Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 319 He litters

"Buy! Buy this one too! I want this one too, take them all, let's get a new one for one day during the Chinese New Year!" Zhao Yong waved his hand and asked the waiter to wrap up all the clothes his daughter had tried on.

Stay away every year.

"Are you so happy?" Zhao Yong teased his daughter's chubby chin.

Nian Nian smiles a little and looks at his father. Mom is not here, which is exciting.

When Li Manjun bought Li Jianjun's warm clothes and rushed over, he saw the father and daughter standing in front of the cashier, looking like they were guilty of committing crimes when they saw him.

Zhao Yong even accelerated the speed of giving money, as if he was afraid of being stopped.

Li Manjun raised his eyebrows and looked at the checkout counter, where he saw several packaging bags. Didn’t you agree to just buy a new piece of clothing for the New Year?

"Are these all?" Li Manjun walked in, pointed at the packaging bags on the counter, and asked in disbelief.

Zhao Yong didn't answer and just asked the waiter to settle the bill quickly.

Niannian rushed over and hugged her mother's thigh, raising her head and smiling sweetly at her.

Li Manjun couldn't resist, so he could only sigh and let them be happy.

"It won't happen next time." Li Manjun gave her husband a warning look.

Zhao Yong smiled and nodded, took the invoice handed over by the cashier, and when his wife wasn't paying attention, he lowered his head and looked at each other's daughter, showing a successful secret smile.

After walking out of the store, Li Manjun explained to Zhao Yong and his daughter: "It's not that I don't want to let you buy so many clothes because of the money, nor is it because I'm afraid that you will spoil your children by spoiling them. It's just that we don't advocate waste."

"These are all winter clothes. Children of this age grow fast every year. If you buy them now, they will fit you, but they will only be worn during the New Year. By next winter, she will not be able to wear them anymore."

It's such a waste to throw away clothes that have only been worn once!

Even if you give it to someone, you can't find anyone to give it to. If any relative doesn't have a girl who is younger than Nian Nian, isn't it just the bottom of the box?

"Mom, if Niannian can't wear it, you can put it on the doll." Niannian still misses the dolls and dolls beside her bed.

Li Manjun's serious face was almost tense, and he looked helplessly at Zhao Yong. What should he do if his daughter is too cute?

Zhao Yong hissed. He felt that he needed to reflect. After his wife said this, he regretted that he had just bought five sets of new clothes for his daughter.

"Let me think about it." After Zhao Yong told his wife, he lowered his head and said to his daughter: "Let dad think about what to do with the good clothes that he can no longer wear next year."

"Yes!" Zhao Yong suddenly looked at Li Manjun, "You can take it and donate it. Doesn't your company have a donation event for children in mountainous areas?"

Li Manjun raised his eyebrows. This is really a good idea. However, "This kind of wasteful behavior must be stopped next time and should not be promoted."

The father and daughter nodded seriously, indicating that they remembered.

I'm just a little curious every year, "Mom, what is donation?"

Li Manjun was afraid that the child would be too tired with her neck raised, so she handed all the gifts to Zhao Yong to carry, picked up her daughter, and told her about the brothers and sisters who worked hard to study in the mountainous area.

The child's memory is good and bad, and every year he suddenly says, "Brother Bamboo Dragonfly!"

Li Manjun was stunned for a moment, but Zhao Yong reminded him that he remembered that in the mountainous village primary school where he donated last time, Heizi, a student, specially made a bamboo dragonfly for himself to take back to thank his daughter for the candy.

However, because my daughter liked this bamboo dragonfly so much, she had already spoiled it, leaving only a skeleton on the shelf.

Zhao Yong wanted to repair it, but such a simple thing was difficult to repair, so he had to make a new one. The broken one was kept at home as a souvenir for his children. It was quite educational.

Nian Nian said: "Did Mom give Nian Nian's clothes to Brother Bamboo Dragonfly?"

"That's right." Li Manjun said with a smile, "But my brother can't wear the clothes every year, so they should be given to other children who can wear them."

The family of three completed their purchasing task and left the mall.

While Zhao Yong was driving, Li Manjun was playing with his daughter at the entrance of the shopping mall. Suddenly a mineral water bottle was dropped from the hands of a passerby, and Nian Nian suddenly let out a "Boom!"

The passerby was startled and turned around to see an unknown little girl. He turned around and was about to leave without knowing why.

"Mom!" Niannian pointed at the pedestrian and complained loudly to her mother: "He litters!"

The child's voice was clear and loud. It was the time of the big shopping trip a year ago, and the mall was full of people.

Hearing the child's words, everyone around him stopped and looked at the pedestrian who threw the mineral water bottle.

The air froze for a moment, and Li Manjun felt a little embarrassed and wanted to cover the child's mouth and run away.

The moment this idea flashed through his mind, Li Manjun suddenly woke up.

What is she running from?

The uncivilized pedestrian should be the one to escape. As an adult, she is not as brave as a child.

Li Manjun calmly came behind the child, picked up the dropped bottle, and handed it to the pedestrian with a solemn face.

In order to alleviate the other party's embarrassment and fear that the other party's anger would be harmful to the child, Li Manjun thought for a while before smiling and saying:

"I'm sorry, this is a public place. We must be civilized. Please throw the mineral water bottles in the trash can and set a good example for the children."

As soon as she opened her mouth, the tense atmosphere relaxed.

Nian Nian nodded solemnly as his mother said.

She said very seriously: "Bottles can be recycled, but they must be placed in the green trash can, otherwise they will, will." She couldn't express what she meant by polluting the environment, so she could only look to her mother for help.

Only then did Li Manjun understand what her daughter meant. She resisted the urge to raise her hands to her forehead and said to the uncle opposite:

"What my daughter means is that mineral water bottles are recyclable. I hope you can throw them in the recyclable trash can for recycling. Also, throwing such plastic waste carelessly will have a great impact on the environment, because plastic It is difficult to degrade and its impact on the environment will last for hundreds of years or even longer.”

The uncle raised his eyebrows and looked at the mother and daughter in shock and surprise.

Li Manjun smiled slightly and explained: "Because I work in waste recycling, maybe my daughter is like this because of my influence."

As I said that, I thought that it’s all said and done, so let’s just teach everyone about environmental protection knowledge.

Therefore, Li Manjun continued to tell the people around him about the harm of environmental pollution to the ecosystem, and hoped that everyone could throw garbage into the corresponding trash cans in the future so that workers could dispose of them by category.

What Li Manjun didn't know was that when she was seriously educating passers-by about science, in her little heart, her mother was shining brightly.

Finally, the uncle who littered the water bottle threw the bottle into the recyclable trash can.

When he walked back, he gave Nian Nian a thumbs up. Instead of getting angry, he thanked Li Manjun for his popular science, which helped him learn new knowledge.

Nian Ni proudly puffed up her little chest and asked her mother: "Nian Nian did a good job, right?"

Li Manjun touched her daughter's little head and affirmed, "Nian Nian is very brave. Mom is proud of you."

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