Rhapsody of Entertainment Rebirth

Chapter 351 Chapter 351: The Horn of Revival

Although Cameron did not enjoy the treatment of standing up, there was no shortage of applause and cheers.

After receiving the trophy from the "Big Mouth Beauty", he showed no excitement like Shanhe, and leaned into the microphone and started talking.

"I've been holding it in for a long time down there. I have a lot to say. Don't rush to play music. Let me finish!"

Cameron is indeed crazy enough. The Golden Globe Awards ceremony seemed to be his set, and he arranged the scene from the beginning!

"Tonight is a wonderful night to be with so many creative talents. It is a perfect night and we have a perfect career! Yau, you are the best director tonight, but I won Best Picture, the winner is still undecided between you and me, God is looking forward to us meeting again, our agreement is very exciting!”

The camera lens is pointed directly at the mountains and rivers,

Shanhe smiled and gave Cameron a thumbs up on the stage.

"In addition to my opponents, I saw many seniors and colleagues who I admire in the audience. Many of them were my partners. This is our job, this is our dream, and this is also the charm of the Golden Globe Awards. , applaud yourself, our job is to bring joy to the world..."

Cameron's speech was indeed passionate and long, but the response from the guests in the audience was not enthusiastic, and the applause was only normal.

It seems that Cameron's reputation among his Hollywood peers is really not very good!

But Cameron on the stage didn't care at all and just said what he wanted to say.

Shanhe laughed and complained endlessly. It seems that the king of Hollywood directors is not popular among the people!

After Cameron finished his speech, the Golden Globe Awards dinner was announced to be over one minute later.

The guests in the audience stood up and left one after another, really not giving Cameron any face.

Shanhe and Hathaway looked at each other, smiled slightly, walked onto the stage, and hugged Cameron.

"Congratulations! James!"

Cameron smiled and laughed at himself and replied,

"Thank you! Qiu, it seems that you are the only opponent I can sympathize with!"

"Ha ha…"

Shanhe laughed and responded, "If you are not jealous, you are a mediocre person. Do you care about this!"

"Of course I don't care! Qiu, it seems that you feel it too!"

Shanhe smiled, I have never had such a bad reputation as you. Not to mention in China, I have many more friends than you in Hollywood!

"James, I'm leaving now, we'll talk later!"

"OK! Thank you, Qiu, for coming to my house when you have time!"


The Golden Globe Awards are over, and "Gravity" missed out on a chance to win Best Picture.

The Golden Globe Awards also cannot avoid the tradition of dividing the cake.

But for this result, most of the outside media and the public are relatively certain. Although the Golden Ball is suspected of sharing the cake, the reasons are very good.

Because it faithfully reflects the box office and reputation of the film market.

There is no sense of frustration or regret in the country because of the failure of "Gravity". The award of best picture is no longer important to the public.

They were still immersed in the emotions brought to them by the mountains and rivers.

At this time, the patriotic storm set off by mountains and rivers has just begun.

Shanhe's sincere improvisation in his speech brought touch and passion to China and continued to spread as time went by.

As the various media outlets came to an end, Chuhe Film and Television also followed the boss's speech to express its position on the Internet.

"The boss's announcement is the direction of Chuhe Film and Television. We love you too! More than anything else!"

Following this, all the co-directors and contracted actors of Chuhe Film and Television also posted on their social network accounts one by one.

Ning Hao, Wu Ershan, Xu Ke, Zeng Li, Huang Bo, Wang Baoqiang and others all repeated this declaration-like confession immediately.

"I love you! More than anything!" This sentence began to ferment in the film and television industry.

State-owned film and television companies such as China Film Group Corporation, Shanghai Film Group Corporation, and Bona Film Group Co., Ltd. all stepped down and followed suit.

Within a few hours, almost all celebrities in the film and television industry posted their voices on the Internet.

Even Hong Kong celebrities are following the rhythm of Shanhe to express their opinions.

Liang Jiahui, Cheng Long, Zhou Xingchi, Chen Baixiang, Zhong Zhentao and others also responded to the national call.

On this day, patriotism became the theme of China Internet.

On the Internet, this radiant pride was shouted out by netizens, and people seemed to have returned to the pride and excitement of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.

And all this didn't end there, the storm continued!

Subsequently, the official website of the National Space Administration posted an animated model video of the intersection and docking of Tiangong-1 and Shenzhou-8, and announced that next year will be the first year of the Chinese Space Station!

Its title is "I love you more than anything!"

The National Supercomputing Center also released the design renderings of the latest supercomputer "Tianhe-1" on the Internet, announcing to the public that China will catch up with Western countries in the field of large computers.

Its title is still "I love you more than anything!"

China Aviation Industry Group immediately posted photos of the AC313 prototype, the first large civil helicopter independently developed and produced in China, and also announced that China Aviation Industry Group has begun independent research and development of the large passenger aircraft C919.

