Rise of the Dark Witch

Chapter 289 The Power of Domain (Summer Solstice 12)

Among those watching the battle, only Wizard Blue knew how Roya won.

Others thought that Roja used self-destruction as a cover and that he used secret techniques or props to hide.

Not really.

Roya was always there.

Roja's body was transformed into countless cells in the explosion and existed in the surrounding air.

Although the vitality of a formal wizard is strong, there is still a way to survive a broken heart, a destroyed head, and a disappeared body.

But the body is transformed into cells, and then each cell is used as a seed to attack. The power of vitality is really beyond the scope of a first- and second-level wizard. Even the well-informed second-level wizard Blue is a third-level wizard. I saw this attack method once.

But I have to say, it’s really very strong!

If he met Roya at the same level, Blue believed that he would have a good chance of falling for Roya's move.

But if you know it in advance, there are still many ways to deal with it.

Individual cells are very weak.

The reason why Roja's cells were able to survive the explosion without being injured, he guessed, was related to Roja's magic weapon, which could adapt to attacks and avoid injuries.

This type of witchcraft is very common among plant and life wizards.

As long as the damage avoidance is enough, no matter how powerful the attack is, it will not be able to damage the weak cells even a bit.

But as long as you know this in advance, it will be easier.

Wouldn't it be nice to use a large-scale attack with no attributes to wipe out all of Roja's cells?

"It's a really powerful and thoughtful move." Blue couldn't help but admire it.

"Wizard Bru, I won the battle with Carlo. According to the agreement, your land of Fusheng must recognize the existence of our Holy Luo Empire and recognize me, the Holy Emperor who commands the Holy Luo Empire." Roja said.

"Of course, we will keep our promise, but -" Blue's eyes turned cold, "How are you going to explain to me that you killed my student Carlo?"

"In a duel, casualties are inevitable."

"But you can win without killing him."

"He wanted to kill me, so I killed him. Isn't this normal?"

"Carlo is a good boy. He usually can't bear to step on an ant. How could he kill you? What he said during the battle was just because he was angered by you and lost his mind and said something against his will." Bu Bu. Lu said calmly.

"...Wizard Blue, what do you want?" Roja knew that Wizard Blue had no intention of reasoning with him.

Wizard Blue moved.

It was as if gravity didn't exist. His feet lifted off the ground and he was suspended in the sky above Roja.

The deep eyes looked down at Roja, making Roja feel like a mountain was pressing on him, and his body became extremely heavy.

"Killing my students, killing my wizards in the Land of Fusheng, this crime cannot be easily forgiven, but since your talent is so outstanding, it would be a pity to bury it, so I will give you a chance."

Blue raised a finger and said, "Come with me to the Land of Fusheng and redeem yourself from being a slave for twenty years."

"Haha, Wizard Blue, do you think it's possible?" Roja sneered.

"It's okay if you don't want to be a slave for twenty years. You just need to defeat me like you defeated my student Carlo." Wizard Blue said proudly with his hands behind his back.

As a second-level fusion realm wizard, Blue is ranked among all the second-level wizards in the Guanwa Witch Domain in terms of strength.

It is extremely difficult to defeat him in the same realm.

You are weaker than him and still want to win against him?


As soon as Wizard Blue said this, not only Roya, but Wizard Rebrandt and others all looked very ugly.

Wizard Blue’s words were obviously shameless!

"You can refuse, but even I don't know what I will do after I refuse." Wizard Blue said in a deep voice.

"Wizard Bru, your request is a bit too much. Even if I die, it is impossible for me to go to the Land of Fusheng with you and be a slave for twenty years." Roja replied.

"Oh, then how are you going to compensate me? How are you going to compensate us, the land where the symbols are born?" Wizard Blue asked.

Wizard Blue's tone made everyone present breathe a sigh of relief.

There is still more to talk about.

In fact, Wizard Blue didn't dare to push too far.

Twenty years of slavery?

Everyone knows that it is absolutely impossible to agree to such a thing.

If we insist on this statement, the only outcome will be a breakdown in negotiations.

Although Wizard Blue is strong, he cannot kill Roja.

When Roja was transforming into cells just now, many cells left the spacecraft and flew to a safe place on the ground to hide.

Wizard Blue can defeat Roya on the spaceship, but what about Roya hiding in the wizard tower on the ground?

