Rise of the Dark Witch

Chapter 336 Time Analysis Spirit Pupil, Death Jing Sword Seed

On the improvised stage.

Fierce gazes stared at the two people standing hundreds of meters apart.

Marshal Gunda roared, violent breath pouring out of him crazily.

I saw that his already tall figure inflated like an inflated balloon, and in the blink of an eye he turned into a three-story-tall terrifying monster.

The heavy ax he held in his hand also expanded with his size.

A heavy ax twenty meters long appeared in the hands of Marshal Gunda.

On top of the heavy axe, there are eyes the size of fists.

These eyes seemed to be still alive, opening and closing, and moving "gurgling", looking extremely scary.

While Marshal Gunda was preparing for battle, Jono was not idle either.

Qiao Nuo gritted his teeth excitedly.

Since he advanced to the first level ten years ago, he has not had the opportunity to engage in a fierce battle with a powerful enemy.

His usual discussions with Wizard Boru and Hunter Gran could not satisfy him at all.

Now I finally have a chance to fight a powerful enemy.

He held nothing back.

Because he knows that Marshal Gunda is a strong man who has experienced hundreds of battles, and he will be the one who loses if he accidentally loses.

"The gift of life, the Time Analysis Spirit Eye!"

Although the green wizard and the black wizard are both wizards, their cultivation essence is similar but completely different.

Dark wizards major in blood.

Without bloodline, it is impossible to follow the path of a dark wizard. The strength of bloodline is related to the strength of strength.

Although many green wizards also follow the path of blood, most of them follow the path of pure life.

Swallow the Seed of Life refined from the Ancient Tree of Life, use your vitality to cultivate the Seed of Life, and allow the Seed of Life to take root in the human body and turn into the Tree of Life Pattern.

When the life pattern tree grows to its extreme, it is the third-class apprentice realm.

At this point, what needs to be done next is to let the Life Pattern Tree absorb all human blood and become a true "vegetative", thereby stepping into the first level.

Every green wizard who takes the paladin route is mostly weaker than the dark wizard in the apprenticeship realm.

Because dark wizards can awaken bloodline talents!

Having bloodline talents and not having bloodline talents have a huge impact on strength!

However, when the green wizard advances to the first level, he can awaken his life talent!

Life talents and bloodline talents are slightly different. The bloodline talents that each bloodline may awaken can be known in advance.

There are only a few types of bloodline talents that a bloodline possesses, and the awakened bloodline talent must be one of them.

Life talent is different.

The awakening of the gift of life is uncontrollable.

Life talents will be obtained randomly according to different people's potential and deep-seated will.

Jono perfectly inherited Roja's talent.

Whether it is swordsmanship talent, life talent, spiritual talent or other talents, they are all as mediocre as Roja.

If there is no adventure, the life of the Great Knight will be the end.

It was impossible to become a paladin, let alone an official wizard.

Qiao Nuo's current achievements are all thanks to Roja who spent a lot of resources on him.

But he seems to be a passer-by everywhere, but he possesses an extremely rare talent.

Just like Roja, the time and space talent that stands at the top of mortals!

When he advanced to the first level, the space-time potential hidden deep in his body finally burst out and condensed into a mature fruit.

The gift of life—Time Analysis Spiritual Eyes!

A vertical pupil located on the forehead.

A spiritual pupil that flows many times faster than Jono himself and can see the past, present, and future.

A self-aware, absolutely calm and loyal partner who can proactively give Jono advice!


A crack opened on Qiao Nuo's forehead.

Under the gap is an eye with three eyeballs.

The three eyes moved "Gurgling", staring at this time's enemy, Marshal Gunda.

After analyzing the spiritual pupil when using it, Qiao Nuo felt that his vision became extremely weird.

What he saw with his two eyes was no different from usual.

However, in the field of vision of the Shiji Lingpu on his forehead, the movement of everything in the entire world has slowed down many times, as if only his Shiji Lingpu's time has sped up.

"About twelve times?"

Shiji Lingtong originally had a calculation speed that exceeded his own, plus twelve times the time acceleration.