The title is still "I love you more than anything!"

Not to be outdone, the National Railway Construction Group announced the first domestic maglev train that has rolled off the assembly line, and gave a detailed introduction to its performance and speed, announcing that China will fully enter the high-speed rail era.

The title remains unchanged - "I love you more than anything!"

This headline storm swept through various industries across the country like a hurricane.

Since the new century, the country's scientific research achievements and future directions have been displayed in front of the public one by one.

"I love you more than anything else!" is no longer an empty rhetoric, it has become a real work and vow!

The Chinese people looked at these scientific and technological breakthroughs that heralded the prosperity of the country and the rejuvenation of the nation, and they were moved and inspired beyond words.

Nothing can stop you!

We, China, are coming back, and we will surely stand among the nations and be on top of the world!

CCTV's "News Broadcast" that night spent a full five minutes reporting on the national patriotic storm triggered by mountains and rivers.

The two hosts even had red eyes during the broadcast. I believe that no Chinese person would remain indifferent.

The subsequent "Focus Interview" is still tracking this spontaneous social event, and its title is still "I love you more than anything!".

Shanhe made a heartfelt speech at the Hollywood Golden Globe Awards Ceremony, which made the whole of China excited!

This year is precisely the year when China's GDP surpassed Neon and closely followed that of Country M. Everything seems to be moving forward with the times.

On the other side of the Pacific, in Los Angeles, Shanhe also received domestic news.

Facing the storm caused by him on the Internet, he could no longer suppress his inner emotion, and his eyes instantly filled with tears!

He did not expect that his momentary remarks would trigger such an astonishing momentum.

He was proud to have such compatriots, and felt honored and lucky to be one of them. He was so excited that he couldn't help himself.

At this time, he only had one thought, I want to return to China!

Kang Zhixuan on the side also had red eyes, this is my motherland, my roots, what an intoxicating and yearning feeling!

Hathaway hugged her fiancé, and even she could feel the indomitable excitement. She was extremely proud of her fiancé. This was her lover and hero!

In China, mountains and rivers represent revival, and he is the darling of the times!

A few years later, this day may be recorded in history, because it marks the beginning of China's transcendence, and Shanhe is the first to blow the horn of charge!

Coincidentally, on this day, the domestic box office of "Gravity" exceeded 2 billion, and the global box office exceeded "Titanic"'s 1.85 billion US dollars.

Following Cameron's "Avatar"!

And this patriotic storm has once again revived the domestic box office of "Gravity".

Chuhe Film and Television has applied for an extension key for "Gravity", and two billion is still not the bottom line of "Gravity".

Shanhe and his team returned to the capital on the third day after the Golden Globe Awards.

At this time, although the storm had calmed down a lot, it was still lingering.

People from all walks of life held a large-scale pick-up ceremony at Beijing International Airport.

The exit of the airport even had a banner reading "Welcome the crew of "Gravity" back with great success."

Shan He, Gong Li and the crew were all flattered when they saw the situation!

Greeting Han Shanping in the team, he immediately gave Shan He a solid hug.

"Shanhe, you have done a great job! You have given Chinese Film a huge boost of popularity!"

Shanhe was a little unaccustomed to Han Shanping's enthusiasm.

"Uncle Han, there is no need to engage in such a big battle, it's just a Golden Globe Award. I just said what needs to be said!"

"Haha...your words have touched everyone's heart!" Han Shanping replied with a smile,

"Go out and see how many people spontaneously picked you up at the airport gate. Your words inspired the whole of China. I cried at that time!"

After receiving flowers and cheers at the airport exit, the group was interviewed by CCTV.

"Shanhe, can you tell me how you felt when you won the award?"

"I didn't prepare a speech. I just expressed it impromptu. I just wanted to thank my motherland and compatriots for their support. At the same time, I am proud of myself as a son and daughter of the Chinese nation. I think every Chinese person is the same as me!"

"What do you think of the patriotic trend in the country caused by your words?"

"I am very moved and proud. Patriotism can be spoken loudly, and of course it is reflected in daily work. We are already on the road to revival. There is nothing to be inferior to and cowardly. Everything is destined for us to only move forward. rush!"

"How do you understand this sentence?"

"No need to explain, this is what I feel. I will continue to work hard to prove this sentence. It is part of my dream, just follow your heart. I think all Chinese people are the same. This is something engraved in our bones." !”

"Gong Li, you were at the scene at the time. Can you tell me how you felt?"

"We were all very moved. Really, in a foreign country, in front of the global public, what Shan He said was so proud and inspiring. He has a fearless and indomitable heart! We all jumped up and applauded Shan He at that time. , I really didn’t expect him to say it so straightforwardly and so touchingly!”

