Rhapsody of Entertainment Rebirth

Chapter 315 Chapter 315: The prosperity comes to an end, and the pace continues

On the evening of August 8, at 11:36, China announced with a loud voice: The opening of the 29th Olympic Games in Beijing!

When the whole audience burst into cheers, the opening ceremony director team reached the most nervous moment. All members were praying with their hands together. There must be no accidents during the lighting ceremony. This is the most brilliant thing missing from the entire opening ceremony picture!

Shanhe stared at the entrance of the stadium with a walkie-talkie.

After the athletes and referee representatives took the oath, one hundred girls in white led the athletes, actors and audiences to dance together with their hands to create the image of the "Dove of Peace", and the inner eaves of the "Bird's Nest" turned into a big screen , showing images of people of all skin colors around the world "dancing the dove of peace".

At 11:54, Shanhe gave an order on the intercom: "Attention, all teams, the lighting ceremony begins!"

Xu Haifeng trotted in from the passageway holding the torch high. The Olympic flame taken from the Olympic Games arrived at the National Stadium, and the exciting Olympic flame lighting ceremony began.

The entire audience waved colorful flashlights, shining like thousands of stars.

Over the past four months, the Olympic flame has traveled through five continents, spread across the land of China, and reached the highest peak in the world for the first time. During the relay relay of more than 20,000 Chinese and foreign torchbearers, it has experienced many joys, sorrows, sorrows, and finally reached the final destination. place of mission.

The eight torchbearers passed the torch smoothly, and there was no problem that the director team was worried about the torch not being lit.

Li Ning stood on the small beacon tower and raised the torch in her hand.

Shanhe had already put aside the walkie-talkie, covered his trembling mouth, and looked straight at Li Ning on the big screen.

My Li Dongye, you have to be steady. The next step is all up to you. As long as you can get through this, you will be a great hero of China!

At this time, Li Ning no longer had the fear of waiting. Nervousness was unavoidable, but he had already focused most of his attention on the torch.

During training, the torch was blown out by the wind. Li Ning stared at the flames and prayed endlessly in her heart. God bless her, but there must be no accidents! !

Li Ning slowly rose with the wire, and the flames on the torch fluctuated. Billions of viewers around the world were watching this scene.

From the moment Li Ning slowly rose up, all kinds of exclamations never stopped.

"My god! Has the imagination of the Chinese people soared to the sky? Are they going to set fire to it while flying?"

"Wow! The surprises continue, I'm so looking forward to igniting creativity!"

"During the Barcelona Olympics, I always thought I could not surpass the ability to use archery to light a fire. It seems that we need to take another look at this issue!"

Amid the exclamations and worries of the entire audience, Li Ning reached the top of the bird's nest. At this time, various birds appeared on the ring-shaped LED screen on the inner eaves, and they all flew up and down around Li Ning.

With a melodious cry, the brilliant phoenix flew from a distance, leading a flock of birds to dance around the flames.

The mystery of the lighting ceremony is being revealed step by step. The entire audience and the global media were shocked by this creativity and impact and opened their mouths to exclaim.

Li Ning in the air had no thoughts at this time. She just stared at the flames, praying to pull down the buckle, and coordinated her whole body into a running posture.

Following the instructions from the earphones, Li Ning began to run through the air. The phoenix behind her led the birds to dance, and the flames on the tail wings opened a burning picture.

Countless moments of torch relay appear in the picture!

At this time, all the audience couldn't help but exclaimed loudly, it was so shocking!

The global media and audiences were shocked from ear to ear by this scene. The imagination and romance of the Chinese people brought them disbelief!

"Ohly shit! Can anyone imagine this? It's so shocking!"

"Wow, I'm convinced. Can someone tell me what that gorgeous bird is?"

"That's the king of birds in Chinese mythology: the phoenix. It symbolizes good luck and rebirth from the ashes!"

"This is the Phoenix in Western mythology. It's such an incredible scene. Tonight, China has the whole world in admiration!"

