Rhapsody of Entertainment Rebirth

Chapter 311 Chapter 311: Oriental Raphael

The release of "Dallas Buyers Club" in China dropped a small bomb on the domestic Internet. Many young netizens began to observe the world with their own eyes instead of following hearsay and what others say!

The rapid development of information has given them this opportunity, and the world is getting smaller little by little.

Shanhe had no time to pay attention to the ideological debate on the Internet at this time. He was holding a walkie-talkie in the Bird's Nest auditorium and kept shouting.

The first rehearsal lasted less than an hour, and the entire directing team was sullen. Too many mistakes had been made. The performance had not even started yet, and the opening ceremony was interrupted several times due to unfamiliar cooperation among various departments.

That night, the entire opening ceremony preparation team was in a state of panic. The situation was very bad!

The normal process of more than two hours, the rehearsal took nearly four hours to barely complete.

The whole rehearsal process was messy, and all the problems that were not exposed in the training were revealed in the live rehearsal.

There are many problems with organization, props, actors, etc.

The members of the Olympic Organizing Committee who watched on the sidelines also had livid faces.

What else is there to say? Let’s summarize the meeting!

That night, many people in the opening ceremony preparation team stayed up all night. There are still more than forty days left, and the situation is imminent!

Shanhe was one of them. The result of the first rehearsal made him break out in a cold sweat. It was so different from the scene in his memory!

Did my intrusion have the opposite effect, and the opening ceremony became worse instead of better?

It shouldn’t be!

No matter what, you can’t let the opening ceremony fall into your own hands!

With this pressure, Shanhe plunged into the coordination work of the opening ceremony training.

Since the cooperation was unfamiliar, they kept repeating the training. In the past ten days, nearly 20,000 staff members throughout the opening ceremony were busy as a spinning top.

The bad experience of the first rehearsal made everyone tighten up. The Chinese people's century-old Olympic dream cannot be messed up in our hands!

Zhang Yimou has not smiled these days. He is the one under the greatest pressure among the entire opening ceremony preparation team. The situation is more serious than imagined and he cannot sit still for a moment.

Except for meetings to summarize problems, he spent all his time organizing the team and could not sleep for more than a few hours a day.

In late June, the rehearsal time for the lighting ceremony was arranged. In the early morning of June 25, the rehearsal would be carried out under the double gaze of representatives from the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee and the International Olympic Committee.

The importance of this link is evident!

On the evening of June 24, the entire director team gathered at the Bird's Nest site.

Zhang Yimou held a thermos cup and sat in the auditorium on the second floor, waiting for the arrival of the Olympic Committee representatives.

He looked at Shanhe who was talking on the walkie-talkie not far away, feeling anxious and expectant in his heart.

The two of them see each other almost every day, but they haven't spoken face to face for half a month. They are both busy with different things.

Shanhe now has to worry about both the lighting ceremony and the coordination of various departments. His role in the Olympic opening ceremony team is growing.

He has enough weight and his words are effective; he has accumulated enough popularity and reputation in the team to solve practical problems; his mind is flexible enough and he can often provide constructive suggestions to the team, and everyone is willing to communicate with him.

This makes Shan He, like Zhang Yi, have almost no free time all day long, and often rushes back and forth in various opening ceremony sessions as a firefighter.

Zhang Yi looked at Shanhe's thin cheeks, swollen eyes, and blistered mouth, and couldn't help but sigh.

They are the two most famous people in the directing team. The pressure on Shan He is probably not much less than that on himself. This time, they are brothers who are really in the same boat.

Fortunately, with him here, the pressure on me can be shared a little, otherwise I don't know how to get through this day!

After more than half an hour, Shanhe put down the walkie-talkie in his hand, took the thermos cup handed over by Kang Zhixuan, drank ginseng tea, and walked towards the director team in the stands.

As soon as he approached the team, several directors asked him about the ignition rehearsal. Shanhe answered one by one and walked up to Zhang Yimou.

Seeing that Zhang Yimou's mouth was blistering like his own, Shanhe smiled and relaxed the anxious atmosphere, "Brother, your ginseng tea is too hot. Are we all overdoing it now?"

A rare smile appeared on Zhang Yimou's face, "You're such a big-hearted kid. Now you can blindly follow me. What's going on? I haven't interfered with the lighting ceremony for half a month. I believe you won't let it happen." Everyone is disappointed!”

