Around 14:00 in the afternoon.

Bishop Hill villa area.

Zhuang Shiping and his family came to Mr. He's house.

Similarly, Mr. He and his family welcomed Zhuang Shiping at the door of the villa.

Compared with He Dingxian's family, He's family has many more members, and there is a huge group of people standing there.

"Welcome Brother Zhuang, it really makes the humble house shine."

"Thank you, Brother He, for coming out to greet me in person. You're too polite to bother me rashly. I hope you don't blame me." Zhuang Shiping said with a smile.

"Brother Zhuang, dear nephews, let's talk after we go inside. It's windy here."

"Okay, please, Brother He."

"Brother Zhuang, please..."

After Mr. He, his wives, Zhuang Shiping and his wife entered, the descendants of the two families looked at each other and nodded, beginning to get to know each other.

"Brother Xu, can I call you that?"

"Yes, Brother Xu, you have been so awesome recently. The newspapers are full of news about you every day."

"Brother Xu, I don't have any pocket money. Can you give me a Walkman?"

The youngest children of Mr. He immediately rushed over to Zhuang Rongxu and started to get to know and chat with him. Those who grew up were a little shy. Although they wanted to get to know Zhuang Rongxu, they did not go up to say hello immediately due to their lack of face.

Zhuang Rongxu bent down slightly and picked up the youngest child. "Of course, you should have called me brother. How come you don't have pocket money? Do you want to deceive Brother Xu and me?" Zhuang Rongxu also liked chatting with them.

After all, children at this age are the most communicative and have the most fun.

"We really don't have that much pocket money to buy it. Your Walkman is too expensive. Mom and dad are not willing to give us money." The child responded in a coquettish voice.

"Then tell brother, what are your names?" Zhuang Rongxu pinched their cute faces.

"Brother, my name is He Zhaoyi."

"Brother, my name is He Youlong."

After Zhuang Rongxu heard their names, a faint smile appeared on his face.

"Brother, I have remembered your names. I will send one to you when the time comes."

"Yes...thank you Brother Xu."

"Brother Xu, are you dating our fifth sister?" At this time, a 14.5-year-old girl suddenly asked Zhuang Rongxu this question.

"Although I don't know who your fifth sister is, I'm not in a relationship with anyone right now." Zhuang Rongxu replied with a smile.

He Zhaoqiong on the side had a slight change in his face after hearing this, but she quickly covered it up and pretended to be nonchalant and shouted to the younger brothers and sisters who were pestering Zhuang Rongxu: "Okay, stop messing around here and go in quickly. .”

"Sister Wujia, you are blushing, haha..."

Zhuang Rongxu finally knew who his fifth sister was. It turned out to be He Zhaoqiong. He nodded slightly to her as a greeting.

"Arqiong, we meet again, let's go in." Zhuang Rongxu said, still smiling.

"Well, let's go in." He Zhaoqiong responded calmly, as if what happened just now had no impact on her at all.

Soon, the two children came to the living room, where Zhuang Shiping and Mr. He were chatting animatedly.

At this time, Brother He saw Zhuang Rongxu walking in, his smile became even bigger, and he quickly waved his hand: "My nephew, come here and talk to Uncle He."

Zhuang Rongxu smiled at him and sat on the sofa: "Happy New Year to Uncle."

"Okay, okay, by the way, I almost forgot. First, come, Uncle He will give you a gift. You have all grown up. This is the first time that Uncle He meets you. I hope you all accept it." Mr. He He shook his hand at the housekeeper, took a bunch of red envelopes, and sent one to Zhuang Rongxu's brothers and sisters.

"Brother He, you..."

"Well, Brother Zhuang, this is the first time that I, my uncle, have met you nephews after so many years. I have to replenish them with the red envelopes I have received over the years."

It turned out that the red envelope given by Mr. He was not an ordinary red envelope. Zhuang Shiping was a banker. At a glance, he knew that it was a red envelope specially designed for checks by various banks, so he had this expression.

Hearing what Boss He said, Zhuang Shiping couldn't say anything more, but looked at his child: "Uncle He gave you such a big red envelope, why don't you thank him quickly."

"Thank you, Uncle He."

"Happy New Year, Uncle."

"Okay, okay, happy new year everyone."

"Xu Zai, you have been very good recently. Not only in Xiangjiang, but also in the Australian and overseas newspapers, your company's products are reported every day. You have done a good job." Boss He praised Zhuang Rongxu.

"Uncle He, please stop laughing at me. I'm just making a little fuss."

