Righteous Angry Hunting Demon

Chapter 206: How Hell Riders Do It

"The idea is good, but the problem is that we may not have so many ropes here." Frowning slightly, Aniviya said helplessly.

"Well, if we gather here, there are about four or five ropes." Aleister said on the other side.

"We also have a few ropes on our side." The soldier commander 1.6 meters also said.

Well, it should be said that they are all experienced players, basically everyone has a rope. . . .

"If it's just a dozen, it's not enough. Even if you add the ropes in the armament, there are probably less than 50 ropes." Aniviya frowned slightly.

"It's indeed a problem, um, maybe use some extra tents as ropes instead? That's not right, it seems to be more troublesome." Lin Yun frowned slightly.

"Actually, if it's just a rope." At this moment, Sedum raised her hand slightly.

"Huh?" Everyone looked at Sedum.

Sedum took out a bunch of ropes from the space bag, conservatively estimated that there were at least dozens of ropes.

"??? No, what are you doing with so many ropes?" Lin Yun blinked, unable to react.

"Huh? Ah, it's not because we often have those big scenes, and Nero is so good at catching people, so I thought that a bunch of prisoners might be caught by you in the future, so I took out a lot of ropes Come out. Well, speaking of these ropes, some of them were taken from the brothers of the Redemption Brotherhood." Sedum said with a simple and honest smile.

Although Sedum's face, no matter how you look at it, there is no way to feel simple and honest.

"Could it be that those ropes were the ones that were tied to them when they were caught?" Ilabes frowned, "I said why there was a sudden report that those captives even took away the ropes... . . ”

This was the rope tied to the cultists who were captured by Lin Yun during the siege of Iron Guard's ambition.

Apparently, the ropes were a resource for those crusaders, and then they were gone. . . . .

All of a sudden, the people present were a little nervous. . . . Quiet.

Because everyone at this time was a little stunned by Sedum's behavior of plucking feathers from a certain angle, which was even worse than plucking a wild goose's hair.

"Ahem, well, don't worry about the details, since the rope is there, then there is no problem." Lin Yun coughed and said.

"Well, since there is a rope, it's not a big problem to ask those alchemists to help install it." Aniviya clutched her head, full of helplessness.

"Alright then, let's get ready to go. After all, the God Claw Knights' side is more urgent." Lin Yun said hastily.

In this way, Lin Yun and the others followed Yake and ran towards the direction of the God Claw Knights on horseback.

Under the leadership of Yake, it was not very far from the place where the drows ambushed them, although the intersection they entered was not the same intersection.

After turning over a canyon, Lin Yun and the others could already see some small black spots in the distance, which should look like gargoyles.

"It's there." Pointing to the distance, Yake shouted loudly.

"Leon." Lin Yun looked at Leon behind him.

At this time, Leon had already put on Eagle Eye, which had the same function as a telescope to look into the distance.

"Well, it is true that some people were taken away by those gargoyles. Judging from the direction of flight, it is really possible that they are on our route, but it seems that they are still in the middle of a battle. It depends on the situation. As for the number, It's hard to say, some of them are blocked by the cliff, but it's conservatively estimated that there are about 40 gargoyles, which is indeed a bit much." Leon said after observing carefully for a while.

"It's okay, it's still within the range that can be handled, so everyone, get ready to move forward. Then, it would be too troublesome to take a detour now, and Saya created it." Lin Yun pointed in the direction of the gargoyles, and then shouted.

"I can help too." At this time, the captain of 1.6 meters stood up, and then he bit his arm violently, and a familiar yet unfamiliar super giant appeared in front of everyone.

The reason why he was not familiar with it was mainly because the color of the super giant's body turned slightly brown at this time, and the steam that was often boiled before had disappeared.

"Earth element form?" Lin Yun raised his eyebrows slightly.

As the profession of the captain, the heir of the element itself can be transformed into an elemental creature, although he is displayed in the form of a giant.

But in fact, becoming a steam giant is only his choice.

As long as he wants, he can become any one of the four elements.

When it comes to digging tunnels, what else can be better than the earth elemental.

"Very good, it will be much more convenient." Lin Yun said with a smile.

