Rise Of The Black Widow

Chapter 48 - Hyde

Lilu had watched him closely. Her attack at his wrist was a test. Something was blocking ranged spells from hitting him, but her close combat strike with Alpha had injured him and sent him into this mutated insane rage.

Hannibal was an interesting fellow to say the least. He hadn't always been this insane killer. Before his soul upgrade, he was a normal boy. But that fateful day when his soul upgraded it brought with it some conditions. Like Lilu , he would be considered an anomaly. His feat was called "Jekyll and Hyde". His Jekyll side was what Lilu had barged in on. When his soul first upgraded one of the conditions of this feat is that it would activate randomly unless suppressed. The way to suppress it was to consume human flesh.

As a child he fought this and refused to do it. Finally the first random activation happened. He was in his home playing with his parents. When Hyde came forth, it didn't care who this food was before it, he beat and devoured them all.

When Hannibal has come to, he woke up in a puddle of his parents blood. All that remained remained of them was their heads with the skin on their faces having been ripped free. His mind broke at that point. His psyche couldn't handle what he had just done, and he broke. This started him down this dark and destructive path.

The next time he consumed flesh, it was one of the bullied from down the street. He lured him into the woods and hit him in the head with a rock. He then began eating him raw. After the bully died he got his first level up notice, and he was able to access his store.

A twisted soul requires a twisted store. His store unlike everyone else had things that pertained to murder and the consumption of humans. His mask, his spikes, his weapons were all purchased with the experience points he earned from killing and devouring others.

His alternate form Hyde was a force to be reckoned with. It increased his strength 20 fold, but it also increased his madness. His skin became as hard as steel, and received a special trait that would allow him to keep fighting as long as he still had his head. The drawbacks to this were that as his strength grew, his agility lessened. As his madness grew, his rationale lessened. The point he was at now, he could almost not form words anymore.

Lilu had noticed the changes in his mobility and his mind. The crazier he got the more it seemed he relied on base instincts. With his new massive body, those huge bulking muscles hindered his movement. Being in the hallway hindered them more. These two factors combined had created that small 2 foot gap in his swing each time he stepped.

Lilu had put away her twins to lessen her profile. She was going to gamble on being able to move through that gap and attack him up close. She didn't know what kind of magic defenses he had, but she was going to stake it all on the single higher tier spell she had practiced. Energy Grenade.

Waiting for the right moment, she backed up slowly. Hannibal stepped, swung, stepped, swung. Slowly Lilu controller the rhythm with her retreat. Finally right as he was about to step again, Lilu dashes forward. She charges dead ahead waiting till she gets within range.

Hannibal sees her charge and swings in earnest toward her. This was the moment. Lilu leaps to the side, her feet landing on the wall. She dampens her impact by bending her knees and preparing herself like a spring. Right as the blade passes she launches from the wall. The energy grenade appeared in her hand.

Slipping right between the gap of his blades, she tosses the energy grenade up right next to his c.h.e.s.t. Diving under his raised arm she spins around and shoots a whole flock of energy bullets at the back of his knees. Even if they couldn't injure him, hopefully they would at least make him buckle.

Bullet after bullet hit the back of the joints. Lilu felt as though she may fail again. But right as the last couple of bullets hit, his knees buckled and he fell to the ground on top of the energy grenade. Lily rolled again and kept to her feet sprinting as fast as she could towards the doors. She flung herself through the doorway and kicked the door closed right as the energy grenade detonated.

The hallway was filled with dust and debris after the explosion. Lilu opened the door and and waited. She had to either see a hallway filled with red paste, a body, or something.

The dust finally started to settle. Lilu saw what she thought was a large dark shadow laying on the ground in the distance. What followed was the noise of countless objects cutting through the air. The dust was then forced away by hundreds of daggers having all been thrown at once. Behind them was Hannibal, climbing to his feet. A giant hole in his abdomen that you could see through.

Lilu couldn't dodge them all, she put up her arms to block her face and prayed all of her protection gear would save her life. The blades ripped through her clothing, the vest seemed to deflect most of the daggers that struck it. What was left of her shirt and pants was turned into scraps of cloth that littered the air around her.

But none of the blades pierced her, or cut her skin. Now she was standing in naught but her spider queen armor, and her battle vest. Not knowing what else to do, she started casting energy grenades and throwing them down the hallway. They seemed a little bigger. Lilus spider queen armor was also glowing slightly.

The grenades started going off one after another. Lilu tossed them till her mana was almost dry. The explosions happened in short succession. The violence of it shook the building and finally the roof of the hallway collapsed and fell on top of Hannibal. The grenades continued to explode. They first blew out the boarded up windows. Then they blew the sheet rock from the walls. Then they blew the walls down to the studs. The area where the roof had collapsed was even worse. The fallen roof had been blown into tiny bits. Hannibal's body had several massive holes, two of his limbs missing.

But Hannibal still tried to rise. His one a pushed his upper torso into the air while his one leg moves to a knee. Part of the mask had been blown apart on his face. It exposed his jaw. His lips had been cut away, leaving an exposed gum line and teeth. The newly exposed skin of his cheek seemed slightly putrid. He materialized another spike and threw it at Lilu, half way on its path it burst into flames.

Lilu still barely managed to dodge this attack. "Why won't you just die?!?" She shouts out at him. She pulls out her twins and fired the remaining energy rockets. She then pulls the spent crystals from them and pockets them. She goes into another pocket and pulls out two fresh crystals. These did not have rockets in them though. They had one shot each.

Lily pointed Alpha and Omega towards the remains of Hannibal and fired both at once. Two giant mana paths formed. They were very intricate and contained three layers. The first layer was a large circular path with many symbols all densely packed together to the center. The second layer sat in front of the first layer, slightly smaller but equally dense with symbols and figures. The final layer was a small circular layer, inside the circle was the shape of a large planetary body seeming to be hurling through space.

The twin giant energy meteors shattered what was left of the hallway, and blew the doorway apart. They turned everything in their path to ash before finally landing on Hannibal. The explosions produced two giant mushroom clouds and a white flash of light that could be seen for miles. The whole block shook, and other parts of the abandoned school began to collapse.

Somehow Lilu had stood there, shielding her eyes, but uninjured. When the shockwaves finally passed and the debris began to clear, two bright white lights shown through the dust. As they cleared more the shape of an arrow came into view. As the last bits settled completely Grants Ferrari was sitting in the now blown away space. He rollled his window down and shouted "I am guessing that was the signal?"

However , when the dust settled, not only could Lilu see Grant, Grant could see Lilu. He stopped talking and simply stood there with his mouth hanging open. A single thought went through his head "I thought she said this wouldn't be a common thing?"

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