Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 386 Blatant provocation

Li Manjun said again that it was a holiday and he didn't have to go to school and could play at home.

Nian Nian still didn't quite understand, so she persisted in dragging her small schoolbag to change her shoes and went out, and urged her mother to hurry up, as she was going to be late.

Li Manjun had no choice but to pull the little guy back and finish breakfast quickly. Seeing that there was still time left, he took the baby directly to the kindergarten for a look.

The school was on holiday, the school gates were closed, and even the guardroom was empty.

Nian Nian excitedly took her mother to the side door, where teachers usually pick up children.

When I walked over and took a look, I looked up with blank eyes and said to my mother, "There is no one there."

Li Manjun patiently explained to her again, "Because the teachers and children are all at home for the holidays, there is no one in the school. We will have to wait until the new year starts before the teachers and children come back to continue kindergarten."

Nian Nian understood a little bit, so he asked again: "Isn't it going to be a long time since I can see Lin Fangfang, Teacher Feng and Teacher Jack?"

Li Manjun nodded and comforted her daughter, "I'll see you soon. Aren't we going to celebrate the New Year? We'll be back after the New Year. Everyone needs to rest too."

"All right."

Nian Nian went home with her mother sadly.

After leaving her daughter in the care of Aunt Guo, Li Manjun drove to school to continue the final exam on the last day.

The exam went well. She met all the questions she reviewed and passed without any problem.

You Xiang was a bit miserable. He failed the make-up exam last year and had to continue to take the exam again with the first graders.

The two of them walked out of the classroom together. You Xiang looked at Li Manjun enviously and said, "How did you get such a brain? We are both mothers and we are both working. Where did you find the time to preview?"

Li Manjun asked her to look at the dark circles under her eyes, "It's not like she got through it."

"Master Lu once said that time is like a sponge, just squeeze it and it will be enough."

You Xiang shook his head helplessly, "I really can't do it anymore. I have to help my baby with homework when I get home. I'm going to collapse."

Li Manjun patted her arm sympathetically, "There's nothing we can do. Just hold on, you'll graduate soon."

You Xiang smiled sadly and could only persevere. If you get through it, there will be a bright future.

The two separated at the school gate. Li Manjun asked if he wanted to give her a ride. You Xiang waved his hand, "I still have night shift. If I can't go back to the hotel with you, I can just take the bus myself."

Li Manjun stopped being polite and went to the parking lot to find a car.

Just when I found the car and was about to go home, the big brother in my bag rang loudly.

Li Manjun thought it was a work matter, but unexpectedly it was Mrs. Lin who picked up the phone, whom she had not contacted for a long time.

A woman's crying voice came over the phone. Before the person on the other end could finish the sentence, Li Manjun already knew something was wrong.

Mrs. Lin didn't say anything was wrong, she just asked her to do a favor. If she was willing, she could wait for her in the shop where they used to have afternoon tea together.

Li Manjun was afraid that something would happen to her, so she agreed.

First, I called home and told Aunt Guo that I would be home late and not to cook for her. I also said a few words to my daughter to let her know that her mother would be home late.

After making arrangements at home, as soon as Li Manjun hung up the phone, Wen Yufeng called.

"Oh my god, Manjun, did Mrs. Lin call you? Their boss, Mr. Lin, ate outside again. He was crying and asked me to go find her to help catch the mistress!"

"I also said that I asked Mrs. Qiu to come with me. What happened this time? Her soft rabbit-like personality actually shows off her power. Do you think she's scary or not?"

Wen Yufeng's hijab crackling was a bombardment of information. Li Manjun didn't know anything yet. She was not a gossip, and she didn't ask much about other people's private affairs. Mrs. Lin didn't take the initiative to talk about it, just thinking that she would find out when they met.

Unexpectedly, Wen Yufeng had already pulled out all the information that could be extracted.

Li Manjun was driving and when he heard the breaking news, he suddenly had the idea of ​​turning around and going home.

But one can't break one's word. She had already agreed just now and decided to go and have a look first.

"Sister Wen, where are you? I'll pick you up first, and we'll go there together."

Wen Yufeng said that she was still at work, and Li Manjun asked her to wait at the door while she drove to pick her up.

When the two of them met, Wen Yufeng never stopped talking as soon as she got in the car.

"I'm not saying that, Mr. Lin is too special! He has a virtuous wife and well-behaved children. He doesn't know how to cherish them at all. He must be unable to control the next two things, right? I really don't know how Mrs. Lin can bear it. .”

"If this were my old Liang, I would have stripped him naked and thrown him into the river to freeze to death. What a bastard!"

"Hey, where is your Mr. Zhao?"

The conversation changed so quickly that Li Manjun paused for a moment before answering: "I'm on a business trip. Counting the time, I'll be back in the next two days."

Wen Yufeng suddenly felt bored and brought the topic back to Mrs. Lin's family gossip.

When we arrived at the dessert shop, we could see a familiar figure sitting by the window from a distance, and it wasn't Mrs. Lin.

Li Manjun held the car in good condition, but Wen Yufeng dragged her into the car in a hurry.

"What's going on? What's going on with you?" Wen Yufeng grabbed Mrs. Lin's hand and asked with concern.

Mrs. Lin took a look at Li Manjun first. Her eyes were red, covered with bloodshot eyes, and her dark circles were dark. Her entire mental state was not right, and she felt like she was about to collapse.

It's scary to watch.

Li Manjun had a hunch that this time it would not be as simple as crying, making trouble, and hanging himself.

Mrs. Lin calmly asked Li Manjun and Wen Yufeng to order something to eat. Although she seemed to be in a poor mental state, her eyes were surprisingly bright and her brain was calmer than ever.

Li Manjun and Wen Yufeng looked at each other and swallowed nervously.

The food they ordered was brought out quickly, and Mrs. Lin motioned for the two of them to eat. After they took two bites, Mrs. Qiu also rushed over.

When everyone arrived, Mrs. Lin finally spoke.

Yes, outrageous things happened.

Less than a year had passed since his last affair, which nearly destroyed his family and killed everyone, and Mr. Lin quietly contacted the mistress again.

Moreover, he rented a house, Jinwu hid his love, and looked indifferent to Mrs. Lin's questioning. The original guarantee was all like a joke.

The mistress also called her home and asked Mrs. Lin to divorce and abdicate.

If Mr. Lin hadn't allowed Mr. Lin to behave like this, how could she dare as a mistress? !

"Didn't you tell me that you have driven people away? Are you coming back so soon?" Mrs. Qiu couldn't believe it.

Their Lao Qiu is also beautiful, but he has never gone so far, at least he didn't let her find any traces.

If she didn't find it, it meant that the man kept things clean and didn't cause trouble for her, so she just turned a blind eye and just turned a blind eye. After all, it didn't matter if she had money to spend.

But what's going on with Mr. Lin?

It's a blatant provocation!

"This time we must not just pick it up high and put it down gently!" Mrs. Qiu slapped the table.

The clerk looked sideways, and the four of them coughed awkwardly and lowered their voices.

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