It is equivalent to Shiji Lingpu opening hundreds of times of thinking acceleration all the time!

And because Shiji Lingtong has self-awareness, Qiao Nuo does not need to distract himself from analyzing the data. He only needs to follow the suggestions given by Shiji Lingtong.

Shiji Lingtong is equivalent to a data analysis assistant!

And because the Shiji Lingtong can see the short past and future, the data it collects is extremely real!

The conclusions and opinions it analyzes using the collected data are almost error-free!

The Time Analysis Spirit Pupil can not only be used in combat, but can also play a major role in wizard's secondary jobs such as potions, potions, alchemy, etc.

It is a god-level auxiliary life talent!

When Qiao Nuo used the Time Analysis Eye, everyone around him looked at the extra third eye on his forehead in surprise.

"What's that eye?"

"Is it the witchcraft of a dark wizard?"

"There are many kinds of witchcraft about eye pupils, but have you never seen anything similar?"

"As expected of the grandson of Saint Emperor Luo Ya, I feel that I made the right decision to buy him!"

"Isn't it just an extra eye? Want to use an unknown eye pupil to erase the strength gap with Marshal Gunda? Thinking too much!"

"Isn't it normal for wizards to have weird abilities?"

"What's all the fuss about having three eyes? Are there few of us aliens with three eyes?"

"When we fight wizards, what we need to do is use absolute power to break their various weird witchcraft!"

They were very interested in the third eye growing on Jono's forehead.

However, they have become accustomed to wizards using various witchcraft that they do not know.

So I don’t plan to delve into the capabilities of Jono’s third eye.

Among all the people watching the battle, Roja was the only one who was able to realize the ability of Shiji Lingpu upon seeing it for the first time.

Although it was the first time for him to see the Shiji Lingpu, he could sense the time element surging around the Shijing Lingpu, and he could sense the weak fluctuations emitted when Qiao Nuo communicated with the Shijing Lingpu.

Roja narrowed his eyes slightly.

"What is awakened is the life talent of the time system?"

"Looks like you have self-awareness?"

"Looking at Qiao Nuo's reaction, after opening his third eye, he seems to be able to know his opponent's actions in advance?"

"Hey, Qiao Nuo, you got a pretty good thing."

Only a few seconds after the Shiji Spiritual Pupil appeared, Roja had already guessed the ability of the Shiji Spiritual Pupil.

With everyone's expectations, the battle between Jono and Marshal Gunda officially began.

Marshal Gunda roared, and his huge three-story body suddenly leaned forward and ran towards Jono not far away.

The air was stirred by Marshal Gunda's body, forming a burning red channel.

Three times the speed of sound!

Marshal Gunda, whose cultivation level is equivalent to the fourth level of the wizard, instantly spanned a distance of several hundred meters and swung the huge black ax like a small hill towards Jono.

Qiao Nuo had already predicted Marshal Gunda's attack through his Time Analysis Spiritual Eyes and evaded it in advance.

But Marshal Gunda's burst was too fast, and the attack range of the ax was too wide.

Especially the fist-sized eyes inlaid on the ax head.

Those eyes that exuded a dark aura stared straight at Jono.

Under the gaze of those eyes, Qiao Nuo only felt that his thinking was stagnant, and his thinking and reaction speed suddenly slowed down several times.

Under the gaze of his eyes, his body became extremely stiff as if being pressed down by a ghost.

Therefore, even if Jono could predict the trajectory of the attack in advance and dodge in advance, due to Marshal Gunda's speed, attack range, and the ax's weird ability, Jono could only barely avoid the edge of the axe. .

Marshal Gangda's eyes flashed coldly.

Surging magic power burst out from the axe.


The magic was detonated!

The magic shock wave that can blast a deep pit with a diameter of several hundred meters on the ground hit Jono mercilessly.

Like a lamb hit by a loaded truck at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour, Jono's body turned into a cannonball and flew out.

He was flying in mid-air, his body constantly twisting and deforming.

