The person in charge of WY did not expect that Li Manjun also knew computers. He originally thought that he would just show her how to use the prepared email system.

Unexpectedly, she actually asked to see the back-end code, because she found a few less obvious loopholes. Although it would not be affected if she did not change it, it would be smoother if she changed it.

After all, it was the sponsor’s mother, so the person in charge agreed to this outrageous request.

So, on the first day Li Manjun arrived at WY, he sat there and stared at the engineers fixing the loopholes.

The annual financial report was ready. Li Manjun had dinner with several senior leaders of WY Company in the afternoon before returning to the company to work overtime to read it.

After the vulnerability incident during the day, no one dared to underestimate this seemingly young funder.

The previous person in charge only contacted Zhao Yong and Zhu Yaowei. Although they knew that there was a third major shareholder, they didn't understand it because they had never seen it.

Now they realize that the person who made the investment decision should be Li Manjun.

The attitude of the person in charge of WY is different when facing insiders and outsiders.

In the past, they deceived Zhao Yong and Zhu Yaowei as suddenly rich people, but now when they met Li Manjun, they came up with professional vocabulary and did not dare to neglect at all. They discussed with her all the details from the development of the entire email system to the results and subsequent releases. Read it again.

Li Manjun just checked to see if there were any major problems. After filling the minor loopholes, he read the financial report and found no misuse of money, so he put it down.

"Do you plan to charge for this email system?"

At the morning meeting, Li Manjun still looked energetic after staying up all night. She looked at the person in charge of WY with a smile and asked curiously.

The person in charge looked a little nervous and swallowed before trying to say: "As for the charging issue of the email system, our internal employees have actually done a detailed analysis.

Li Manjun nodded and motioned for him to continue.

Seeing that her expression was relatively gentle, the person in charge continued: "After everyone studied it, we decided to open the email system to customers for free."

Having said this, all WY employees in the conference room looked towards Li Manjun.

Although the funder is only responsible for investing money and will not interfere with the company's operations, she still has veto power.

Free means that this project has been studied for a year. Not only can it not recover the cost, but the money invested before has been wasted.

Of course, this is a general definition.

If the person in front of him were Mr. Zhao or Mr. Zhu, he would not say so directly, but would mention it in a roundabout way. It would be completely OK to wait until the final launch before saying it was free.

But the person in charge vaguely felt that Li Manjun should be able to understand the unusual definition.

Li Manjun raised her eyebrows. She knew that the email system would be free, and she knew it early on.

But I’m still curious as to why they would choose free at this time.

So, Li Manjun frowned and asked: "Why choose free? After it is free, how to get profits? Mr. Ding, can you explain it?"

The person in charge, Mr. Ding, breathed a sigh of relief when he heard her question. He motioned to his assistant to bring over the analysis document and handed it to Li Manjun.

Li Manjun opened the file and read it. The profitable projects were clearly listed on it.

First, sell traffic.

Second, sell advertising space.

Third, launch other advanced paid features.

Supplement: Subsequent adjustments will be made at any time based on user data feedback, but the principle of free use remains unchanged.

Li Manjun glanced at Mr. Ding in surprise, "No problem, let's go online on time."

Closing the document, Li Manjun handed it back to Mr. Ding with both hands, "That's it for today's meeting. Everyone has been busy with me for two days. Thank you for your hard work."

Li Manjun stood up and bowed slightly.

Everyone stood up and nodded in response.

After walking out of the conference room, Mr. Ding quickly caught up with Li Manjun, "Mr. Li, do you have time to have dinner together?"

Li Manjun slowed down and looked sideways at the secretary.

Wang Xiaochan flipped through her schedule and shook her head regretfully, "Mr. Li, you have an appointment with Qingzhu, the editor-in-chief of Haishi Daily, tonight."

Mr. Ding said hurriedly: "What about tomorrow?"

Li Manjun asked curiously: "What's the matter?"

Mr. Ding didn't say it directly, he just said that he wanted to discuss some things about the operation of WY Company with Li Manjun.

Li Manjun understands, I'm afraid he wants money.

The original investment of 15 million in WY was given in batches. Currently, 10 million has been given, and the remaining 5 million will not be given out until the email system is online.

But it’s okay to listen and see what he wants to do.

The email system project has been in the works for a year, and it will not be officially launched until after the Spring Festival next year, which means that it is currently in a money-burning stage.

It is understandable that Mr. Ding wants to do other projects to increase profits.

When he makes money, it means they make money.

"How about having afternoon tea together tomorrow afternoon?" Li Manjun could only spare two hours in the afternoon.

Before she came, she had made appointments with famous editors from many newspapers or publishing houses.

When it comes to poaching people, how can you just come to the door without any preparation at all?

Before coming to Haishi, Li Manjun had already contacted these editors, and those who could make appointments had a chance of being poached by her.

She now puts Shirley Zhong's affairs first, after all, she is the one who will receive a 5 million New Year bonus this year.

Mr. Ding readily agreed, "Mr. Li, see you tomorrow afternoon."

Li Manjun waved his hand to indicate that he didn't have to send it off, and left the business park with Wang Xiaochan.

It was still early, so I went back to the old bungalow to catch up on some sleep. I slept until 4:30 in the afternoon. After I reorganized my image, Li Manjun went to the appointment alone.

The meeting place was an old-fashioned teahouse. Li Manjun found it after searching two alleys and asking locals.

The location is a bit remote, in a corner, but when you walk to the second floor, your eyes suddenly open up. Outside the window is the view of the ancient city and river. It's a good place to get some peace and quiet in the midst of the hustle and bustle.

The editor-in-chief named Qingzhu is a man with black-rimmed glasses who looks a bit old-fashioned. He is thirty-eight years old and has been working at Haishi Daily for ten years.

It stands to reason that such an old hero should have been promoted to a leadership position long ago, but for some unknown reason, he is still an editor-in-chief.

Li Manjun has read Haishi Daily. The content is of a more serious style, but there is also some Shanghai-style humor inserted into the seriousness.

So when she first saw Qingzhu, she felt that this old-fashioned man must be a bit boring.

Li Manjun's outfit is custom-made by Sherry from the inside out. Her recent early winter clothes are all in a lazy and casual style, mainly loose, comfortable and warm.

This is Li Manjun’s favorite season, and it’s perfect for her who wants warmth but not grace.

Editor-in-chief Qingzhu's eyes stayed on her for a few seconds before reaching out and shaking Li Manjun's hand.

When you come to the teahouse, you naturally drink tea. The apprentice came over with a complete set of tea sets and made tea for the two of them.

The apprentice has excellent tea making skills. He can make a complete set of tea making movements smoothly, making the tea steaming hot and fragrant.

Li Manjun wanted to speak several times, but failed to find a chance.

Then he shut up and, together with Mr. Qingzhu who looked enjoying himself, tried to feel the beauty of this tea.

Because I am starting a new book, this one will be updated until the finale.

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