Rise of the Dark Witch

Chapter 308 The Night the Moon Shattered

It's late at night.

Moonlight as thick as water flowed in through the half-open blinds, shining on Claire's snow-white body.

Claire, who was wearing a white translucent gauze pajama, lay on her back and turned around.

Can't sleep!

She has a lot on her mind.

For example, the secret about the Silver Snake, the mysterious teacher Fulla at Bailu Private Academy, the problems between mother and Xiu, and many other worries.

But her inability to sleep had nothing to do with those things.

An inexplicable uneasiness shrouded her heart.


Turn on the lamp on the table.

Come to the window.


After fully opening the half-open blinds, the sticky moonlight fell on her without any hindrance, and penetrated towards the depths of her body, being swallowed up by the silver hidden in her body.

"What's going on with this moonlight?"

"Is it too sticky?"

"It contains too much energy, right?"

Claire looked up and stared at the moon hanging high in the sky.

Gaze at the eternal moon hanging in the sky, which seems to be much bigger than this world.

Under the dazzling moonlight, the whole city can be said to be night like day.

It’s not that there are no nights with good moonlight, it’s just——

Claire clutched her chest.


Her heart was beating rapidly because of uneasiness.

Compared to her nervous body and spirit, the silver snake deep inside her body seemed extremely excited.

"...I seem to remember..."

Claire recalled what she learned in the occult course in the first grade.

What she thought was meaningless turned out to be the key to answering her inner doubts.

"what exactly is it?"

"I remember it was..."

After thinking about it, Claire clapped her hands.


"Today is the lunar day that happens once every three thousand years in myths and legends!"

"It is rumored that on Sunday, the world will usher in great changes!"

"The Blood Moon Sect, which caused trouble in the city not long ago, seems to have mentioned Moon Day, saying that this day is the day when the moon god Sami cleanses the world of sin..."

"How could I forget such an important thing?"

In the past, Claire didn't believe in these weird myths and legends.

But after she obtained the mysterious power of the silver snake, she had to admit that there were extraordinary powers in this world that ordinary people could not understand.

After thinking of the words "Sunday", her heart beat even faster.


Facing her heart that seemed to be beating out of her chest, Claire bit her lip.

"What about Sunday?"

"So what if something really happened?"

"What can I do?"

"I'm just an ordinary girl who accidentally got a little bit of power."

"I can't prevent the coming of Sunday, I can't prevent the disaster that may come, I can't..."


She has gained the power of the silver snake, so even if there is a disaster, she should have no problem protecting herself.

By the way, it is probably possible to protect the mother around you.

But what about the people who are not with her?

"I finally want to have an extra family, I absolutely can't..."

Claire quickly took off her pajamas and put on her regular clothes, holding the cross sword and heading out.


A crisp cracking sound suddenly sounded.

It was a sound like breaking glass.

But this sound actually comes from the moon?

At the moment when the shattering sound sounded, all the people who were awake couldn't help but look up at the moon, and all the people who were sleeping were awakened.

There are cracks in the moon!

Looking at this scene, almost everyone was confused.

"How can it be?"

"Am I dazzled?"

"The moon is cracked?"

Reality gave them a cruel slap in the face.

Click! Click! Click! ——

The cracks appeared quickly like thousands of centipedes quickly climbing on the moon.

In just a few seconds, the moon was already covered with countless cracks.

Looking at the cracked moon like a glass ball about to be broken, everyone watching this scene felt as if their hearts were being tightly grasped.

"Isn't it possible?"

"Does it mean that the moon wants it?"

"I must be dreaming!"

Even Claire, who possesses such extraordinary power as the power of the silver snake, couldn't accept what was happening in front of her for a moment, thinking that she was dreaming.

However, they were not given time to accept it.

in the next moment.


The moon is broken!

The moon hanging high in the sky, shining on the world for countless years, actually broke!

The broken moon turned into countless large and small pieces and scattered towards the earth like a meteor shower.

Faced with this scene that completely transcended common sense, everyone had different ideas.

