Rhapsody of Entertainment Rebirth

Chapter 385 Chapter 385: Amazing Creativity

Heath Ledger and his family are not unknowns in Hollywood.

As a young talented actor, Heath Ledger has a great reputation in Hollywood. Not only has he successfully portrayed many classic roles, but he has also been recognized by multiple awards including Oscars.

Ennis Delmar in "Brokeback Mountain", the Joker in "The Dark Knight", Raymond in "Dallas Buyers Club", and DeMarvey in "District 9", these characters All brought him many fans and enough honors.

Heath Ledger is unanimously favored by the Hollywood media, who believe that he is the most promising representative of the younger generation of actors. It is only a matter of time before he wins the Oscar, and he is very likely to become the next "King of Acting" in Hollywood!

Michelle Williams is also unusual. She has been known as an investment genius since she was a child. After entering the film and television industry, she quickly established herself.

With her outstanding acting skills, she has become the leader of the new generation of Hollywood actresses.

At the Oscars that just passed, she was nominated for Best Actress for her performance in "Blue Valentine" and was one of the favorites for this award.

Although she ultimately lost to Natalie Portman, it was enough to boost her popularity and salary.

Coupled with the ups and downs of their love experience, Heath Ledger's family has always attracted a lot of attention and is one of the few well-known celebrity families in Hollywood.

The friendship between Heath Ledger and Shan He is even more famous around the world.

Their family came to the capital to visit Shanhe and Hathaway's son, which attracted a lot of follow-up and reports from Chinese and foreign media.

Therefore, Shanhe and Hathaway appeared in front of the public for the first time after giving birth.

The photo of the two driving to the hotel to greet Heath Ledger and his family appeared on all major online and print media the next day.

In the next two days, the Shanhe couple accompanied Heath Ledger and his family on a street tour in Beijing, and their photos were posted all over the Internet.

This can meet the needs of many melon-eating people.

Topics such as Hathaway's postpartum recovery, Shanhe's reappearance, and the friendship between the two families have been hotly discussed on various social networking sites at home and abroad.

Upon seeing this, Disney and Bruckheimer immediately released some information about Shanhe's new project "Joker".

Naturally, Shanhe's new project has attracted a lot of attention, and the story behind this project is extremely popular.

Because this is not only the story of saving Heath Ledger that has always been curious and explored by the public, but it also involves the cooperation between two Hollywood rivals.

Now, two companies and two friends are ready to bring this tale of crime and friendship to the big screen, and the news is an instant hit.

"Joker" has quickly become one of the most anticipated films.

The news that Shanhe and Heath Ledger, two good friends, would work together again after "Dallas Buyers Club" was immediately spread and heated up.

The theme of "Joker" has also been given special significance.

"Witness of great friendship!"

"Hua Xiaqiu's amazing work saving Heath Ledger!"

"Heath Ledger bids farewell to the past and redeems himself!"

"Huaxia Qiu works magic, Disney and Time Warner collaborate in fantasy!"

The Hollywood media reported the news with enthusiasm.

Shanhe's new film "The Instant Universe" naturally also benefited a lot.

Warner and DC Comics were constantly troubled by Bruckheimer's various unconventional methods.

Recently, while Disney was promoting "The Instant Universe", it also promoted "Green Lantern" to the sky.

"The superhero with the most story is none other than Green Lantern!"

"A DC Comics hero beyond Batman and Superman is about to be born!"

“‘Green Lantern’ may become the first superhero to win an Oscar!”

Bruckheimer's reverse operation has greatly raised the expectations of movie fans and comic book fans.

Warner naturally knew that Bruckheimer had no good intentions and was preparing to find a way to deal with it.

Unexpectedly, at this time, this old son of a bitch would release news about "Joker" again.

Hua Xiaqiu's involvement in the DC Universe has increased the public's expectations for "Green Lantern" and the DC Comics Universe.

The extremes of things must be reversed!

Warner and DC Comics are very worried about this situation. Can the reputation of "Green Lantern" support such high expectations?

If the reputation is not good, the impact will be devastating. It is estimated that the superhero "Green Lantern" will be completely hidden, and the plans of the DC Comics Universe will also be greatly affected.

But what can I do? The arrow is on the string and I have to shoot it!

We can only hope that the appeal of "Green Lantern" is strong enough and the movie can meet the taste of the public.

Hopefully Green Lantern will be as big a hit as Iron Man.

It can't be worse than Hua Xiaqiu's "The Instant Universe", right?

It was just a comedy movie starring Chinese people. No matter how outrageous Huaxia Qiu was, he couldn't use a few ordinary Chinese people to defeat the superheroes of Country M!

While executives at Warner Bros. and DC Comics are worried about the box office prospects of "Green Lantern," Bruckheimer is confident in his approach.

When he contacted Shanhe on the phone, his tone was full of elation.