At this time, Li Ning in the air and the director team in the stands had their hearts in their throats and eyes, and their heartbeats seemed to fluctuate with the looming flames in the air.

The three minutes and thirty seconds that Li Ning stepped into the air was an incredible shock to the global media and audiences, but it was a torment for Shan He.

Compared with the previous version, the Beijing Olympics lighting ceremony has added images of birds paying homage to the phoenix and the phoenix bathing in flames.

This is also due to the colorful light prisms. This few-minute animated image brings together the best of the special effects animation production teams from the mainland, Hong Kong Island, and Disneyland in China. Together with the ring-shaped LED screen, the entire picture effect exceeds expectations.

That's why it was not abandoned like in the previous life. This is a change with great bonus, but all changes will bring unpredictable chain effects.

Although Shanhe had always been confident in the ignition ceremony, at this critical moment, the pressure and worry in his heart reached the extreme. He looked up at the running Li Ning and finally reached the bottom of the ignition fuse, then he opened his trembling lips and said fiercely He let out a sigh of relief.

The phoenix on the LED screen has spread its wings, accumulating the power of rebirth, and the burning scroll has been fully unfolded. Li Ning slowly lit the main torch fuse with the torch in her hand.

A line of fire spread upward along the outer extension of the main torch. The phoenix on the screen raised its head and screamed, rushing towards the main torch.

"Shanhe, button!"

Zhang Yimou was in a cold sweat at this moment and couldn't help shouting. At this time, as long as the main torch is lit, the opening ceremony can be declared a complete success!

Shan He did not listen to Zhang Yi's command at this moment. He and Cai Guoqiang had discussed it and tried to let the main torch light naturally.

From Li Ning's ignition to the burning of the main torch, it takes ten seconds. If the torch has not been ignited, they will press the backup button.

There were no accidents at the scene. The main torch was lit amidst the high-pitched and long cry of the phoenix, and the shadow of a phoenix reborn from the ashes appeared above the flames.

The entire audience stood up and cheered. The Bird's Nest was filled with thunderous cheers. The shadow of the phoenix slowly dispersed, and a starry light fell on the venue. Everyone was immersed in this exciting, dreamy and romantic atmosphere.

Ten seconds later, fireworks once again filled the sky above the Bird's Nest, and the entire stadium was flooded with fiery red. Zhang Yimou and Shan He hugged each other tightly in this fiery red!

They succeeded, the entire opening ceremony was flawless, and they shocked the world with their Chinese way!

At this time, everyone in the stands was cheering and hugging, and every member of the directing team was filled with tears.

It’s not easy!

More than two years of hard work finally paid off. They lived up to the expectations of the people across the country and gave the Beijing Olympics a perfect start. They showed the elegance of China in front of the world and brought an insurmountable peak to the Olympics. !

This opening ceremony is enough to represent the re-emergence of China and make all Chinese proud!

After the Olympic torch was lit, the entire opening ceremony performance ended, but the atmosphere at the Bird's Nest was still at its peak, and the audience and athletes were reluctant to leave.

Being able to experience the Olympic Games, a global event, in person is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

At 1:30 a.m. on August 9, the entire opening ceremony team once again gathered at the Bird's Nest. By this time, the stadium had returned to silence.

Zhang Yimou took the microphone and said to the nearly 20,000 staff members with red eyes: "We succeeded tonight! Tonight, each of you is a hero of China!"

The audience burst into applause and cheers, and most of the staff members were in tears, especially the actresses, who couldn't help but hug each other and cry.

In order to achieve this moment, countless people throughout China have worked hard, and they are honored to complete this glorious mission on behalf of China.

"Hundreds of days of repeated training, brutal selection again and again, everyone's hard work and perseverance are the biggest reliance on the success of the opening ceremony. As the chief director, on behalf of the director team, I bow to you here to thank you and also bow to apologize!"

