Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 429 Can’t be idle

After eating and drinking, Li Manjun and Shirley Zhong talked about business.

"You said you wanted Sherry to run her own magazine, but since we are a clothing brand, isn't it a bit far to cross the border?" Sherry Zhong asked doubtfully.

Li Manjun doesn't think so, "What is clothing? The most important part of the entire fashion line, followed by beauty. In the past, it was good if everyone had enough to eat. The general public's requirement for clothing is simple and neat."

"But now, the economy has developed and the material foundation has been satisfied. Naturally, we want more spiritual satisfaction. Our Sherry has been doing better and better in the past few years. Apart from the contribution of you, designer Zhong, there are also An important factor is that we cater to the market, which needs diversified and distinctive clothing categories like ours."

The success of everything is not single. To be successful, it must be the right time, right place and right people.

Li Manjun said confidently: "Shirley, our Sherry doesn't just have clothes. In the past two years, you have also produced a lot of shoes and bags. Are you still far away from cosmetics?"

"Even if Sherry's future development direction is not to cover all fashion categories, but for such a good domestic brand, will it make it easier for everyone to understand our products if they have their own magazine?"

Shirley Zhong originally heard Li Manjun say that starting a magazine was just a magazine, but she didn't expect that her idea was actually the entire fashion industry.

"Li Manjun, I sometimes feel that you really dare to think!" Shirley Zhong said in surprise, actually feeling a little shaken.

To be honest, Sherry's development has been going very smoothly in the past two years, but there has been no big breakthrough, especially during the period after she gave birth, because she had to take care of her family, and people around her said that she was already very successful, so Unknowingly, my career ambition became not as strong as before.

Naturally, what he wants is not as bold as Li Manjun's.

But three years ago, her ideas would have been bolder than Li Manjun's!

After all, she has seen the world and what is the current situation in the foreign fashion industry. She knows very well that those old high-end luxury brands are not only engaged in clothing, shoes and bags, but also beauty products and accessories.

There are either men or women in this world. As long as they take care of the huge market of women, they can obtain half of the world's wealth.

When Li Manjun heard Shirley Zhong talking about money, she shook her head and said seriously: "Are we short of money? We are doing this for our ideals!"

"We just want all girls to boldly express their beauty," she added.

Shirley Zhong glanced at her. She had even thought of the theme of the magazine for her.

The two looked at each other, picked up the drink cups and drank in tacit understanding.

Li Manjun knew that Shirley Zhong had listened and was thinking about it, so she did not continue.

Shirley Zhong was more expert at these things than she was, so she was responsible for talking the talk, and it was up to Shirley Zhong to implement it.

After returning home from the party, Li Manjun felt that he might still be too idle.

I have nothing to do in my own company, so I just want to find something for others to do.

Zhao Yong felt helpless and teased her: "Aren't you tired?"

"I'm tired." Li Manjun lay on the bed, looking at the small dents left by the paint on the ceiling, and said with a smile, "But I don't dare to stop."

"Who told you to stop? I never advised you not to open a company or go to work." Zhao Yong had an exaggerated look of fear on his face, fearing that his wife would blame him.

Li Manjun glanced at him helplessly, "Why are you panicking? I didn't say it was you."

"Then who are you talking about?" Zhao Yong took off his coat, motioned for her to move to the side, and also lay down.

The bed is still comfortable, if only I could lie there for the rest of my life.

Li Manjun sighed helplessly, "I'm talking about myself. I always feel that I can still try harder."

Zhao Yong looked at her in surprise, "You don't have enough for this project or that project? Do you still want me and Nian Nian? You might as well just sleep in the office!"

Li Manjun suddenly felt angry and rolled his eyes at him, "You don't understand even if I tell you, so I won't talk anymore and go to sleep."

Li Manjun got up by himself and pushed Zhao Yong again, "Get up, I haven't washed my feet yet."

"I washed it yesterday." Zhao Yong sighed helplessly, "It's winter, so there's no need to wash it every day. It's not dirty and I haven't even gone out."

"Didn't you go out today?" Li Manjun stared, Zhao Yong raised his hands in surrender, "Walk around, wash your feet."

He dragged her into the bathroom with him, saying that he wanted to help her wash her. She must be tired from playing these days.

He shows courtesy for nothing and is either a traitor or a thief. How can Li Manjun not know about him?

But she didn't stop her. She raised her eyebrows and turned on the bathroom heater in the bathroom. She could only think about it when she was full and warm.

New Year's Day is here again. This year, the kindergarten held a poetry recitation contest. I actively signed up to participate every year, but unfortunately I failed because the opponent was too good.

Li Manjun and Zhao Yong had no choice but to comfort the disappointed little girl, "It's good to sit in the audience and watch the show. You're not tired, right?"

After thinking about it for a while, it seemed like yes, and I became happy again.

This time it was Luo Tiancheng who defeated every year. He represented the whole class and participated in the school's poetry recitation contest.

Excellent performance, won the first place in the kindergarten class.

Luo Fang and Luo Bin were so happy that they never let go of their smiles. After the performance, they brought Luo Tiancheng to invite Li Manjun and his family to a restaurant for dinner to celebrate.

"Mom?" Niannian looked at her mother expectantly. She knew that it was her mother's decision and it was useless for her father to agree.

Luo Tiancheng also stared at him eagerly. Li Manjun couldn't resist it at all and smiled sheepishly at Luo Fang, "Then let's go."

The two children jumped with joy, it was great!

When taking children with you, it’s natural to go to places the children like.

Luo Fang sought the advice of Li Manjun and his wife, "I see KFC is doing a New Year's Day event. How about we go eat at KFC?"

Nian Nian immediately turned around to see her parents. Although she knew that when others were treating guests, guests should do as they pleased and not make random comments, but she could not hide her inner desire at all.

Last week, my mother went on a trip, and my father took her to eat. It was her first time eating hamburgers, and she thought they were the most delicious burgers!

Usually, Li Manjun rarely lets her daughter eat fast food outside. Thinking of celebrating the holidays, let’s indulge. Who didn’t look forward to eating a fried chicken burger when they were young?

"Tiancheng's mother, you can decide." Li Manjun replied with a smile.

Luo Fang knew she had agreed and told the two children to go eat KFC today. Niannian and Luo Tiancheng eagerly urged the adults to walk faster.

The two children wanted to sit together, so Luo Bin suggested that they take a taxi. Anyway, the two families lived close by, making the return trip convenient.

Zhao Yong said: "Take my car. The back seat of my car is spacious. It's okay for everyone to squeeze in."

His car is used to prop up the facade. Unlike Li Manjun's, it does not have a safety seat, so it is convenient to sit on it.

Everyone had no objections, got in the car and set off.

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