Rhapsody of Entertainment Rebirth

Chapter 381 Chapter 381: The Battle of the Spring Festival

When Shanhe returned to the courtyard with exhaustion and satisfaction from traveling in the southwest mountains for more than a month, the first person to greet him was Doudou, a ten-year-old Labrador.

One year old for a dog is equivalent to seven years old for a human. Doudou has already entered old age, but the Shanhe family takes good care of it. Xie Meiyu even made a special diet menu for Doudou based on the veterinarian's advice.

Although Doudou is no longer as vigorous and lively as before, he is still healthy and happy.

The old dog becomes the best!

It is much smarter than when it was young. Ever since Hathaway married into the Qiu family, it has understood that it has another mistress.

As Hathaway's belly grew bigger, Doudou often followed Hathaway, as if she knew that soon, she would have a new little owner.

Hathaway likes Doudou who has become smart and steady. One person and one dog often sit together in the courtyard to bask in the sun, and inexplicably talk about the little bear in her belly.

Shanhe comforted Doudou, who was rarely active and excited, looked at his wife who went out with Doudou to greet his wife, and said with a smile:

"Annie, I'm back!"

Hathaway stepped forward and gave her husband a hug and a kiss.

"My dear, don't do such dangerous things in the future, okay? The whole family is worried about you. When you went down the cliff, my heart almost jumped out of my chest!"

"I will not do it again!"

Shanhe took his wife's hand and changed the subject with a smile.

"How's Little Bear doing lately? Are you still kicking you?"

"He can't stay any longer, Qiu. Our Bernie must be very healthy and strong. Mom Xie said he will be even more naughty than you were when you were a child!"

"Ha ha…"

Shanhe returned to his daily life despite his mother's scolding and his family's nagging.

And the wave brought about by his trip to the southwest is far from over.

"Come to school with me!" ” and “Let the Bullets Fly!” "no the same!

"Let the bullets fly! Shan He's cameo in "" brought joy and laughter to everyone, but these are just entertainment gossips after dinner, and will soon be covered by other movies or entertainment topics.

But "Come to school with me!" "What it brings to everyone is shocking, followed by thinking and action.

Shanhe puts the facts that were previously ignored by the public before their eyes.

In the past few years, what everyone has seen is the rapid development of the country, the rapid changes in the city, and the increasingly rich life. No one pays attention to those remote corners of the country.

"Come to school with me!" "Like a sharp steel needle, it pierced into the hearts of all sectors of society, bringing far-reaching thoughts and touches.

As all walks of life turn their attention to education and poverty alleviation, Qiu Jiang, the least-known member of the Shanhe family of four, unexpectedly surfaced.

He and Chu He hope that the decades-long persistence of the foundation will be exposed to the public bit by bit.

When the information about hundreds of Hope Primary Schools was placed in front of the public, everyone was shocked by Qiu Jiang's silent actions.

Many people in poor areas helped by the Chuhe Foundation have left their hometowns and become students, businessmen or workers.

They also left messages on the Internet to testify and express their gratitude to Qiu Jiang and the Chuhe Foundation. Their sincere words moved the public.

The ten years of work of Qiu Jiang and Chuhe Foundation were revealed to the public one by one with these messages.

The name Qiu Jiang suddenly became popular on the Internet, not as Shanhe's father, but as a Project Hope volunteer who touched the whole of China.

"Come to school with me!" 》The core figure who caused this wave quickly transferred from Shanhe to Qiujiang.

The national media and the public were amazed by this. Everyone in this family is not simple!

For a time, various titles and praises came to Qiu Jiang, and the Chuhe Foundation was sought after by countless netizens.

Companies and individuals also rushed to express their desire to donate money and materials to the Chuhe Foundation.

Qiu Jiang's life suddenly increased with all kinds of interviews and entertainment.

Qiu Jiang is a standard idealist. He has been an angry youth with strong literary and artistic attributes since he was young. There are many aspects of Shanhe that are greatly influenced by his father.

