
Chapter 330 A vague premonition

Looking at the Korean server game interface on the computer screen and the CN and Hook2 friend avatar IDs that have entered the "queue" status in the friend panel list, the eyes of Wu Guangxin flashed with a complex and shocking light.

Although he is not a player of that MOBA e-sports game, he is not even one of the first players to enter the professional circle in League of Legends.


As long as you are a member of the professional e-sports circle in the national server, it is almost impossible for anyone who has not heard of the legend of that person.

That is……

A true legend.

That immortal light of glory is the most brilliant light that has ever enveloped the entire world of professional e-sports circles.

That ID name that coexists with glory and glory, even though he has retired from the world's professional e-sports circles for many years, has never diminished the slightest impression in people's minds.

Wuguangxin naturally remembers that ID clearly.

And the figure represented by that ID name almost makes professional e-sports people all over the world stand in awe.

It's just that the other ID of the legend is not as well-known to the world as the previous ID name. It is precisely because of this that when I first saw an ID name like CN丶Hook2, Wuhuangxin didn't think of it. Recognizable at a glance.

But after reading that post from five years ago...

Wuguangzhi suddenly remembered it.

Indeed, the other ID that the legend used outside of the professional league was exactly this name!


He stared closely at the ID avatar in the friend panel list. Even now, Wu Guangxin had to take deep breaths several times to calm down his shaking mood.

If the CN and Hook2 in your friend list really exist...

Then the other party's casual and bland attitude is fully qualified.

His Wuguangxin is indeed a first-line professional player in the current Chinese LPL professional e-sports circle, and he is a great god in the eyes of ordinary players.

But if compared with that true legend, the difference between a firefly and the glow of a bright moon is simply that.

Even just being able to be friends with this legendary being is enough to make Wu Guangxin feel flattered and secretly like him for a while.

So what if others ignore me?

Being able to add a friend is a great honor!

At this time, seeing that CN and Hook2 had entered the battle room of the first qualifying match, Wu Guangxin suddenly became energetic:

(here we go!)

If his mentality before was just curiosity or appreciation, and he felt that the mysterious identity of CN and Hook2 was quite good.

So now.

He really has a star-chasing mentality like worshiping an idol, and wants to see again the greatest legend in the national server and even the world's professional e-sports circle in the rankings of the Korean server king group. What kind of world can be created.

In the first qualifying match, Lin Feng reported his position and randomly selected a three-handed mechanical pioneer in the mid lane.

The hero Mechanical Herald has become more and more powerful in the current version of the game, and is even playing more and more frequently in professional matches.

The early laning is not weak.

The brush line development ability is strong.

There is poke.

The AOE damage in mid-to-late team battles is even more impressive.

However, Su Xue looked curious: "Hey, I don't seem to have seen you play a hero like three hands."

Lin Feng patted his chest and was full of confidence:

"My hero pool is very deep!"

"You can play very well with three hands!"

This is not bragging.

After a qualifying match, just over four minutes into the early game, Lin Feng's mid laner Victor cooperated with his roaming jungler Wei to successfully kill and take away the opponent's mid laner Verus.

Then he established an advantage in the middle, suppressing the opponent's mid laner Punishment Arrow while continuing to develop the lane.

As mentioned before, once an AP mid laner like Victor is allowed to get kills in the early stage and develops, his powerful poke consumption ability will become a nightmare for opponents in the lane.

The "gravity field" of the W skill is used to slow down and interfere with the opponent's dodge movement.

The "death ray" of the E skill seizes the opportunity and shoots directly through the mechanical arm, plowing a deep mark on the ground and easily taking away a portion of the health bar above the opponent's head.

Victor's E skill ray is indeed difficult to defend against.

Especially in front of a Victor who knows how to play, the "Death Ray" can be fired in all directions in all directions. After grasping the trajectory and predicting the opponent's position, one E will be used to gain a certain amount of health.

In the seventh minute of game time, Lin Feng's mid laner Victor single-killed his opponent's Punishment Arrow in the middle.

Chase him all the way into the tower.

Force a solo kill and take away the head.


Su Xue, who was sitting aside, saw her eyes brighten. When she saw others playing Victor, she had never seen this hero playing so fiercely online.

Poke is normal, but solo kill?

It feels like even in professional competitions, it is rare to see the mechanical pioneer nicknamed "Three Hands" display this kind of style, right?

Very few indeed.

In the training room of the Black Yao Team E-Sports Club, the team's training base, Wu Guangxin, who was sitting in front of the computer screen and turned on the OB mode to watch the game, looked at the operation of the purple side mid laner Victor in the picture, and couldn't help but admire him. Emotions.

In LPL professional games, Victor appears frequently.

There are really not many people who can use Victor to complete a solo kill online.

This is because this hero's pursuit ability is not very strong, and he does not belong to the type like Annie, Syndra, or Fox, who can instantly burst out with a set of damage.

If Victor wants to kill alone, it depends on his damage calculation ability and timing ability.

Especially in terms of damage calculation, because you can calculate damage, and so can your opponent.

We are all professional players. It is impossible for anyone to react much slower than the other. If he really felt that his health was in danger, his opponent would definitely retreat immediately. In that case, it would be difficult for Victor to catch up even if he wanted to.

Therefore, such a single kill really places extremely high demands on Victor's damage calculation ability.

You have to be extremely keen to seize the opportunity before your opponent can react, calculate the damage accurately, and strike decisively.

Just like what CN and Hook2 did just now.

Sunless Heart couldn't help but take another look at the purple mid laner Victor on the field, and sighed in his heart:


That senior.

Even if you have retired or even switched to the game League of Legends, can you still have such powerful and sophisticated computing power?

The strength of this mid laner...

But even ordinary professional players may not be able to achieve it!

In fact, Wuguangxin still had a misunderstanding.

Because the current user of the CN and Hook2 accounts is not a young man who is vacationing in Thailand with his fiancée.

If it was really the young man whom Lin Feng respected as "Senior No. 1" who took action, his real strength would definitely be more than that. In fact, when the greatest legend in the Chinese professional e-sports circle was playing League of Legends, The main thing is support.

At the same time, Wu Guangxin would not have thought that the real identity of the controller of the purple mid laner Victor on the field at this moment might not be much less than his current guess.

That ID is called Maple.

In that distant year, in that S1 season, the brilliant achievements achieved were also worthy of the title of legend.

Moreover, Lin Feng's current condition continues to improve steadily.

Perhaps in the eyes of the Lightless Heart, Victor's level is enough to be admired.

But Lin Feng knew very well that this was far from what he expected.

At the end of a qualifying match, Lin Feng was enjoying the hot chicken steak supper delivered from takeaway. While chatting with Su Xue beside him, Lin Feng subconsciously scratched his hair:

Don't know why...

Anyway, he had a vague feeling that although the current state he had returned to was strong enough, it might not be enough.

He always feels that there will be some very difficult guys waiting for him in this National College League.

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