"Qiu, I can guarantee you that Warner will be our stepping stone again this time!"

Shanhe was full of sighs at Bruckheimer's methods, and at the same time he was very puzzled. How could this old gangster judge that the reputation of "Green Lantern" would not meet expectations?

"Jerry, I'm curious, how can you be so sure that Green Lantern won't be as successful as Batman?"

"Qiu, I am a Westerner who grew up reading these comics. Of course I have my own judgment. DC Comics chose Green Lantern as the beginning of the comic universe. This is a very risky decision. Green Lantern is not easy to film. The funny thing is that they actually let Martin Campbell be the director of the movie. Martin Campbell is not a genius like you and Nolan. His style is very rigid, and he will probably make the movie as cliche as "007" , when the time comes to compare with your "Instant Universe", the winner will be obvious!"

I had to admit that what Bruckheimer said was reasonable, Shanhe Dui then asked:

"Okay! I support your judgment. If "Green Lantern" fails, Warner will not terminate the cooperation with "Joker", right?"

Bruckheimer laughed on the phone,

"Haha... Qiu, once "Green Lantern" fails, Warner and DC Comics will value your "Joker" more. They need someone to clean up the scene for their stupid operations. No one is more suitable than you!"

"You are really scheming, what a damn old fox you are!"

Bruckheimer's tone became even more proud,

"Thank you for the compliment! How is our little Bernie? I haven't had time to go to China to look after the child recently!"

Speaking of his son, Shan He couldn't help but express his father's joy in his words.

"He is doing very well. He is growing very fast. Now he can make babbling noises. His little hands have also learned to grasp things. He often grabs my and Annie's hair and pulls it!"

"Haha... I will definitely be a naughty troublemaker from now on!"

"Isn't it? I'm a little worried that he will be spoiled by Anne and my family in the future!"

"Haha... This is an anxiety that every father has. Don't worry too much. Bernie was born to be a billionaire and a born winner!"

"You say that and I'm even more worried!"

"Don't worry about Bernier's future. You should save more capital for him, Qiu. You can't miss the Hollywood premiere of "The Instant Universe" anymore. We need to defeat "Green Lantern"!"

Shanhe felt helpless while holding the phone. It seemed that he would have to leave his son for a while.

"Okay! I'll be there on time!"

"That's a deal!"

Shanhe put down his phone, looked at Hathaway who was sweating profusely on the treadmill and said:

"Annie, I'm afraid we have to go to Hollywood for a while!"

"No! Not us!"

Hathaway pressed the stop button on the treadmill, slowed down, and replied to Shanhe with a smile,

"My dear, I don't want to leave Bernier at this time. You can go to Hollywood by yourself!"


Shanhe was stunned for a moment by his wife's answer. Little Xiong'er, this brat, had taken away more than just his luck!

Anne was very nervous about herself in the past and never allowed herself to attend similar premieres alone in Hollywood. Now she actually allowed herself to go to Hollywood alone and didn't care about her departure at all.

It’s true that people’s hearts are not ancient!

Hathaway looked at her husband's confused expression and couldn't help but laugh. He walked up to Shan He and took Shan He's arm and said:

"My dear, I am a mother now. Bernie has to come first. Besides, I can also represent you at the domestic premiere!"

"All right!"

Shanhe looked at his wife and sighed, then gritted his teeth.

"Little Xiong'er, this stinky boy, have you woken up? I'm going to get rid of my addiction to deal with my son!"

"Haha... Qiu, are you jealous of your son?"

Hathaway hugged her husband and smiled wildly.

Shanhe looked at his wife who was laughing wantonly with disgust on his face.

"All your stinky sweat is rubbing on me!"

"I am a super beauty, and my sweat smells good!"

"You have been demoted now. At most, you are just a pretty yellow-faced woman!"

"Qiu, you are taking revenge maliciously!"

Shanhe ferociously picked up his wife and walked to the bathroom.

"Revenge is yet to come!"

"Haha...it's not certain who will take revenge!"

"You'll find out soon!"

"Haha...Cong on, baby!"

Half of the summer in May has passed, and the summer heat in June is here!

Shanhe spent the whole of May barely completing the first draft of the script for "Joker" amid his son's magical voice.

At first glance, Shanhe was dissatisfied with many scenes and lines.

It seems that we still have to rely on the strength of the team. Let’s talk about it after we go to Hollywood!

Shanhe threw the script aside. He had no intention of thinking about the script at the moment.

Qiu Chuxi, the noisy aunt, rushed back home and was currently hugging her eldest nephew and making a fuss with Doudou.

The laughter of the two poltergeists, big and small, and Doudou's shouts of joy filled the entire courtyard.

Tomorrow is Qiu Chuxi's twentieth birthday, and the whole family has been waiting for her to come home to celebrate her.