"Every link is ready. There will be no mistakes. Our entire ignition team is very confident. It depends on the specific situation and actual effect during the rehearsal. If there are flaws, we still have time to make adjustments!" Shanhe answered confidently. road.

"That's good! You are meticulous and lucky, and the lighting ceremony is the most reassuring part for the entire team!" Zhang Yimou responded, patting Shan He's shoulder.

Hearing this, Shan He looked at Zhang Yi and shook his head in confusion, "When will the Olympic Organizing Committee and the Olympic Committee delegation arrive?"

"It should be soon! The Bird's Nest will be completely cleared before eleven o'clock!"

"Okay, I'll go check the status of each group again."

After eleven o'clock, the entire Bird's Nest fell into silence, and the loud exchanges of the ignition team were particularly clear in the venue.

Representatives of the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee and the International Olympic Committee arrived at the National Stadium on time.

Five minutes before the start of the lighting rehearsal ceremony, the main torch was successfully installed on the top of the Bird's Nest. This was the first step of the entire rehearsal ceremony.

Shanhe breathed a sigh of relief. What he was most worried about was this link. Whether the main torch could be installed on time was the prerequisite for everything to go smoothly!

In the early morning, the rehearsal of the lighting ceremony officially began, and the entire process was carried out exactly as it was at the opening ceremony.

As the music in the venue sounded, Xu Haifeng ran out of the passageway holding a lit torch. He ran forward along the track at a constant speed.

During the torch relay of several people, Shanhe was simultaneously introducing the director team, representatives of the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee, and representatives of the International Olympic Committee.

"There were only seven people in the torch relay at the beginning, Xu Haifeng, Gao Min, Li Xiaoshuang, Zhan Xugang, Zhang Jun, Zhang Jinfang and Li Ning. In order to cooperate with the auspicious time of eight o'clock on August 8, 2008, more people joined on the way. Chen Zhong, eight people carry out the final torch relay..."

A few minutes later, the torch was passed to Li Ning, who was wearing a wire. Following the introduction by the host, Li Ning slowly raised the torch in the night sky. A close-up of Li Ning holding the torch appeared on the big screen behind him. .

"Wow!" The International Olympic Committee delegation looked at this scene and marveled.

While singing, Li Ning stopped in front of the inner eaves ring-shaped LED screen above the Bird's Nest. On the LED screen, a phoenix covered in flames flew from a distance. It danced up and down around the flames of the torch, as if in joy. Celebrating is like a dance ceremony!

At this time, Li Ning changed her position in the air, at a forty-five-degree angle, facing the LED screen diagonally, and started running in the air. The phoenix flew slowly following the flames on the torch, and the gorgeous tail behind her dragged out a slow The burning and unfolding scroll contains various scenes of torch relay.

"My gosh! this is unbelievable!"

"Mon Dieu! inconceivable!"

"Oh! my god,..."

The International Olympic Committee delegation was shocked in various languages. They were stunned by the creativity and impact of the lighting ceremony!

Not to mention them, even the members of the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee who knew some of the inside story were shocked from ear to ear when they saw the scene above the Bird's Nest.

The entire opening ceremony director team is filled with joy at this time. The lighting ceremony is unparalleled so far. As long as it can be completed smoothly, it will definitely surpass any other Olympic Games lighting creativity!

Shan He was staring at Li Ning running through the air, his mouth trembling nervously. Don't let any accident happen. He has been training for two months just to be foolproof!

More than two minutes later, Li Ning stopped in front of the main torch, and the phoenix on the LED screen seemed to be brewing its final power.

As Li Ning lit the fuse, the phoenix on the screen sang loudly and then rushed towards the main torch, and the entire main torch lit up with a blazing sacred flame!

In the sound of the phoenix, the shadow of the phoenix was faintly revealed behind the main torch. The shadow slowly disappeared, and dazzling fireworks were set off over the entire stadium!

The rehearsal of the entire lighting ceremony was completed extremely smoothly, and the effect met the expectations of the lighting team.

The International Olympic Committee delegation and members of the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee who were watching from the stands all stood up and applauded this wonderful lighting ceremony!

"Awesome! A hundred times better than I imagined!"

"This will shock the world, I promise!"

“It’s such an incredible scene that God would be amazed by it!”

The director team also shook hands with each other to celebrate. Finally, something was reliable, and everyone felt a rare sense of relief!

Well done to the Ignition team and well done to Shanhe. I believe that with him here, the opening ceremony will not collapse. He is so lucky!

Everyone couldn't help but feel inspired by self-suggestion!