Zhang Yimou took the microphone and bowed deeply to the dark crowd!

Nearly 20,000 staff members applauded.

"After today, most of the team will disband and go back to their respective units. I am honored to work with you and serve the country with you. I wish everyone a smooth journey and all the best in the future!"

After a round of applause, nearly 20,000 staff members exchanged farewells and messages.

More than a year of training life and more than a year of calling of duty have made many staff members become friends. On this special night, everyone vented their emotions of success and pride, while also feeling sad about parting and ending!

Shan He was also hugging and shaking hands with the ignition team one by one at this time, and the last one was Li Ning who had just completed the ignition.

After the two hugged each other tightly, Li Ning punched Shan He with red eyes, "I remember how arrogant and domineering you are. I will take note of it tonight and I will find an opportunity to deal with you sooner or later!"

"Haha...Brother Li, just tell me whether what I said has any effect. I didn't care about anything else at that time. It's good that I didn't use any foul language!" Shanhe responded with a smile.

"It is indeed somewhat useful!" Li Ning nodded and replied, "The wind is quite strong tonight. I ran around without taking my eyes off the torch. I was really afraid that the flame would be blown out! After lighting the fire, the whole Everyone is exhausted and can barely hold the torch!"

"We were just as scared when we looked down there. I wanted to fly up to block the wind for you. Fortunately, there was no accident. God is so kind to you!" Shanhe recalled fearfully.

After the entire opening ceremony team was disbanded, it was already 2:30 in the morning. Zhang Yimou gave everyone a day off. The directing team would have to be busy with the closing ceremony performance starting the day after tomorrow.

But this time the pressure is much less. Everything is difficult at the beginning. If you make a good start, you will definitely have a good ending!

It was already three o'clock in the morning when Shan He brought the chirping Qiu Chuxi home.

Several elderly people experienced an exciting and lively night and couldn't stand it any longer. Qiu Jiang, Xie Meiyu and Hathaway waited in the living room for the Shanhe brothers to come home.

As soon as they heard the door open, the three of them walked out of the room quickly. As soon as Hathaway saw Shanhe, she ran into his arms.

"My dear, tonight is so shocking. You know, the whole audience is going crazy. Many people are laughing and crying. Everything tonight is so incredible. Tomorrow the whole world will burst into laughter for your miracle. Marvel!”

Shan He hugged Hathaway and smiled, "China has no shortage of miracles. Chinese people like to create miracles. You will see more in the future!"

"My dear, to me, you are the biggest miracle of China!" Hathaway responded with a happy face.

The two were tired of being together in the middle courtyard. Qiu Chuxi was already leaning in Xie Meiyu's arms, telling her parents about her night's experience, venting her inner excitement and pride.

Qiu Jiang stood aside and looked at his daughter and son beamingly. The satisfaction in his heart almost made him float.

Having such a pair of children makes this life worth it!

After a few people entered the house, Xie Meiyu served the supper that had been prepared long ago. Hathaway abandoned the mountains and rivers and got together with Qiu Chuxi.

"Xi, we saw you in the stands. I'm so envious that you can participate in such a spectacular event! You are so beautiful on the court!"

"Really! I'm telling you..."

The two girls chatted together.

At this time, the topic about the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games has occupied the entire online media, and praise and admiration for the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games have spread throughout the Internet.

Reuters reported on the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games under the title "China Opens its Door to the World". The commentary said that fireworks detonated this spectacular ceremony, and nearly 20,000 actors brought the world an unparalleled night and a perfect lighting ceremony. Let all previous creativity fade into obscurity.

An article published by the Associated Press believed that "China is making great strides into the Olympics." Although it is the first time to host the Olympic Games, the splendor of the opening ceremony alone is enough to dazzle people. The entire history of the Olympic Games will forever remember this moment at eight o'clock on August 8, 2008.