It is conceivable that Qiu Jiang is not good at and does not like to deal with these disturbances.

As time went by, he really couldn't get used to the praise and praise. Just like Shanhe when he was a junior high school student, Qiu Jiang was frightened and had no choice but to hide at home without leaving the door.

While the whole family was making fun of his embarrassing appearance, they were also proud of what Qiu Jiang had done.

Shanhe admired his father very much. Compared with other people in the family, he had no special talents and was very ordinary. However, he always adhered to his original intention and did not change much because of wealth and fame.

For more than ten years, he has maintained the style of a high school teacher with high sensibility.

In his own words: I am content in this life, and now I want to do something to help the children. Without the teacher's help all the way, I would not have what I have today. Besides, all I spent was the money earned by Xiaohe and Meiyu. I have nothing worthy of being praised, and I don’t need such praise!

Yu Zhengchong and his wife were extremely satisfied with their proud disciples!

Time flies by in the bustle, and New Year's Day 2011 is here.

This year's Lunar New Year festival is full of domestic blockbusters, with Jiang Wen's "Let the Bullets Fly", Feng Xiaogang's "Tangshan Earthquake" and Chen Kaige's "The Orphan of Zhao" being released one after another.

The domestic film market is in a state of carnival. The box office of "Let the Bullets Fly" has nearly doubled that of the original version, exceeding RMB 1.2 billion.

"Tangshan Earthquake" also exceeded 600 million in three weeks, and "The Orphan of Zhao" was slightly worse, also giving a box office result of 75 million in its first week.

I have watched these three movies all over the world, but "Tangshan Earthquake" is the same as in my memory, nothing has changed.

But "The Orphan of Zhao" has undergone considerable changes. Although it still has some flaws, it has been greatly improved compared to the original version in Shanhe Memory.

Shanhe's intrusion had a great impact on Brother Chen Kai, and he seemed to be letting go of his excessive pride little by little.

The reputation of "The Orphan of Zhao" is still polarizing, but judging from the box office alone, this movie will be Chen Kai's most outstanding film in recent years.

The forecast given by the media is between 400 million and 500 million yuan.

At the same time, all kinds of bad movies inevitably appeared in the movie market.

Films such as "The Great Laughter", "The New God of Cookery" and "The New 72 Tenants" relied on their stars and marketing to achieve considerable box office success despite negative word-of-mouth reviews.

In this hot market, the film and television industry and the public are paying special attention to Spring Festival movies.

After several years of preparation and development, the Spring Festival stalls have surpassed the traditional end-of-year Lunar New Year stalls.

This is the most prosperous period in China in the next few years and generates the most box office, and it has already shown great success.

This schedule first developed by Chuhe Film and Television has always been regarded as its own territory, and it has never failed to give up its position at the top of the schedule.

This year, two movies of different types were launched: the comedy film "Journey to the West: The Return of the Great Sage" directed by Xu Zheng and starring Ge You, Huang Bo and Wang Baoqiang.

The purpose of Chuhe Film and Television is obvious, and it is trying to continue to consolidate Chuhe Film and Television’s dominance in the Spring Festival.

But other domestic film companies are not vegetarians. They are all coveting this increasingly popular schedule, and the competition has become increasingly fierce.

This year’s Spring Festival has an unprecedented number of movies released, including many with big investments and many stars.

Huayi's "New Shaolin Temple" and "Global Love", Emperor's "Family Happiness 2011", StarMedia's "The Amazing Heroes" and other films will be released during the Spring Festival.

Many domestic film companies have formed a situation of siege against Chuhe Film and Television.

The entire Chuhe Film and Television felt the pressure. Chuhe Distribution Company was prepared for this. Even Zhong Lifeng, the big boss of Chuhe Film and Television, personally participated in the promotion of the two movies.

For a time, the publicity for "The Journey to Thailand" was carried out through various channels to the greatest extent, and various methods were used frequently.

