Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 203 The old man fell

"What on earth do you want to say?" Li Manjun had noticed something was wrong with him, and after a long time he didn't hear him mention it, he asked directly.

Zhao Yong blushed. He didn't go out for long distances now. His skin tone was fairer and not as dark as before, so he could easily be seen when he blushed.

"Lack of money?" Li Manjun guessed.

They are both husband and wife, and what is hers is his, so there is nothing embarrassing to say.

Zhao Yong shook his head, "I'm not lacking."

"Is it because someone else is in need?" Li Manjun raised his eyebrows and guessed right, "Mr. Qiu asked you to borrow money from me?"

"How do you know?!" Zhao Yong sat up straight, looked at her in surprise, and asked innocently: "Can you read minds?"

Li Manjun shook his head and laughed, "Is this so hard to think of? When I received my aunt and uncle today, I guessed that Mr. Qiu was in trouble. Construction in Southern Province has been completely suspended. Mr. Qiu is in the building materials industry. He must be old and hot. .”

"You didn't tell him how much I earned, right?" Li Manjun asked tentatively.

Zhao Yong waved his hand, but of course he didn’t say anything.

"He wants to borrow a million yuan from you, and he will repay the principal with interest next year. If you find it inconvenient, I will refuse." Zhao Yong didn't really want to borrow money from his wife, and he always found it strange.

Li Manjun didn't have anything to worry about. She had more dealings with Mrs. Qiu. If Mr. Qiu wanted to borrow money, even if Zhao Yong didn't tell her, Mrs. Qiu would definitely come to her later.

After all, everyone around her knew about her hoarding of aluminum ingots.

Maintaining relationships doesn't just mean you help me and I help you. They can't just ask others to do things every time. They have to be able to do something for others.

"How much is the interest?" Li Manjun asked.

Zhao Yong was a little surprised, "Are you willing to borrow it?"

Li Manjun nodded and warned: "The IOU must be paid well."

"That's for sure. According to our past practice, the interest should be one hundred thousand." Zhao Yong replied.

Li Manjun nodded, stood up to get the check, and wrote one directly to Zhao Yong, "Remember to get the IOU back."

Zhao Yong looked at the stack of checks in front of Li Manjun and sighed, "So this is how VIPs are treated in banks."

When will he be treated like this?

Seeing that Zhao Yong was in confusion, Li Manjun encouraged him: "You have to believe in your choice. In the worst case, my wife will support you when you come back."

Zhao Yong laughed helplessly, waved his hands and said: "It's not that, it's just that it's a bit difficult to expand now."

There are two completely different situations at home and abroad.

In Rongcheng, he was well-known as a road user. In Haishi, he didn't know anyone at the post office. Jiang Yu and his courier fleet had been intercepted several times.

Every time, he has to write an application material to explain. With such a delay, the time when the express delivery will be delivered to the customer becomes uncertain. Recently, the company has received many complaints about the courier's inability to deliver in time.

Li Manjun sat next to Zhao Yong and said seriously: "Logistics will definitely be a major trend in the future, and there are more and more TV shopping. Your industry is very promising."

"By the way, Zhu Yaowei is also in Haishi. Do you want to ask him for help? He has many classmates, so he might be able to recommend them to you."

Zhao Yong looked at her serious expression and knew that she wanted to help him, and this was indeed a way. He smiled and nodded, "Okay."

Li Manjun leaned on his shoulder, watching the neon lights flashing outside the window, and asked with a smile: "Where do you want to go when you get to Haishi?"

Zhao Yong thought for a while, "I really don't know what's interesting in Haishi. I'll go to the travel agency later to learn from them."

"Okay, then you can make the arrangements and I'll be responsible for eating and drinking. How about that?"

"Of course, as long as you are happy." Zhao Yong said with a smile.

After the trip to Haishi was finalized, Zhao Yong and Li Manjun began to make strategies.

But just as the couple was happily preparing for the trip, something happened in their hometown.

Late at night, the phone at home rang rapidly. Zhao Yong was suddenly awakened. He first glanced at the person beside his pillow. Li Manjun asked confusedly: "Who is calling so late?"

"I don't know." Zhao Yong shook his head, motioned for her to continue sleeping, got out of bed, went to the living room, and picked up the phone.

It was Li Dawei's voice, very urgent, "Manjun, your grandfather fell from the courtyard dam!"

"What?" Zhao Yong suddenly woke up and his heart tightened, "Dad, I am Xiaoyong, who do you think fell?"

Hearing the voice of his son-in-law, Li Dawei said anxiously: "Your grandfather got up last night and accidentally fell on the gate of the courtyard. The town hospital can't treat him. Now your uncle and I are going to send your grandfather to the city." Come to the hospital."

Zhao Yong hurried back to the bedroom. Li Manjun had already sat up from the bed. She had just heard Zhao Yong calling her dad. It was probably because something happened at home.

"Dad, what happened to them?" Li Manjun asked anxiously.

Zhao Yong said while changing clothes: "Grandpa fell. Now my uncle and dad are going to send grandpa to the city hospital. You stay at home first. I will go to the hospital to find a friend to make arrangements. If anything happens, I will call you."

There was no way Li Manjun could sleep, but the person who had the accident was not her parents, so she felt relieved.

It's just that Old Man Li was so old that he fell from a courtyard dam more than one meter high, so the situation was not good.

"Let's go together, please wait for me." Li Manjun decided to go and take a look. If he didn't show up at this time, his uncle would definitely have something to say when he turned around.

Besides, this is her family's business. She can't evade her own responsibilities and leave it to Zhao Yong.

Zhao Yong nodded, "Okay, then I'll go down and drive the car out first, and call my friend to make arrangements. You tell Sister Zhou."

The couple split up. Zhao Yong went out first to contact someone. Li Manjun gently opened the daughter's room, woke up Sister Zhou who was sleeping with her in the room, and told her that the couple had something urgent to do and had to go out.

Sister Zhou felt a little panicked. It was scary in the middle of the night.

"I beg you every year. Zhao Yong and I may not come back at any time. If there is anything at home, you can call me at any time."

"Okay, okay, you go and do your work. I'll be here every year." Sister Zhou calmed down and nodded.

Li Manjun glanced at her daughter and saw that she was sleeping soundly. The panic in her heart dissipated a little, and she turned and went downstairs.

Zhao Yong has parked his car on the side of the road and is on the phone to contact someone.

Li Manjun got in the car, picked up his mobile phone and called home. The person who answered the phone was Wang Xiaojuan, saying that Li Dawei had found a bus driver in the town and chartered a car with Li Dalong to bring Old Li up.

Li Manjun called Li Daniu's landlord again to contact the couple.

The landlord heard that it was an emergency and was too embarrassed to express his anger at being woken up. He went to help call people down to listen to the phone.

Li Daniu didn't know yet that something happened to his grandfather, and he didn't know until Li Manjun told him.

"Then you meet at the city hospital and wait until my dad and the others arrive."

Li Daniu quickly agreed.

Li Manjun sighed helplessly. Even though Li Daniu was also in the city, Li Dalong didn't even call him his son.

She was too lazy to think about the details. She just felt that her father was a bit stupid and a bit pitiful.

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