Righteous Angry Hunting Demon

Chapter 391: I thought it was a mage but it was a berserker

When Nero grabbed it like this, the Berserker roared, and a lot of saliva spewed out, which was about to splash Lin Yun and the others.



. Lin Yun had already run away.

Bye bye.

Almost instantly, Lin Yun had arrived at the side of the Night Hag.

Although it is said that the child born by the succubus and the hag turns into a night hag, it seems that there is no gene that the succubus has at all, and it looks exactly like that strange mother-in-law, with a big pointed nose, like a crescent moon , wrinkled face.

Then with a pair of horns, it looks like a demon, and overall, it looks skinny.

However, compared to those normal ragged night hags, the hag in front of him looked more like a regular army, wearing a chain armor, it didn't look like a hag, but a warrior.

And from the Bible on one side, and what Solanum nigrum said before, the professionals who specialize in hunting down heretics seem to be very likely to be the judge of Baphomet.

If Lin Yun remembers correctly, creatures like hags, although they look like humans, are completely monsters in essence. Even hags other than night hags are humanoid monsters, not humanoid creatures.

The wrinkled skin that looks like the skin of an ordinary human granny is actually tougher than the tree skin technique.

The tree skin technique also has a natural armor bonus of up to +5, although it is an invincible special superimposed natural armor.

But hags seem to have at least +8 natural armor?

Therefore, the issue of hit rate needs to be considered.

Considering the piety shield, and judgment, and if other abilities are counted, the defense may even reach 40. Well, if you don't know something from Eluresha in advance.

Although in fact, Lin Yun still needs to pay attention to it.


"What? Devil, why did you attack me? I am the servant of the lord of Siskoff, and I am here to hunt down the succubus traitor Eluressa."


The demon lord, also known as the blood lord, belongs to the demon lord worshiped by some depraved prostitutes. His favorite thing is to lead people to degenerate.

It looks like an angel, with angel wings and a beautiful face.

It's just that I don't know what the habit is. Her face and body are always covered with slightly terrifying blood, which is also the origin of the name Blood Lord.

Some people suspect that she was once a prostitute, and then she was tortured to death before becoming a demon.

So her mouth and eyes were sealed with wire, and her limbs seemed to be broken off, floating near her shoulders and thighs, looking very weird and terrifying.

It's just that I didn't expect that this guy would be interested in chasing and killing Eluresha.

Or is this the night hag taking the order herself?

After being hurt by the blasphemy emerging from Lin Yun, the night hag subconsciously thought that Lin Yun was a demon.

Although Lin Yun seems to be a very handsome human being, as we all know, some powerful demons like to disguise themselves as handsome human beings.

"Torrent Strike." Although there was some misunderstanding, but this time, Lin Yun did not pretend to admit it like before, and then obtained information.




"D20+16+5=30, the Sense Motive check is successful."

Leaving aside the issue of whether Lin Yun is a demon or not, this night hag never seemed to stop because Lin Yun was a demon from the very beginning.

Or it should be said that the reason why she said such a thing was just to inquire about it and distract Lin Yun's attention.

Because I knew it from Elureza before.

This demon hag looks theoretically supposed to be a priest, or a guy who should be a judge, and she is still that kind of hag.

They all subconsciously thought it was the weak melee spellcaster class.

But actually, this guy is.



The hag's eyes turned red, and a violent force like a demon wrapped around her body, and then she waved her sharp claws and grabbed Lin Yun.

Yes, this guy is no ordinary spellcaster at all.

Her true profession is a blood rager, and she is also a hybrid of a hybrid blood rager, demon blood and mystic blood.

This is the information that Eluresa detected before.

At the same time, I also learned that what this guy is best at is the fighting style of deceiving the enemy with lies, letting him show his flaws, and then taking the opportunity to sneak attack.

There is one thing to say, even this is so clear, it can only be said that apart from combat effectiveness, spy capabilities are really strong.

It can be seen that after entering the state of blood rage, the night hag's body swelled up, as if she had become a large creature, and at the same time, the sharp claws in her hand became longer and bigger, and then her body became hazy , a wind that was somewhat familiar to Lin Yun also blew around her.

At least level 8 blood rager?

No, that's not right, it should be level 12, unless there are special power enhancements.

Most of the abilities of the blood rager are blessed on him at the moment of entering the blood rage.

It looks like the sharp claws and strong demon body of the blood of the devil.

It can make it grow sharp claws, and if it has sharp claws, it will strengthen the damage of the claws, and then the strong demon body will expand its body with blood anger.

