Rhapsody of Entertainment Rebirth

Chapter 321 Chapter 321: A pleasant end of the year with double cards

Mango TV's imitation makes Shanhe a little unhappy, but it will definitely not hold the TV station accountable. After all, they are just riding on your popularity and playing around with it, and it does not involve infringement or plagiarism issues.

You can do it, you thieves!

Shanhe was not too angry and put the matter behind him the next day.

But Shanhe fans are unwilling!

A certain actress in a variety show was dressed exactly like Shan He. After seeing Shan He's appearance, I always felt that this show was too pretentious. No matter how you look at it, it's all about sensationalism. It's too much!

Fans who have watched "Celebrity Zoo" will feel uncomfortable. Aren't you plagiarizing, ridiculing, and maliciously consuming mountains and rivers?

The topic quickly became a topic of discussion among the fan base.

"Fuck, Mango TV is too disgusting. That female guest is wearing exactly the same clothes as Shan He. Isn't she mocking Shan He in disguise?"

"This is plagiarism!"

"Shanhe should sue them for this piece of shit "Star Zoo"!"

"This is clearly insulting Shanhe. Shanhe is experiencing life for the new book, not to entertain others!"

"The blatant and malicious consumption of mountains and rivers must be resisted!"

"Well said, boycott "Star Zoo"!"

"Same as above"

Shanhe has many book and movie fans, and they are very loyal. Most of them grew up watching "Bottom Hot Girl"!

This outcry soon reverberated on the Internet, with more and more fans speaking out to condemn and boycott "Celebrity Zoo", believing that it was plagiarizing Shanhe and discrediting Shanhe's sincerity!

Within two days, almost all forums and websites were discussing this issue.

Did "Star Zoo" involve plagiarism, and did consumption harm Shanhe's rights?

Most people who eat melons agree with the opinions of Shanhe's fans. Shanhe works as a zookeeper in order to experience life in a real way and prepare for his new book, not to be unconventional or sensational.

Everyone went to Shihu Mountain to watch him, firstly to see the wonders and celebrities, and secondly to support his sincere approach to readers and works.

It's better for you guys, you turned someone's experience of life into a variety show without changing anything, and even the costumes are exactly the same, and you want to make fun of them, it's really not authentic!

As the incident became more popular, experts of all kinds also came to the rescue. Legal scholars, public literati, sociology professors, etc. all commented.

"Celebrity Zoo" and a certain actress are completely popular, and also completely dark!

The official website of Mango TV was flooded with messages from Shanhe fans, and the entire message board was scolded. Almost all the public opinion on the Internet was ashamed of their behavior!

Mango TV suddenly came under huge pressure from public opinion, and even its immediate superiors asked about the matter.

"Celebrity Zoo" is suspended immediately!

Shanhe looked surprised at the development of this incident. Although I felt uncomfortable, I didn't express an opinion. Why did this happen inexplicably?

My fans are so awesome!

Shanhe soon received an apology call from Mango TV, and an apology announcement also appeared on the Internet.

The matter gradually calmed down!

As soon as this incident came out, the entire network saw the huge number of Shanhe fans and its wide influence!

The news that Shan He was working as a tiger breeder in Liger Mountain became even more popular!

The zoo craze, which had been winding down, is on the rise again.

Shanhe worked as a non-staff keeper at the zoo for a month, and became a non-staff tiger and spokesperson of Liger Mountain.

Liger Mountain has become famous on the Internet recently, and the entire Beijing Zoo has also benefited a lot from it.

Originally, the Jingcheng Zoo was known for its long history and beautiful scenery. With the strong promotion of Shanhe, the reputation of the Jingcheng Zoo spread throughout the country.

Not only local residents of the capital are rushing to check in, but many foreign tourists have also included the zoo in their travel lists.

Director Li of the Zoo looked at the bustling Liger Mountain and the increasingly lively other parks, and sighed frequently.

