Righteous Angry Hunting Demon

Chapter 348: Staunton's Freshmen

I saw Zecarius take out a staff that looked almost as tall as him, and then raised it high, a burst of green light flashed in midair, "Arouse the dead."

Sure enough, do you still want this in the end?

Normal necromancers also need to awaken necromancers to create necromancers, but Lin Yun remembered that Saya was a magic spellcaster.

She shouldn't be able to release and awaken the undead.

But forget it, let's take a look first.

Accompanied by Zecarius' call, a green light flew out of his staff, and then inserted into Staunton's body.

The corpse was motionless, but Lin Yun felt that Staunton had come back to life. His deep voice sounded in Lin Yunyou's ears: "It seems that I will not be able to live in peace after death, but this is just what I want." Staunton's words are like a forging hammer: "Make up for past mistakes , wash away the shame of betrayal, and avenge my enemies."

The dead dwarf glared at Lin Yun with his blind milky eyes, "This is a generous offer. If you're not kidding me, I accept it."

"It looks like I don't need to say anything." Zecarius looked at Lin Yun and let out a strange laugh.

The dead dwarf stood up slowly, as if with a mountain on his shoulders. His stiff joints moved with a harsh creaking sound.

Staunton's face was purple with determination after death. His voice was low and sounded more serious than when he was alive: "I'm ready, Commander. I'm waiting for your orders."

"Very good, it seems that you are indeed ready. Just right, we haven't made any regulations on your equipment yet, so it's just right to return it to you now." Lin Yun patted Staunton on the shoulder and said.

"Heh." A slightly stiff smile appeared on the corner of Staunton's mouth.

But it is true that Staunton's equipment is indeed a more troublesome series.

In addition to the physical belt with a belt of 4, the gossip headband with a 4 on the head, and the cloak of resistance with 3.

His main equipment is the machete and the armor that looks like a beetle.

But therein lies the problem.

The machete is directly limited and requires evil creatures to use. If it is a non-evil creature, then every time it is held for more than 6 seconds, it will suffer 1 bleeding damage.

And it will continue to superimpose with time.

According to Qiao Lan, this machete is called the Soul Breaker. It used to be the war hammer of Staunton Weiheng, and it was also a prestigious weapon in the Crusaders. At that time, this weapon was also called Soul Breaker. By.

When the Warden of the Valiant Edge refused his duties as a paladin and became a double agent, he single-handedly reforged the hammer into a machete revered by followers of Baphomet: the Soul Breaker.

Ms. Mingna Gu personally added the ugliest and most dangerous curse to this new weapon, so that the crusaders would never dare to take back this symbol of shame.

Now, it is a 3 adamantine machete, and once it hits hard, it will be able to summon a Babu demon that obeys orders, and even if it can kill a strong enough enemy, according to the enemy's Intensity, even able to summon the six-armed snake demon, and even the existence of the Ba Luo demon.

Although only one can be summoned in a short time.

In addition, after the demon is successfully summoned, after killing the creature, it can absorb the life of the opponent and restore the life of D85. At the same time, the attack roll will be superimposed with a blasphemy bonus of 1, with no upper limit.

Although it is said that when the demon is sent back, it will be canceled, but it is also very scary.

The death knell or something is weak.

If there is one who will be proficient in the final slash, and then one who can kill the ability to move a bit.

I'm afraid that not one person can kill the whole army

Because it is almost certain to hit later.

Then there is Staunton's full-body armor, the thing called the insect shell armor, which just looks like it actually knows the origin.

This suit of heavy armor adorned with the sigil of Descari was forged for a high priest of the Lord of the Locusts.

The mere sight of this armor is enough to strike fear into the hearts of foes and poise of allies.

Not long after Buffalo's followers captured Juanze, the Deskari cultists arrived in the city and demanded its takeover. The temple warriors readily obliged, and they went through all the necessary procedures to hand over control of the city to their allies, including a banquet at which all the Descari followers were poisoned and died.

Afterwards, the armor worn by the high-ranking priests has been displayed in the fortress of Juanze City as a warning to the Descari followers, until Mingnagu finally found a knight who was qualified to wear it.

This 2 mithril full body armor has an extremely unique anti-armor damage.

If the melee attack hits him, a Dexterity saving throw is required, and if the save fails, it will take D3 Strength damage, although if the save is successful, it will only be D3 piercing damage.

