Since the abdication of Emperor Ou, the Navy Governor's Office has transformed from the backbone of the battle against the deep sea into an administrative agency packed with bureaucrats. It can be said that the Governor's Office's control over the local garrison is getting worse day by day.

The Governor's Palace can also exert a certain influence on those garrison offices located behind the battle lines, which are mainly responsible for defending the coastline and guarding logistics transportation channels.

But for the No. 4399 townhouse and other townhouses also located on the deep sea front, the order from the Governor's Mansion may not be as good as a piece of toilet paper. At least the toilet paper can still be used. Most of the documents in the Governor's Mansion are bureaucratic waffling. Very few made it to Admiral Yonebayashi's desk.

As a weapon of war, ship girls have always believed that having a big fist is the last word. It is natural that the Governor's Mansion, which has lost the blessing of the European Emperor and is left with only a bunch of bureaucrats, is not valued by them.

Some information will be routinely communicated to the Governor's Mansion, and that's just routine. No one expects the Governor's Mansion to be of any use.

So when King Kong mentioned the Governor's Palace, it was normal for him to be ridiculed immediately.

The ship girls in the 4399th Guards House can accept Ella's command because they already regard Ella as one of their own.

However, this brief agreement brought about by ridiculing the Governor's Mansion did not last long, and the ship girls representing each squadron in the conference room soon continued to quarrel with each other to express their opinions.

Sitting in the chairman's position, Deutsch represented the largest force in the port area, namely the German warships headed by the secretary ship Tirpitz. When he saw the noisy conference room, he felt his head hurt.

It is true that the German ship girl is the largest force in the port area, but because the secretary ship disappeared, the main fleet was taken by Bismarck to the deep sea territory. In addition to holding meetings, she, the German representative, had to use all kinds of methods when facing these ships. When the battleship was called "sister", her voice was not as good as Veneto, the commander of the squadron who was the only one left to guard the garrison.

Deutsch, who cast a sympathetic look at King Kong, who was also a battle cruiser like him, took out a torpedo that looked like a cigar from his ship's space, lit it and stuffed it into his mouth as if he were lighting a cigar.

Suddenly a strong smell of diesel came out.

Seeing Deutsch's actions, the other ship girls who knew that the first stage of the quarrel was over also took out something similar to Deutsch's hand and stuffed it into their mouths.

For a time, the smell of various fuels and gunpowder filled the conference room.

If it were an ordinary human being here, he would probably be suffocated and poisoned and lie down in a short time.

The ship girls, who didn't feel this way at all, looked at each other. Now that they had expressed their thoughts, they would then have to gain more support for their ideas through various exchanges of interests.

The reason why I don’t like bureaucracy is because the ship girls think that bureaucratic behavior is too time-consuming. When it is really needed, the ship girls will immediately behave extremely professionally... just like they took just over two months to develop the technology of the launch vehicle. The tree lights up again.

Before these battleships could complete eye contact and advance the meeting agenda to the next stage, the originally closed door of the conference room suddenly opened.

A large number of ship girls filed in, making the originally quite large conference room feel cramped.

"What are you doing here?" Veneto, who had been silent and only drank coffee and played with his cat, asked Lexington, the first ship's wife who walked in.

"Since it is a meeting that requires a unanimous vote, why can't we come." said the aircraft carrier mother Lexington.

"You are not in the order of battle!" the vanguard said immediately.

"This doesn't prevent us from being the admiral's shipgirls, right?" Lexington raised his hand and smoothed the ends of his hair.

Veneto watched Lexington deliberately show off the vow ring on his ring finger with this action, then looked at Lexington's white wedding dress, and finally glanced at the large number of aircraft carriers following Lexington. The Empress nodded slightly and said:

"Then find a seat and sit down."

Gu Hao\u0026lt;/span\u0026gt;In fact, Lexington had already found a seat and sat down without Veneto's approval. The other ship girls in the conference room who were divided into areas according to nationality also followed Lexington. Those domestic aircraft carrier girls gave up some positions.

However, these aircraft carriers of different nationalities did not sit in the area of ​​their own nationality, but sat unanimously behind Lexington.

Because most of the main battleships were taken away by Bismarck, for a while, the majority of aircraft carrier girls in the conference room became the majority.

According to the one-ship-one-vote voting mechanism, Lexington now becomes the ship girl with the right to speak.

Sure enough, after sitting down, Lexington flipped through the meeting minutes and said unceremoniously: "You are still arguing over these trivial matters? If the admiral finds out, he will definitely be very disappointed."

"What do you have in mind, madam?" South Dakota asked, looking at the Enterprise behind Lexington for a while.

Just like Nan Fat is the nickname of South Dakota, Mrs. is also the nickname of Lexington. The reason why she has such a controversial nickname is because Lexington is the first ship girl in the governor's house to have a wedding dress... even though the wedding dress is that of the Governor. Distributed by the government to encourage the admirals and ship girls to sign an oath.

"Of course, when the other party has not expressed its intention to come, launch more satellites to monitor the other party's actions as much as possible, and at the same time inform other front-line garrison offices of this information, so that they can work together to help prevent the other party from having malicious intentions. "

Lexington, who seemed to be very simple to deal with this kind of thing, said:

"We ship girls are born for war. We are not afraid of any war, but we will not start a war easily."

I don't know whether Lexington's suggestion was more compromise, or whether the second half of the sentence was very popular with the ship, but the ship's girls, who had been so quarreling just now, nodded one after another.

Seeing that Dezhi had finally reached consensus, he quickly extinguished the diesel pipe in his hand, stood up and said, "Then let's vote now. The old rule is that those who agree with my wife's method raise their right hand, and those who disagree raise their left hand."

As soon as he finished speaking, the large number of aircraft carrier ladies sitting behind Lexington raised their right hands in unison.

Knowing that this incident was likely to be the first step for the aircraft carrier girls to have a voice in the port area, the battleship girls hesitated for a moment and turned their attention to Veneto.

Veneto, who was being watched, stirred the coffee in his hand with a spoon and said:

"If it were the admiral, he would probably think so too."

After speaking, Veneto put down the coffee in his hand and raised his right hand.

Seeing that Veneto offset a lot of her own efforts with a single word, Mrs. Lie narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at Veneto.

Veneto, who was being watched so much by Lexington, took a sip of the stirred coffee with his other hand without any change in his expression.

After seeing that Veneto agreed, the other battleships also raised their right hands one after another, and even the vanguard raised it reluctantly.

In the end, only South Dakota was left without action, although at this time even if she did not raise her hand or raised her left hand, it would not change the result.

Just when the relieved Dezhi was about to announce the results as the host of the meeting, the door of the conference room opened again with a bang.

As the chief technician of the port area, Yubari rushed in with a panicked look on his face and shouted:

"The alien spacecraft was shot down!"


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