"When Shanhe came here, I was reluctant. I kept thinking in my heart that if such a big celebrity went to Liger Mountain to work as a keeper, if something happened, our zoo wouldn't be able to afford it. Who would have thought? With his arrival, our zoo has gained a national treasure for free, and he is more auspicious than Panpan!"

"Haha... Director, Shanhe is a seed of luck. As long as you stick to him, everything will be prosperous!"

"Isn't that right? Young people are almost worshiping him as a Bodhisattva!"

Shanhe didn't care too much about the lively situation in front of him. Since everyone was happy and it didn't delay his own experience, it was fine if everyone was happy. If he wanted to see it, he could also experience the feeling of a tiger!

At this point, he no longer has to worry too much about his own image, nor does he rely on selling his persona to attract popularity. A large number of works support his status. As long as there are no flaws in the general direction and morality, he has no taboos!

The mountains and rivers even feel very pleasant, and the scenery of the zoo is very pleasant. In order to create a suitable environment for rare animals from all over the world, you can see the four seasons in the zoo in winter.

This is a unique scenery in downtown Beijing!

In the morning, he followed Xu Yanmei to feed the tigers at Liger Mountain. In the free afternoon, he could wander around the park. The various exhibition halls were very welcoming to him.

In the past month, he has hugged all the cute animals in the Beijing Zoo!

The business has not fallen behind.

He has already started writing "The Life of Yi". This time he changed the writing method. Just like when making a movie, he started with "Life of Fantasy".

Since we are face to face with tigers every day, let's start with the fantasy drifting with tigers. Just like computer modeling, Shanhe first roughly draws the pictures in his mind, and then describes the scenes based on these pictures.

Not to mention, this method is very efficient, and Shanhe has been constantly inspired during this period.

The confrontation between one man and one tiger on the survival boat slowly formed words from the perspective of young Yi.

Humans and animals gradually merged into the endless sea.

Mountains and rivers have no experience of drifting on the sea. This journey of survival can only rely on imagination, which is also in line with the theme of fantasy drifting.

The scenes in the movie and the fantasy of mountains and rivers together form a picture, which first forms drawings and then extends to paragraphs of text.

Kang Zhixuan witnessed Shanhe's unique writing method throughout the whole process and was amazed by it.

She held the newly released drawing of a school of flying fish and imagined the fish passing by the lifeboat, with a look of yearning and admiration on her face.

"Boss, are you writing a novel using the same technique as making a movie? It's so creative. You should put all these drawings into the novel. Readers can imagine a phenomenal fantasy blockbuster based on these drawings!"

"Your suggestion is good!" Shanhe looked at Kang Zhixuan and smiled.

"But "Life of Yi" will definitely be made into a fantasy movie!"

"I know, this will be your next movie?" Kang Zhixuan asked.

"Not sure yet! After all, the novel is still far from being completed!"

"Okay! Will you go to the zoo to continue to face tigers this month?"

Shanhe nodded, "Go, it gave me a lot of inspiration, and it doesn't stop me from preparing for "Gravity." It's more comfortable than staying in a courtyard or an office."

"Now the zoo is happy!"

The preliminary work of "Gravity" has not stopped, and the space special effects scenes are still being intensively produced.

After several years of growth, Colorful Light Length is no longer the humble little workshop it was at the beginning. Shanhe's large investment has allowed its technical strength to grow rapidly.

Although there is still a gap between the standard and professional special effects companies such as Film Light \u0026 Magic and Weta Technology, we already have the confidence to join the cooperation.

The special effects contractors for "Gravity" include Disney's Pixar Animation, English Framestore, and Colorful Light.

They had already made several computer images based on Shanhe's request. Shanhe was quite satisfied with it and put forward his own opinions.

Realistic, realistic, more realistic!

This is Shanhe's only requirement for special effects pictures!

At the same time, the film studio for "Gravity" is also under construction on the Chuhe Film and Television set.

After the filming and construction of "Moon", "Painted Skin" Part 1 and 2, and "Detective Dee: The Dragon King", the Chuhe Film Studio at this time has begun to take shape.