During this period, Xu Zheng, Huang Bo, and Wang Baoqiang have had an astonishingly high exposure in various media such as the Internet and TV.

They sang, participated in variety shows, and had countless interviews. Even the mountains and rivers were indirectly brought in by the three of them.

The flow of mountains and rivers is huge. Watch "Let the Bullets Fly!" "You know. Jiang Wen himself admitted that Shanhe's cameo added at least 300 million to the film's box office. Without Shanhe's cameo, the movie would not have exceeded 1 billion.

If you don’t mess around now, wait until later!

The three of them boasted about Shanhe's participation and optimism in "囧" on various occasions.

He Shanhe provided suggestions for the script, He Shanhe burst into laughter after watching it, and "The Instant Universe" was inspired by "Thailand". All kinds of specious news were blown up by the three of them!

Don't tell me, the effect is quite good. Many fans of Shanhe said they would go to the theater to see it.

"Journey to the West: The Return of the Great Sage" also showed no signs of weakness, and the trailer was posted everywhere on the Internet.

Various media outlets are also hyping up conceptual topics such as "taking back China Animation's global leading position" and "direct collision between China Animation and Hollywood".

They even produced a batch of anime peripherals and gave them away via lottery to families with children on the Internet.

Zhong Lifeng and Yang Liu also felt that the promotion and publicity efforts were not enough, so they came directly to the door and asked Shanhe to recommend two movies to the public.

Shanhe couldn't laugh or cry at the request of the two heroines. He was not worried at all about the box office prospects of the two movies.

"Thailand" and "The Return of the Great Sage" are both landmark films in the past, and both are breakthroughs in domestic comedy films and animated films.

Facing several competitors whose films Shanhe has no impression of, this Spring Festival episode is simply a crushing game, without even having to take any action of your own!

He doesn't want to make himself so utilitarian!

"Your demands are too much! I don't even express my opinions to the fans about my own movies. I definitely won't do this kind of thing. It hurts my character!"

Yang Liu and Shan He always spoke directly and complained carelessly.

"My boss! You are too idealistic. You have no taboos now, so there is no need to cherish feathers so much!"

"This is my principle!"

Shan He glanced at Yang Liu, "This matter is not negotiable!"

Zhong Lifeng saw this and said to Shanhe:

"Shanhe and Chuhe Film and Television are under great pressure. Several domestic film companies have teamed up to attack us. Chuhe Film and Television cannot lose this Spring Festival, at least not now. Our development momentum cannot be compromised at this time. interrupt!"

"Can't interrupt!"

Shanhe responded categorically:

"I have watched both "囧" and "The Return of the Great Sage". According to my judgment, the box office of the two movies is at least 600 to 800 million yuan. No one can pose a threat to us during this Spring Festival!"

"Can there be so many?"

"Can "The Return of the Great Sage" also have 600 million?"

Zhong Lifeng and Yang Liu looked at each other and grinned.

"What, you don't trust my judgment?"

"No way! Who are you? The famous Iron-mouthed Immortal!"

"With your words, I feel safe!"

Shan He looked at the backs of the two people leaving easily and shook his head with a smile. The world and the earth are working together. As a reborn person, he estimates that he enjoys more than 10% of China's luck!

It's not enough to just pick up the wool from China, you still have to stretch out your hoe to Hollywood, and you still have to copy what should be copied without hesitation!

It’s time to write the script for “Joker.”

Just a few days ago, Bruckheimer called Shanhe. The wrangling between Disney and Time Warner has basically ended.

The investment ratio and various profit distributions of "Joker" have been basically determined. What is waiting now is Shanhe's script and investment budget.

However, DC Comics was very surprised and very sorry that Shanhe only saw a villain in Batman.

Its president, Diana Johnson, even called Shanhe directly and invited Shanhe for an interview next time in Hollywood.

On the phone, she repeatedly told Shanhe that Hathaway's Catwoman character would be shot in a separate series, and told Shanhe about DC Comics' initial planning for "Catwoman."

