Rise of the Dark Witch

Chapter 229 Sacrifice of the Evil God, Power of Domain (First Update)

Under the gaze of many eager wizards, Roja and Os walked in the transformed forest of the God Tree Realm.

As the two of them moved, the branches and leaves rustled.

Roja looked relaxed and confident, as if he didn't take Shadow Killing Witch seriously at all.

Ossie seemed confident, but his tense body and sharp eyes searching around betrayed the nervousness in his heart.

Whenever there was a sound of swaying branches, Aos couldn't help but look in the direction of the sound, and asked Roja with his eyes - "Is it the Shadow Killing Witch?"

Roja just folded his arms and waited quietly for the opening of the Taurus Star Palace, not caring at all about the Shadow Killing Evil Witch hiding in the dark.


Roja kicked forward!


Some kind of liquid with the smell of blood sprayed on both Roja and Os.

But it wasn't until a few seconds passed that the blood sprayed on the two men emerged.

Os, who finally noticed the blood splattered on his body, his eyes suddenly widened, "The Shadow Killing Witch has taken action? Can you sense him?"

Roja yawned, "It's just boring invisibility witchcraft."


There were more than a dozen talented wizard apprentices present, and it took them more than half a month to find no flaws in their witchcraft. Roya actually called it boring?

Judging from the fact that Roja cracked it easily, it might be really boring in his eyes.

Oss sighed deeply inwardly.

He originally wanted to find a collaborator, but now he has become a tour guide.

"Did you hit him with that kick just now?" Aos looked around, but unfortunately even when facing the injured Shadow Killing Evil Witch, he still couldn't find any flaws and couldn't sense the opponent's existence at all.

While Os was looking around like a headless fly, Roya's eyes were fixed on a certain place, and then moved as if they were chasing something that didn't exist.

"Is the Shadow Killing Witch there?" Os looked in the direction Roya was looking.

After knowing the movement trajectory of the Shadow Killing Witch through Roja's sight, Os finally noticed the traces of the Shadow Killing Witch on his own after some hard work.

Not only Os, but also the other wizard apprentices who were watching, all figured out the flaws in the Shadow Killing Witch.

"Is this what it is like?"

"It's a pretty good invisibility witchcraft, but even without him, I can crack it with a little more effort."

"I was almost frightened by him and let the Taurus Star Soul go out in vain."

Under the gaze of everyone, the Shadow Killing Witch knew that it was no longer necessary to remain hidden.

A burst of black smoke appeared, condensing into a naked body, with strange spells carved on every inch of his body, and dense spells could be seen even in his eyeballs.

The shadow-killing evil witch appeared and glared at Roja with hatred.

If it weren't for Roja, how could his witchcraft be cracked?

If it weren't for Roja, the soul of the Star God in the Taurus Star Palace would belong to him!

"I will never show mercy to those who want to kill me." Roja drew out the Holy Sword Lion Heart and roared, pointing the sword tip directly at the Shadow Killing Witch, "Are you ready to die?"

"Death?" Shadow Killer Evil Witch sneered, "Do you really think I can only become invisible?"

"I hide my body and avoid direct conflict with you, not because I am afraid of you, but because I am kind!"

The Shadow Killing Evil Witch thrust his right hand into his chest and took out a still-beating bloody heart. "You forced me to do this. Everyone, go to hell!"

Roja narrowed his eyes, obviously not understanding what the Shadow Killing Witch was doing.

However, the moment other people saw Shadow Killing Evil Witch's actions, they immediately knew Shadow Killing Evil Witch's plan.

Their strength is not as good as Roja's, but coming from a powerful wizarding force like One Palace and Three Cities, their knowledge is not comparable to that of Roja, a country bumpkin from the Six Kingdoms.

"Sacrifice to the evil god?"

"He plans to use himself as a medium to summon the evil god entity to come?"

"Damn it, is he crazy?"

As soon as someone else spoke, Luo Ya reacted immediately.

Evil God Sacrifice is a sacrificial technique that can summon the body or clone of the contracted Evil God. It is generally a method used by red-robed wizards.

As a group of black wizards who would do anything for power, it is normal for them to learn the contract between the red-robed wizard and the devil. Roja also made a contract with the Bone Roar Beast.

However, the one that Roja contracted with was only the first-level peak Bone Shout Beast, while the one with the Shadow Killing Evil Witch was the fourth-level evil god!

The shadow-killing evil witch holding the heart showed a ferocious expression on his face, and the spells engraved on his body glowed with an ominous blood-red light.

The invisible realm emanated from him and enveloped all the wizard apprentices present.

The movements of the wizard apprentices who wanted to escape suddenly became hurried and stiff, and the air seemed as thick as glue.

This is an area that only second-level wizards can understand!

Within the realm, everything is dominated by the realm's releaser.

It is rumored that after cultivating the field to the extreme, the field can even form its own plane space.

