Return to the red age

Chapter 99 Submachine Gun (sixth update)

The factory director looked at Liu Hai's leaving figure and felt pleased with himself. Briquette machines are very popular. Although they can't sell them at a high price, you want to get the machine as soon as possible and produce it as soon as possible, so don't be polite.

Of course, this is for the public. For example, if a certain place wants to get the machine early, that’s fine. What are the local specialties in your place? If there are a lot of fruits, let’s get some peaches and bring them back when they are delivered to your door.

You have a lot of seafood there, which is very good. I will deliver it to you. Can you bring some dried salted fish and shrimp back?

Otherwise, even if you have a plan, so what, just give it to you at the deadline. For example, this year’s plan, just give it to you at the end of the year. Isn’t it against the rules?

The Purchasing Department at this time is actually about building relationships, not real purchasing.

Therefore, the factory is relatively rich in supplies. Just the two hundred kilograms of liquor are delivered on poles. There are many places in the north that produce liquor.

Some people have said that you can produce your own machines.

It's possible, but if we don't give you planning materials, you just stare blankly. Even a motorcycle factory can't produce anything without planning and approved materials.

The design has been completed a long time ago, and even the materials for the bangs are ready. Who wants motorcycle enthusiasts on the aircraft carrier? There are a lot of books and video materials.

However, the schedule has been tight recently because the teacher is on summer vacation and I will not have time until the teacher starts school.

Seeing that it is the end of July, Liu Hai wants to go back to his hometown to see his old house. He also misses Wang Hongmei's plump softness...

In addition, Liu Hai also wants to get some wild boar or something, invite Petrov to have a barbecue, get some wine, and improve the relationship with those other people. If the relationship is good, these people can bring it to him from Big Brother in the future. Some books or something.

In the future, if you have a study room, whoever dares to question your own invention will just smash it in their face. There is a kind of person in the world who will not believe it even if you have evidence.

This time Liu Hai decided to go back for one day. He would go back in the afternoon with a motorcycle and come back in the morning on the third day.

I went to study for two days, and on Friday, Liu Hai went to see the factory director.

"Director, I want to go back to the village. I will go back tomorrow afternoon and come back on Monday morning." Liu Hai came to the factory director's office and saw that there was no water in the director's tea cup, and said while pouring water.

"Do you want to ride a motorcycle back?" The factory director doesn't mind the familiar appearance of bangs. What does he mind? This is the factory's treasure, and it is only right to keep it a secret from him.

"The factory director saw through the little thoughts." Liu Hai said with a smile as he put down the thermos bottle.

"I agree. Anyway, if it breaks, your maintenance department can repair it. Pay attention to safety on the road. You can go to the security department to get a submachine gun." The factory director nodded and said.

When Liu Hai heard this, he said, "Director, just a rifle will be fine. I'm going to go back and eliminate harm to the villagers."

"Then bring them all," the factory director said without any doubt.

"Thank you, director." Liu Hai quickly thanked him. The rifle is mainly for hunting convenience. I don't know what model the submachine gun is.

When he arrived at the University of Technology in the afternoon, Liu Hai told the teacher again, and the teacher nodded: "Let's go back and have a look. We really want to go back to our hometown. Xiaolin's mother is not on vacation and can't leave."

Liu Hai looked at the tanned junior sister and almost laughed out loud. Now the junior sister is the king of children. Those children bring all kinds of things to please Xiaolin. Why? Just to get on the sacred car in their minds, and then in I took a walk around the courtyard, which was renovated by Teacher Zhu.

As for the number of walks, it depends on who has a good relationship and who gives good things.

When the little girl has nothing to do recently, she tells Liu Hai about her children, the peaches given to this one, the peaches given to that one, and so on, and she also shares the good things with Liu Hai.

After having lunch and going to the University of Technology, Liu Haishun turned to the Dahongmen Meat Factory.

Sun Desheng had eaten and was resting. When someone came to the reception room and said someone was looking for him outside, riding a motorcycle, he felt puzzled.

"Yo, yo, brother, what are you doing?" When Sun Desheng came out, he saw bangs wearing a rattan helmet, leaning on a green three-wheeled motorcycle.

"Brother Sun, this is the motorcycle from our maintenance department." Liu Hai greeted with a smile.

Sun Desheng touched the motorcycle. It was completely different from the ones in the factory. He asked, "Can you drive it?"

"Of course..." Liu Hai gave some instructions, and Sun Desheng rode on. Then, Liu Hai sat in the sidecar.

The motorcycle beeped away, and the two people in the reception room looked at this scene with envy on their faces.

"Tsk, tsk, the administrative level of your motorcycle factory has been improved, and the salary has also been improved?" Sun Desheng came back from a stroll, invited Liu Hai to his office, and then asked.

Liu Hai looked at the strange people outside and said with a smile: "This car was put together by our maintenance department. The engine was originally intact. Otherwise, just a few people in our department would still want a motorcycle?"

"Have you also raised your level?" Sun Desheng suddenly realized that benefits and benefits differed from factory to factory.

"Thanks to the factory sub-administrative promotion, I am now deputy section chief and acting maintenance section chief." Liu Hai took a sip of tea and said.

Sun Desheng gave a thumbs up: "This is stable. The stock-level establishment is not stable. What do you want to do when you come to me this time?"

"I want to buy some lard fat. Fatty pork is also fine. The more the merrier." Liu Hai said.

"Is it necessary? How long will it take for you to get it?"

"Tomorrow at two o'clock in the afternoon."

"Do you want a pig in the water?"

"If you want, kidney or fat intestines are fine."

"That's it. Don't worry, man." Sun Desheng nodded.

Then Liu Hai said goodbye. When Sun Desheng said it, Liu Hai wanted to eat beef sausage. Although there is grass-fed beef on the aircraft carrier, each one has its own taste, right?

I told the teacher in the afternoon that I overhauled the motorcycle on Saturday morning, then filled it with gas, and filled it with an iron bucket. No one said anything about bangs using gasoline. If I changed someone else, the factory director could point to his nose. He scolded his ancestors, but there was nothing he could do. The administrative level of the factory was raised one level. Everyone in the factory told Liu Hai that the original deputy department would become a principal department, and the original principal department would become a deputy department.

Even ordinary people have benefits. Many of the workers in the three new workshops are children of the factory.

"Good guy." When Liu Hai appeared in front of Sun Desheng in military uniform, Sun Desheng also said "good guy." Liu Hai had a submachine gun hanging on his chest, a brand new Type 54, and a rifle wrapped in a sack and placed on the sidecar.

"Thank you, Brother Sun." Liu Hai found that the fat meat and sesame were packed in a wooden box. There was an air-conditioning inside the box, and there were fat meat, suet, fat intestines, and pork kidneys.

"We brothers, we are talking about this out of the blue." Sun Desheng watched as Liu Hai picked up the submachine gun. This was definitely the factory director's darling.

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