The courtyard is more lively now than during the Chinese New Year!



"Grandma, grandma, you see, little Xiong'er likes me as an aunt. He likes to be held by me. See how happy he is when he smiles!"

"Little Xiong'er is the same as Xixi, who loves to cry and laugh, and is both naughty. How can he not like you?"

"Eldest granddaughter, you liked Xiaohe when you were this big. You were happy when you saw your brother. But Xiaohe was just having fun at that time, and I couldn't bear with you, the little crybaby!"

"No, time flies so fast. This girl is already twenty this year, and she will get married and become a mother in a few years!"

"I don't want to get married, just stay at home and grow old, watching the little bear grow up and become a super handsome guy, right, little bear?"


"Oh, you are smiling so happily. Little Bear also agrees. Come on, let Auntie take care of you, eh!"

"Bah, bah, bah, what crazy talk are you talking about? The louder it is, the more out of tune it is!"

The birth of Little Xiong'er replaced Qiu Chuxi's position as the Qiu family's first favorite, but she was still the eldest child of the family.

On June 1st, grandma and mistress set up a frying pan for her and fried Qiu Chuxi's favorite fried cakes and various kinds of fried fruits.

Her mother and Hathaway also prepared a large birthday banquet for her, and Hathaway even customized an exquisite cake.

There are all kinds of gifts, and the three rich people in the family spend a lot of money.

Hathaway prepared a set of expensive jewelry for her sister-in-law.

Xie Meiyu bought her daughter a BMW sports car in Shanghai that she had wanted for a long time.

Shanhe was more straightforward and invested 10 million in his sister's "Goku.com".

Qiu Chuxi ate and took it, her eyes so happy that she couldn't close her eyes.

After celebrating his sister's twentieth birthday, Shan He reluctantly said goodbye to his family and son Xiao Xiong'er, and boarded a flight to Hollywood.

The Chinese and American premieres of "The Instant Universe" are scheduled for June 9th, and June and July are popular Hollywood schedules.

A movie is released almost every week in June.

On June 2nd, Nicolas Cage's "Soul Tanker 2"; on June 9th, "Instant Universe"; on June 16th, Warner's super blockbuster "Green Lantern"; on June 30th, the Chinese director Justin Lin's "Fast and Furious 5".

This is the time when the summer promotion war is at its hottest, but Shanhe has no intention of joining this war.

The first reason he came to Hollywood was for the premiere of "The Instant Universe," and the second reason was to polish the script for "Joker."

After dealing with a large group of reporters at the airport and a day of jet lag in the hotel, Shanhe took Heath Ledger and the writers of DC Comics to start revising the script of "Joker".

As soon as he left the brat Xiao Xiong'er, Shanhe returned to his cheating state. Scenes changed rapidly in his mind, and Arthur's life and transformation were clearly displayed in front of his eyes.

Under his request and control, the polishing of the script went very smoothly.

The writers of DC Comics saw Shanhe's creative speed and efficiency, and they had never seen such a confident director.

No wonder people in Hollywood call him Huaxia Qiu Magician. The movie script has not yet been finalized, but the entire movie seems to have been shot in his head!

The script of "Joker" is getting closer to Shan He's imagination step by step.

While Heath Ledger and the screenwriting team were working hard to polish the lines of the script, Shanhe began writing his own storyboard script.

A third of the storyboard for "Joker" had been written before Bruckheimer came to urge him to prepare for the night's premiere.

China is always ten hours ahead of Country M.

While Shanhe was busy choosing dresses and preparing for the premiere speech and interviews, the premiere of "The Instant Universe" in China across the Pacific Ocean had already begun.

Although Shanhe was absent from the domestic premiere, the Jiahe Film and Television City that night was still full of stars.

Hathaway, the proprietress of Chuhe Film and Television, led the show, and starring actors such as Yan Bingyan, Huang Bo, Wang Baoqiang, Ma Li, and Li Xuejian walked on the red carpet one by one to receive cheers from fans.

There were so many guests that the fans and reporters present were overwhelmed.

Film and television giants such as Han Shanping, Yu Dong, and Wang Changtian;

Zhang Yimou, Jiang Wen, Feng Xiaogang, Ning Hao and other famous directors;

A-list stars such as Ge You, Chen Daoming, Gong Li, Zhou Xun;

The entire premiere was no worse than the Golden Rooster Awards ceremony.

The premiere stage was not deserted due to the absence of director Shan He.

The gags of several leading actors on stage amused all the guests and the audience.

The filming process they described was extremely joyful, especially when they talked about the origin of Huang Bo and Wang Baoqiang's English names. The whole audience was amused by the two and burst into laughter.