After the brief interview, although Shanhe was excited, he did not stay too long at the airport.

There are too many reporters and fans outside the airport. If Shanhe stops for a while, it will cause great trouble to the airport.

Although he just waved to everyone, he was touched by the cheers and support he received.

"Shanhe, well done!"

"We support you! Come on!"

"Shanhe, you are our pride!"

Shanhe once again experienced the enthusiasm and excitement of the domestic public, and was once again touched by his compatriots.

My life will never be in vain!

Shanhe's return to China has once again become the focus of media reports.

The public pays great attention to the core figure who moved and inspired them and set off a patriotic storm.

But Shanhe did not accept any more interviews, nor did he make any more remarks. It was not enough to go too far, and it was not his original intention to hype his patriotism in such a high-profile manner.

Passion and emotion are just short-lived outbursts, and true faith must be put into plain persistence.

Mountains and rivers brought excitement to China, and he was also moved. After two days of emotion, he took his mind back and focused on the new book again.

"Young Yi's Life of Fantasy" is the most piecemeal book Shan He has written. I wrote and wrote back and forth, and finally reached the end.

The most difficult part of Yi's childhood growth has been overcome intermittently, and now it is just a matter of smoothly connecting the entire novel.

Shanhe thought about it for two days and still used the interview with the writer in the movie as a thread to connect the story.

The story begins, develops and ends with a conversation between the writer and the middle-aged Yi.

At the beginning of the novel, the writer begins to interview Zhongnian Yi on the pretext of seeking writing materials, and the story begins with Zhongnian Yi's memories.

Each node of the story is connected through interviews between the two people, so that the story will not be disjointed and the time span can be easily controlled.

Shanhe borrows almost entirely from the film’s serial form.

After experiencing the difficult creation period of the young Yi Yi, the writer's conversation with the middle-aged Yi was particularly smooth.

Some fine-tuning was also made to the previous article.

At the end of the story, after middle-aged Yi told the writer the story of Life of Fantasy, he looked at the writer's disbelieving eyes and told him another story from the perspective of a shipwreck claims investigator.

This story is no longer fantastic and ethereal, no longer full of romantic beauty like a fairy tale, it is dark and cruel!

There is no tiger Richard Parker, no female orangutan, no injured zebra or hyena in this story.

Some are just injured sailors with Buddha nature, violent and violent boatswain, and young Yi and his mother.

Hungry made the boatswain kill the sailors and feed on them. Later, his mother was killed by the boatswain in order to protect the young Yi.

In the end, the angry boy Yi killed the boatswain and drifted across the Pacific alone to survive.

This story is more realistic and rational than Life of Fantasy, and the writer is doubtful about the two stories of middle-aged Yi.

Although dark stories sound more common sense,

But is this the truth?

Shanhe deliberately added several flaws in the book to make the whole story more intriguing, more open-ended, and more able to arouse debate among readers, thereby triggering reflection and enthusiasm.

"Which story do you believe?"

"I prefer to believe in the more fantastical one!"

"This is your choice. We all have the opportunity to choose. I chose to let go of everything and become a part of the natural world, so I survived! You can believe everything or deny everything. This is human Choice, and choice determines the world you see!"

Shanhe wrote the final ending to the whole story.

The first draft of "The Life of Yi" was completed after one year and eight months.

I briefly browsed it and sent it to Qu Ling. There was no rush to revise the draft. It was already the end of the year and Xu Ke's "Di Renjie: The God of Dragon King" was about to be released.

It’s time for “Avatar”’s unstoppable sweep across the country to end!

Time has entered February 2010,

"Gravity" has ended its overseas release, and the global box office has exceeded 1.9 billion US dollars. Domestically, it is still on the movie theater schedule because it has applied for an extension key.

Because of Shanhe's patriotic storm at the Golden Globe Awards, "Gravity" has experienced a rebound in the domestic market. The domestic box office has exceeded 2.1 billion, accumulating 2.13 billion yuan, and has been screened for 13 years. week!

But the 3D show still has a very high attendance rate! Movie fans' demand for 3D screenings remains high.

In its fifth week of domestic release, "Avatar" has grossed more than 900 million yuan in box office, approaching the threshold of one billion yuan. It has now entered its sixth week and is still unrivaled in the country.

Domestic films were defeated one after another in Maicheng and were completely defeated. "The Tomb" and "Mulan" both ended sadly, and the 2D screen became the world of "Avatar".

Only "Gravity" can compete with it in terms of 3D screenings.

After nearly ten weeks of global screenings, the global box office of "Avatar" has reached close to 2.5 billion US dollars, which has widened the gap with "Gravity".

Alone is far ahead, and all the film media have lamented it, saying that Cameron has created a box office record that is difficult to break.

Only Shanhe knows that his intrusion still has a greater impact on "Avatar". It is estimated that it will be difficult for it to reach the global box office of nearly 2.8 billion US dollars in its previous life.