There is no limit to the size and type, and it can be said to be the superior ability among the superior abilities of the human giant enlargement technique.

Because human growth can't be used with polymorph and other types of spells, but this one can.

The Human Enlargement technique is limited to the humanoid state, so after the transformation, it cannot be used if it is not a humanoid creature.

In theory, it can be transformed after becoming larger.

But actually it doesn't work.

Because the basis of transfiguration and XX form is to change into the desired form first, rather than the form after the form becomes larger. In this case, that form will be overwritten, which will cause the human enlargement technique to fail.

The strong demon body is different, it is directly under that form, and when it enters the blood rage, it becomes a size bigger.

Similarly, the mysterious bloodline is similar.

Arcane Bloodrage and Greater Arcane Bloodrage are two abilities that can be stacked together.

Also at the moment of entering the blood rage state, these two abilities are superimposed.

Then the secret spell Bloodrage is obscurity, protection from arrow loss, resistance to energy, and spider walk.

The great secret spell Bloodrage is a displacement or haste.

These kinds of spells can be selected at the moment of entering Blood Rage, and then used instantly.

It can be said.

If it weren't for seeing that there was a bloodline weapon master.

If there were only core professions, Lin Yun chose this directly, except for the fear of will immunity.

Because it is really strong.

As for why Lin Yun guessed at least level 12.

One is because the sharp claws have fire damage, that is, the weaving flame enchantment is a level 12 ability.

Then, although the mixed bloodline rager can mix the two bloodlines together, they do not have the power of the two bloodlines at the same time. Under the same level, they can only choose one of the bloodlines.

For example, a strong demon body conflicts with the secret curse Blood Rage.

However, if it is the 11th level blood rage, then it is different.

Because the level 11 blood rage can not only be regarded as a barbarian's big rage, but also can make a target release for himself or contact, and then the spells that stipulate that the blood rager is 2nd ring or below are also hung up during blood rage.

If this is the case, it seems perfectly fine to simulate the Arcane Bloodrage.

In short, from the current point of view, the night hag itself is about equal to a level 9 creature, superimposed on the blood rager of about level 12, and then superimposed on the mythical class.

And the most important thing is that he was able to react to Lin Yun's surprise attack, and instantly reacted into a state of blood rage.


Really strong.

"Devil's form, Myth's fierce attack, torrent strike." Lin Yun directly entered the demon's form, and then began to pull out the rebellion behind him.

However, the moment it was pulled out, a group of purple flames burned directly on the rebellious body.

When Lin Yun teleported over, he also released a rare spell on himself. The devil's path brought him probably the only two more useful spells, abyssal flames.


Now Lin Yun can get an extra +4D6 profane damage when the next two attacks hit, which translates to the kind that cannot be immune or resisted.

It's a pity that this place is too far away from Hunyuan, and the courage-inspiring effect of the March of the Empire could not be transmitted here. If the plague birds can't be transmitted together, there is no way to perform long-distance operation to inspire courage.

Then, although the night hag said that she looked like a demon at this time, the blood rager was also of demon blood.



. The demon breaks the enemy and is ineffective against her.

"D20+11+2+12+5+2+1+1=31, miss."

Coming up is a big surprise.

Hero points are rerolled.

Hero points that have been useless for a long time, save me ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The counter attack roll failed. "

Seeing that the night ghost grasped Lin Yun's rebellion with one claw, she was about to directly block or even interrupt Lin Yun's attack.

Is it parrying and counterattacking again?

For level 12 blood ragers, the parry and counterattack of the big blood rage is a bit strong.

With such thoughts, Lin Yun also said, "Rebellious."

I saw a red light rising from the rebellion, accompanied by a burst of lightning, bounced off the arm of the night hag, and inserted a huge hole in her body.


"45+6=51, the attack against the check is successful."


"D20+11+2+12+5+2+1+1=50, hit hard."

"D20+11+2+12+5+2+1+1=44, double tap to confirm."


Because the night hag's sharp claws were bounced off, the middle door was wide open. Lin Yun took advantage of the situation and stabbed the night hag's neck with a sword, and successfully pierced the night hag's throat very smoothly.

But at this time, the night ghost's eyes were bloody, and she grabbed Lin Yun with a paw.

Unprepared, Lin Yun was also caught in the throat with one claw, which can be said to be a turn of events.

Almost instantly, Lin Yun suffered 84 injuries, which almost dug out Lin Yun's throat and chest.

Lin Yun almost couldn't even breathe.

The displacement technique given by Xiao Jin is invalid for 20.

And the obscurity technique on the opposite side.



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