The set is divided into science fiction area and fantasy area. The science fiction area is still simple, but the fantasy area has become densely populated with buildings and numerous scenes.

With the filming and production of various movies by Chuhe Film and Television, the studio will be improved and expanded step by step.

Together with the Huairou Film and Television Base not far away and the China Film Industrial Park under construction, it has initially formed the center of northern film and television production.

Various supporting facilities and supporting industries are developing rapidly, bringing immeasurable promotion to local economic development.

Bruckheimer has been in Beijing for almost a month. He is living a leisurely and contented life in Beijing. He and Zhong Lifeng are co-producers of "Gravity".

From the beginning of "Gravity", there was no need to worry about "choosing a book, finding money, forming a team, selling the film" and other tasks.

The movie was dominated by Shanhe, and he, as a producer, had very little work. Apart from occasionally going to the crew to see the work progress and reviewing the funding expenses in the production team, he had nothing to do.

His biggest task in coming to Beijing is to deepen his friendship with Shanhe and learn about his new book.

Therefore, as soon as he arrived in the capital, he stayed in Shanhe's courtyard house. After reading a few sketches of Shanhe's new book, Bruckheimer did not mention any further matters.

He understands Shanhe, and knows that being too utilitarian and anxious will only arouse Shanhe's resentment. With Shanhe's nostalgic and hands-off shopkeeper style, his share of snacks is indispensable.

As for whether Disney Pictures can get on board again, he doesn't care much. With Shanhe's temperament, he will have to get rid of Disney's distribution control sooner or later.

It’s okay to make money and cooperate together, but don’t use your brain to do anything else!

Robert Iger, the president of Disney, also knows this very well. A writer-director who represents the younger generation of China cannot allow him to control him.

The development prospects of China's film market and Chuhe Film and Television are equally immeasurable. The West is in the midst of an economic crisis and has yet to recover. Robert Iger is very clear that China will be the most worthwhile investment place in the world in the next few years.

He already had a plan to exchange equity with a small part of Chuhe Film and Television, and began to convince Disney shareholders.

I watched Bruckheimer wander around the capital all day long, getting along with the neighbors, and even got the nickname "Old Mo".

Shanhe couldn't help teasing him, "Old Mo, I think you are too happy to think about Shu. Are you not going to take this job at Disney?"

Bruckheimer handed the pancake and soy milk he just bought to Shanhe, and skillfully stirred up the eggs.

"Qiu, you are wrong. I am working for Disney, but I am not working for it. My relationship with Disney is more of a cooperative relationship. I am not a shareholder of Disney!"

Shanhe took the breakfast bought by Bruckheimer and responded with a smile: "You can really make yourself proud. Apart from Disney, have you ever cooperated with other companies in so many years?"

"I can make money at Disney, why should I look for someone else!"

"I think so too." Shanhe took a sip of soy milk and responded, "So, you don't have to worry that I will kick Disney away!"

"Why should I worry? It's Robert Iger who needs to worry!" Bruckheimer replied inarticulately while chewing pancakes.

"Then why did you stay in the capital for so long?"

"As long as I live here with you, I will have completed the task assigned to me by Robert Egger. I don't care about the rest!"

"still got more?"

Bruckheimer swallowed the pancake in his mouth, took a sip of soy milk, nodded and said,

"Well, Robert is planning to exchange equity with your company. Qiu, you are already qualified to get along with Disney on an equal footing. China is the next point of contention for Hollywood film and television companies!"

Shanhe looked at Bruckheimer, "Do you think I should exchange shares with Disney?"

"Exchange! Why not exchange? A small exchange will not affect your control, and you can also have many substantial allies in Hollywood, which will be beneficial to you!"

Shanhe nodded and did not continue the topic, "Jerry, I will take you to the zoo today, do you want to go?"

"Take me to feed the tigers?"

"No, you can only watch from outside!"

