Return to the red age

Chapter 88 Sewing Air Ticket

"Director, I don't need anything personally." Liu Haixian replied in refusal.

The factory director took out a cigarette and gave one to the secretary next to him. The secretary picked up a match and lit it for the factory director first. The factory director took a puff and then said: "Comrade Liu Hai, rewards must be given. Contribution is contribution. It's up to you." Do you want money, tickets, or other supplies?”

"Director, I want to practice more practical operation of lathes and other machinery. If I can go to their workshop to operate the machinery at noon, I will be satisfied." Liu Hai wants to build a car. It is impossible to make all the machinery by himself. This is to make it clear.

"No problem, this is not a reward." The factory director said again.

"Director, I really don't need it personally. I can feed myself and the whole family is not hungry." Liu Haizhen didn't think of what he wanted.

"In this way, I will reward you with twenty yuan and give you some tickets. You can go to the office later and you can choose the tickets over there." The factory director finally said with final approval.

"Thank you, leaders." Liu Hai accepted, and the factory level was raised one level, and the level of secretary and factory director was also raised.

Returning to the Maintenance Department, Hou Jianshe is still the section chief, but now the actual work is handed over to Liu Hai. Li Dali and the other three have officially joined the work, and their wages have been raised by one level, which is now the salary of third-level workers. People are also very excited.

"Let's clean up the workshop first. Let's make a wooden shelf first and sort the tool parts into different categories. What do you think?" The maintenance department is in a mess and things are everywhere. Liu Hai has long wanted to sort it out.

"Director Liu, you have the final say." Li Dali and the others immediately said, patting their chests.

The machines for making briquettes are actually not very high-end, so there is no need for technical staff like Liu Hai to provide guidance. Hou Construction is enough.

Liu Hai started working with the three of them, first measuring the dimensions, then finding wood, and making a wooden frame. One-inch-thick cypress boards were taken from the construction company next door.

For one day, the entire maintenance workshop was clear and refreshing. The tools were placed in wooden boxes one by one. The boxes were placed on the shelves. The parts were also divided into categories, such as screws, bearings, gears, etc.

"I'm going to build this old motorcycle into a new one and use it as a means of transportation for our maintenance department. What do you think?" Liu Hai asked when he got off work.

Li Dali and the other three were so surprised that their jaws dropped. Gou Rong even asked excitedly: "Do you mean, Director Liu, that this motorcycle will be used by our maintenance department from now on?"

"I have this plan." Liu Hai wanted to use it for himself, but it was too high-profile, and personal use was not as comfortable as public use. After all, gasoline and other things are not easy to get by private individuals.

"no problem."

"Director Liu, I have something to ask you." The three of them were already thinking about the scene of riding motorcycles on the streets of Kyoto in the future.

Liu Hai nodded: "I've had this idea for a long time. Let's wait until I finish drawing."

When Liu Hai was about to leave after get off work, he was stopped by the office director: "Comrade Liu Hai, I'm going to criticize you for not being active in receiving rewards. Come on, follow me to the office."

The director of the office is also happy. The factory level has been raised one level, and his own cadre establishment has also been raised one level.

"Comrade Liu Hai, look what this is?" The office director arrived at the office and took out a ticket and showed it to Liu Hai.

"Sewing machine?" Liu Hai looked at this ticket. It was actually a sewing ticket.

"Do you like it?" The office director was thinking about what to give bangs last night. After the meeting in the morning, the office director started thinking about it.

The bangs are a bit confusing, what do I need this thing for, I can’t make clothes?

"Director, am I useless?"

"Why is it useless? I'm getting married in two years. This is a good thing." The director said. Sewing machines are definitely in hot demand at this time, even more so than bicycles.

"Thank you, director, thank you, director." Liu Hai quickly thanked him, but his modern thinking was still a bit unclear.

"Here is twenty yuan. Sign here. If you want any tickets in the future, you can come to me." The office director naturally knows how to treat Liu Hai. How long has he been in the factory and he has received such a big honor? Will the factory level be raised one level?

"Thank you, director, thank you, director." Liu Hai quickly thanked him.

When going out from the gate, Wu Youcai chatted with Liu Hai for a few words. All temporary workers in Wu Youcai were converted into regular workers because they would soon join temporary workers.

Liu Hai returned home and continued to draw drawings of motorcycles. Liu Hai was still preparing to restore a three-wheeled motorcycle so that it would be easier to load things. What innovations he made at the beginning was a bit unremarkable.

I'll make a replica of a tricycle first, and then it'll be convenient to haul things home, go out for work, and carry people.

After finishing the meal, the second uncle came again and said with great envy: "Your motorcycle factory has been improved by one level. What about you, Xiaohai? What's the reward?"

"Second uncle, I am now in charge of our department. My salary has been raised by one level, my level has also been raised by one level, and I have also been rewarded with twenty yuan and a sewing ticket." Liu Hai also said it generously.

When the second uncle heard this, he was also very envious. Liu Hai had only been here for a short time and he was already a manager, let alone sewing airline tickets.

Liu Hai took the initiative and asked: "Second uncle, do you want a sewing ticket? I have two years left to get married."

"I don't dare, I don't dare, it's so precious." The second uncle was very moved, but refused.

"I'll lend it to you. If it works out, you can return it to me when you have it." It's useless for Liu Hai to get this sewing ticket for the time being. It's still early to get married, and Liu Hai can make it by himself. When he gets married, he can do anything by then. Did it myself.

When the second uncle heard this, he hesitated for a moment, then Liu Hai took out the sewing ticket and put it in the second uncle's hand: "Second uncle, whoever follows the other will just pay it back to me later."

"I'll take it. If it's useful in the future, just ask." The second uncle was very moved. It's a sewing machine.

"Sure." Liu Hai is also planning to build a gas tank cannon, but he hasn't gotten the seamless steel pipe yet. It doesn't matter to Anshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. The gas tank cannon is a gimmick, and upgrading the RPG later is the big deal, but the RPG upgrade has to wait for the old man. Big Brother took it out after he completely fell out of favor, otherwise it would be taken out too early, and some people might share it with Big Brother.

The second uncle finished giving instructions on bangs and went home. The second aunt was still tying up the soles of her shoes. When she saw the second uncle coming back, she took a look and ignored him.

"Look what this is?" The second uncle took out the sewing ticket and said with a bit of showoff.

The second aunt looked at the ticket and quickly rubbed her eyes: "Sewing the ticket?"

"That's right." The second uncle sat down, poured a glass of water from the teapot, and nodded.

"Where are you from?" The second aunt didn't know much about literacy, but she also knew how much it would cost to buy this ticket alone.

"Borrowed it." The second uncle took a sip of water and put down the tea cup before saying.

The second aunt asked suspiciously: "Who did you borrow it from? It's from the factory?"

"I borrowed it from Xiaohai." The second uncle was going to reveal something to the second aunt, otherwise the second aunt would always have some opinions about bangs.

The second aunt was stunned; "He, where did he come from?"

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