Return to the red age

Chapter 93 Primary School Graduation Examination

PS: The editor is still unavailable, but someone called me. That’s the qualification of a great person. I’ll give you two updates first. I’m already depressed. I was originally stuck in a small climax and put it on the shelves. I’ll talk about it later when there is news.

Liu Hai rode a bicycle back to the courtyard in the evening. On the one hand, the motorcycle was in the technical department. A group of technicians were holding drawings and preparing to work overtime all night. Besides, they couldn't enter the courtyard.

"My business has finally started." Liu Hai was pleased with himself. With this foundation, he could use his skills behind him.

These days, the few corns, sweet potatoes, potatoes, and peppers I planted are growing well, so I just weed them and wait for the results.

The second uncle came to Liu Hai in the evening. The second uncle did not talk about the things in the factory. Liu Hai had been thinking about seamless steel pipes for a long time. The steel rolling factory should have something to do with it. He was going to visit Li Bing tomorrow. That guy had already become a As the head of the logistics section of the steel rolling mill, it won't be a problem to get some seamless steel pipes.

On Saturday, Liu Hai came to the factory. Li Dali didn't go home last night and was left by the technical department to work overtime.

"Chief Liu, good morning."

"Chief Liu, good morning."

"Chief Liu, have you eaten?" When we arrived at the factory gate, people inside the factory greeted each other one after another. In the past, it was Director Liu and Comrade Liu Hai, but now it is basically Section Chief Liu.

Liu Hai felt a little embarrassed, so he nodded in response and said humbly: "The deputy, the deputy."

In the morning, Liu Hai was taken to the technical department again and chatted with a group of people for a whole morning. The failure rate of motorcycles and so on during this period was quite high, so the drivers knew how to repair the motorcycles. Fortunately, those who had problems with motorcycles usually had Spark plugs, carburetors, and the rest are unlikely to have problems, and the same goes for cars.

The first is that the materials are not good, and the second is that the technology is not good. Of course, Liu Hai will not point out these problems now. He will wait until the 125 motorcycle he designed comes out. If you want to make the leather durable, improve the materials and improve the production technology, it is necessary. changed.

After lunch, the tricycle returned to the maintenance department. Only then did Li Dali and the three of them have the opportunity to learn to drive. As for the driver's license and license plate, there was no such thing.

Let's put it this way, even if you drive this tricycle on the street at this time, as long as you don't go to places where there are guards, no one will stop you.

There is a meeting at the factory office, and the chief of the technical department is reporting to the leadership team: "Comrade Liu Hai's tricycle was indeed made by them themselves, without taking any parts from the factory."

"Many parts are different from ours, many designs are also different, and the powertrain is simpler."

"But there are also disadvantages. The tricycle does not have a reverse gear, which is a bit inconvenient."

When the factory director and secretary heard this, they looked at each other. They were actually afraid that Liu Hai would use factory parts to make it. Although it was considered a skill, it was far inferior to designing and manufacturing it by themselves.

"Section Chief Liu is a talented person. He is better at using lathes in our workshop than those guys who have been working on it for half a year."

"It's the same in our workshop. You can do it at a glance, and the knife sharpening skills are also very good."

“That’s what smart people do.”

When the factory director heard this, he said: "Comrade Liu Hai, this is a modified vehicle. The motorcycle is placed in the maintenance department. If you want to use it, please discuss with the maintenance department."

The workshop directors and department heads immediately understood what the factory director meant. They had to use a motorcycle to tell Section Chief Liu. It was useless to tell me.

"Office, go and get the license plate, the driver's license, and the car driver's license by the way. Comrade Liu Hai already learned how to drive a car during the militia training." The factory director said again.

"no problem."

In the afternoon, Liu Hai got an extra notebook. One was a motorcycle driver's license level one. It was a blue notebook with the person's photo, height, weight, address, work unit and other information (it was divided into levels one, two and three at the time, but what specific level did you open? The car was not found. If anyone knows, please give me some advice.)

I still ride my bike after get off work. The courtyard can’t be put in, right? You can enter the alley, but where is the gate?

The next morning, Liu Hai went to the literacy class. The test for others was very simple. They read a text and then wrote a diary.

Liu Hai was assigned to the office of the elementary school and was given two tests, mathematics and Chinese.

One of the three invigilators is from the Dongcheng District Education Bureau, one is the principal of the primary school here, and the other is a teacher.

After Liu Hai finished the math questions, the teacher corrected the papers on the spot.

After the Chinese language test was over, the teacher continued to correct the papers.

After correcting the paper, the principal filed the paper away. Someone from the Education Bureau took out a red notebook and handed it to Liu Hai: "Comrade Liu Hai, congratulations."

"Thank you, thank you." Liu Hai was still dreaming. Did he get the certificate so quickly?

"This is what we should do. We are looking forward to Section Chief Liu's college entrance examination next year." The man from the Education Bureau shook hands with Liu Hai. There is no one in Dongcheng District who doesn't know Liu Hai. First, Liu Hai won three gold medals in a row, breaking three domestic records. Record, if you know this, maybe some people don’t know it.

But this time the motorcycle factory expanded, all units in Dongcheng District knew about it, and the big leaders praised it personally. Of course, more importantly, the expansion required hundreds of workers. This... As Dongcheng District’s own plate, no matter what, ...The one near the water should get the moon first.

Although it sounds a little strange for a motorcycle factory to engage in briquettes, it does not hinder it, because many large enterprises are actually a small society, some ranging from kindergarten to high school, and even some universities.

The literacy class is not optimistic. Half of the students fail, and those who pass will be issued a graduation certificate. Those who fail will be fine for the time being, and it will be very troublesome for those who fail to become regular students.

Teacher Zhu has also completed his task. He has been running for many Sundays. From now on, other teachers will do it.

It was agreed that he would go over to make up classes at one o'clock in the afternoon, and Liu Hai went back to the motorcycle factory for dinner. Because there have been a lot of orders recently, there is a lot of overtime work in the factory.

The canteen has also more than doubled in size because there are three more workshops.

Eating in the canteen is cheap and does not require food stamps. Of course, there are vegetable stamps and meal stamps printed by the factory itself, which are exchanged for money.

Li Dali and the other three were learning to ride motorcycles. They also got their driver's licenses together, and the logistics department sent two large barrels of gasoline directly.

When Liu Hai went to the cafeteria, he didn't even dare to shake the spoon serving rice in the cafeteria. He only had a spoon full of three delicacies.

There was an endless stream of people greeting each other affectionately, Section Chief Liu shouted Section Chief Liu.

After dinner, Liu Hai still rode his bicycle to make up for classes. This time Liu Hai brought two kilograms of loose wine. Teacher Zhu said that he would introduce a Russian teacher, Lao Maozi.

"Xiao Hai, this is Petrov."

"Teacher Peter, these are the bangs I'm talking about." At Teacher Zhu's house, there was a young man in his thirties with black hair and a bit of beard.

"Comrade Liu Hai, thank you for your gift. I like it very much." Petrov first took the liquor from Liu Hai and then said in Mandarin.

Liu Hai also said: "I will still trouble Teacher Peter in the future."

"No, Comrade Liu Hai, you have to call me Petrov, which means hill in Russian." Petrov quickly shook his head and said.

"Teacher Petrov."

"Very good, Comrade Liu Hai. Russian is relatively difficult to learn." Petrov is tall, at least 1.85 meters tall, with a burly build.

"I will work hard." Hearing Petrov call him comrade, Liu Hai felt a little strange. In modern times, Liu Hai heard this title from some old people.

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