Facts have proved that it is worthy of being an earth element. If it wasn't for helping to fix the tunnel and let Lin Yun and the others move along with them, otherwise, it might not be the feeling of running at full speed through the wall and leaving just like the invincible wall penetration technique.

Because there is a difference in underground operations, digging holes and escaping underground, these are two completely different abilities.

The earth beast Saya belongs to digging holes, and she needs to dig with her claws.

Just because of its structure, it can be easily excavated in the process of moving, and it will leave a cave.

Although the cave reaches a certain level, it will collapse, and then some other creatures can go through the cave to hunt down the earth beast.

But this involves another ability of the earth beast, which is called tunnel.

The cave can be reinforced and fixed, and it is not so easy to collapse, although it can only last for about 1 minute.

But better than nothing.

Because there is no earth element, what he has is the dungeon, which can turn the earth into water, and swim easily in it without making any sound, so it is also called the submerged place.

The route he traveled would not create a cave, so he could only help on one side.

Of course, his ability to integrate into the earth can actually integrate part of the soil into himself through this method, and then forcibly dig it out.

Moreover, the earth element also drags the target into the ground by grabbing the target.

Of course, if you drag it underground, you won't be able to breathe.

It can only be said that each has its own advantages.

An invisible plague bird was there to locate it, and soon Lin Yun and the others arrived by digging a hole. . . . . In a place halfway up a mountain.

Saya didn't dig upwards, but rather parallel to it, just because there was still a depression under the ground where they were at this time.

From the hill you see a camp being attacked and two bands of warriors, one in white and yellow armor, led by a tall man in the white robes of a priest.

The other team was in black armor, and they seemed to be led by a purple-haired dwarf in black armor.

Those people in white and yellow armor seem to be members of the so-called Dawn Blade Knights, because the official name of black armor is Hell Armor, which belongs to the exclusive armor of Hell Knights.

Even part of the professional ability of the Hell Knights is aimed at the ability of Hell Armor.

Of course, although it is said to be **** armor, it does not mean that it is produced by the devil or hell.

Actually this stuff. . . . . If other people wear it, it is just a refined full body armor.

However, if you are an advanced professional **** knight and wear this armor at level 2, then the armor penalty and maximum agility bonus can be +1, and you can move at full speed.

Normal full body armor will reduce the movement speed by about 30%.

Then it's 2 at level 5 and 3 at level 8.

That is to say, at level 8, the Hell Knight armor will become a special armor with an armor penalty of only -2 and a maximum agility bonus of +4.

Even at level 9, it is able to see perfectly in the dark and has up to 30 fire resistance, 10 acid resistance and cold resistance.

Then at level 10, you can be directly immune to saving throws.

Although this can be said to be very restrictive to **** knights, after all, the maximum level of most advanced professions is level 10~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But there is one thing to say, in fact. . . . Hell armor is really cool.

For the **** knights, the **** armor is like their identification.

This is also why when Yake ran over before, he was arrested directly by claiming to be a member of the God Claw Knights.

The reason why those drows who claimed to be allies of the God Claw Knights were not caught.

It was Yake who didn't even wear the **** armor in order to find rescue quickly.

The soldiers of the Dawn Blade Knights could be seen looking around in fear, the weapons in their hands trembling.

Not far from here, the screams of gargoyles can be heard in the air.

The pack of beasts was rushing towards the camp.

And in this case.

The situation below can be heard.

The man from the Dawn Blade Knights, who should be a priest, waved his arms, unconsciously worried, and shouted, "Quick, evacuate the wounded. Those beasts are about to attack again. Use the cloak as a stretcher, we must Get over it. Deputy Law Enforcement Officer, your men will cover us while..."

Just as the priest of the Dawnblade Knights was speaking, the purple-haired dwarf in **** armor had a cold face, and then sternly shouted, "Stay in the open field for another two minutes, and you and I will be left alone." No more troops to follow our orders, Crusader."

"But the wounded..." The priest of the Dawn Blade Knights showed a embarrassed expression, and then looked at the wounded moaning on the ground.

It can be seen that most of the wounded moaning on the ground at this time are members of the Dawn Blade Knights.

As for the Hell Knights in black armor, only a few fell down. Just looking at that, it looked more like a direct death than a feeling of being injured and falling to the ground.

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