After working as a breeder at Liger Mountain for a month, Shanhe was already very familiar with the tigers he took care of.

The most docile one is indeed the tigress named "Ruyi". Except for being anxious and roaring when feeding, she is very well-behaved at other times. Especially when she listens to Xu Yanmei's words, she will run over as soon as she is called.

Xu Yanmei even occasionally playfully interacted with her across the fence. Shanhe was very jealous when he saw one person and one tiger making out, but he definitely didn't dare to come forward. He had seen them eating, and no matter how docile they were, they were still lethal. Full.

The most observed male tiger in the mountains and rivers is a male tiger named "Black Stripe". He is named after his black hair and is the boss of this group of artificially raised tigers!

Shanhe regards it as the prototype of "Richard Parker". Of course, it is estimated to be much more majestic than the Richard Parker in the book.

"Black Stripe" is a Siberian tiger with a body length of 2.5 meters and a weight of 270 kilograms. I guess there are not many tigers bigger than it!

Most of the picture albums prepared by Shanhe are various portraits and sketches about "Black Patterns".

"Shanhe, you have been in the Liger Garden for more than a month. How long does it take to experience life?"

Lao Zheng came to deliver food to his wife again. When he saw Shanhe lying on the table with "black stripes" drawn on the lifeboat and roaring angrily on the lifeboat, he said aloud,

"Hey! The black lines painted by you are so majestic!"

Shanhe raised his head and smiled at Lao Zheng, "Stay a few more days and gain inspiration from the tiger!"

"You are so lenient! I have to report to you how long Shanhe will stay! Old Li really wishes that Shanhe would stay in Liger Mountain for a longer period of time!" Xu Yanmei rolled her eyes at her talkative husband.

"He really wants Shanhe to stay in Liger Mountain for the rest of his life, right?"

Lao Zheng greeted Shanhe and said, "We'll paint later. I've prepared your meals."

Shanhe was not polite, put down the picture album and sat over, "I won't miss Brother Zheng's food. Sister Xu is on vacation the day after tomorrow, and I will invite your family to my home."

"Shanhe, why do we let you treat us?" Xu Yanmei waved her hand and refused.

"Why not?"

Shanhe picked up a piece of pork belly and stuffed it into his mouth, "I've already eaten so many meals from Brother Zheng, and you allow me to eat and drink for free, but you're not allowed to get a meal back!"

"You are different from us!"

"Sister Xu, what you said is really unpleasant. Although there are many people coming to Liger Mountain to see me, you can't really treat me like a tiger!" Shan He took the pork rib soup handed over by Zheng Yufeng and replied.

"Ha ha…"

Zheng Yufeng said with a smile: "Shanhe sincerely invites you, please don't be pretentious. It has been more than a month and you still don't understand who he is."

"Brother Zheng is still open. Sister Xu, remember to bring Zheng Xiaonan with you."

"Hey! If she were here right now, she could jump three feet high!"

Xu Yanmei glanced at her careless husband, "It's not appropriate for us to be guests at your home."

"Sister Xu, as the old saying goes, you are my master. What's wrong with inviting the master to a meal?"

Shanhe looked at the hesitant Xu Yanmei, "I am the only one in the capital. By the way, there is also a foreigner. There are not so many messy rules! That's it, I'll pick you up the day after tomorrow!"

"How could this happen!"

Shanhe lived a comfortable and ordinary life in the zoo, and the Chinese Film Market entered the busiest time of the year.

The Lunar New Year period from 2008 to 2009 has begun!

On December 5th, Chen Kaige's "Mei Lanfang" debuted first. This is his first film after the failure of "The Promise".

Famous actors such as Liming Lai, Zhang Ziyi, Chen Hong, Sun Honglei, and Wang Xueqi have joined the cast.

The film's box office exceeded 10 million on the first day it was released, which is considered an excellent start among art films.

Then it exceeded 50 million yuan in the first week, and various press releases on the Internet were bragging that Brother Chen Kai seemed to be back to his peak level.