With Roja's strength and the assistance of the wizard tower, even the second-level wizards can't do anything to Roja.

This time, Wizard Blue miscalculated.

He thought Carlo could kill Roja.

Even if Roja wins in the end beyond his expectations, so what? You're already on the spaceship and you still want to escape from his grasp?

Then Roja's body cell transformation greatly shocked him, making the development of the situation out of his control.

Wizard Blue's character is definitely not an easy one to talk to.

Facing Roja who killed his student Carlo, whether for his own face or Carlo's life, he must make Roja pay a painful price that would be worse than death!

If you are told to be a slave for twenty years, you must be a slave for twenty years!

It is absolutely impossible that you can still bargain for the price like now!

It's a pity that it can't be done.

He couldn't make Roja's life worse than death.

He couldn't bring Luo Ya back to the land of Fu Sheng to be a slave for twenty years.

He was angry, he was furious, he was angry, but he knew very well that he couldn't do it.

Directly break up with Roja in anger?

Reckless revenge on Roja?

Yes, yes, but is it good for him?

In addition to being able to kill some civilians to vent his anger, can it bring him any real benefits?


Wizards are a crazy and sane bunch.

Acting against one's inner thoughts for the sake of profit is commonplace.

No matter how arrogant the wizard is, he is no exception.

"What are you going to do? As agreed, ordinary compensation cannot satisfy me." Blue said.

"I will fight with you. If I win, our personal grudges will be wiped out. If I lose, I will work for you for fifty years, but I will never go to the Land of Fu Sheng. How about that?" Roja said.

"Oh?" Blue chuckled, "Yes, but there is one more condition. If I win, I will hand over the second-level witch medicine True Dragon's Blood Embryos in your hand."

Roya was stunned by Blue's words.

Second level witch medicine, true dragon blood embryo?

How did Blue know about this?

In fact, Roja should have been alert when Wizard Blue appeared.

Because Wizard Blue is a Dragon Vein Wizard.

Could it be such a coincidence?

Roja turned his head and looked towards Wizard Mhua, who shook his head slightly.

There are only three people who know about the existence of the second-level witch medicine True Dragon Blood Embryos.

He himself, the magic medicine refiner Mhua wizard, and the dead wizard Prima.

It is definitely impossible for Roja himself to take the initiative to inform Wizard Blue.

It didn't look like Wizard Mhua was lying.

Then there is only one answer, Prima Wizard!

Wizards are a sensible and skeptical bunch.

No matter how close you are to someone, always be suspicious.

No matter how sincere a commitment is, be prepared for the possibility of betrayal.

Wizard Prima absolutely does not trust Roya's promise!

In particular, Roja's promise had many loopholes. Roja could kill him at any time without breaking his promise if he wanted to.

It's just that the Prima wizard was too weak at the time and was not worthy of negotiating terms with Roja, so he could only accept Roja's conditions bitterly.

But that doesn't mean he will sit still and wait for death.

Before he went to the Catastrophe Tomb to hunt down the Ermi wizard, he prepared his back-up plan.

As long as he does not return alive within a certain period of time, the news about the second-level witch medicine True Dragon Blood Embryos will be passed to the second-level Dragon Vein Wizard Blue Wizard in the Land of Fusheng.

He originally intended this threat as a last resort.

It's better not to use it if you can.

Even if he succeeds in threatening Roja this time, Roja will definitely cause trouble for him as soon as he becomes stronger in the future.

Therefore, Prima Wizard did not tell Roja about this matter at first, nor did he tell his friend Mhua Wizard about it.

After the battle with the Ermi wizard, when he suspected that Roja was going to renege on his promise, he was ready to tell Roja about it and threaten Roja.

Unexpectedly, Roja actually kept his promise?

In this case, this threat that would worsen their relationship can be given up.

Unexpectedly, Wizard Mhua suddenly attacked from behind and killed Wizard Prima.

He is already going to die. Will Prima Prima kindly tell this matter so that Roja can be mentally prepared in advance?


The land of the Six Kingdoms is indifferent to the land of Fu Sheng.

After all, it’s just a place that will be destroyed in a few decades, so why should we care?