But Shanhe is really not interested in superheroes. He is not a Westerner and has no feelings for these comic heroes.

The reason why he remembered "Joker" and insisted on writing and filming him was because this movie represented the humbleness and depression of his previous life.

Coupled with Heath Ledger's experience and commitment to him, Shanhe is very sure of the madness and repressed evil in this story.

Moreover, this movie seems to have been a huge success in Shanhe's memory, and he believes that he can replicate or surpass this success.

The story of "Joker" is not complicated. It tells the story of the comic actor Arthur, who was transformed from a kind and cowardly little person by life and reality into a perverted devil in the first half of his life.

The filming of this movie was not easy. In the past, Shanhe did not have the confidence and certainty to succeed.

For Shan He, the two major difficulties in filming "Joker" were the background and the actors.

Arthur's tragedy is unique and accidental, but it does not exist alone. He represents the evil of Gotham City, and this Gotham City reflects the shadow of the real city everywhere.

It is not easy to create such a comic background that is bright and lively on the surface but is actually ugly and dirty, not to mention that there need to be enough scenes in this background to allude to reality.

The biggest good news for Shan He is that he has a leading actor who is a perfect fit. He is full of confidence in Heath Ledger. His acting skills and experience are perfect for the role of the Joker.

Having a good actor is equivalent to solving half the problem!

What Shanhe has to overcome is how to combine the background of Gotham City with reality. The success of "Joker" is inseparable from this factor.

Only by giving the audience a sufficient sense of immersion can it arouse their resonance, and can the movie be sufficiently talked about and explosive.

Shanhe naturally regarded New York as the reference background of Gotham City, and he happened to have two discussion candidates who grew up in New York.

In the days that followed, Shanhe began writing the script for "Joker", and his wife Hathaway and assistant Kang Zhixuan gave him a lot of help.

After listening to the outline of Shan He's story, the two M countrymen naturally understood the preferences of Westerners better than Shan He.

Hathaway was very interested in her husband's request for help. At seven months pregnant, she was completely different from the pregnant women in Shanhe's impression. She was much more energetic than before. She and Kang Zhixuan worked together as Shanhe's adviser and assistant throughout the whole process.

Shanhe began to fully read and research Gotham City and the Joker in the entire Batman comics. At the same time, Kang Zhixuan and Hathaway, two staff and assistants, found him a large amount of information on New York City according to Shanhe's request. And gave Shanhe a lot of suggestions.

Comparing the memories in his mind, each scene gradually took shape in Shanhe's pen, and the background renderings were also presented during the discussion between the three.

Time flies as the script of "Joker" becomes more and more complete, and the Spring Festival of the Year of the Rabbit in the Lunar Calendar is approaching step by step.

January 20, 2011, the great cold of the lunar calendar.

The premiere of Colorful Light's first 3D animated film and China's first 3D animated film "Journey to the West: The Return of the Great Sage" is here.

This movie is not only of great significance to Colorful Light and Chuhe Film and Television, but also has a huge impact on the entire Chinese animation film.

If the movie is successful, the entire Chinese animated film industry will be given a shot in the arm!

On the other hand, if it fails, Chinese animated films will probably continue to hibernate in darkness for several years.

The launch time of the colorful "Feng Shen" animated universe will inevitably be affected, and may be postponed for several years.

Hundreds of people in the colorful light were excited and looking forward to this moment, but they were also nervous and apprehensive!

Representatives include Tian Xiaopeng, the director of Colorful Lighting and the film’s director, and Dumpling, the deputy director of Colorful Lighting and the film’s technical and artistic director.

As hosts, the two of them welcomed all the guests present in the lobby of Jiahe Film and Television City.

Film and television giants such as Han Shanping, Ren Zhonglun, Yu Dong, and Wang Changtian shook hands and talked with the two one by one. Later, directors such as Zhang Yimou, Jiang Wen, and Chen Kaige also joined the ranks.