As a member of the ignition team, Shanhe did not cheer and celebrate together. Although the entire ignition ceremony was successfully rehearsed and the effect met expectations, there were still many flaws during the period.

For example, there is room for improvement in Li Ning's posture adjustment, Phoenix's image error, and the final fireworks shadow.

They still have time to make the lighting ceremony more perfect, which is also the purpose of the rehearsal.

The ignition rehearsal for the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games has been fully recognized by the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee and the International Olympic Committee.

Shanhe and the entire Ignition team were very excited about this and worked hard to make final improvements.

At the end of June, "Dallas Buyers Club" entered its third week of domestic release. In the first two weeks, the film's box office in China exceeded 250 million yuan.

It won unanimous praise from film critics and the public. Douban Film Review gave it a score of nine points, and it once entered the top ten of all movies.

The ideological debate triggered by the movie has become the focus of various forums and has not yet subsided. The differences in thinking and values ​​between the East and the West are still giving the younger generation more thinking.

Discussions about the values ​​of the Chinese nation have always been a top topic in on-campus forums at many universities. Many students analyze this topic from the aspects of history, culture, reality, etc.

Many professors and scholars also participated in the period. This atypical imported film directed by Shanhe unexpectedly triggered the Chinese literati's deep thinking on the nation.

The screenings of "Dallas Buyers Club" in other countries and regions around the world have basically ended. Under the influence of the original novel and the election in Country M, it unexpectedly triggered a movie-watching craze in many places around the world.

Of course, Shanhe’s adjustments to the movie are also one of the reasons.

The filming of the original film was prepared too hastily and with very little money. Even the film used for the entire film had to be saved as much as possible. There was no lighting or color grading in the entire film, and the script was not carefully polished.

Apart from the classic performances of Matthew McConaughey and Jared Leto, there are very few other highlights in this film. The entire film is long and somewhat boring, lacking the texture of a movie.

The audience may be moved by the characters in the movie, but it is difficult to empathize with them.

While preserving the advantages of the original film, Shanhe added rhythmic ups and downs, comedic daily life and lines to the film, which not only brought interest to the tragic story, but also made the tragedy more moving, making the audience involuntarily drawn into it. Get to know the characters and immerse yourself in the story.

Coupled with the box office appeal of Shanhe and Leonardo, multiple reasons caused the movie to explode into a phenomenon.

US$350 million in North America and nearly US$700 million globally. This data has once again made the global media report on "Dallas Buyers Club" on a large scale.

Shanhe, Leonardo, and Heath Ledger were mentioned repeatedly. This movie made the three of them famous and wealthy.

Shanhe has been praised to the heavens by many media around the world, and titles such as "the youngest literary master", "future literary giant", "literary prince" and so on have been bestowed upon him.

The Italian media even called Shanhe the "Raphael of the East", and they said so with certainty.

Both of them have peaceful and elegant temperaments, they are both young and talented, they both maintain a high passion for creation, and their works are also full of compassion.

This statement was actually recognized by the media in various European countries, and Shanhe's name as "Raphael of the East" spread widely in Europe.

This news was widely publicized by the domestic media. The title of "Raphael of the East" gave Shanhe a lot of face. The title of "Three Masters of the Renaissance" is not something that ordinary people can rely on!

The domestic media and the public are all proud of Shanhe!

After Shanhe learned about it, he didn't like it. Not only was Raphael short-lived, he was also a standard pervert with a bad character.

Raphael conforms to Westerners' imagination of artists, and Europeans admire him highly. However, this painter, who was obsessed with the aristocratic class in the Middle Ages, does not conform to the Chinese aesthetic!

Whatever, not many people can remember it after a while anyway, and the update of hot topics in the Internet era is not much slower than that of Sichuan Opera Face Changing!

After more than ten years of being baptized by the media, Shanhe has become accustomed to being talked about and hyped. These compliments and praises did not cause him much confusion. After joking with several members of the director team, he continued to devote himself to the training and coordination work for the opening ceremony. .

As soon as June passed, the capital city entered the hottest season. The hot weather added more gold and stone to the tense bird's nest.

Nearly 20,000 staff members are here, constantly repeating the work they need to complete.

After the first rehearsal of the opening ceremony, the director team made a clear division of labor for the staff in each link, and repeatedly emphasized at the meeting that "Complete your work meticulously is success!"

After nearly a month of training and adjustments, the second rehearsal without makeup began.