As the cameraman, Bai Yuxia also described the filming experience of the movie for Shanhe:

"This film is Shanhe's experiment and breakthrough. He put forward new requirements for the filming team in terms of plot, color, composition, light, etc. According to Shanhe, this is what he gained from the Mogao Grottoes. , we can never understand the genius’s idea. I think most of the people here have been to the Mogao Grottoes, and there is no shortage of shock and fascination. But when it comes to integrating these into movies, most people don’t have the inspiration, and they don’t have the inspiration. I never thought about trying it, but Shanhe did it and it was very successful. Everyone will soon be able to experience the traditional beauty of China from the movie!"

After more than half an hour of premiere interviews, the movie opened amidst everyone's expectations.

From the very beginning of the project of "The Transient Universe", the news that Shanhe was going to make a comedy movie surprised many people in the industry. Everyone had different opinions on Shanhe's choice. Some people agreed with it, while others did not understand it.

Film critic Zhou Liming is the one who doesn't understand. He has been a die-hard fan of Shanhe since watching the movie "The Wind".

The following "Dallas Buyers Club" and "Gravity" were both highly praised by him. According to his imagination, Shanhe should continue to move forward along its own path of appreciating both refined and popular tastes.

But in order to respond to the demands of movie fans, Shanhe actually turned to comedy movies. What kind of connotation can comedy movies produce? Chaplin's era has passed for nearly a hundred years.

Shanhe's operation made Zhou Liming really confused and a little disappointed.

But he still came to the premiere of "The Instant Universe". He always felt that Shanhe would bring everyone a different surprise!

His hunch was right, the mountains and rivers did bring him surprises.

The whole movie made the whole audience laugh, but in the eyes of professional filmmakers, the movie is full of innovations!

Shanhe's creativity and execution amazed all the filmmakers present.

Perhaps most people put their creativity in the plot:

A middle-aged Chinese woman, faced with a difficult life in Country M, mysteriously traveled through multiple universe planes to save the entire universe.

In fact, everyone can see that the absurd experiences of time travel and various universe planes are just the momentary or subconscious imagination of the heroine Xiulian.

The heroine Xiulian is like a "deconstructed character" in the movie. The complexity of her life situation and inner world embodies those "multiverses" and "enemies".

And her desire to save the universe is a desire to save her family and her life.

For a professional filmmaker like Zhou Liming, Shanhe's creativity goes far beyond just the plot.

First of all, in terms of picture structure, the movie contains at least four different picture ratios. Each universe has its own special picture composition, and these different picture compositions are closely connected with the plot.

Secondly, in terms of color rendering, "Ephemeral Universe" surpasses all previous works of Shanhe. Bai Yuxia said before that Shanhe got inspiration from the Mogao Grottoes murals, and Zhou Liming completely believed it.

Because he felt a strong sense of familiarity from these colors. Each universe has its own color characteristics, either bright or gray, or warm or cold.

These are like murals, and can even be said to be the reproduction of the Buddhist kingdom in Dunhuang murals.

The same is true for the use of light. Zhou Liming has never seen so many lighting styles in a movie. The most amazing thing is that when combined with the plot, the movie does not feel incongruous.

There are also many highlights and breakthroughs in photography. The film uses different shooting angles such as top view, top view, and side view to create visual effects and layers of different universes.

Among them, fast forward and long-distance motion can give the audience a sense of fast movement and a sense of the large scale of deep space objects.

Additionally, the rotation and movement of the lens create the effect of infinite perspective.

The most important thing is that Shanhe has carried out so many experimental attempts in order to bring the audience into the plot, and while generating joy, it also generates philosophical thoughts about life and society.

What is the meaning of life and what do people strive for? This world is not a void!

Life may be difficult and bitter, but there are still many beautiful things worth striving for!

The audience at the scene was not as serious as the professional filmmakers.

They had a lot of fun watching it, Shanhe did not disappoint them, Huang Bo and Wang Baoqiang were still so funny.

Each universe contains classic movie scenes, and there are many from China alone, such as "In the Mood for Love", "Farewell My Concubine", "Alive" and so on.

There are quite a few from abroad, and the cameos of several big Hollywood stars represent their respective classic roles. The way they travel through time is so nonsensical and funny!

What impressed the audience most was not these classic scenes and nonsensical comedies, but the silent dialogue between the two stones.

The two mother and daughter fell in love and killed each other for several universes, and finally turned into two stones. This silent dialogue is enough to become a classic.

After experiencing absurdity, nonsensical comedy, and traveling through various fantasy universe planes, the entire audience was touched by this silent dialogue.

Life is always full of all kinds of dissatisfaction. Maybe everyone is like the mother and daughter in the movie, needing to understand each other and save each other!

At the end of the nearly two-hour movie screening, Zhou Liming, like all the guests in the audience, stood up and applauded, and at the same time he couldn't help but sigh to his peers:

"Shan He is already a film master. This is a film that requires repeated viewing to evaluate. It contains too many things and I couldn't remember too many details!"

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