Because the damage is too small, so. . . . . Lin Yun missed it.

And again, this thing can only be worn by evil creatures, otherwise, it will take 1 strength damage per minute.

Although it seems to be better than the soul breaker.

But in fact, the Soul Breaker can be used as long as it is held in the hand, but the full body armor, even Mithril, takes about 4 minutes to wear.

In short, according to the previous decision, these two pieces of equipment should be sanctified after the sanctification furnace stabilized.

Give it a complete makeover.

But it seems that it is just for Staunton to use now.

Because Staunton is undoubtedly evil, and after being resurrected by the dead, he will normally be inclined to evil.

"Okay, don't think too much, we will avenge your revenge. If you are now, you should sort out your thoughts first, and then if you are really ready, maybe you can do something, so that Ming Na Gu wants to tear it apart Your business." Lin Yun said with a smile.

"Then I'm really looking forward to it." Still pulling a stiff smile, he said.

"By the way, how do you feel now, can the previous ability be used?" Lin Yun asked.

"Well, although it's a little weaker, it's basically usable." Staunton twitched the corner of his mouth.

"Don't worry, you are a special undead created by me. As long as you kill enough people, you will be able to grow continuously, maybe even faster than when you were alive." Zecarius was also proud said with a smile.

"Really? Then I'm really looking forward to it." Staunton subconsciously waved his arms.

"Very good, you go back with me now, first make my psychic tower, and then let you go in and maintain it, you will be able to fight better." Zecarius waved his staff, and then directly He released a teleportation technique, teleporting him and Staunton away.

"Uh, let's go like this. We really depend on us to get Arles. It's hard to get approval." Lin Yun said helplessly.

"Is it hard for you to say that?" The corner of Nero's mouth twitched slightly.

After all, in his opinion, Lin Yun just slapped his tongue, and then got approval, and it was the approval of the **** himself.

Heck too.

"How can it work?" Lin Yun looked at Saya.

"I can use the Death Demon Realm now." Saya tilted her head and said.

It's okay.

In the case of the Demon Realm of Death, except for the Soul Strike, which is the manipulation of the Necromancer, it seems that now he has obtained the Demon Realm ability to specialize the Necromancer.

"Can it be used?" Lin Yun asked directly.

"It shouldn't be a big problem." Saya nodded, and then. . . . . I saw her reverted to the form of the Son of the Black Goat.


For some reason, Lin Yun could clearly hear the relaxed feeling that She Horn, who seemed to be busy in the crowd for a day, finally had the opportunity to return home, and then took a sip of Coke. . . . .

Just like that, Lin Yun and the others returned to the cathedral again.

But at this time, what surprised Lin Yun was that almost all the members of the Dawn Blade Knights in Juanze City came here.

"Master Dante, although Goddess Sarenlai has agreed with your statement, after all, Arles is our former companion. Please let us witness his new life." Elsa stood up and said at this time.

"What are you..." Nero looked at Elsa and shouted subconsciously.

After all, it was clearly agreed before, but now that so many people are called, is this an attempt to resist through the crowd?

Although it is not incomprehensible, it still feels a bit like the past.

"Wait, after all, Arles is someone they know. After being reborn, they will inevitably meet each other. It will not be good if there is a misunderstanding at that time. Just take this opportunity to let everyone know that Arles' new life , is also a good thing." Lin Yun stopped Nero, and then said.

"Yes, Commander, everyone has no objection to your bringing Arles back. They all agree that this is the resurrection of Arles, who had lost himself because of fear before, as a dead soul. For me, it is an appropriate punishment, and at the same time, it will allow him to continue his pursuit of glory and rejoin our camp." Elsa said with a smile.

"Very good~www.wuxiaspot.com~Although it is estimated..." Lin Yun nodded slightly, but did not say the second half.

After all, you really want Arles, the undead, to join your camp again.

As for Sharon Lena's attack on Necromancer Special Attack, this person came to guide the divine power.

One inattentive, Arles will have nothing left.

"Since this is the case, then it's better for us to be upright." Lin Yun was also a little dumbfounded.

Just like that, Bao'er, who seemed impatient, stepped forward and started digging.

His hands and feet were very quick and professional, and soon Arles' body was dug up again.

It's just that compared to Staunton who just died this morning, Arles has been dead for a while, and there is a burst of corpse smell.

Sedum had no choice but to step forward and release the cleaning technique.

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