Rise up Hong Kong! Build a super wealthy Zhuang family

Chapter 1 Returning to his youth, the second young master of the banker

The end of September 1979, the golden autumn.

It is close to October in Xiangjiang, the sun is still scorching like fire, and the temperature is very high.

Passers-by on the street prepared their equipment one after another, fearing that they would be burned by the ruthless scorching sun.

In 1979, Hong Kong was already a scene of high-rise buildings, luxury cars and BMWs, urban beauties, and wealthy tycoons running all over the place.

In this land where even the air and latrines are filled with the smell of money, there are indeed many opportunities and hopes. As long as you have the courage, in this era, you can definitely create a world of your own.


It is also a nightmare for poor people.

Although this place is full of opportunities, it is also a big dyeing vat, a big river and lake that is completely inseparable from intrigues, overt and covert fights, and hypocrisy.

In Hong Kong in this era, there is no reason to speak of, and there is no aura of vulnerable groups. If you are not strong enough, you are destined to become a second-class citizen.

In an old bungalow built in the 1920s and 1930s near Apliu Street in Sham Shui Po.

"Xu Zai, your situation has improved, and others are also here, so dad will have a family meeting with you today."

"Everyone, listen up."

In the living room of the villa, there are two elders and six young men and women, a total of eight people. The elder is called Zhuang Shiping, the executive chairman of the famous South Bank of Hong Kong.

At the same time, he is also a very patriotic person who has devoted himself to the construction of the country. Everyone who knows him knows that he has been steadfast in patriotism, sincere in love for Hong Kong, deep in love for his hometown, honest and simple, and dedicated his life to the prosperity of the motherland, the rejuvenation of the nation, and Hong Kong. He worked hard and made significant contributions to return to the embrace of his mother and achieve prosperity and stability.

In the 1980s, he even made an ambitious move and donated all commercial banks with a market value of tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars to inland departments.

This South Central Bank has already surpassed hundreds of billions of market capitalization in 2023, and it is really extraordinary for him to be able to donate all of it.

Nanyang Bank was developed in 1950. On the day of its opening, among all the Chinese-owned companies in Hong Kong, it was the only bank headquarters building that dared to raise the shining five-star red flag at the door, fluttering in the wind.

If you want to know what Hong Kong was like in the 1950s, everyone familiar with it knows that the British had the final say. Even ordinary foreigners in Hong Kong at that time were still aloof and received nods and bows.

Therefore, he dared to blatantly raise a red flag at that time, which shows how firm he was in supporting the mainland.

Even he was not afraid of being targeted by the British and Hong Kong governments at that time, and insisted on flying the red flag to the end.

All in all, he is a person with a strong sense of collective morality and collective honor.

But for the children of the family.

How should I put it? Many people think that he is not a good father, because with his connections, abilities, financial and material resources in Hong Kong at that time, he can completely let his descendants have no worries, and at least allow them to develop their own careers. .

Unfortunately not.

Until Zhuang Shiping's death, he did not use his ability to help or support his two biological daughters and four sons.

Therefore, after arriving, all his six children were at the lowest level in Xiangjiang. Two of them were known to the public. The eldest son, Zhuang Rongxu, was an ordinary employee of the company and supported the family with a meager salary.

The second son Zhuang Rongxu was the only one who responded to the media at the funeral of his father Zhuang Shiping.

At that time, he made a living by driving taxis and trucks, but he also told reporters that all his brothers and sisters did not understand their father at first, but later they understood his father's good intentions.

He told reporters that his father was teaching all his brothers and sisters that they must be self-reliant in everything they do. Only in this way can life be meaningful.

But it is unknown whether these words were true words from their brothers and sisters, and there was no news about them after that.

Therefore, regarding Zhuang Shiping's personal actions, many people recognize his high personal morals, but do not recognize his way of treating his family.

Therefore, there is a saying about him on the Internet, saying that he is worthy of respect and learning from the world, but he is not suitable to be a husband and father.

However, not everyone does not understand him. All in all, there are various opinions on the Internet about Zhuang Shiping.

Overall, he is admirable.

"I have said that everything owned by me, Zhuang Shiping, including Nanyang Bank, Nanyang Securities and all Nanyang Group's industries does not belong to me."

"Do you think I'm joking?" At this point, Zhuang Shiping looked at all his children seriously.