Agence France-Presse also published a special commentator article, which stated that the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics had brought the whole world to a standstill. Everyone was paying attention to the grand opening ceremony at the Bird's Nest Stadium. Everyone was amazed and shocked! "

Media from all over the world are praising the Beijing Olympics. According to ratings statistics from various countries, the ratings of the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics far exceeded that of the opening ceremony of the Athens Olympics. Especially at the final ignition moment, more than three billion people around the world passed through. Various channels witnessed this scene!

All kinds of exclamations are all over the Internet and in the comment area, such as "incredible", "unbelievable", "unparalleled", "unsurpassable" and so on!

All of this was expected for Shanhe. His Olympic mission had been completed, and it was natural for him to be praised.

As for how much praise and influence the success of the opening ceremony has expanded compared to the previous life, he has no idea and will not pay special attention to it.

At this time, he just wants to have a good rest and relax. In the past few months, he has been under too much pressure and work intensity!

The next day, people all over the country were proud of the stunning opening ceremony, and the media's praise was even more overwhelming.

Zhang Yimou was directly dubbed "Zhang Guoshi", Shanhe was also nicknamed "Young Wise Leader", and several wonderful videos of the opening ceremony were directly posted on the Internet, with many voices of praise and pride. out of the computer screen.

The confidence and pride of the Chinese people were suddenly stirred up into the sky, and the word "rejuvenation" was mentioned countless times.

The whole country is in a state of congestion. The impact of this event on China has reached an unprecedented level. The morale of the Chinese people has improved a lot!

However, Shanhe didn't get involved or pay attention to this. After a good sleep, he greeted the Hathaway family.

Bruckheimer also arrived in Beijing two days ago, but he wisely checked into the hotel and did not stay in the courtyard to disturb the gathering of the two families.

On the night of August 9th, the courtyard was full of joy. The two families gathered neatly to celebrate the two brothers Shan He, and Bruckheimer was also pulled in by Shan He.

With Qiu Chuxi as the intermediary translator, Xie Meiyu and Hathaway's mother, McGuire, got along more lively. They prepared a whole table of delicacies for the dinner, both Chinese and Western.

With the addition of the two Shanhe brothers, the distance between the two families was even smaller, and everyone was already chatting happily even before the table was served.

Bruckheimer, after years of dealing with mountains and rivers, is already half-experienced in China. Not long after the banquet started, he was the first to stand up and offer a toast.

"Qiu, let me first congratulate you on your success. Although I had expected it, you and Zhang still gave me an incredible shock last night. I must toast you first for the first cup!"

After saying that, he drank it all in one gulp. Shanhe looked at Bruckheimer, who was frowning, and laughed and said, "Jerry, this is Moutai from China, not Cabernet Sauvignon from M. Please take it easy!"

Bruckheimer waved his hands calmly amidst everyone's laughter, "I've finished drinking. According to Chinese rules, you have to finish drinking too!"

"You really understand!" Shanhe also stood up and drank the wine in his glass.

Bruckheimer really understood, and he even saluted around the table. Foreigners were really drinking, so Bruckheimer just passed the test and got right in his face!

"Jerry, the Chinese custom is to toast while eating vegetables. How can you do it in one step like you do? Drinking on an empty stomach can easily lead to drunkenness. Eat the food quickly and don't get drunk!" Shanhe told Bruckheimer dumbfounded.

"Let me tell you, this wine is too strong. You can't drink so much at once!" Bruckheimer said in frustration, rubbing his forehead.

Ha ha…

Everyone laughed, and the atmosphere of the dinner was surprisingly good. Bruckheimer gave the Hathaway family a half-baked introduction to Chinese wine table customs, and Shanhe also made a few remarks to correct his mistakes.

Qiu Chuxi and Hathaway were busy translating for the family. The whole table was having a very lively meal. They were all talking about last night's opening ceremony. Everyone was talking about their favorite programs. Even Qiu Dahai commented. After hearing his opinion, naturally what he likes most is the phoenix reborn from the ashes!

Shanhe also revealed various interesting things about the program's creative development and training.

