Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 426 Makeup Tutor

There was a travel agency bus to pick them up at the entrance of the train station. It was only about two o'clock in the afternoon. Li Manjun and his group went to the hotel to put away their luggage, and the girls made an appointment to wear beautiful dresses and go shopping for dinner.

No one is very good at putting on makeup, and they don’t have much chance to do it. It’s all about convenience when going to work, but how can a girl refuse to be beautiful?

As a result, they all ran to Li Manjun's room to ask her for help with makeup matching.

Sherry has now become a regular in fashion magazines. The models in the magazines tend to wear casual everyday styles, which is a template for many stay-at-home mothers and ordinary working women to learn from.

Compared with European and American modern fashion styles, local brands are more in line with the temperament of national women.

The relationship between Li Manjun and Shirley Zhong is no longer a secret in the company. Li Wei and the others like to stare at Li Manjun's clothes and feel that she has always been at the forefront of fashion.

Most of the clothes she wears were sent by Sherry Zhong, and Sherry has become the definition of fashion for the female employees of Greenman Company.

If you ask them who is the most beautiful in the company, everyone will not hesitate and say in unison: "We are Mr. Li."

Amid such attention, Li Manjun was embarrassed to go to the company in a slovenly manner. She had to match her outfits and styles before going out every time, which was somewhat of an 'idol' burden.

Even if you wake up late and don’t have time to put on makeup, you still have to put on a pair of sunglasses, put on lipstick, step on high heels, and walk into the office.

In order to facilitate driving, I always have a pair of flat cloth shoes in the car, the old BJ style, which are very comfortable.

It is also very laborious to keep it exquisite.

The girls came to him for advice with the beautiful dresses they had prepared. Li Manjun opened the door and let them in.

"If you want to look good in your top, you must do basic skin care well."

Li Wei immediately asked: "Is it okay if I bring Xiangxiang?"

Although it is a bit thick, it is okay to apply less. Li Manjun walked up to her and asked her to take off her glasses and looked at the condition of her skin.

It is winter in Rongcheng, and the climate is dry. Everyone's noses and chins are a little peeling, and their lips are also dry.

"You put a little bit on your nose, massage it in circular motions until the dry skin is smoothed, and then apply base makeup." Li Manjun suggested.

Li Wei asked in confusion: "What is makeup?"

Li Manjun slapped his head and forgot that things like liquid foundation are not popular yet. Everyone uses a piece of powder to apply on the whole face. The better ones will buy imported products from abroad, a concealer that feels like a facial cream when applied.

As for herself, she uses concealer and powder as her base.

Li Manjun took her cosmetic bag over and contributed her own cosmetics for everyone to use.

The girls looked at her stuffed makeup bag with fresh eyes and exclaimed: "You need so many things to put on makeup?"

"What is this, Mr. Li?" someone asked her, holding up a small box.

While Li Manjun used Li Wei as a model to teach everyone how to apply makeup to make it clearer and smoother, she glanced quickly and replied: "The contouring cream used for contouring can make the face smaller."

The girls picked up another one and asked, "What about this shiny one?"

"That's a highlighter. It will have a heightening effect when applied to the bridge of the nose."

The girls were amazed, they had never heard of this.

Li Manjun remembered that they read fashion magazines every day and asked curiously: "Don't the magazines you read have makeup tutorials?"

Li Wei immediately complained: "The tutorial made me look like a ghost, and my hands didn't obey my orders at all!"

The girls particularly resonated with it, and the makeup conference instantly turned into a complaint conference.

Some people say that the makeup of models in magazines is exaggerated, while others say that the dressing tutorials are not practical at all because they are all advertisements and you have to buy their products to achieve the effect.

It is also said that ordinary people cannot implement makeup and hair tutorials at home, because most people do not have curling irons at home, nor do they have the makeup products used in magazines.

At least many products are not available to ordinary people.

Moreover, the procedure is cumbersome. If you really follow the tutorial, maybe only a lady can do it. After all, everyone has to rush to work.

Li Manjun smiled as she listened to their complaints and the expectations raised by everyone. An idea flashed in her mind - what would happen if Sherry published a magazine of her own style and makeup?

Taking practicality and authenticity as the starting point, using things existing in people's homes to create fashionable effects, not so high-end, but more down-to-earth, so that girls can enjoy the beauty, seems to be quite good.

Thinking of this, Li Manjun asked everyone tentatively: "What kind of fashion magazine do you want to read?"

"I, I, I, let me talk first!"

Li Wei had the most say. She bought every issue of fashion magazines and said, "I hope there is a magazine that can help me really learn how to put on makeup and match clothes. It would be better to have some basic matching tutorials and colors." Match the template.”

Speaking of color, another girl said: "I have dark and yellow skin, and the models in magazines are so fair. They will definitely look good in anything they wear. It would be nice if there were some outfits suitable for us yellow and black girls. European and American style magazines do." There are black models, but we are not that black.”

Japanese miscellaneous products have also become very popular in China in the past two years. Compared with European and American styles, they are more suitable for Asian women.

Moreover, you will get a lot of free gifts when you buy the magazine, which is a favorite among female high school students.

But for professional women, the matching of daily miscellaneous items is a bit unsatisfactory for commuting, and it is more suitable to drink afternoon tea and be leisurely and lazy.

"It seems that there are indeed too few choices in domestic fashion magazines." Li Manjun murmured to himself, forgetting that he was still drawing people's eyebrows. As soon as his hand flew away, Li Wei screamed "Ah!" Eyebrow!"

Li Manjun came back to his senses instantly, looked at Li Wei's raised eyebrows, couldn't hold back, and laughed out loud.

"Hahaha!" The other girls also laughed.

A world where only Li Wei was hurt has been achieved.

"It's okay. I'll redraw it. Don't panic. Calm down." Li Manjun laughed so hard that tears burst out. While wiping away his tears, he wiped off the painted eyebrows and redrawn them.

"Well, okay, what do you think?" Li Manjun stood aside. She was quite confident in her skills.

The girls came closer to take a look. The makeup was very thin, not like the gray wall. The blush was applied, and the face was white and rosy. She looked good.

The eye makeup is relatively light, and Li Wei's natural eyebrow shape is relatively fierce, while Li Manjun's eye makeup is softer.

Li Wei's lips are full and have a pout effect. The lipstick should not be too thick, and light colors will make her look younger.

The whole makeup doesn't look rich, but the temperament is completely different. Paired with Li Wei's refreshing short hair and straw hat, it feels like summer soda, refreshing and delicious.

The girls nodded in unison, "It looks good!"

Li Wei looked in the mirror, held her face in her hands and said smugly: "Mr. Li, you made me look so beautiful, I don't even want to take off my makeup."

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