Some have dull faces and blank minds.

You slapped yourself wildly, thinking you were dreaming.

Some laughed loudly and shouted that divine punishment was coming.

There was a gloomy look on his face, which he had already expected.

What happens in reality does not change in people's minds.

Facing the collapse of the moon, no matter what thoughts the world holds in their hearts, nothing will change.

Boom! Boom! Boom! ——

Pieces of the moon, large and small, turned into countless meteorites and rained down on the ground, and the silent night suddenly became noisy.

Human screams, exclamations, roars... countless sounds were mixed together, but they were all covered up by the sound of pieces of the moon hitting the ground.

The only good thing is that the damage caused by the meteorite was unexpectedly small.

Claire even saw huge fragments of the moon that were tens of kilometers high. If such a large fragment fell, it would logically be a disaster that would destroy the world.

But no.

Just broken windows, broken trees, cracked ground...

Not many people seemed to have died.

A few minutes later.

Finally, all the pieces fell to the ground.

Claire stared blankly at the night sky, looking at the moon, which seemed to be many circles smaller than the egg with only the yolk left.

A blood-red moon!

The lunar energy flowing out of that blood-red moon was hundreds of times greater than before!

Claire stared blankly at the blood moon. She was so shocked that she forgot everything for a moment, and her mind went blank.

While she was in a daze, a rapid knock on the door suddenly sounded, causing the whole room to tremble.

Accompanied by the rapid knocking on the door, there was also an anxious call from her mother.

Claire's body trembled, and she finally came to her senses.

But when she was thinking about opening the door to her mother and telling her mother that she was safe.



The wooden door was suddenly smashed!

Although the wooden door of their house is not particularly strong, her weak mother can actually smash it?

Both of them were stunned for a moment because of this incident.

But Aunt Remi quickly put aside such insignificant matters. She rushed towards Claire, hugged Claire tightly, and asked nervously, "Klea, are you okay?"

After carefully examining Claire's body, Aunt Remi felt relieved.

"That's great, it's okay if it's okay..." Aunt Remi looked at the blood moon in the sky, which was much smaller than the original moon. "The moon will break into pieces. What on earth is going on in this world?"

Aunt Remy is just an ordinary housewife.

Even if something extraordinary like the moon shattered happened before her eyes, as long as she and the woman were fine...


Aunt Remi suddenly reacted.

In addition to her daughter Claire, there is another person in her heart recently.

Both mother and daughter reacted now.

Unlike Aunt Remi who only cares about her family, Claire has many more things to think about, but ensuring the safety of her most important people first is the first thing in Claire's heart.

"Mom, hide it at home... let's go find Xiu together!"

Claire, who originally wanted her mother to hide herself and find someone by herself, thought about her own strength. Wouldn't it be safer for her mother to stay with her than to hide at home?

She patted her cheek, took a few deep breaths, calmed herself down, and then took her mother with her cross sword and left their residence.

As soon as she stepped out of the house, her body suddenly froze.

On the streets of Hushu Street, there are pieces of moon fragments of different sizes. The small ones are two meters high, and the large ones are more than ten meters high.

These fragments are more like artificially carved stones than irregular meteorite fragments.

Not only are the styles unified, there are also textures on them that are not easily noticeable at first sight but are very exquisite upon closer inspection.

Those meteorite blocks absorbed the moonlight, and the lines on the meteorite blocks emitted a light similar to the moonlight.

Large meteorite blocks may require more energy, and the light they randomly emit will be dim.

The smaller meteorite blocks were quickly filled with lunar energy, and the watery lunar energy flowed in the lines, emitting a dazzling light.

Looking at the meteorite block that seems to explode in the next second...

"Clea, what's wrong?"

"Mom, please step back."

Claire slowly drew her sword and stared at the meteorites that were emitting dazzling light, her expression solemn.


She adjusted her breathing.

A long silver snake that only she could see emerged on her body. The silver snake wrapped around her body and swam around her body.

