Return to the red age

Chapter 79 Return to the Village

In the afternoon of the next day, Liu Hai went to play with the milling machine with Section Chief Hou after lunch. At three o'clock in the afternoon, he went to the security department.

There is a gun cabinet in the security department. I received a Type 53 rifle and 50 rounds of ammunition. The procedure was very simple, just sign.

"Director Liu, if there are many wild boars in your area, when the harvest is good, our security department can help eliminate wild boars in the village for free." The head of the security department also said jokingly.

"No problem. This time I went back to hunt wild boars and brought them to the factory." Liu Hai also replied politely.

No one else would have thought of getting a gun, but Liu Hai was different. Not only was he the sweetheart of the factory director, he was also a cadre, he had a clean family background, and he was also the commander of the militia company.

Gun management is still relatively strict at this time, especially for new models produced by ourselves.

This time, Liu Hai's shirt was changed into green military clothes, and he was also wearing a military hat. The gun was packed in a sack and tied to the 28th bar.

I bought a bottle of canned oranges at a supply and marketing cooperative. I originally wanted to buy malted milk, but it was too expensive.

Carrying my schoolbag, I rode home.

Kyoto's current urban area is not large, and there are many bicycles in the city. The further you go, the fewer bicycles there are. Occasionally, some cars or buses pass by, most of which are carts pulled by donkeys or mules. Looking at Liu Hai wearing a green military uniform and riding a bicycle, They are all very envious.

Wearing a military uniform at this time is extremely dignified, let alone riding a bicycle.

The straight line from Liu Hai's hometown to the factory is about 30 kilometers, but Liu Hai did not take a small road, but took the main road to Changping, and then turned around. His hometown was already close to the mountains, that is, close to the modern Mangshan area.

The bicycle is fast, and Liu Hai uses a military kettle to keep it cool, even though it’s still hot in summer.

After a month of absence, the corn in the cornfield is already half as tall as a man, and the rice in the paddy field can only see a little water.

Before Liu Hai entered Zhuangzi on his bicycle, he met the captain driving a cart and he didn't know what he was going to do.

"Bangs?" Liu Hai saw the captain from a distance, and the bicycle bell rang. The captain also looked at the man riding the bicycle, and was a little surprised who it was. When he got closer, he saw that it was Liu Hai, and he was very surprised. , as if they don’t know each other.

"Captain." Liu Hai nodded and greeted the captain.

"Yeah, it's true." The captain stopped the donkey cart and looked at the bangs, green military uniform, green military cap, green satchel, bicycle, and what looked like a guy in the bicycle sack.

"It's me, uncle, smoking." Liu Hai took out a box of cigarettes and stuffed them directly to the captain, Lotus brand.

"Is this car yours?" the captain asked, holding a lotus cigarette and pointing at the bicycle.

"Well, there are rewards for participating in sports competitions." Liu Hai nodded and said.

When the captain heard this, he felt mixed feelings in his heart. He opened a cigarette and gave Liu Hai a cigarette. Liu Hai waved it away, and then asked: "Do you want to join the army with this outfit?"

"Militia, militia, come to participate in militia training."

"Become a cadre?"

"The factory leaders love me so much, it's considered a cadre establishment, but I don't have any real power."

The more modest Liu Hai was, the more sour his heart became, so he asked again: "This ordinary person can't lead a guy, right?"

"Military company commander." Liu Hai took out the militia company commander's ID and showed it to the captain.

The captain was shocked. He had to know that the position of militia company commander was only available in the township.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk." Looking at the big red seal, the steel seal, and the photo of bangs, the captain felt suffocated in his heart, but then he looked at the cigarette in his hand.

"Then you go back first, I still have to go to work." The captain wanted to say something in the end, but he didn't know what to say. Militia company commander, cadres, bicycles, this military uniform, look at yourself again...

"Okay, I'll leave first." Liu Hai didn't hide his hair when he came back this time. He got on his bicycle and headed home.

Back in the yard, grass was growing again. It was like this when no one lived there. Liu Hai put his bicycle inside the house, then took off his clothes and started weeding.

There’s no rush for hunting, we’ll wait until midnight tomorrow.

After weeding, I looked at the drainage ditch in the backyard. There were holes made by mice and rammed earth walls in the house. This was unavoidable. I filled the holes with gravel, then washed pots and fetched water.

At night, Wang Hongmei took several red notebooks belonging to Liu Hai and looked at them carefully. Although she couldn't understand the words on them, there were red seals, photos, and steel seals.

Bangs hugged Wang Hongmei on one side. It was hard to guess what the woman was thinking. When she first came in the evening, she first touched the bicycle, then the military kettle, and then the green military uniform.

When working in the back, he works extra hard, and his autonomous driving technology is also very wild.

When I feel relieved, I have to look at my ID again》

"Are you really a cadre?" Wang Hongmei asked with some disbelief.

"Hmm, how about I teach you how to read?" Liu Hai looked at Wang Hongmei and asked. The dim oil lamp illuminated the woman, which was a bit of an ancient art style, the Western kind, like oil painting.

"As a woman, why can't you read?" Wang Hongmei actually answered like this, and Liu Hai didn't comment.

"You have become a cadre, has anyone introduced you to someone?" Wang Hongmei put the three red notebooks aside, then leaned closely against Liu Hai and asked.

She rounded her bangs with her hands and said, "No, I'm not old enough. I have to be twenty."

"If you have a partner in the future, will you still want me?" Wang Hongmei put her face against Liu Hai's chest, feeling Liu Hai's heartbeat, and then asked.

"Of course." Liu Hai also has a headache about his future life, but there are still two years, so let's wait and see.

"Why aren't you pregnant? Is there something wrong with me?"

"You are still young, what are you thinking about?" Liu Hai said angrily.

"I don't want to think about it. Someone in the family is about to die. Chun Shang can't see it anymore, and it has been delayed for so long." Wang Hongmei shook her head and said.

"What are you afraid of? I will just support you from now on, as long as you don't dislike me."

"Are you being sarcastic? If someone in the family dies, I will be a widow. You are now a cadre or a company commander. I am afraid that you will find a partner and dislike me." Wang Hongmei looked up at bangs.

Liu Hai looked at Wang Hongmei's sour look, patted her hard, and then turned around and took the initiative: "You still don't believe me..."

Wang Hongmei didn't take the money left by Liu Hai last time. She ate some cookies and candies but didn't finish them. When Wang Hongmei dragged her tired body away in the early morning, Liu Hai gave her the canned oranges, cookies, and candies.

Liu Hai did not go to the aircraft carrier space. Looking at the dark rammed earth walls, a lot of lamp oil was used up, and the whole room smelled of kerosene.

When I woke up the next morning, Liu Hai was cooking. Unexpectedly, the village chief and team leader arrived.

"Comrade Liu Hai, show your ID to the village chief. The village chief hasn't seen the bicycle book yet?" Liu Hai asked a few people to sit down. The village chief looked at Liu Hai's bicycle and the almost brand-new rifle aside. , the captain said first.

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