During the New Year's Eve period of more than three months, two 3D movies created a global box office storm of US$4.5 billion. This storm brought astonishing changes to the global film industry.

Hollywood film companies have started research and application of 3D technology.

Subsequently, dozens of large-scale 3D movie projects were approved.

Many movies have even begun post-production of "pseudo-3D".

3D technology has completely become the development trend of world movies.

"Gravity" has had a greater impact on the domestic film industry. Not to mention 3D technology, the domestic film box office alone is more than 2.1 billion, which is enough to make film companies and investors crazy.

2.1 billion yuan, nearly 300 million US dollars! "Gravity" will recoup its entire cost based on domestic box office alone.

With a global revenue of 1.9 billion U.S. dollars, how much money did Disney and Chuhe Film and Television make?

Shan He's director's salary alone was 200 million U.S. dollars, which is crazy!

The domestic film industry has entered a booming situation ahead of time, with all kinds of hot money pouring in, and domestic film companies entering a period of rapid development.

Various films that were originally shelved have come to life one after another, and some outdated directors from Hong Kong and Taiwan have suddenly become popular.

It seems that Hong Kong and Taiwan movies have a chance to come back to life. For a while, movies such as "The Golden Guard", "The Wheel", "Drug War", "Cold War", "Heart War" and so on have been put into preparation.

Large-scale special effects productions have also been put on the desks of various film companies, and 3D technology has become popular.

They dare not think of a movie worth more than 20 billion. A movie like "Gravity" is not easy to make, but more than 1 billion is still possible.

Although Shanhe is such a pervert in China, according to the current situation, in two or three years, the domestic film market will have no problem supporting a large-scale production worth 300 to 400 million yuan.

Three to four hundred million yuan is enough to complete a live-action 3D movie in China. After all, it is impossible for every movie to burn as much money as Shanhe and Cameron!

This is the future of movies, and every movie company wants to have this kind of technical reserve.

But all the domestic talents who know 3D technology are in Chuhe Film and Television.

Ning Hao, Xu Ke, and Wu Ershan have become the public relations centers of various film companies.

If you can poach them, poach them; if you can't poach them, you can still put money into their projects!

Ning Hao didn't even have the script for "Bring My Eyes", but investors finalized most of it. Chuhe Film and Television was the main investor, and the film companies that followed the investment almost quarreled over their shares.

It seems that no one is worried about losing money. Ning Hao himself feels a bit dreamy. I blew it out and it was nearly 400 million yuan, which is equivalent to 70 million U.S. dollars. No one has any objections. When did domestic film companies become so rich? Already?

Not to mention Xu Ke's "Taking Tiger Mountain by Wisdom". The movie doesn't have many 3D shooting scenes, there are only a few battles, and most of them are concentrated at the end of the movie.

But the investment budget has also reached 250 million, which is not a small amount. However, the money comes too easily.

If it weren't for Chuhe Film and Television's project, Bona would have wanted to take over!

Wu Ershan was still making preliminary preparations for "Painted Skin 3", and investors came to him to book investment in the next movie. They could negotiate any amount!

Wu Ershan was complaining in his heart. Paralysis 3D is not as simple as you think. There is no experienced team and only money to support it. They are all red-eyed by the boss's success!

When Shanhe was filming "Gravity", he had to rely on Disney's help to start filming!

Even Bai Yuxia and everyone in the 201 dormitory were poached and stuffed with money. They got together and couldn't laugh or cry. We hold on to Shanhe. If we want a promising future and a lot of money, only fools will gamble with you.

The Chinese film market seems to be full of hot money, but there are not many Chinese films at the end of the year.

Compared with previous Lunar New Year festivals, the competition was mostly deserted by "Gravity" and "Avatar".

"Confucius", which claims to have spent ten years writing the screenplay and invested 50 million yuan, served as a pathfinder.

Directed by the great director Hu Mei, it stars nearly 20 stars including Zhou Runfa, Zhou Xun, and Chen Jianbin, making it a star-studded production.

But it was of no use. The box office did not even reach 20 million in the first week, and it dropped rapidly the next week.

Honestly speaking, "Confucius" was pretty good. Although there are some flaws in the plot, the whole movie is still a 70% standard. Zhou Runfa played Confucius quite tastefully.

But at that time, the domestic public had just tasted two fresh special effects feasts, how could they swallow a plain biography of a historical figure!

Everyone avoided this devilish schedule.

Only Xu Ke's "Di Renjie: Dragon King of Gods" rose to the challenge and began full publicity.

The Spring Festival defense war for Chinese-language films has begun. Facing "Avatar", Chuhe Film and Television is not a loser. "Gravity" is in the front and "Detective Dee" is behind, launching a siege on "Avatar"!

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