"Hey..." Alori, who had been looking at it for a while, suddenly turned his head strangely and asked Ella behind him: "Didn't you say that the dragon has a scar on its chest? Why didn't I see it?"

"Ah? No?" Ella also asked strangely.

As a loyal fan of The Lord of the Rings, Ella also specifically mentioned the story of this giant dragon named "Smaug" to Alori and Gray Wind.

Especially about the reverse scales falling off the chest and the "destined death" of being shot through the chest with an arrow.

As a result, Alori took a closer look and found that this dragon had no scale defects on other parts of its body, let alone its chest.

Even if this dragon fought with the robot driven by Cassandra for a day in the sky, it only left some scratches on these scales.

For such an unscientific but magical degree of strength, Ella's explanation is that the dragon named Smaug has stayed in the pile of gold coins for a long time.

Not only does it dye the scales on its body into a shining golden light, but it also has almost indestructible armor except for the reverse scale.

Although Gray Wind didn't understand how a soft metal like gold could make dragon scales hard, he could only attribute all these things to psychic energy...or magic, so he left the finishing work for this giant dragon to Ah Lori, the expert dragon hunter.

"I fought with it for a whole day and I didn't see any missing reverse scales." Cassandra's voice sounded in the combat command room.

The tone Cassandra used when she said this can be said to be very subtle.

It’s not like Cassandra has never fought against creatures like dragons.

Whether it was when she was a Greek demigod before time travel, or when she was a guardian in this world after time travel, it can be said that Kassandra has fought a lot, and even beat up a lot of dragons and similar creatures. .

But the golden dragon in front of her could be said to be the most bizarre of all the dragons Cassandra had ever fought.

He has no special combat skills, nor any extremely gorgeous magic. In addition to breathing fire, he just bites and scratches back and forth.

If it weren't for the dragon's quarrelsome behavior, Cassandra would even feel that she was fighting a beast like a flying dragon instead of a more advanced life form like a dragon.

But aside from its primitive fighting methods that resemble those of beasts, this golden dragon named "Smaug" also possesses extremely exaggerated defensive capabilities.

The fight lasted from morning to midnight, no matter what weapon Kassandra used to control the mecha, what attack method she used, and even took out the Artifact of Eden, she would only leave a few scratches on the opponent's scales.

It didn't cause any substantial damage... although the opponent didn't cause any damage to the mecha controlled by Cassandra.

In other words, this ace aerial battle is a strange battle in which the two have unknown health levels, but their attacks cannot break the opponent's defense.

Ella's explanation for this is that it is very likely that the dragon can only die because it can only use "destined death", that is, it can be shot through the broken reverse scale with an arrow, and any other attacks cannot cause substantial damage.

Although he didn't quite understand what this "destined death" was about, it didn't delay Cassandra's fight with her opponent.

Because Cassandra's mission is only to hold back the giant dragon and ensure that the dragon's actions will not affect the plan of "gathering all these monsters together and killing them together".

Now experience the death of destiny.

In the end, it was discovered that this dragon had no damaged reverse scales.

"No reason! Hasn't this Smaug taken over the Lonely Mountain yet? No, without the golden mountain inside the Lonely Mountain, it wouldn't be golden and invulnerable."

When Alori and Cassandra said that the dragon had no damaged reverse scales, Ella was stunned.

The concept of destined death is not entirely Ella's speculation, but the author spends a lot of space in the book specifically mentioning that Smaug was baptized in gold after sleeping in the gold pile on the Lonely Mountain for half a century. The lower scales have become so golden, so invulnerable, so indestructible.

And these descriptions are all to pave the way for the plot in the story where the dragon slayer Bard relied on his only weakness to shoot Smaug into a dead lizard with one arrow.

Now that I have invulnerability, indestructibility, and gleaming gold, my only weakness is gone? ?

Can't afford it? If you can’t afford it, don’t play it!

Seeing Ella's troubled face, Alori knew that the matter was out of Ella's control. He didn't know whether he said in a comforting or teasing tone:

"Professional matters should be left to specialized people. Next time, don't talk about destined death."

"Then what should we do now?" Ella, who couldn't refute Alori's words, asked with some worry: "Let Gray Wind try it?"

"Just let her digest it for a while, she can't hold herself back from eating." Alori said.

Gray Feng glanced at Alori and didn't explain much.

Alori, who didn't notice Gray Feng's eyes, or rather pretended not to notice it, moved his gaze back to the golden dragon still tumbling in the sky and said with a smile:

"There is no destined death, so let me write its fate."

Having said that, Alori once again raised the bow of Orville in his hand, and pulled the bow string all at once. A faint stream of light converged along the bow body onto the elf arrow, and finally formed a circle at the tip of the elf arrow. Highlights.

“Mul Qah Diiv”

The dragon roar symbolizing the power of the dragon was spit out by Alori, and the transparent dragonborn armor appeared on Alori again.

Appearing at the same time as the Dragonborn Armor, there was also the full power of the dragon bursting out from Alori.

Sensing the power of the dragon, Smaug, the dragon, immediately stopped his ace aerial battle with the golden mecha, twisted his slender neck, and looked in the direction of Alori.

The vertical pupils in the dragon's eyes collided with Alori's eyes that had also turned into vertical pupils.

"Roar!!" Smaug let out a roar, and as if he was being taunted, he threw away Cassandra, who had been fighting with him all day, and dived towards the palace.

Before Smaug could get close to the palace, the howling hurricane had already flowed into the palace along the balcony. Tables, chairs, benches, computers, TVs and everything else were blown everywhere by this hurricane with winds exceeding Category 12.

If Ella hadn't been hugged by the Gray Wind clone who appeared next to her, she would probably have experienced the feeling of weightlessness along with the furniture.

Alori, motionless in the hurricane, let go of the bowstring in his hand, and at the same time seemed to shout out the name of the move he had just made up:

"Sunlight Arrow!"

The arrow arrived in an instant, and then a sun dispelled the darkness of the night sky... From this point of view, although Alori's name for this move is not so realistic, it is at least very appropriate.

In the sunlight that turned the world into daylight, the invulnerable dragon lost its movement as if its almost infinite health bar had been instantly emptied, and fell from the sky in a free fall into the giant pit.

"Done..." Alori said as he put away the artifact.

"Do I need to recover the arrows?" Gray Feng asked after detecting that the dragon's vital signs had completely disappeared.

"I can't take it back." Alori had a pained expression on his face.

"Yes." Gray Feng, who did not comfort Alori, said to the communicator: "Commander, it's solved here."

At this point, except for a portal with irregular edges that looked like a piece of glass shattered by a punch from the middle, which was still floating in the air, all the demons and monsters that had invaded the imperial capital had been cleared away.

Alori, who was about to ask Milin to claim credit, or say that he had already made up for it, heard Gray Wind say:

"The two Nazgul you mentioned were not found, Commander."

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