"Hahaha, Xu Zai, your company's daily sales are close to 2,700 Hong Kong dollars. Now your company's products have a daily turnover of close to 10 million Hong Kong dollars. And I also heard that your products only sell 10,000 units a day, resulting in a lot of sales in Hong Kong. Customers rush to buy products every day, do you think I'm making fun of you?" Mr. He responded to Zhuang Rongxu with a laugh.

"Brother He, please don't praise him. He is still young and needs to be tempered."

"Look, just after entering the business world, I have offended the Xiangjiang Electronics and Electrical Appliances Chamber of Commerce." Zhuang Shiping responded to Mr. He's words.

"Uh, Brother Zhuang, don't you know what those people in the Chamber of Commerce are like?"

"They are all a group of guys who are unprofitable and can't afford to be early. In my opinion, there are only two reasons why they are targeting Xu Zai Company. The first is to drag Xu Zai into the Chamber of Commerce to control Xu Zai Company. The second is to worry about the future. Xu Zai will interfere in the research and development of other products, which will only affect their interests."

"Brother Zhuang, it's easy to solve this problem for Xu Zai with your energy. How did you...?" Brother He asked Zhuang Shiping in confusion after telling the thoughts of the people in the chamber of commerce.

"Brother He, I have told Xu Zai since he started his own business that people need to rely on themselves. If he can't even face this problem, then when I am gone in the future, he should face bigger problems. How to deal with it?" Zhuang Shiping expressed his own thoughts on this matter very directly.

"Yes, Uncle He, I will handle this problem myself. Thank you for your concern." Zhuang Rongxu also responded.

He had already solved this matter and didn't need his father's help at all. Although he is currently unable to use commercial means to deal with those in the Chamber of Commerce. But he will pay these people back in the future.

"Brother Zhuang's education method is indeed very different, and I admire it very much. Indeed, only by letting children face these things alone in advance can they be flawless and survive stably in the future."

"Hahaha, okay, since it's Chinese New Year, we won't talk about this anymore."

"By the way, Brother He, last time you said you wanted to come to Xiangjiang to invest in a real estate company. How much loan do you plan to need? You will have to send someone over after the year."

"That's what I mean, I will..."

Businessmen like Zhuang Shiping and Mr. He seldom waste time when meeting and chatting except talking about business, which makes Zhuang Rongxu on the side feel very bored: "Uncle He, daddy, I'm going to look around."

"Okay, Xu Zai, go ahead."

Zhuang Rongxu nodded with a smile, then left the living room and walked out of the garden to see his brothers and sisters chatting animatedly with the descendants of the He family.

"What are you talking about, are you so happy?"

"Brother Xu, you are coming out. We are going to go shopping. Can we go together?"

"Yes, brother Xu, let's go together. Let's go see a movie. Dad said you will stay here for one night. Let's go listen to music."

"Listen to music? Where can I listen?"

"PolyGram is having a concert tonight with Luo Wen, Xu Xiaofeng, Ah San, Brother, and Chen Baiqiang. Do you want to go with us?"

"Oh, they are coming to Aohai to sing?"

This piqued Zhuang Rongxu's interest. He definitely wanted to experience the concerts of the big singers of this era again. It had been a long time since he went to listen to music live.

There were no gymnasiums in the 1980s, and there was no Hong Kong Coliseum at that time. If these singers wanted to hold concerts, they would almost always hold them in designated concert halls of nightclubs. Otherwise, they would hold them outdoors in open spaces.

But suddenly Zhuang Rongxu seemed to think of something: "Will Chen Boqiang sing tonight?"

"Yes, Brother Xu, do you like him too? Sister Wu also likes his singing very much."

Zhuang Rongxu smiled awkwardly when he heard this, and then glanced at He Zhaoqiong uncomfortably. In his memory, the story of Qiong and Qiang seemed to have only started in 1981. He didn't know if his appearance in this life would change this tragedy.

If possible, Zhuang Rongxu really wanted to help them. After all, it was rare for a rich lady like He Zhaoqiong to stay unmarried for the rest of her life. Being loyal throughout her life was indeed very rare.

Whether as a stranger or a friend, he doesn't want this tragedy to happen again.

"Okay, let's go together." Zhuang Rongxu agreed after thinking about it.

And He Zhaoqiong was secretly happy when she heard that Zhuang Rongxu was willing to go with them.

Soon, a group of them appeared on the streets of Aohai under the protection of bodyguards.

Although Boss He has a high status in Aohai now, he still has many enemies left behind. Therefore, no matter who his family members go out, they will always be protected by a group of bodyguards before they are allowed to go out.

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