about his intention to trade in stocks, and the whole family took turns trying to persuade him.

But strangely enough, the more everyone persuaded him, the more he felt that his persistence was correct.

He couldn't tell why. If he had to say it, it was just intuition.

If they can't make money, why would those big bosses spend 18,000 yuan to buy subscription certificates that are only worth 3,000 yuan?

Now looking at the two big suitcases in front of Zhu Yaowei, the old classmate's heart was set.

If he was really going to lose, how could he lose more than Zhu Yaowei?

Anyway, no matter what, the two of them rushed into the trading room and had no intention of leaving.

In the domestic stock market in the 1990s, there was no such thing as T+1. It was all T+0. You could buy in one second and sell in the next. It was just a heartbeat.

The old classmate could only buy one lot. Ten minutes after buying, the data started to drop, bit by bit, which almost scared his heart.

Stable or Zhu Yaowei is stable, he relaxes when he buys it. The daily limit data has nothing to do with him. He orders two lunch boxes from the store next door and concentrates on cooking.

With more than one million large customers, the exchange directly arranged a luxurious trading room for Zhu Yaowei, with specialists responsible for serving him at any time.

With large-scale purchases by large investors, apart from the fluctuations on the first day of the new stock issuance, it has continued to rise. Investors squat in the exchange every day, and the sounds of follow-up and withdrawal are endless.

An old classmate sighed: "Who would have thought that this exchange would be as lively as a vegetable market."

Then came the daily question: "It has tripled, when will we sell it?"

Zhu Yaowei was holding the instant noodles that the exchange specialist helped make, and while reading the novel, he replied: "Not for sale."

After reading a novel, he found that his old classmate was still stunned in front of him. Zhu Yaowei asked doubtfully: "Aren't you going to work?"

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