Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 179 Round like a ball

Sister Zhou went home to celebrate the New Year.

Li Manjun and Zhao Yong are very confident. In just ten days, they can't make a little girl film?

But the slap in the face came quickly.

Nian Nian is very keen and looked for Sister Zhou everywhere during breakfast.

But because my parents were around, there was no reaction for the time being, so I finished my breakfast obediently.

Her belly is bulging, holding up the red coat made by her grandma. Her face is round and her eyes are round, like a small rubber ball.

After breakfast, Nian Nian stumbled toward the second bedroom while holding on to the wall. Zhao Yong washed the dishes, and Li Manjun followed his daughter and stared at her actions.

Nian Nian tilted his head and poked into the crack of the door, then exited and looked up at his mother, as if asking: Where is Aunt Zhou?

Li Manjun knelt down and explained to her, "Aunt Zhou went back to her home to celebrate the New Year. After the New Year, she will come back to take care of Nian Nian, okay?"

I thought she might not understand, but I didn't expect that after she finished speaking, Nian Nian's brows furrowed slightly and her face fell, revealing a sad expression that looked like she was about to cry.

Zhao Yong came over to look for his daughter after washing the dishes. He felt extremely distressed when he saw the little girl's aggrieved and sad expression.

He hurriedly coaxed, "How about dad take Nian Nian and mom to buy new clothes? Go to the mall and buy a little frog for Nian Nian!"

Nian Nian's aggrieved little face turned gloomy in an instant, and he opened his hands to ask his father to hold him.

Li Manjun and Zhao Yong looked at each other, but fortunately they didn't cry.

But it doesn't work at night. I sleep with Sister Zhou most of the time every year. Occasionally I can sleep with my parents, but it doesn't last more than two days before I have to look for Sister Zhou.

I haven't seen Aunt Zhou all day today, and I feel weird every year. I came home after playing tired at night and found that Aunt Zhou didn't come to pick me up. The little clever guy realized that something was wrong and asked his father to hold him. The room was full of people. Direct dad to find aunt.

Zhao Yong wanted to cry but had no tears. The house was only so big. Every year he found that Aunt Zhou could not be found no matter how hard he looked, he burst into tears.

Li Manjun, who was preparing bath water, was so shocked that his hands shook, thinking that his daughter had hit something and hurt.

I ran into the house and saw that my daughter was fine. She just opened her mouth to howl, but her father was about to cry.

"What's wrong?" Li Manjun held her daughter in her arms. Her mother's familiar embrace made Nian Nian feel a little comforted, and her crying subsided.

Zhao Yong rubbed his eyebrows and said, "As soon as I entered the house, I searched for Sister Zhou all over the house. I cried when I couldn't find her."

At the same time, I still felt a little bit disgusted, "Mom and dad are not as good as Aunt Zhou, alas~"

"We don't usually take her with us. She will get close to whoever takes care of her more. If you take her with you every day, she will stick to you." Li Manjun said helplessly.

How could she feel better again?

You can't have your cake and eat it too, these are all helpless moves now. If she had a clone, she would definitely take her daughter with her while working and play with her every day.

When Zhao Yong heard what Li Manjun said, his discomfort disappeared. Instead, he felt sorry for his daughter and felt guilty for not being able to accompany her all the time.

Nian Nian groaned for a while and was finally coaxed by Li Manjun.

The couple moved the charcoal basin into the master bedroom to give their daughter a bath. They gradually adapted to life without Sister Zhou every year, and they had a lot of fun with their parents.

A family of three slept in the same bed until they woke up naturally. They got up, packed up the New Year's goods to take back to their hometown, and set off for Heather Town.

Every year she still wears the flowered jacket made by her grandma. Wang Xiaojuan loves her granddaughter so much that she makes one set of clothes after another, all made of good cloth and cotton. When Li Manjun got them, she thought they were too much.

The result was just as she expected, she couldn't put it on before she could put it on.

Today, she is wearing a small cotton suit with red bottom, white floral and black cotton trousers. The trouser legs are also a little shorter. Li Manjun tied her socks high, put on black insulating shoes, and tied two small trousers, which is a perfect rural girl style. .

Compared with the children's fashions sent by Shirley Zhong, Li Manjun and Zhao Yong prefer their daughter's down-to-earth dress, with her little hands in her pockets and her round belly waddling around, which makes her even more adorable.

Anyway, celebrating the New Year in the countryside looks festive, so Li Manjun also prepared two sets of the same style and different colors.

Knowing that her precious grandson was coming, Wang Xiaojuan got up early in the morning and rushed to the farmer's market, bought the freshest shrimp, and then made shrimp balls for her granddaughter.

Seeing that the time was almost up, except for Li Lijun who was assigned to look after the store, Wang Xiaojuan, Li Dawei, and Li Jianjun, the family of three stood at the door and looked around.

Seeing his brother-in-law's car approaching from a distance, Li Jianjun shouted excitedly: "Come on, come on, brother-in-law is here!"

Before Zhao Yong's car was stable, his mother-in-law opened the car door and took the red ball in Li Manjun's arms away as if snatching a child.

Li Manjun hurriedly warned, "Be careful, your shoes are about to fall off!"

Wang Xiaojuan skillfully grabbed her granddaughter's thermal shoes hanging from her ankles and handed them to Li Dawei. The couple walked in with their children in their arms.

Zhao Yong turned around and looked at his wife, both of them dumbfounded.

"Li Jianjun, come here!" Li Manjun stopped Li Jianjun, who wanted to follow him in to see his niece, "Bring the things in the car into the house."

Due to the pressure from his sister, Li Jianjun could only obediently come over and help unload the goods.

Zhao Yong opened the trunk and unloaded all the New Year's goods that he had brought to his mother-in-law's house. Some of them were to be taken to his hometown of Hongxing Village, so he put them in the car first to avoid having to load them again later.

With his hands full, Li Jianjun took his sister and brother-in-law home.

Li Dawei and his wife brought out a lot of new toys from nowhere, including rag dolls, spring frogs, balloon hammers, and a water bubble game machine.

When Li Manjun saw this game console, he was really convinced by the two old men, "I can't even hold the chopsticks. Where can I get the game console? I told you to buy less. We have these at home, and they can't be piled up. It's a waste of money." .”

Wang Xiaojuan snorted, "I can spend whatever I want with the money I earn. I'm happy to spend it on us every year. You can't control me."

"Isn't it Nian Nian?" He grabbed Nian Nian who was surrounded by toys, "Isn't grandma the best to you?"

The excessive enthusiasm made Nian Nian feel a little scared, and she looked helplessly at her parents.

Li Manjun took her daughter out of the pile of toys and asked, "Where is Lijun?"

"Second sister is in the store." Li Jianjun replied.

Zhao Yong gave him something mysteriously. When he opened it, he found it was a plastic electronic watch. Li Jianjun looked at his brother-in-law in surprise.

Zhao Yong patted him on the shoulder and motioned for him to take it with him for a look.

Li Jianjun looked at the luminous watch on his wrist and said loudly: "Thank you, brother-in-law!"

Li Dawei looked over and said, "Xiaoyong, you've spent money again."

"Dad, we are a family, nothing is worth spending money on." Zhao Yong picked out two gifts from the pile and handed them to the two elders. Each member of the family will get one piece this year.

The younger brother and sister have plastic watches, Li Dawei has steel watches, and Wang Xiaojuan has leather watches.

Unexpectedly, he still had his share. The two elders opened it and saw that this was not a plastic electronic watch that cost just a few yuan. It looked expensive at first glance!

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