Under the cold breath exuded by the silver snake, Claire's excited mood suddenly calmed down, and the distracting thoughts in her heart were suddenly swept away.

Nowadays, Claire is like an eminent monk who has entered trance, her appearance remains unchanged despite the mountains collapsing.

When the light of the small meteorites shines to the extreme.

Ouch ouch——

They turned into ferocious wolves from meteorites!

It was a wolf over two meters tall, with snow-white hair all over its body, an arc-shaped moon mark on its forehead, and a holy aura all over its body.

One of the seven guardian beasts of Moon Goddess Sami

——Greedy wolf?

The guardian beast transformed from the meteorite that fell from the moon. Is this the will of the moon god Sami?

Claire stared at the wolves without moving.

Judging from the holy aura emanating from those wolves, they don't look like ferocious beasts at all. Instead, they give people the feeling that they are here to protect the world.

Could it be said that these wolves are not enemies?

Are the messengers sent by the moon god Shami to deal with the rising dark forces in the world and protect mankind?

Looking at the sharp claws and fangs rushing towards her, Claire's heart was filled with regret.

Whether it's a murderer or a mythical beast.

Whether it is the messenger of dark power or the messenger sent by the moon god Shami.

Since he just showed his fangs to her and wanted to hurt her relatives, then...


With the help of the Silver Snake, Claire gained the ability to remain calm in the face of any situation and the power to see through the enemy's flaws.

The ferocious wolf in front of me is very powerful. It can explode at a speed of more than 100 per hour and a force of more than 10,000 kilograms in one pounce.

But not as good as her!

Her speed is faster, her strength is stronger, and her skills are even more powerful!

Facing the fierce wolf's attack, Claire refused to retreat and instead approached.

She dwarfed and was close to him in an instant.

The cross sword in his hand vibrated, piercing through the wolf's jaw and through its head.

Draw your sword.


He retreated to his mother's side.


The dead ferocious wolf fell to the ground at this time, and its body turned into moonlight and disappeared, leaving a stone the size of a fingernail on the ground.

"Kleia, you..." Aunt Remi looked at her daughter in surprise. That terrifying monster was actually killed by her daughter's sword?

She knew that her daughter was a good fighter and had started learning swordsmanship in recent months, but she never imagined that she would be so good at it.

Even compared to the martial arts masters competing in martial arts competitions, they are not inferior, right?

"Mom, let's go quickly!" Claire held her mother's hand and walked forward.

Aunt Remi looked at the roaring wolves around her, nodded and followed her daughter.

Even the moon collapsed.

The meteorite actually turned into a monster.

So what if my daughter is more powerful?

Now is not the time to think about this.

Find Xiu as soon as possible, protect Xiu, and wait until it is safe to ask questions later.

The mother and daughter walked quickly towards the slum apartment on Hushu Street.

Along the way, I saw pieces of moon meteorites standing on the ground, and saw ferocious wolves transformed from the moon meteorites.

And I heard people's screams and saw people being bitten by ferocious wolves.

The sense of justice in Claire's heart vibrated.

How she wanted to save those poor people from the vicious wolves.


"Make sure repair is safe first!"

Claire has a sense of justice, but she is not pedantic.

After ensuring the safety of your important family and friends, it's not too late to help others when you have more time.

"Get away!"


Claire waved the sharp sword in her hand and chopped down the attacking beasts one after another.

The distance that usually takes more than ten minutes to complete was covered in a few minutes even though there were wolves blocking the way.


"You hear me? Answer me!"


Claire shouted Xiu's name as she hurried on.

Finally, when she was still dozens of meters away from the slum apartment, she saw the person she was looking for.

She was relieved to see that the other party was still alive and kicking around.

After seeing the other party's situation clearly, her heart suddenly tightened.

Fixed being surrounded by several wolves!

Those ferocious wolves that can run at hundreds of speeds, explode with tens of thousands of kilograms of force, and can easily dominate the crowd, are actually besieging that thin orphan scavenger?

A child as thin as Xiu would be torn into pieces in an instant, right?