As a result, the entire team breathed a sigh of relief. Although new problems continued to arise, the entire opening ceremony process went smoothly.

After the second rehearsal, there was finally some laughter in the heavy atmosphere of the directing team.

Everyone knows that in such a large theatrical performance with so many actors on stage, it is impossible for there to be no glitches. As long as there are no glitches in a few key scenes, if the rest can go smoothly, it will be a victory.

Zhang Yimou's expression also became much more relaxed. After the regular summary meeting, he pulled Shanhe into the director's office and asked Shanhe to find faults and provide ideas for the rehearsal.

It is impossible for this kind of large-scale square cultural activity to rely on the ability of a single person to handle the whole event. It requires the wisdom of the group and continuous improvement.

"Shanhe, the rehearsal went smoothly this time. The coordination of various departments is above expectations. I see that your expression on the stage is very serious. Why, is there anything wrong?"

Zhang Yimou poured a glass of water for Shan He on the other side. Shan He took the cup and took a big sip.

"The process and program have made great progress, but I feel that it is too complicated, the rhythm is not good, and it feels like rushing!"

"I agree with you. I am also aware of this problem. There will be the last ribbon rehearsal at the end of July. At that time, I will adjust the cultural performance program. What should be cut will be cut. If there are too many highlights, there will be no highlights. This It’s the truth!”

Zhang Yi agreed with Shanhe's view, "If there's anything else, keep talking!"

Shanhe lowered his head and considered for a moment, then said: "The theme of the opening ceremony is very good. Athletes from all over the world work together to complete a picture, but there are too many child actors in the opening ceremony. This is a big hidden danger. Children are the most difficult to understand. It’s under control, we have to set up a special team to manage and control it to prevent accidents from happening!”

Zhang Yimou nodded, "You are right, this issue needs to be taken seriously. Children are indeed a hidden danger. This team is very necessary. Is there any more?"

Shanhe hesitated for a moment, looked at Zhang Yi and asked: "In both rehearsals, the little girl who sang was lip-synching. It's okay in the rehearsal. Or should I lip-sync in the official performance?"

Zhang Yi was stunned by Shanhe's question. He thought for a while and replied: "This is a convention for stage performances. Didn't you just say that children are the most difficult factor to control? We can't put our treasure in children." In terms of on-the-spot performance, there will be no problems with lip-syncing, so everyone can rest assured!”

Shanhe shook his head when he heard this, "Brother, the opening ceremony will be held under the watchful eye of the global media. You also know the attitude of the Western media towards us. They will definitely find fault with us. This issue cannot be hidden, and there is a high probability that it will You have to think carefully about using it as an excuse for them to attack us!"

Shanhe's words made Zhang Yimou fall into deep thought. Shanhe was right. This problem was not as simple as he thought. He was restricted by domestic conventions and never thought there was anything wrong with it.

It is true that this matter cannot be concealed. When someone catches it, it will be difficult to tell!

"Shanhe, thank you for reminding me that this matter is very important. I will discuss it with Lao Zhang and Lao Chen. It doesn't matter if I almost sing. As a kid, no one will ask for too much!"

Shanhe let out a sigh of relief. This incident was widely publicized and ridiculed by the Western media in the previous life, and it was a mark of ink on the otherwise perfect opening ceremony performance. It is really regrettable!

After Shanhe said what was most important to him, he relaxed a lot and chatted with Zhang Yimou about the pros and cons of each program.

Zhang Yimou felt very sorry for "Shadow Puppet Terracotta Warriors and Horses". This program was brilliant and received praise from all sides as soon as it was proposed. As a SX person, Zhang Yimou naturally loves this creativity from his hometown.

But in the two rehearsals, this program had the most problems.

As we all know, the production process of shadow puppets is very complicated. It is even more difficult to make props that are more than eight meters high and similar to shadow puppets.

Especially when it comes to the treatment of the joints of Qin terracotta warriors, domestic technology is far from reaching the level they expected. During this rehearsal, there was a chaotic scene where arms were lost and heads were severed. The lights were shining on them, which can be described as "messy." ".

The problem with the props is huge. The eight-meter-high shadow puppet Terracotta Warriors and Horses are made of an all-steel frame, which is too heavy and difficult to control accurately.

If there is no improvement before the next rehearsal with makeup, 90% of the time Zhang Yimou will give up!

Shanhe was also very sad. Since 2007, this program had been preparing for training for more than a year, and it was just canceled. It is estimated that many people shed tears for it!

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