However, if you want to cultivate your domain to the point of forming a plane space, that is something that only a strong person at the fifth level can do.

That’s why existences after the fifth level are called—demons!

The third and fourth levels are just false gods who have understood the power of the demon god. Only after entering the fifth level can you be qualified to become a real demon god!

Under the power of the domain, how can a wizard apprentice who is not even a formal wizard resist?

Os roared, and seven light balls flew out of his body, transforming into a phantom of the Demon God and hovering around him, allowing him to move like a normal person under the coverage of the domain.

Os gritted his teeth and fled slowly at a speed of ten meters per second.

When everyone else's escape speed was as slow as a snail, Os, who could move at the running speed of a normal person, was so conspicuous.

Among all the wizard apprentices present, only two were still standing.

One of them is a shadow-killing evil witch who intends to sacrifice to the evil god and summon the physical clone of the evil god to come.

The other person is Roja!

"A mere wizard apprentice actually tries to tap into the power of the demon god? So what if he taps into it? Can you really summon a complete fourth-level demon god?"


"Although you can only summon a small part, it will still be very troublesome if you succeed."

Roja grasped the hilt of the Holy Sword Lion's Heart Roaring with both hands, and the magic power as surging as the sea was crazily injected into the Holy Sword Lion's Heart Roaring.

"Boom - thunder - shock -"

A dazzling white beam of light suddenly surged out from the roaring blade of the Holy Sword Lion Heart and headed towards the Shadow Killing Evil Witch.


Under the force of the tyrannical oscillation, the air screamed, and there was a sound like broken glass.

After the upgrade, the Holy Sword Lion's Heart Roar, its pure power is definitely not inferior to those top companion magic weapons!

Under the fierce attack of the oscillating power like dazzling white light, the Shadow Killing Witch screamed in pain, and the screams were mixed with the roar of the monster.

While Roja was frantically requesting magic power from the Bone Roar Beast, he was injecting magic power into the Holy Sword Lion Heart Roar at a speed of 10,000 units per second.


The shadow-killing evil witch screamed.

After a full seven seconds of stalemate, the screams suddenly stopped.


The white beam of light passed through the body of the Shadow Killing Witch and blasted straight into the distance.

After the light faded, the Shadow Killing Witch had disappeared without a trace.

With the death of the Shadow Killing Witch, the realm that enveloped everyone dissipated, and everyone regained their freedom.

The moment they regained their freedom, everyone looked at Roja in horror.

The Shadow Killing Evil Witch is very strong, but the power of the Shadow Killing Evil Witch is traceable and they can understand it.

But why is Roja so powerful?

Why was Roja able to kill the shadow-killing evil witch who was performing a sacrificial ceremony to the evil god with one move?

Roja's move just now used nearly 100,000 units of magic power, right?

There are many ways to replenish magic power, which are not worth mentioning.

What's really strange is why Roja can control such huge magic power?

Why can such a huge amount of magic power be used to release top magic skills?

Is this only possible with formal wizard-level magic control?

Is Roja an official wizard?

Everyone was suspicious, surprised, and afraid.

After taking a look at Roja, many people quickly fled before Roja made an attack.

There are still a few people who think that Roja was able to kill the Shadow Killing Evil Witch because he must have used some kind of taboo trick that would backfire on him. Now that he is at the end of his strength, he may not be their opponent at all.

Roja sheathed the holy sword Lionheart Roar.

He patted Os on the shoulder, "Don't let them enter the Taurus Temple and interfere with me."

After saying that, he ignored the reactions of others and walked forward directly.

Arriving at the end of the golden passage, there was only an endless sea of ​​fire in front of the broken road.

Facing the extremely hot little sun, even if a formal wizard fell in, he would die or be disabled.

Roya stood at the end of the road and waited.

He stared at the iron cables that penetrated deep into the sun.


Those ten-meter-diameter iron cables slowly pulled something heavy out of the depths of the sun.

Finally, under the power of the iron rope, a huge palace was pulled out from the depths of the sun.

It was a huge golden temple hundreds of meters high that resembled a bull's head - the Taurus Star Temple!

The moment the Taurus Star Palace appeared, everyone's eyes widened.

However, except for Roja, no one else dared to make any move.

After staring at the Taurus Star Palace for a few seconds, Roja jumped hard, jumped onto a huge iron cable connected to the Taurus Star Palace, and ran quickly towards the Taurus Star Palace along the iron rope.


A gust of wind flashed past, and Roja had entered the Taurus Star Palace.

In a solemn and sacred vast hall, Roja looked straight ahead.

At the end of the hall, there is a translucent golden bull the size of a watermelon suspended - a golden bull star soul that can let the bloodline step into the fifth level!

But it’s not easy to get the Taurus Star Soul.

On both sides of the hall stands a thirty-meter-tall golden statue with a bull's head and a human body.

