Perhaps because they are fed too many knives by plot planning, many doctors from Rhode Island spend their spare time using their keyboards to discuss how to "save" this world that is like a cradle of suffering.

Not to mention anything else, just the sentence "Working more than ten hours a day is already a great gift" is enough to ignite a fire in the hearts of many people that can burn everything.

Milin is also one of them, and he has also expressed some extremely ridiculous opinions.

But no matter what the view is, whether it is red, black, angler, or rose, one cannot avoid a very critical element of the world of Terra.

That is, the people living in this world, on this land, are born unequal, and the princes, generals and ministers have their own kind.

We did not despise the pigs, but we despised the golden crowns hanging on the branches,

However, when those golden crowns possess the power to suppress everything, and this power is innate to them, all the ideas are just castles in the air.

So it's more appropriate to just throw in the second kick.

At least that's what Milin finally concluded.

"Of course, there are other methods, but compared to those methods, you may think that throwing two kicks is better." Milin said while playing with a cut hexagonal pure source stone in his hand.

"Is there any other way?" Unfortunately, Kelsey asked as if she didn't understand the meaning of Milin's words.

Seeing Kelsi's eagerness to know if there was any other way, Milin shrugged his shoulders and said:

"You don't want to know, it's just some love and peace trick."

"???" Kelsey and Amiya, who couldn't handle Milin's suggestion, had very similar confused expressions on their faces.

After a while, Kelsey, who was sure that Milin had no intention of saying anything, calmed down and said:

"Then you should know very well that these inequalities are not the only ones in this land."

"Of course, I know the evil spirits in the north, the heirs in the south, and the myth behind the Sargon Desert. In other words, these things are the inevitable development results of a world with powerful people." Facing Kai Following Erxi's warning, Milin continued calmly:

"And from a certain point of view, Kelsey, aren't you also one of them?"

"We all are." Kelsey looked at Milin seriously and said.

"Yes, we are all..." Milin turned his attention to Amiya without denying it. To be precise, he looked at the black crown on Amiya's head that symbolized the inheritance of the Demon King.

"If you want to rule this land, how do you plan to solve these things?" Kelsi asked Milin.

"How to solve it? Why should I solve it? In other words, why should I spend my time thinking about solving these things." Milin said with a smile.

"You..." Kelsey didn't understand where Milin's confidence came from.

"They are nothing," Milin said. "They are nothing compared to the beings who tried to stop me when I crossed the world."

"Prevent your existence?" Kelsey frowned slightly when she heard what Milin said. She couldn't understand what kind of existence would cause the Haihei that caused the great silence in Iberia and infested the northern land for countless years. The evil spirits are not worth mentioning.

"It doesn't matter if you don't believe me. As long as you don't hinder me, you will see me sooner or later." Milin said to Kelsi.

"I believe you." Kelsey gave an answer that surprised Milin. Could this old lynx have changed gender?

"I believe you too, doctor." Not sure whether she noticed Milin's surprise or simply wanted to refresh her sense of existence, Amiya followed Kelsi and said:

"And I'll support you too! No matter what you plan to do Doctor!"

So the pressure came to Kelsey.

Seeing that Kelsi did not express his support immediately, but hesitated, Milin was not surprised and said:

"Don't worry, just watch."

"What are you going to do?" Compared to Amiya's mindless support for Milin, Kelsey should be more practical.

"What's the level of publicity in Rhode Island?" Milin didn't say his plan, because the detailed plan was still in Gray Wind's database, but asked Kelsey a question.

"What level of publicity?" Kelsey was stunned for a moment and asked.

"The speed at which a message spreads across the entire earth." Milin added.

"What message are you trying to deliver?"

"Tell everyone that Rhode Island has completely cured ori disease," Millin said.

"???" Kelsey was shocked, as if she didn't understand why Milin wanted to disclose this information directly.

Even if she skipped various clinical trials and determined that what was flowing in Lapland's body could be used as a medicine to cure oriopathy, Kelsey originally planned to do it on a small scale bit by bit.

It's not that Kelsey intends to use this thing as a bargaining chip to obtain any benefits, but Kelsey knows that if she says it directly, Rhode Island will easily become the target of public criticism.

Not to mention anything else, Tracys, the regent of Victoria, the most powerful country in Terra, would never allow Rhode Island to control this kind of power.

Kelsey didn't dare to bet on whether Tracys would do something excessive for his own rights.

The fire of hope has just been ignited and cannot withstand the storm.

When Kelsey couldn't understand why Milin would disclose the oriopathy drug so directly, Milin continued:

"At the same time, let everyone know that the Source Stone natural disaster in the southern sea was my fault."

"..." At this time, Kelsey's face was not only shocked. After a series of expressions like changing faces in a Sichuan opera, the face of the lynx, which had lived for who knows how many years, showed an expression of opposition to Milin's decision. .

"Tsk, so it's not without reason that Rhode Island almost went bankrupt after three years in your hands." Seeing Kelsey's attitude of resisting this decision, Milin sighed and said.

This sense of smell is not even as good as that of the keyboard warrior Milin.

"Doing this will only put Rhode Island on everyone's side. All our previous efforts will be in vain because of your decision." Kelsey said to Milin.

"On the contrary, doing so will make it easier for them to accept" Milin thought for a moment and used an unsuitable but very appropriate word to describe the medicine that "cured" ore disease.

"? Why?" Kelsey was completely confused as to where Milin's confidence came from.

"Because they don't have the guts to say no, everything you worry about will be replaced by the fear of facing the end," Millin said.

"Why do they believe that you just said there was only this one?" Kelsey asked after being silent for a while.

"Let's not talk about this stuff. I plan to bring a pot here next time... Even if not, do you think they have the guts to explore how many times they can come to Rhode Island?"

Milin, who didn't know whether he should be anxious or laughing, said to Kelsey.

After finishing speaking, Milin discovered that his quantifiers had become a little weird due to the influence of the Sichuan dragon in the year.

But it doesn't matter, just make mistakes.

Seeing that Kelsi still couldn't understand, Milin could only continue:

"For example, if someone had something that could destroy Rhodes Island at any time, would you really go find out?"

"Yes," Kelsey replied simply.

"Even at the risk of Rhode Island being destroyed?" Milin then asked.

"...Yes" Although the answer was still the same, Kelsey's answer became hesitant this time.

"Even if you don't need that person to take action, if other people who don't want you to do this will destroy Rhodes Island in advance, will you still do it?" Milin continued to ask.

"Why would they do this?" Kelsey couldn't understand why someone would try to prevent others from finding out the truth.

"Of course they are not preventing you from finding out the truth, they just don't want to be destroyed."

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