Riding and slashing the stars of empire civilization

314 The self-defeating Queen of the North

From some perspectives, Force masters may be the warriors best at stealth combat. This is the same whether they are Jedi who master the light force or Sith who master the dark force.

After all, mastering the Force is equivalent to having combat intuition + future vision and other buffs at the same time.

However, Milin, who sneaked into the steel behemoth by opening a hole in the armor, did not use his stealth ability.

Because there was no one inside the hull, there were no maintenance personnel or guards, but the boilers and generators were all running rumblingly.

A similar situation, Milin was in the body of U-35... ahem, I have seen it once inside the hull.

However, compared to this battleship, the U-35's body is still a little smaller, and it cannot feel the dieselpunk style that can only be felt inside this kind of battleship.

Just when Milin was standing next to a piece of power equipment, looking at the running machine, thinking about how Beizhai would feel if he cut the bearing in front of him in two.

As if sensing Milin's thoughts, a metal plate clattered down next to Milin.

This metal plate, which looks like it was removed from a less important part and then shaped bit by bit with both hands, has a deliberately cute and crooked gesture that reads:

"This way! sir!"

Looking at the obviously funny English on the metal sign, Milin smiled, put away the lightsaber in his hand, and walked in the direction indicated by the sign.

Although with the blessing of Force perception, Milin does not really need this kind of guidance, but since he has guidance, it is naturally good to save worry.

Following the route demonstrated on these metal signs that occasionally fell, popped up, passed along the conveyor belt, and appeared in various other ways, Milin arrived at a certain location in the cabin.

"??" Milin was a little surprised that these signs did not directly guide him to the captain's room or the bridge on the upper deck.

But soon, Milin knew why Beizhai had guided him here.

In a room that looked a little damp and had many valves, there was a metal sign that was much larger than the ones that popped up along the way.

The metal plate still reads with crooked gestures:

"The sea valve crystallized by German technology."

At the same time, there is an arrow pointing to the location of the sea valve.

"Have you given up on yourself like this?" Mi Lin was speechless as Bei Zhai did not guide him to her side, but to the location of the sea valve.

There is also a small metal sign standing next to the big metal sign. There is also an arrow on the metal sign pointing to the debris piled aside and writing:

"Here's the dynamite to set the time."

"Help me secretly burn the contents of the safe behind the bookshelf in the dormitory."

"Tell my sister not to miss me."

The red sword light flashed, and whether it was a large metal plate or a small metal plate, it was chopped into pieces.

Milin, who kicked the debris, said:

“Keep these words to yourself and your sister.

Gu Xi

After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the door.

After taking two steps, Millin paused, then turned back to the place where the explosives were piled up. He collected all the explosives and packed those that could not be stored on his back.

Returning all the way to the opening he made, Milin threw all the explosives into the sea.

When facing a ship spirit that is in a state of self-destruction, it is better to be cautious.

This time there was no self-defeating metal sign to guide the way. Milin took a little time to reach the upper deck of the battleship.

Different from the various fully automatic and unmanned dieselpunk paintings inside the battleship, there are many NZ soldiers gathered on the deck.

However, judging from the fact that these NZ soldiers were all fully armed and holding guns, they only regarded the ship as soldiers stationed in the camp, not sailors.

If you are not a sailor, you don’t have to worry about whether killing Beizhai will affect Beizhai’s mood. What if God not only brought the iron-blooded setting, but also brought the little yellow chicken.

And on the sea, after killing it, you don’t have to think about finding haystacks or other places to hide the body, you can just throw it into the sea and it’s done.

The armor that looks like exoskeletons on these NZ soldiers and the weapons in their hands can make their bodies fall into the sea and sink directly to the bottom never to see the light of day.

Milin, who was killing people on the deck with the Nine-Colored Deer, did not rush to find Beizhai, because Milin noticed that these nz soldiers were not so much guarding Beizhai as guarding Beizhai.

Milin, who had just been left speechless and a little angry by Beizhai's self-destructive behavior, decided to kill all these unsightly NZ soldiers before looking for Beizhai, leaving a clean and quiet area to reminisce about the past with his secretary ship... At least that's Millin's plan.

But as we all know, plans cannot keep up with changes.

Although the action of slashing people with a lightsaber looks cool, the efficiency of slashing people is indeed not very high. As an auxiliary operator, the awakened person who followed Milin was very different, and he was insufficient in defense and insufficient in offense.

In addition, the twists and turns of the battleship corridor not only facilitate Milin's sneaking, but also reduce the speed of clearing monsters on Milin's side.

When Milin and Jiuselu cleared almost one-third of the NZ on the deck, they finally noticed something was wrong and the NZ soldiers sounded the alarm.

Accompanied by the piercing air defense siren and the ringing of the artillery warning bell, Milin, who was throwing the corpses of a group of NZ soldiers into the sea, froze slightly and then complained:

"Does this also have a monster spawner??!!"

In Milin's perception, along with the sound of sirens and bells, a group of soldiers appeared out of nowhere in the upper deck area that had been cleared on one side.

And compared with the NZ soldiers who were alone or together in pairs at most, these soldiers formed a small team of five or six to patrol back and forth.

"Okay, triggering the alarm to spawn more enemies is also part of the Allied Death Squadron. If you don't like it, don't play." Milin said with emotion as he looked at the number of NZ soldiers who suddenly doubled in number.

Is this because Yonebayashi named his team the Allied Death Squadron before, so the world has begun to change towards the style of the Allied Death Squadron?

Just like when we were in the port area before, the nz officer who ran out for a walk saw the cigarette case Milin threw on the ground with sharp eyes like something.

But now that the alarm has been sounded, Milin can make a real infiltration-kill everyone directly, instead of a fake infiltration like before-kill everyone secretly.

There seems to be no difference.

But just after clearing out a group of patrolling demon spirits, oh no, the patrolling NZ soldiers, a shell fell next to Milin... Judging from the impact point, the biggest threat to Milin from this shell was The sound of it.

Milin, who did not take any evasive action, glanced at the unmanned turret, thought about it, and returned to stealth mode.

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