It was a joyful and harmonious family celebration dinner, during which Bruckheimer and Shanhe drank too much, their faces were already red, and they refused to give up.

In the end, Shanhe was suppressed by Xie Meiyu, and the two of them went to the stone table in the middle courtyard to make tea to sober up. Shanhe was in high spirits. After pouring tea for Bruckheimer, he talked about the new movie that had been brewing for a long time.

"Jerry, my mission for the Olympics is over. Do you still remember the question you asked me at the beginning of the year?"

Bruckheimer was a little drunk and replied with straight eyes: "What did I ask you at the beginning of the year, Qiu, we have made a lot of money in "Dallas Buyers Club", and Disney's shareholders are even discussing letting you hold a part of the equity." , you settled them all!"

Shanhe looked at Bruckheimer dumbfounded, and touched his forehead speechlessly. What he was talking about was not on the same channel!

"Hurry up and have a cup of tea!" Shanhe pointed at the teacup and said, "You're trying to be quick if you can't drink enough. You'll have to get down after two more drinks!"

"What? I'm a bad drinker!" Bruckheimer insisted, "I'm not used to drinking Chinese wine. Try it next time you come to Los Angeles!"

"Okay, you're awesome!"

Bruckheimer drank two cups of hot tea, his alcoholism dissipated a little, and he remembered Shanhe's question, "Qiu, you are talking about 3DIMAX movies. Do you have an idea? Tell me!"

"I have some clues!" Shanhe poured tea for both of them. "I have done some small-scale setting experiments in China. I will give out the shooting plan within this year. How about you becoming a new film producer?"

Bruckheimer woke up and said, "FCUK! Of course I am the producer of your movie, Qiu, we are friends, let me tell you the truth, don't you want to bring Disney with you this time?"

"Jerry, most of the reasons for my cooperation with Disney are because of you!" After drinking some wine, Shanhe was filled with emotion, "Do you still remember that eight years ago, no one knew about me in country M? You are a big Hollywood producer, but you traveled thousands of miles to China to meet me, a nobody. I always remember the Western meal you invited me to eat, it was the first time I had Western food!"

Bruckheimer was also brought back eight years ago by Shanhe's words, "Of course I remember. The first time I saw your novel was "A Couple in Life"! I knew you were a genius. The novel has such a strong sense of imagery. , I said to myself, wow, this is a teenage Stephen King!

Unfortunately, I guessed wrong. You are much better than that old guy Stephen King, and you are not as stingy and old-fashioned as he is! "

"Haha... Jerry, when I invite you to be a producer, I am giving you the right to cooperate. I believe in you, and it's up to you to take care of Disney!" Shanhe responded with a smile.

Bruckheimer looked at Shanhe and nodded, "Thank you for your trust, Qiu, I understand your thoughts. The investment in 3DIMAX shooting and production is not small. The film market in China is still too small, and your film company does not have global distribution. In terms of commercial blockbuster capabilities, my opinion is that we should still seek cooperation with Disney. In Hollywood, the Big Six have a monopoly on film distribution, and we can’t escape it!”

"Okay! I'll give you the script in a few days to read, Jerry. I have to take the lead in my movie!" Shanhe said straight to the point.

"You've even written the script!" Bruckheimer drank the tea in one gulp. "Qiu, after "Dallas Buyers Club", no one will doubt your business ability, and no one will be stupid enough to shake your control. right!"

"Okay then! I wish us a happy cooperation again!" Shan He raised the tea cup.

Bruckheimer looked at the empty glass and said, "Qiu, I really want to drink a few more glasses of white wine with you. I have a feeling that after this movie, I can leave my own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame!"

"Haha...haven't you left your name on the Walk of Fame yet, Jerry? It seems that you are not as good at being in Hollywood as the news says!"

"I'm not an actor, nor a director!" Bruckheimer responded angrily, "I'm a producer, and no more than three producers can have their names on the Walk of Fame!"

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