In those moments, Claire was so frightened that her heart almost jumped out of her chest. Even the power brought by the power of the silver snake was almost unable to suppress her excited emotions.

She managed to calm down.

But the people around her couldn't do that.


Aunt Remy screamed and rushed forward desperately.

Claire moved her hand to hold her impulsive mother, "Don't worry, he's fine!"

Xiu, who thought he would be torn into pieces if they met him, ended up fighting with several ferocious wolves.

Despite the fear on his face, despite his pale look, and despite his body trembling with fear, he was indeed fighting.

Strips of spider silk condensed by moonlight stretched out from the fingertips, fighting with the ferocious wolf.

When did he become so strong by cultivating the physique of a thin little boy? He actually has the ability to make and control spider silk?

Thoughts collided rapidly in Claire's mind.

She thought of her mother's uncanny ability to smash wooden doors with her bare hands, and of the people with extraordinary strength she met along the way...

Can moonlight enhance physical fitness?

Before she could figure out the answer, she had already arrived in front of Xiu, stabbing with the long sword in her hand, killing several ferocious wolves instantly.

She looked back and saw her mother holding Xiu and crying.

"Xiu, wuwu——"

Roja looked up at the mother and daughter beside her.

The sunday comes, the moon breaks, and the moon beast descends.

He originally planned to fake death and escape, find a place to hide and practice slowly until he passed the third magic machine test.

But he didn't expect to hear someone calling him from a distance.

Aren't the people who called him the mother and daughter Claire and Aunt Remi who have been getting along well recently?

Mother and daughter Claire and Aunt Remi took good care of him, and Aunt Remi pampered him like a darling.

After thinking for a while, he changed his action strategy.

Aunt Remi's soft body hugged her tightly.

I don't know if it's because she has been making desserts all year round, but Aunt Remi has a very pleasant sweet smell that makes people want to bite into her snow-white skin.

"Xiao Xiu, are you okay?" Aunt Remi, who looked like a beautiful young woman in her early thirties, nervously checked Roja's body with tears in her eyes.


Roja stroked Aunt Remi's smooth face and comforted her.

After letting Aunt Remi calm down.

Roja looked at Claire.

"Xiao Xiu, you..." Claire looked at the spider silk that seemed to be condensed by moonlight that shot out from Roja's fingertips.

"I don't know. After the moon collapsed, my body suddenly became stronger, and I also developed spider silk-like abilities... Let's talk about these things later. Sister Claire, what are you going to do next?" Roja asked.

"I'm not very sure. Find a safe place to hide quickly?" Claire's eyes fell on those people who were besieged by the moon beast, her eyes full of unbearability.

She wanted to save people, but she didn't know how.

Kill the moon beast?

What to do with the saved people?

Toss them aside and let them fend for themselves?

But if she keeps wearing it, she won't be able to protect so many people with her strength.

Roja saw the confusion in Claire's heart.

After all, Claire is just a little girl of sixteen or seventeen years old, and the information Claire possesses is so little that it is normal for her to not know what to do next.

"Sister Claire, let's go to Hushu Elementary School!"

“Elementary school on our street?”

"There are walls, open spaces, and loudspeakers. We can use the loudspeakers to make people outside gather toward the school, and we can also use the loudspeakers to let residents find hiding places."

There is a primary school on Hushu Street.

Whenever the elementary school bell rings, half of Hushu Street can hear the sound.

It is not impossible to turn up the loudspeaker of that primary school to the highest level so that the entire Hu Shu Street can hear it.

After hearing Roya's suggestion, the helpless Claire led Roja towards Hushu Elementary School without thinking.

Along the way, the moon-killing beast saved many people.

When we arrived at Hu Shu Street, there were already dozens of people with us.

Not long after, the sound of horns from Hushu Primary School resounded throughout Hushu Street. The sound from the horns brought hope to every panicked person.

Those people followed the guidance of the loudspeaker and either found a safe place to hide or rushed towards Hushu Primary School. (End of chapter)

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