Shanhe had never seen this movie in his previous life, so he couldn't hold back his curiosity and watched it again in the screening room of the Jiahe Capital flagship store.

The first half of "Mei Lanfang" was indeed shot very well. It can be said that it is completed in one go, with constant climaxes and wonderful lines. The setting and character charm of the characters are top-notch.

Poet Chen's aesthetic skills are fully demonstrated in this link. Whether it is the restoration of the old capital or the setting of the environment and atmosphere that blends with the emotions of the characters, they are all very clear.

But after the wonderful "Farewell" part, the quality of the film began to show a downward trend.

The content is not rich and the emotions are not comprehensive. Problems such as Mei Lanfang's art, personality, integrity and many other aspects have begun to appear. Mei Lanfang has not reached the ideal level to express.

Poet Chen's control over "Mei Lanfang" became weaker and weaker as time went on, and the film's length and dullness almost drove many viewers crazy.

The performance of Wang Xueqi, who plays Thirteen Yans, is at its peak, and Sun Honglei also performs extremely well. The protagonist Liming looks dim against the backdrop of the two!

"Mei Lanfang" can only be said to be half a masterpiece, and Poet Chen's comeback, which he has been preparing for more than two years, can only be said to be barely passing!

What a pity!

Shanhe returned to the courtyard with regrets. Why couldn't Brother Chen Kai return to the level of filming "Farewell My Concubine"?

Shanhe admires "Farewell My Concubine" very much. He watched it several times in his last life and was deeply impressed by almost every scene. Leslie Cheung did not win the Best Actor at Cannes, which is really one of the biggest injustices at the Cannes Film Festival.

His performance in "Farewell My Concubine" is unparalleled!

In mid-December, a movie that was originally not expected to be a dark horse at the box office, Donnie Yen's "Ip Man" unexpectedly won praise from the audience.

As soon as it was released, "Mei Lanfang" was regarded as a stepping stone. The box office reached 40 million yuan in the first week, which greatly exceeded the expectations of the media and the film industry.

The Lunar New Year season from 2008 to 2009 is not as competitive as the previous year, but there are still a lot of movies.

In addition to the above two films, Feng Xiaogang's "If You Are the One", Andy Lau's "The Dragon and the Phoenix", and the second part of Wu Ershan's "Painted Skin" will all be released during the Lunar New Year.

Shanhe also saw several completely unfamiliar movie names in the list of films to be released, probably due to the changes brought about by Shanhe's wings.

In addition, Wu Jing's name also appeared on the director list, and "Wolf Fang" is his directorial debut!

Of course, the participation of Hollywood movies is also indispensable. Nicolas Cage's "See the Future" should not be underestimated. The IMAX giant-screen version of "Madagascar 2" also brought a different movie-watching experience to Chinese audiences.

The 3DIMAX movie "Lightning Dog" is expected to have greater box office revenue under the influence of Shanhe.

In short, the Lunar New Year period is still on the rise, and Chuhe Film and Television is still eyeing the Spring Festival period and is sure to win!

"Painted Skin 2" will be released on the 29th of the twelfth lunar month, the last weekend of 2008.

In late December, "Painted Skin 2" began to be promoted through all channels. Director Wu Ershan and starring Zhou Xun, Zeng Li, and Chen Kun frequently appeared in newspapers, magazines and TV.

The music, highlights, and trailers of the movie can be seen everywhere on the Internet. An investment of 100 million yuan was not a small amount in 2008.

The audience is looking forward to this sequel.

Shanhe finally said goodbye to Liger Mountain at the Beijing Zoo in late December. Apart from the special effects production of "Gravity" and the writing of "The Life of Yi", he has no other plans at the end of this year.

Shanhe decided to go home early to accompany Qiu Chuxi, who was left alone. Shanhe and his family had already traveled to the United States, and they would spend Christmas with the Hathaway family in New York.

Hathaway will also follow them directly to the Magic City, and this time Shanhe will take her back to her hometown!

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