Li Lijun went back to school after the vacation, and Li Manjun went back to her parents' home to pick up her daughter.

Li Dawei now has a driver's license. Zhao Yong found him a second-hand van and drove it. When he received a call from Li Manjun, he hurriedly told her not to bother.

"I'll take her back tomorrow, Saturday."

"This year your uncle's family has a good harvest. Daniel and I drove the car and paid the grain tax. There was still a lot left at home, and we couldn't finish it. Your uncle gave us some, and I gave the rice to us along the way. You bring it up."

Afraid of his daughter's rejection, Li Dawei quickly added, "The rice at home is better than the rice you buy outside. I like to eat it every year. Your mother bought rice from other places for her to cook, but she doesn't like it, so she has to eat it." Eat from grandpa’s house.”

"You didn't even choose food when you were with us. Mom and dad, don't get too used to it. You are going to kindergarten soon, and the teachers will not be able to teach you." Li Manjun said helplessly.

Li Dawei smiled and said, "I know."

Turning around, he saw his granddaughter lying in front of the TV in the living room, watching TV. He quickly hung up the phone and pulled the little girl away from the TV.

"You can't be so close to the TV. Grandpa won't dare tell your mother if your eyes are broken." Li Dawei nodded the little guy's forehead in annoyance. He was not happy anymore. He pouted, hummed, stopped watching TV, and turned around. Go play with toys.

Li Dawei's class is becoming more and more leisurely now, and the work is close to home. He goes to check in in the morning and get some things done. He goes home for a lunch break at noon, takes his granddaughter with him, and goes to the work at two o'clock in the afternoon. Wang Xiaojuan When Li Lijun and I are both busy, we take her directly to work.

Because Li Manjun and Zhao Yong often take their daughter to work in the company, they are used to it every year. When her grandfather is working, she squats on the small balcony behind the office to play for a while.

When people in Li Dawei's unit saw him, they couldn't help but praise him for being well-behaved and sensible.

Li Dawei is not the only one who brings his children to work. Young people have no one at home to help with their children because they are too young, so they carry them directly to the workplace.

Everyone has difficulties, so we should be considerate of each other. Occasionally, colleagues who have not given birth to children will complain about it, and the patience is over.

Especially for female employees, there are many girls in Li Dawei's department. Three of the five girls in the office come to work carrying dolls on their backs.

At this time, everyone is like this, and no one says anything about how this will affect work. Although the leaders will be dissatisfied, it is an iron rice bowl, and everyone is not afraid.

Thinking that their granddaughter was going back to her parents, Li Dawei and Wang Xiaojuan were reluctant to leave.

He is easy to take care of every year, and occasionally naughty, but compared with the lawlessness in his family, he is much more sensible and clever.

It is said that three and a half years old is the age when people hate dogs and they hate them, but Li Dawei and Wang Xiaojuan don't find their sweet baby annoying at all.

He is a well-behaved person, and he also knows that he feels sorry for his grandma and grandpa. When he goes shopping, he always walks home by himself.

Plus, with Li Lijun helping out, the two elders just feel happy.

Now I have to send my granddaughter back, and my heart is empty.


The night before departure, Wang Xiaojuan couldn't sleep, sat on the bed and sighed.

Every year, I sleep on a small bed made by my grandpa. I share a room with my grandparents. There is a pink mosquito net made by my grandma on top of the bed, which makes it look like a princess room.

Li Dawei was awakened by the sighs. He rubbed his eyes in confusion and asked her, "Why are you not sleeping at night?"

Wang Xiaojuan looked at him with a particularly melancholy look in her eyes, and sighed again.

Li Dawei looked at her helplessly and simply put the quilt over his head, out of sight and out of mind.

Wang Xiaojuan kicked him awake angrily and said strangely: "Why don't you think Manjun wants to have another baby? Nian Nian is so cute. To have a younger brother who is as cute as Nian Nian is a good word. Then How complete.”

Li Dawei was frightened by these words and quickly reached out to cover her mouth.

Wang Xiaojuan's eyes quickly raised her hand and smacked her. Li Dawei didn't cover it and was lightly slapped on the back of his hand. The sound was so loud that it almost woke up Nian Nian who was sleeping soundly on the small bed.

The couple was silent for a long time in the darkness, not daring to breathe. When they saw the person on the small bed turning over and continuing to sleep, they dared to breathe loudly.

"Why are you covering my mouth? Did I say something wrong?" Wang Xiaojuan lowered her voice, feeling very annoyed.

Li Dawei also rarely spoke in a calm tone, "Why are you so stubborn? Whether or not to have children, how many children to have, whether they are boys or girls, that is their own business, what does it have to do with us? You worry about it."

"Tomorrow I will send Nian Nian back by myself. Don't follow me. I'm afraid you'll make Manjun angry. Then I won't even send Nian Nian back at all. Just go ahead and cry!"

Wang Xiaojuan was stunned, and it took her a long time to realize that she was going to be angry. However, she opened her mouth again and again, and could only say angrily and in a choked voice: "You are so stubborn!"

"My great wife is pregnant, and she's about to have a son and a daughter," he muttered, looking sad.

Li Dawei could tell as soon as he heard it that he was trying to compare with his brother and sister-in-law's family.

But is this child something you compare yourself to?

"Wang Xiaojuan, I said you should read more books when you have time. Didn't Lijun bring back several foreign books and periodicals? You should have time to see more people outside and enlighten your mind."

Wang Xiaojuan was almost out of breath and fell down, "You are the only one with a high level of education. Learning a driver's license will show you how good you are! If you don't take me with you, I have to go!"

He took out the pillow behind him and hit Li Dawei.

Li Dawei was really helpless and funny. Why did he take action even though he couldn't explain it? He stretched out his hand to block it, and the two old couples were fighting each other as if they were playing around.

"Grandpa and grandma?"

Hearing the soft and waxy sound, the couple who had made a fuss were all excited. When they turned around, they saw Nian Nian with a pair of clear and big eyes, sitting on the small bed at the end of the bed, looking at them worriedly.

Nian Nian whispered: "Don't fight, Nian Nian is afraid."

Wang Xiaojuan quickly jumped out of bed, straightened her collar which she thought was messy from the fight, hugged her granddaughter and coaxed her: "There's no fight, grandpa and grandma are playing games."

"Really?" Nian Nian looked confused.

Li Dawei turned on the light and explained with a smile: "It's true, we adults are just playing. We are not afraid every year."

The couple looked at each other and started coaxing the baby with a tacit understanding, and then continued to sleep again.

In the second half of this year, the vacation was changed. The original single vacation was now a double vacation. I only have to work five days a week, and I have rest days on Saturday and Sunday.

Li Dawei was now even more free.

I got up early in the morning and drove the van parked in the carport outside the community to the door of my house. I looked at the time and went to wake my granddaughter up.

Wang Xiaojuan was busy in the kitchen and cooked a lot of dishes. Only a small part was for breakfast for the three of them this morning, and the rest was all for Li Manjun.

She loves spicy food and stir-fries. Wang Xiaojuan specially fried a spicy chicken and a duck with blood sauce.

After they were full, the grandfather and grandson loaded the vegetables and rice into the car. Amidst the cheers of "Go home~" every year, the happiest time before going to school was over.

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