Roja knew that once he approached the Taurus Star Soul, seven of the many golden bull-headed statues would wake up and come towards him.

The strength of these star palace guards is not comparable to that of the star beasts outside.

Each star palace guard possesses the strength and speed comparable to a first-level lord-level monster. No matter how powerful the wizard apprentice is, as long as he is touched by a star palace guard, he will die or be disabled.

One can still survive.


No matter how strong the wizard apprentice is, it is impossible for him to win!

No matter how powerful the wizard apprentice is, there is no way he can defeat the combined forces of the seven Star Palace guards!

Therefore, if you want to obtain the Star Soul, you only need to rely on tricky methods.

"Is it impossible?"

"Faced with the Star Palace Guards who possess the power and speed of a lord-level monster, even if I transform into a lord-level monster, it will be difficult to win."

"It is very difficult for other wizard apprentices to take away the soul of the Star God without alerting the Star Palace guards, but that wizard apprentice does not include me."

"As long as I use the form of life source to transform into the guardian beast Dawn Deer, I should be able to steal the Taurus star soul silently."

Simply taking away the Taurus star soul is very simple for Roja.

But Roja's purpose is not as pure as getting the Taurus Star Soul.

He wants more!

"I have been using the Star-Sealing Lock to seal the Star Beast these days. It's time to practice the results of my training."

Roja held the Holy Sword Lion Heart and roared, walking forward step by step.

The magic eye of true knowledge!

Proof of two souls!

Under the inspection of the True Knowledge Eye that can predict the next five seconds, which golden statue will transform into a star palace guard and move, the way of attack and the trajectory of movement...

Roya could see everything clearly.


As Roja stepped into the protective range of the Star Palace guards, the golden statues suddenly moved and rushed towards Roja at a terrifying speed of three times the speed of sound.

The Star Palace guards moved very fast, but Roja had already taken action before they made any move.


Dozens or hundreds of Star-Sealing Locks were shot out from Roja's body, accurately piercing into the weak points of defense of every Star Palace guard.

The Star Palace Guards have powerful bodies comparable to lord-level monsters, but under the nemesis Star Sealing Lock, their powerful defenses are as if they are made of water, and are of no use against the Star Sealing Lock.

After being pierced into the body by the Star Sealing Lock, the flow of star power in the Star Palace Guard's body was immediately affected.

The Star Palace Guard, whose body is completely condensed by the power of the Star Spirit, immediately suffered a sharp drop in strength, speed, reaction, etc. after the operation of the Star Spirit Power was affected.

Looking at the seven Star Palace guards whose movements slowed down, Roja smiled with satisfaction.

"It's true that when I was in my hometown, I studied the Star Sealing Lock every day."

The Star-Sealing Lock is a special chain that uses magic and mental power to restrain star beasts. It can seal star beasts and gain the power of star spirits.

In order to let Roja help collect the power of the stars, Sejie taught Roja the method of condensing the Star Sealing Lock.

Luo Ya has really worked hard on the cultivation of Star Sealing Lock.

Even under normal circumstances, his proficiency in Star-Sealing Lock can be regarded as a grand master level. There is no wizard apprentice in the Shenwa Witch Domain who can match him.

After using the Certificate of Two Souls, he was able to condense dozens or hundreds of Star-Sealing Locks at once, each of which was strong enough to easily seal a Star Beast.

However, it still cannot be taken lightly.

Although under the effect of the Star Sealing Lock, the Star Palace Guard's movement speed dropped from three times the speed of sound to one time the speed of sound, and the attack speed also became one-third of the original, the strength did not change.

Facing the Star Palace Guards who still possess the power of lord-level monsters, if they are slightly "grazed" by the attacks of the Star Palace Guards, even if they are stronger than Roja, they will die or be disabled.

However, Roja has the magic eye of true knowledge that can see the future, and the evidence of two souls that can see into everything.

With the cooperation of the True Knowledge Demonic Eye and the Witness of Two Souls, it is completely impossible for Luo Ya to be injured as long as he does not wave.


While avoiding the attacks of the Star Palace guards, Roja created star-sealing locks to stab the Star Palace guards.

As the number of Star-Sealing Locks increased, the movements of the Star Palace guards became slower and slower.

By the end, the movements of the Star Palace guards were as slow as ants.

"seal up!"

Roja gave a low shout, and the star-sealing lock emitted a dazzling light.

Knowing that they were about to be sealed, the Star Palace guards struggled with all their strength.

But they have already been blocked by star-sealing locks, so what's the use of struggling?


Looking at the seven Star Guard gems sealed by the Star Palace guards in his hand, Roja wiped the sweat from his forehead tiredly.

Using the Star-Sealing Lock to seal seven Star Palace guards whose strength is comparable to Lord-level monsters at once consumes too much magic and mental power, and even he can't bear it.

Fortunately, everything went smoothly and no accidents occurred.

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