The Land of Six Kingdoms and the Land of Fusheng have enmity. As for Luo Ya's unification of the Land of Six Kingdoms, the Land of Fusheng will definitely not let it go, even if the Land of Six Kingdoms will be destroyed in a few decades.

Fusheng Land will definitely send people to cause trouble this time.

The problem lies with the people sent.

Wizard Blue is a student of the Lord of the Land of Fusheng. His energy should be focused on becoming stronger and becoming a third-level wizard as soon as possible.

Generally speaking, Wizard Blue would not take any action on this trivial matter in the Land of the Six Kingdoms, which was meaningless for him to improve his strength.

As a second-level wizard, one of the very important reasons why Wizard Bru was wasting his time here is because of the second-level witch medicine, True Dragon Blood Embryos.

With the second-level witch medicine True Dragon Blood Embryos, Wizard Blue is confident that he will reach the second-level realm of expansion within three years, saving at least a hundred years of effort.

It's just that Roya's killing of Carlo was beyond Wizard Blue's expectations.

Carlo was his student, the genius of the ancient family, the Sbottes, and he had to do something.

When he saw Roja nodding and agreeing to his request, the anger in Wizard Blue's heart subsided a little.

Others let out a long sigh.

They all felt sorry for Roya.

In a battle between Roya and Wizard Blue, it is impossible for Roya to win.

This is equivalent to Roja agreeing to hand over the second-level witch medicine True Dragon Blood Embryos and become a thug in the Land of Fusheng for fifty years.

For a genius like Roja, the impact of wasting fifty years is really too great.

Not only will he not be able to practice normally for fifty years, but he will also likely have to do some very dangerous things for the Land of Fusheng.

If you are not careful, you will die.

Even if you survive, you will inevitably be seriously injured.

It seemed like it was only fifty years, but in fact it was a loss of at least two hundred years!

If we say that the former Roja was a genius who could reach the third level.

Then Luo Ya, who has been helping Fusheng Land for fifty years, will probably stop at the second level in this life, and will not even think about the third level.

"Alas, a genius fell like this."

"He's really stupid. He just hid in the wizard tower. What can Wizard Blue do to him?"

"Yes, can the third-level wizard from Fusheng Land still be able to kill him?"

"Do you think there is a possibility that Roja proposed this condition because he thought he could defeat Wizard Blue?"

"How is that possible! If Wizard Blue is at the second level of primary pattern realm, there is still some possibility. The problem is that Wizard Blue is at the second level of fusion level!"

"Normal wizards know that it is impossible for a first-level wizard to defeat a second-level wizard without the help of external objects."

What has happened is irreversible.

All they can do is watch this battle.

This battle between the strongest first-level wizard in the Shenwa Witch Domain and the second-level wizard Blue was already destined to end before the battle even started.

Yes, in their opinion, Roja, who could easily kill Carlo, was undoubtedly the strongest first-level wizard in the Shenwa Witch Domain.


There are only a few people who think that Roja will lose.

After all, those who know the land of Fusheng and the wizards account for a very small proportion among all the people in the Six Kingdoms.

Most people were shouting loudly for Roja.

They all think that Holy Emperor Roja will win!

During the battle between Roja and Carlo, the people were still very nervous at first.

After all, the three Carlos took a spaceship to raid the enthronement ceremony, and their sudden drop from the sky gave people a great sense of oppression.

They all felt that Carlo and the other three were god-like beings, and even their Holy Emperor might lose.

But after Roja easily killed Carlo, their mentality changed.

He has changed back to the time when he believed in Luo Ya as a god and felt that Luo Ya was invincible in the world.

"A group of miscellaneous fish actually want to challenge our Holy Emperor?"

"Kill him! Let them know how powerful our Saint Luo Empire is!"

"Those who offend the Holy Emperor will die!"

The people of the Saint Luo Empire stood in front of the live broadcast screen, cheering loudly for their beloved Saint Emperor Roya, and frantically throwing rotten eggs and rotten vegetables at the hateful villain Blue who provoked the Saint Emperor.

Suddenly, cheers and curses resounded throughout the entire Saint Luo Empire.

With hundreds of millions of people watching.

The battle between Roya and Wizard Blue begins.

Wizard Blue was suspended in mid-air with his hands behind his back, quietly waiting for Roya to attack.

He wants Roja to be convinced of his defeat!