"Dad, if Nanyang Group doesn't belong to you, then whose does it belong?" His eldest son Zhuang Rongxu asked curiously.

"Yes, daddy, can you make it clear?"

"You built the Nanyang Group from scratch, how could it not be yours?"

Zhuang Shiping's children asked curiously. They didn't seem to understand why their father said that the Nanyang Group was not his. They just regarded this as their father's words and did not take it seriously.

"It belongs to a landlocked country."

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded.

Everyone immediately looked at him, including Zhuang Shiping, who had just taken a sip of tea, and Zhuang Rongxu, who looked curiously and spoke.

Zhuang Rongxu is the second son of Zhuang Shiping. He wanted to work in his own company a month ago, but he did not get permission from his father Zhuang Shiping.

Hence the commotion.

As a result, he got drunk that night and got into a car accident. Just when the doctor declared him dead, he miraculously came back to life. After a month of training, he has now almost fully recovered.

But the current Zhuang Rongxu is not the same person as before. Strictly speaking, he is the person he will be in 2023 in the future, and his soul will be reborn back to this era.

At that time, he knew that when he returned to Hong Kong and quarreled with his father in 1979, he couldn't believe it at all and thought he was dreaming.

After many confirmations, he was convinced that he had really returned to the past, which surprised and delighted him.

The surprise was that it was unbelievable, but the joy was that he could start all over again. In this life, he would never allow himself to live a mediocre life.

In the original world, he had no wife, no children, and was alone with no worries. He didn't need to worry at all and could live in this era with peace of mind.

In his previous life, he also learned later that his father Zhuang Shiping was indeed not the real owner of Nanyang Group, so now he understands his father's approach.

Nanyang Group was indeed run by Zhuang Shiping, but the capital for its initial development was provided by the mainland. Strictly speaking, his father was just a wage earner.

Therefore, it was normal for his father to return all the South Central Bank to the inland department. He understood his father's lack of help.

the most important is.

After Zhuang Rongxu was reborn, he also found that he had mutated. There was a huge space in his body, but it was empty. He didn't know what the purpose of this space was.

However, he knew that this must be the golden finger after his rebirth. He believed that such a space must be extraordinary, and he was not in a hurry. When the time comes, he would naturally know the benefits of this space.

"Xu Zai, do you know?" Zhuang Shiping asked curiously after hearing what his second son, Zhuang Rongxu, said.

Zhuang Rongxu shook his head slowly, but he nodded quickly: "My guess is that since you, father, have worked so hard to promote the wealthy people from Hong Kong to invest and develop inland, I guess you are working for the country."

"Dad, am I right?" Zhuang Rongxu asked very calmly.

At this time, Zhuang Shiping had a smile on his face and nodded gently: "Yes."

"When I first established the Nanyang Bank, all the funds were given to me by the mainland, so the Nanyang Bank is not mine. I can only work for them. So now you all understand, it's not that my father is unwilling to help you. Brothers and sisters, but….”

"Well, all in all, this matter is confidential. As Xiangjiang is not completely under inland supervision and stable and safe, I hope you will keep it secret and not leak anything."

"Dad, since this is the case, then I apologize to you for my previous behavior."


Zhuang Rongxu stood up and bowed deeply to his father, which made Zhuang Shiping very happy.

He is not a hard-hearted person, nor is he a person who does not care about future generations, but he also has his own difficulties. No matter how much he wants to help future generations, he will not use public resources and money to do so.

"Xu Zai, if you think so, my father and I will feel at ease. No matter what, you are still my son Zhuang Shiping. How could I not want to help..."

"Dad, since everything belongs to the state now, I don't ask you for a job or money. I just want to make a loan at the South Central Bank."

"I know that a loan requires a lot of procedures and various documents, collateral and other things."

"But I think you can be a guarantor. I borrowed this money from the bank and I will pay it back myself. I hope you can help me, dad. I really want to start my own business and make a career."

"Shall I guarantee your loan?"

Zhuang Shiping was even more shocked after hearing this. It is true that as the head of the South Central Bank, he has the right to operate in this way, and it is legal and legal.

But the premise is that the money must be repaid.

To be honest, Zhuang Shiping really didn't want to do this because he was still afraid of following the truth.

At this time, he frowned and thought seriously, fearing that if he didn't agree, he would have another conflict with his son who had just experienced life and death.

This is not the result he wants.

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