There was a heart-breaking sound of muscle breaking and bone cracking all over his body.


Normally, a wizard would be seriously injured if he could bear the damage from Marshal Gunda's blow.

But Jono didn't.

His body was rapidly healing itself in mid-air.

The speed of self-healing is faster than the speed of injury!

This is the effect that Jono chose to imprint the source of witchcraft's vitality.

The source of vitality is an auxiliary witchcraft that can greatly increase the owner's vitality and quickly heal the body at a fraction of the cost of other wizards.

As a life wizard, Qiao Nuo has a strong body's ability to heal itself.

Coupled with the effect of the source of life, the self-healing ability has reached a terrifying level that can be called immortal.

Even a broken head can be healed in the next second.

Marshal Gunda, who had just finished an attack, looked at Jono, who was still in mid-air, and all the injuries on his body had been completely healed before his body hit the ground.

After a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, he fell into madness.

"Haha, good! Good! Good!"

"This is how you are qualified to fight me!"

"Let me see how powerful you, the heir to the Holy Emperor, are -"

Marshal Gunda kicked his feet hard on the ground and suddenly accelerated in the direction of Jono's flying shot.

He had already caught up with Jono before he even landed.

The huge ax as big as a hill struck down at Jono mercilessly.

Just now, Jono was standing on the ground and couldn't completely avoid the ax attack. Now he was flying in mid-air, could he dodge it?

The audience on the side held their breath nervously.

I felt a little worried about Jono.

At the same time, I felt that Marshal Gunda had gone too far.

"Marshal Gunda, as one of the seven marshals of our Ashbone Empire, is definitely the best among the first-level realms, comparable to the wizard's fourth-level realm. That Prince Jono should only be in the second-level realm."

"Facing an enemy with a lower level and less experience than yourself, is Marshal Gunda too serious?"

"It's just a sparring competition after dinner. It would be bad if someone was seriously injured."

"Oh, Marshal Gunda, who has a violent personality and doesn't know how to hold back, shouldn't be allowed to play."

When most people were not optimistic about Jono and thought that Jono would be unilaterally beaten by Marshal Gunda.

Jono moved!

He held his right hand out of thin air, and something like a tree root emerged from his hand.

This is his witchcraft weapon - Death Thorn Sword Seed!

A sword seed that can create and control thorns containing the power of death anywhere!

Qiao Nuo held the Death Thorn Sword in his hand and waved it gently in mid-air.

Thorns with thorns suddenly grew out of the air as soil.

The power of death contained in the thorns corroded the air to the point of making a "sizzling" sound.

Jono controlled the Death Thorn to help him stop Marshal Gunda.

Taking advantage of this gap, he narrowly avoided Marshal Gunda's attack.

As soon as Jono landed, he immediately retreated quickly.

He retreated while waving the Death Thorn Sword Seed in his hand.

The thorns of death are growing crazily.

The thorns containing the power of death rushed towards Marshal Gunda crazily.


Marshal Gunda waved the ax in his hand irritably, crushing all the death thorns that came close to him.

However, even if the death thorns were crushed, the power of death contained in the death thorns did not disappear. Instead, it permeated the air, corroding the enemy's body under Jono's control.

Realizing that blind defense would only lead to defeat, Marshal Gunda gritted his teeth and his eyes went cold, and he rushed towards Jono regardless.

Qiao Nuo did not dare to let Marshal Gunda get close.

While using the Time Analysis Spirit Pupil to predict Marshal Gunda's attack and dodge it, he quickly waved the Death Thorn Sword Seed in his hand, frantically creating death thorns.

Death Thorn Sword Seed This ability to plant death thorns anywhere is extremely difficult to deal with.

Across the ground, death thorns grew from the ground.

Sweeping through the air, the air grows thorns of death.

Stirring the water, cutting the body, knocking the stone...all actions can plant death thorns.

The Death Thorn Sword Seed is a witchcraft weapon that seems to have a single ability, but is actually a powerful witchcraft weapon that can perform tricks!

Marshal Gunda swung his heavy ax and rushed towards Jono like a tornado.