He wants everyone who is paying attention to this battle to know that Roja is as small as an ant in front of him!

"Wizard Bru, you are very strong. The only way I can defeat you is to kill you, and I will not show mercy." Roja said.

"Huh? Do you think you can kill me?" Wizard Blue sneered, "Use all the means you can use now. You won't have a chance later."

There is a huge gap between first-level wizards and second-level wizards.

Especially the second-level wizards in the fusion realm.

No matter how powerful the first-level wizard is, he can only flee in panic in front of the second-level wizard in the fusion realm.

In particular, Wizard Blue is not an ordinary second-level fusion realm wizard. He is the strongest among all the second-level fusion realm wizards.

It is impossible for such a Bru wizard to lose to a first-level wizard!

Wizard Blue has this confidence.

Everyone who knows something about wizards thinks this is a matter of course.

On the contrary, Roja, a person who delusionally thinks that he can win, is an outlier among wizards.

Roja didn't speak.

Nothing he said was meaningful until the outcome of the battle came out.

He stretched out his hands towards Wizard Blue in mid-air, "Iron Vine Witch Claw!"

His arms suddenly turned into vines and shot towards Wizard Blue.

Wizard Blue, who was suspended motionless in mid-air, was immediately restrained by the vines.


Roja used strength to tighten the vines one by one.

When a first-level wizard is promoted to a second-level wizard, his physique, magic power, and spirit will not be enhanced.

Roja, who has completed five life transformations and performed bloodline fusion, has a physique comparable to that of a lord-level monster. In a simple physical competition, he is still ahead of the Dragon Vein Wizard Blue Wizard.


Roja kept exerting his strength.

Huge magical power acts on the vines.

The bloodline talent of soul creation was taken to the extreme by Roja.

However, Roja attacked Wizard Blue with all his strength for a long time without even breaking Wizard Blue's clothes! The bloodline talent of sharing souls did not absorb even a single bit of magic power!

Roya's attack was so powerless in front of Wizard Blue's domain.

Physical attack?

Psychic attack?

Elemental attack?

Curse attack?

Useless! Useless! Useless!

Facing the Bru wizard with domain protection, as long as he does not have the power to break through the domain, no attack can harm Bru wizard at all.

All attacks are just a waste of energy.

Wizard Blue exerted a little force on his body, and Roja's vines immediately broke.

The broken vines should have been immune to damage due to the withered vines of the magic weapon.

But no.

"Is this the realm?" Roja sighed inwardly.

The domain can be seen as an extension of the body. Within the coverage of the domain, everything is controlled by the domain user.

Even forces such as gravity and gravitation will be distorted and deflected by the field.

Level two wizards in the fusion realm do not yet have the power to expand the domain. They can only cover their own bodies, and the domain can only have an effect on things they come into contact with.

But enough is enough.

The power exerted by Roya's Iron Vine Witch Claw on Wizard Bru was deflected by Wizard Bru's field of use.

The reason why Roja's witch weapon, the Withered Miteng, did not suffer damage from Wizard Blue's attack was because the Injury-Resistant ability of the Withered Miteng was invalidated by the domain.

There are only two ways to break the realm.

The first method is to use fields to offset fields.

The second method is to use absolute power to break the field.

Although Roja can condense the power of the domain, it has not yet formed a real domain, and it is not enough to break Blue's domain.

As for the second method, use extreme power...

Where does Luo Yajie get the absolute power from humans?

Only the overlord-level monsters, whose magical power exceeds 100 million and whose power is measured in billions of tons, are capable of breaking through the realm with their absolute power!

Roya's magic power is among the top among all first- and second-level wizards, but it is still only eight million, which is far from the overlord-level monsters.

His strength is very powerful, and his ultimate strength can exceed 100 million kilograms.

One hundred million kilograms, that is, the power of one hundred thousand tons.

Eloja's strength can completely lift an aircraft carrier hundreds of meters long!

But the overlord-level monsters are measured in billions of tons. The difference in power between him and the overlord-level monsters is tens of thousands of times!

This is just an ordinary overlord-level monster.

The abyss overlord-level monsters have more magic power and are more powerful!

Roja does not have the domain. If he wants to defeat Blue, the only thing he can try is absolute power.

He himself doesn't have absolute power, but his contracted Beast Bone Shoutmon does?

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