There were more actors and stars attending the premiere. Not to mention the contracted actors of Chuhe Film and Television, veteran actors such as Gong Li, Li Xuejian, Chen Daoming, Chen Baoguo, Zhang Guoli, etc. appeared one after another.

Zhou Xun, Jiang Wenli, Liu Ye, Chen Kun and other well-known first-line stars also came to the scene.

The premiere of an animated movie is comparable to Let the Bullets Fly! 》The premiere scene!

Tian Xiaopeng and Jiaozi have a high status in the domestic film and television industry. Colorful Light is the irrefutable leader in the domestic special effects animation industry, with its scale and strength far exceeding other special effects companies.

Colorful Light is backed by Chuhe Film and Television. The entire film and television industry knows that Shanhe's ambition is to enter Hollywood, and Colorful Light is the most important part of it.

Shanhe's partiality towards Colorful Light, asking for money, and asking for people, has long been spread from Chuhe Film and Television, and has spread throughout the Chinese film and television industry.

The future of Colorful Light is extremely bright, and domestic film and television companies have to cooperate with Colorful Light to a greater or lesser extent.

Even without Shanhe's reputation, the premiere scene would probably be very lively.

When Shan He and Hathaway appeared at the premiere, the red carpet show was already at its end.

As usual, the two walked into the theater hall to the cheers of the audience and the shouts of reporters.

Tian Xiaopeng and Diaozi came forward to greet them.

Seeing the complicated expressions of expectation, excitement, and apprehension between the two of them, Shanhe smiled slightly.

The previous version of "Journey to the West: The Return of the Great Sage" had many difficulties. It took a full eight years. During this period, the project faced many miscarriages, and Tian Xiaopeng lost all his money before he could sustain it.

In the end, this animated film cost 12 million US dollars and had thousands of investors. Before its release, there was very little publicity and promotion, and there was no premiere. It appeared on the big screen silently.

Relying on word-of-mouth alone, it counterattacked step by step, and finally harvested an astonishing box office of 960 million yuan, opening up the market and situation of domestic animation.

But in this life, the time was fully moved forward by four and a half years. The title of the film is also "The Return of the Great Sage". The entire brewing and production period took three years, with an investment of 180 million yuan.

Before the release, Chuhe Film and Television went all out to promote it for more than a month, and the scale of the premiere was no worse than any other movie.

Shanhe is very curious about how much the box office will be in the end. Can it surpass the original version and break one billion, creating a miracle for China's animated films?

The premiere was very grand, with several generations of Chinese animators taking the stage one by one to talk about the history of Chinese animation.

Representatives from various departments of Colorful Lighting also introduced the film’s inception, screenwriting, and production processes to the guest audience.

From the words of these Chinese animators, everyone can hear that they have great expectations for this film, and the hopes and tasks it carries are indeed not small.

Two hours later, the movie ended with Sun Wukong in his long fluttering red cloak. All the guests and audience took off their 3D glasses, stood up and gave their sincere applause.

In the eyes of the general audience, "The Return of the Monkey King" is much better than their expectations, and is not inferior to other animated films of the same type in Hollywood.

Whether it is the plot, character modeling, production level, or music effects, they are all excellent.

The most praiseworthy and fascinating thing is the essence and feelings that are unique to Chinese culture.

These are invisible in Hollywood animated movies. Even "Kung Fu Panda", which features a Chinese national treasure as the protagonist, is only covered in Chinese culture, and its core is still Western values.

"The Return of the Great Sage" is derived from local mythology, which is common sense and logic in the hearts of Chinese people and is rooted in the profound Chinese culture.

After all, "The Return of the Great Sage" is a cartoon made by Chinese people for themselves.

The touch and immersion this brings to Chinese audiences cannot be matched by Hollywood animated films.

Hathaway has no such resonance with movies. She knows Journey to the West and has heard the story of this monkey, but she still can't understand what this monkey represents in the minds of Chinese people!

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