Everything within a few dozen meters of Marshal Gunda was crushed to pieces.

Even though Jono controlled the Thorn of Death to block Marshal Gunda, and used the Time Analysis Spirit Pupil to calculate, analyze, and predict Marshal Gunda's movements, he still couldn't dodge all the attacks.

Qiao Nuo was constantly injured, and he continued to recover with the help of the power of the source of witchcraft and vitality.

The constant back and forth between the broken body and the healed body looks extremely tragic.

Marshal Gunda also felt uncomfortable.

Under the death power of the death thorns, his body was corroded with horrific scars.

Sometimes Qiao Nuo would take the opportunity to use the Death Thorn Sword to chop him a few times, causing the Death Thorns to grow crazily using his body as the soil.

You two chase me and fight.

It seemed that Marshal Gunda was covered in wounds and in a very embarrassed state, as if he was at a disadvantage.

That's not actually the case.

Jono was injured more times, but he quickly healed himself due to his powerful self-healing ability.

Moreover, he needs to constantly recover from his injuries and plant death thorns like crazy. His consumption is far higher than that of Marshal Gunda.

The battle between Jono and Marshal Gunda has become a protracted battle.

It was Marshal Gunda whose injuries continued to accumulate and finally collapsed.

Or did Qiao Nuo consume too much and his vitality bottomed out?

In the blink of an eye, the battle had lasted for nearly an hour.

Qiao Nuo and Marshal Gunda still couldn't decide the winner.

If the fight between them is allowed to continue, it will not end within five or six hours.

Not only is it too long, it's also too dangerous.

This battle is just a competition for fun at a cocktail party, so it's better to stop there.

"That's it!"

Following King Hulda's order, both Jono and Marshal Gunda stopped.

When they were fighting just now, both of them looked like they wanted to kill each other.

As soon as the battle was over, the two actually commiserated with each other, their eyes full of admiration for each other.

"Marshal Gunda, you are worthy of being one of the seven marshals of the Ashbone Empire." Jono said with emotion.

"Haha, compared to you, Prince Qiaonuo, my old bones are only as good as this. It won't take you many years to leave this old guy behind." Marshal Gunda said with a smile.

Looking at Qiao Nuo and Marshal Gunda, who had unknowingly formed a deep friendship.

Seeing the surrounding audience's view of Jono changing from a coward to a strong man worthy of admiration, Roya and King Hulda looked at each other, and their goal was achieved.

King Hulda smiled and said:

"Thank you both for giving us a great fight."

"Each person will be rewarded with a nine-life green blood snake."

King Hulda's words shocked everyone, and Jono and Marshal Gunda even looked surprised.

The Nine-Life Green Blood Snake is an extremely precious medicinal beast.

It is necessary to cultivate an extremely rare monster called the green-blooded snake. The green-blooded snake sheds its skin once every hundred years.

Each time the jade-blooded snake sheds its skin, it can gain one more life.

The success rate of each molt gradually decreased from 90%, 80%, 70%, 60%... to the ninth molt, the success rate was only 10%!

The Nine-Life Jade Blood Snake, which took nine hundred years to cultivate, has extremely amazing effects.

It can allow wizards who have shed their lives less than four times to complete one of their lives without any side effects!

As long as a wizard who sheds his life three times can use the nine-life green blood snake, he can immediately advance to the fourth life shed!

I don’t know how many wizards are stuck in three lives in their lifetime. You can imagine how precious the nine-life green blood snake is.

Even the Gray Bones Empire would bleed heavily if they took out a nine-life jade-blood snake.

King Hulda took out two at once!

As a reward for a competition, it is too generous!

The real reason why he did this is not difficult to guess - Roya Nangle!

Seeing King Hulda being so generous, Roya naturally couldn't be stingy.

"My net worth is incomparable to that of you, Brother Hulda. As a pharmacist, I can only send some medicines. I hope you won't dislike it."

So, Roja took out some precious first-level potions and gave them away.

Afterwards, the reception continued.

Even more lively than before! (End of chapter)

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