Among the many planet-level colossus weapons, the Angel of Ease is perhaps the most merciful.

It will not directly eliminate all organic life forms on a planet like neutron killing, nor will it assimilate organic life forms into synthetic bodies like nano-disaster.

It will not brainwash all the inhabitants of the planet like the God's Judgment, nor will it simply and crudely blow up a planet into a mining area like the Earth Explosion Star.

It didn't kill people, it didn't change minds, it didn't cause any real damage.

It just uses an insurmountable barrier to completely isolate the inhabitants of the planet from the stars.

It can be said to be extremely kind.

But it is also the most cruel, especially for races and civilizations that have been able to set foot in the sea of ​​stars.

It can no longer move towards the stars and the sea, and has forever lost the opportunity to go further. It has even become a landscape for other civilizations to obtain sociological knowledge.

After being attacked by the Angel of Peace, most races will quickly die out due to internal friction and become the talk of other civilizations.

Even if a small number of races can continue to survive, they themselves have degenerated to the level of primitive humans.

"Who on earth would use such a cruel weapon!" Ella said with a look of concern after figuring out what kind of weapon the Angel of Peace was.

Not only Ella had this expression, Lapland had a similar expression, and Attila, who figured out what this thing was, also had a look of compassion on his face.

On the contrary, Alori always seemed to be there with the old god, and did not change his mentality at all because of this situation.

After all, the world where Alori originally lived did not have a setting of stars and sea.

There is no problem if the dream of the Creator God is forced to be regarded as an angel of peace.

"'s so cruel." Milin sighed along with him.

Ella, who was about to commiserate with Milin, suddenly remembered the things placed in the geothermal wells 100 kilometers underground in Iscalon, and immediately asked Milin with a slightly changed expression:

"Admiral... you have never used this kind of weapon, right?"

"How is it possible..." Milin said immediately: "At most, I have played this kind of thing in a 7+ coloring game."

" this a game..." Ella remembered where the arrogance Milin showed before came from.

"Anyway, it's not for me to put this on our heads." Knowing that Aila wouldn't believe him in this regard after seeing a lot of world-destroying weapons, Milin simply gave up on explaining and said with a shrug.

No one questioned Milin's words. After all, no matter how stupid he was, he would not throw such a deadly weapon at himself.

"Since the world is so bad, doctor, just come back with me!" Lapland said to Milin with a smile.

"Seriously..." Milin glanced at Lapland and said in a subtle tone to this little female wolf from another world:

"The world of Terra is not easy to fight."

"?" Lapland showed a confused expression. Before she could ask why, Gray Wind's clone said after hearing Milin's words:

"Commander, after this period of research on this mineral called Source Stone, I found that this mineral is indeed, as you said, likely to be a man-made product."

"Well, it should be a man-made product." Milin nodded.

In his previous letter to Gray Wind introducing the Source Stone and the world of Terra, Milin mentioned that the prototype of the Source Stone was Tiberium from the world of Command and Conquer.

"However, compared to the Tiberium minerals formed by actively absorbing minerals from the planet itself, as you described, Commander, this source mineral is a bio-based mineral," Gray Wind said.

"Bio-based minerals?" Milin was stunned for a moment. Could it be that the source stone was created just to be planted in people?

"It does not directly use the human body as a culture medium." Perhaps after calculating what Milin was wondering about, Hui Feng said: "Through a series of comparisons, I found that although this mineral mainly relies on living organisms for value-added, it actively avoids Opened up human genes.”

"In other words, this highly infectious bio-based mineral cannot infect humans like you, Commander, through normal means."

"Can't do it through normal means?" Milin asked strangely.

"Well, at least conventional infection routes, such as contact with body fluids and dust infiltration, cannot infect humans." Gray Feng replied.

"...Then why did I get infected?" Milin asked strangely.

"That's not an infection, it's just that I sampled the nanorobots in your body, Commander, and it didn't really affect your body itself." Gray Wind continued to answer.

"What does this mean?" Although he had already guessed what it meant, Milin began to ask...or rather, he asked on behalf of Lapland and local residents of Terra like her.

"This means that when this highly infectious bio-based mineral was originally designed and manufactured, it deliberately avoided a fixed species, and this fixed species is likely to be the manufacturer of this bio-based mineral."

Hui Feng, who also knew why Milin asked this question, explained the reason.

"Are ancestors civilized?" After realizing that the question and answer between Milin and Gray Feng was actually explaining to her, Lapland asked Gray Feng a little strangely:

"But why do this?"

It was a pity that Gray Wind did not answer Lapland's question. It was not until Milin nodded slightly to indicate that he could explain that Gray Wind said:

"There are many reasons, such as higher yield, easier collection and use..." Gray Feng mentioned a few of the most common possibilities, then changed his tone and continued:

"And, there are no other resources available."

"What about fusion energy and solar energy?" Milin asked curiously, although these two are essentially the same thing.

If we can't build fusion furnaces and solar sails, we can still use tidal, wind, water conservancy, and geothermal energy... If it doesn't work, elementary school students can use fission energy.

"...Are there no resources left to use?" Lapland, who was more highly educated than himself in the parallel world, immediately understood what Gray Wind meant.

Lapland, who seemed to be remembering his past suffering from ore disease, said with a slightly unacceptable tone: "Even if this is the case, there is no need to do such a thing."

“The most important thing about the use of resources is not the types of options available, but whether they are enough.”

As if he knew what Milin was feeling, and seemed to be answering Lapland's emotion, Gray Feng said with an indifferent expression.

Gray Feng's supplementary explanation made Milin stop his inner complaints and made Lapland's expression stiffen.

Indeed, as Gray Wind said, even if there are many types of energy that can be utilized, if the total energy output is not enough for the entire civilization, it still means that there are no other resources to utilize.

It is difficult for a developing civilization to deliberately reduce its scale due to insufficient energy, and will only try its best to solve its own problems.

Just like once the food shortage is 1%, then the result will not be that everyone eats less to solve the gap, but only 1% of the total population will starve to death to solve the problem.

"And in fact,..." Gray Wind, who unfortunately had no intention of comforting the little she-wolf, continued: "The ore disease in Terra World is just an uncontrollable accident."

"Accident? What accident?" Milin asked strangely.

"According to biological experiments, this mineral that can proliferate in animals will also bring side effects of rapid evolution of intelligence and body."

By the way, it will also end the reproductive isolation between different species... But Gray Wind did not open his mouth to explain.

Gray Wind used a very calm tone to reveal the cruel fact for residents of the Terra world like Lapland.

In other words, the existing residents of the Terra world were originally animals used as source stones for cultivation.

Evolving to this point is just a side effect of being a culture medium.

All the struggle, all the pain, all the sadness are just the side effects of a new kind of energy production.

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