Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 316 Professional Front Desk

Li Manjun started cramming again, and the final exam has now become a nightmare.

In order not to affect Zhao Yong's rest, Li Manjun moved to the study and worked hard.

During the final exam, You Xiang also came back. After walking out of the examination room, the two checked their answers. You Xiang felt that he was going to be doomed this year.

"I won't die, right?" You Xiang asked distressedly.

Li Manjun patted her shoulder and said, "Don't think too much, the results haven't come out yet."

The worst case scenario is just to take a make-up exam. There is a lot of slack in the make-up exam, and the pass rate is very high.

You Xiang couldn't help laughing, "If I had known there would be exams, I wouldn't have signed up for an adult university."

"By the way, are you a landlord now?" You Xiang asked curiously. She saw relevant reports about the demolition and renovation project in the Rongcheng Evening News, and Luman Company was mentioned in it.

When she saw it at the time, she couldn't believe her eyes. Wasn't Li Manjun a rag collector?

"What kind of landowner?" Li Manjun waved her hand to signal her to stop talking nonsense, "It's just a small project."

You Xiang asked curiously: "So, will all the land near the city be under your control from now on?"

"It belongs to Luman Company and Junda Freight Company." Li Manjun explained, "This is a place of cooperation."

You Xiang seemed to understand, and was too lazy to ask this again. She wanted to know what Li Manjun wanted to build on this land.

"Commercial housing? How much does it cost to build a community?" You Xiang felt that the amount was so huge that he could no longer calculate it.

Li Manjun shook his head, "I don't do community work, so I went shopping and found that we don't have a five-star luxury hotel in Rongcheng yet. There is only one foreign hotel that can do it, but the hotel was decorated in the 1980s and is long out of date. ”

You Xiang said excitedly: "So, you want to build a hotel?"

Seeing Li Manjun nod, You Xiang became even more excited, "Me, look at me. When the hotel is built, let me be the front desk for you. We are also professionals!"

Li Manjun couldn't help laughing, "Your professional level is not that good. My hotel is a five-star luxury hotel. How big was the hotel you stayed in before? Does it have a star rating?"

You Xiang rolled his eyes at Li Manjun angrily, "Just tell me, do you dislike me?"

If the two of them hadn't had a good relationship, they would have offended someone by talking like this.

Li Manjun smiled helplessly at You Xiang, "You are thinking wildly. What I mean is that before my big hotel is built, you should go to other high-end hotels to learn from their experience."

"When the time comes, we will be one and we will do it in one step!"

You Xiang couldn't help but laugh, patted his chest, "Okay, just wait for me."

"I'm going to apply for a job at a foreign hotel right now!" she said seriously.

Li Manjun raised his eyebrows in surprise, "Seriously?"

You Xiang smiled and said, "I didn't want to tell you, but I'd better tell you in advance. After the exam tomorrow, I will go to the Foreign Hotel for an interview."

Although the result may not be good, she finally finished the troubles at home and was ready to find a way out again. Whether the result was good or not no longer mattered.

The important thing is that during this process, she did not stand still, but continued to learn and grow.

"Everyone there can speak foreign languages." Li Manjun stopped in surprise, stepped back, and looked at You Xiang up and down again, "I want to be impressed by you."

You Xiang raised his chin proudly, "I am my daughter's role model. Since I am a role model, of course I must act like a role model."

"No matter how difficult it is, you must always take the first step. Even if you try and fail, you can still learn from your experience and make persistent efforts."

Li Manjun gave her a thumbs up and praised sincerely: "You Xiang, you're doing well!"

It seems that when her big hotel is completed, You Xiang will be indispensable as a front desk.

"Stop talking about me, let's continue talking about you, what kind of hotel do you want to build?

The two talked back to each other. Li Manjun actually didn't have many ideas yet, just a rough goal.

But You Xiang listened patiently to these wild and unproductive ideas and gave her a lot of useful suggestions.

The bus arrived, and the two of them were chatting to the point of excitement. You Xiang waved his hand directly, "I'll wait for the next bus, and you can continue talking."

She loved hearing what Li Manjun said, as if she had experienced it in her fantasy.

Another bus stopped. Li Manjun stopped talking and pushed You Xiang, who was still unfinished, onto the bus. "Go back and review early. There is another subject tomorrow."

You Xiang glared at her, "You are so disappointing. I finally forgot that there is an exam tomorrow."

Li Manjun replied angrily: "Don't escape from reality, just leave!"

You Xiang snorted and turned his head away, unable to hold back his laughter.

The cold wind blew as Li Manjun took a taxi home.

After dinner at home, I picked up my textbook and went into the study. I didn't sleep until I read the key points drawn by the teacher.

Fortunately, after taking the last subject the next day, this torture finally ended.

You Xiangzhen was going to a foreign hotel for an interview. After the exam, he put away his stationery, picked up his bag, went to the bathroom to change into his interview clothes, and left in a hurry.

Li Manjun drove here today and called her on the roadside: "Get in the car and I'll take you there."

You Xiang heard the sound and looked over, "You haven't left yet."

"Waiting for you." Li Manjun said jokingly, gesturing for her to get in the car quickly.

You Xiang didn't believe she was so considerate. After questioning, he found out that Li Manjun was going to a foreign hotel to meet distinguished guests.

Li Manjun parked the car in front of the Foreign Hotel. Before the doorman could open the door, You Xiang had already rushed down.

Li Manjun smiled helplessly, looked in the rearview mirror, checked his appearance, and made sure there was nothing wrong before he picked up his bag and got out of the car.

There was a textbook in the bag, which was heavier than usual. I stretched out my hand to push the book down so that my head would not be exposed.

Such attention shows that the distinguished guest has a lot of background.

Someone from Toyo Company came over. The two companies have been cooperating for exactly one year now, and they need to continue to negotiate the content of the subsequent cooperation.

Li Manjun really didn't have time to go to Japan, and he didn't know what Steve said, so the other party promised to send someone over to negotiate.

Li Manjun arrived at the hotel around 1:30 noon. She was early. She went to the living room to arrange afternoon tea. When the time was almost up, she called Steve and said, "You can come over, I'm already here."

Steve responded, and soon he brought the representative from Toyo Company to the living room.

This is not the first time that the two parties have met. They also have cross-border phone calls every month, and they feel cordial when they meet.

Li Manjun asked the representative to sit down, signaled the waiter to bring the afternoon tea, and with a few polite words, the two parties went straight to the topic.

A representative of Toyo Company said: "The first year's contract has now expired, and we would like to continue to renew a new contract with your company."

"However, the export waste in the new year may be about 20% more than the previous year, and we hope that your company can pay 50% of the payment in advance."

Li Manjun lowered her eyes. What she lacked most now was working capital, and with the advance payment, she wouldn't be able to survive!

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