
Chapter 392 Arriving in Guangzhou!

"If... there is an opportunity in front of you now that can help you better realize your dream..."

"What would you do?"

With complex emotions in her heart that she didn't want Lin Feng to know for the time being, Su Xue asked the former seriously.

In other words, he was asking for advice.

Lin Feng was stunned for a moment and scratched his hair:

"Is there any better opportunity to realize your dream?"

"Of course we have to catch it with all our strength!"

There was barely even half a second of hesitation in answering, and Lin Feng had a matter-of-fact look on his face.

At this point, his answer was exactly the same as what Shi Hang said a few days ago when he taught several junior students in the Zhejiang team.

They are also professional players who have been struggling in the Chinese LOL professional e-sports circle since the S1 season. Whether it is Shi Hang, Lin Feng, or other e-sports people back then, their views and attitudes on this issue are the same. .

Back then, it was because of the fiery dreams in their hearts that they embarked on such a difficult and bumpy road.

In that distant year, when the national e-sports environment was almost completely undeveloped, it can be said that there were not many opportunities left for them.

Therefore, they will cherish every possible opportunity even more.

As long as there is, we must desperately grasp it.

Even if there is no opportunity, we must work hard to create opportunities, let alone if there is a great opportunity in front of us to realize our dreams?

For Lin Feng, Su Xue's problem was not a problem at all.

"Then...what if we have to pay a high price for this opportunity?"

Su Xue hesitated and slowly asked again.

Lin Feng’s answer was faster this time:

"It's still the same."

"If you want to realize your dream,

How is it possible to do it without paying the price? "

This rhetorical question comes even more naturally.

Just like the first batch of e-sports people in the Chinese professional circle, everyone paid countless prices for the dream they pursued.

Many people have given up their ideal job opportunities, which may have been favorable conditions, and many stable lives that can be regarded as "serious and reliable" in the eyes of others. Under the eyes of countless people who are difficult to understand, they have devoted themselves wholeheartedly to the professional e-sports circle in the national server. Hard work and struggle on the field.

The professional players at that time were far from the star-like treatment of today's LPL professional players.

To play a game, you have to pay for it and take a train to another city.

When staying in a hotel, you have to spend every penny carefully and don't want to live in a better place.

Even if you win, you will only get a meager bonus and you will not be able to make ends meet.

If you lose, you have nothing.

It was almost an era of e-sports where there was only effort and no reward.

It even makes people unable to see the hope for the future, and for the earliest batch of e-sports people in the national server who are working hard to pursue their dreams, if they can’t even see the slim hope of the future on the road of struggle, it should have been extremely easy. Something discouraging.


Almost no one chooses to give up halfway.

Everyone still gritted their teeth and insisted on continuing.

"Because that's the dream."

Lin Feng's voice sounded, and his tone was understated, as if he was just saying a simple common truth:

"As long as you know that is the goal you really want to pursue, you will work hard no matter the cost."

"Even if there is no hope, you can still persevere like a fool."

"If there is an opportunity that can really help you realize your dream, you have to seize it no matter how high the cost. There is no reason to give up."

Su Xue was stunned for a moment after hearing this.

As long as you know that is what you really want to pursue...

Will work hard no matter the cost.

Such a sentence finally hit the point in Su Xue's heart where she was most confused and hesitant.


It's that simple.

So, is the path she is taking now really what she wants to pursue?


Is this her dream?

She asked herself silently in her heart, but in fact there was no need to wait. Su Xue subconsciously recalled the past when she was determined to become a game anchor, and how she worked hard to live broadcast rankings every day in order to gain popularity in the live broadcast room. Picture...

Those days are equally hard.

That road is equally bumpy.

But she never thought of giving up at that time.

Shaking her head, Su Xue looked at Lin Feng again, and couldn't help but have a complicated emotion in her heart:


In fact, she should have understood such a simple truth a long time ago.

He actually had to let the dead kid in front of him teach him.

It would be too embarrassing for me to call myself a sister.


Su Xue took a deep breath and realized that she actually already had the answer in her heart.

So she raised her head, looked at Lin Feng steadily, and spoke seriously:

"Xiao Feng."

"This time, I also want to go to Guangzhou."

"Huh?" Lin Feng didn't expect that Su Xue would suddenly say such a thing this time. He couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and then he reacted again with great surprise: "Sister Xue, you want to fly to Guangzhou to cheer for us!? "

"...No! I also have work matters, okay?"

On January 12, at 7 o'clock in the morning, Lin Feng, a member of the Shanghai Electric Association team, set off from Pudong Airport in Shanghai, preparing to go to Guangzhou to meet the challenge of the first round of the National Finals.

There were two other people accompanying the team.

One is naturally Chu Fangnan, who is the person in charge and leader of the Electrician Association team this time. All other expenses and itinerary arrangements, including air tickets and accommodation for the Shanghai Electrician Association team to go to Guangzhou to participate in the national finals, are handled by The vice president of the Shanghai E-Sports Association is responsible.

And the other one is Su Xue who is going to Huya TV headquarters in Guangzhou to seize that extremely important opportunity.

"Sister Xue is here specifically to cheer us up this time!"

When everyone met at the airport, Lin Feng happily explained to everyone like this.

Su Xue rolled her eyes:

"It's not good at all!"

Tang Bingyao's eyes were slightly bright. She had a close affection for Su Xue. She was also very happy to see this beautiful and kind elder sister going to Guangzhou with her this time.

An Xin answered with a smile on her face:

"Anyway, it will be more lively if there are more people~"

Indeed, no matter what, a group of seven people boarded the flight to Guangzhou.

At 9:30 am, the flight arrived at Guangzhou Airport.

At ten o'clock, under the leadership and arrangements of Chu Fangnan, everyone successfully checked into a four-star hotel near the Tianhe District Gymnasium where the top 36 national competition was held.

In terms of room allocation, there are four standard double rooms in total.

Two girls, Tang Bingyao and An Xin, lived in one room, Zeng Rui and Zhang Hao lived in one room, Lin Feng and Chu Fangnan lived in one room, and Su Xue, who temporarily joined the team, lived alone.

After checking in, Lin Feng enthusiastically proposed:

"Okay! Let's go eat!"

"I just found out that there is a great tea restaurant nearby. When I come to Guangzhou, I must try the Cantonese food!"

Before he finished speaking, An Xin received a slap on the head from a stir-fried chestnut, and An Xin Shi Shiran retracted his hand:

"Foodie, we need to go to the competition venue to register and sign in first, okay?"

Zeng Rui nodded and added:

"Also, you should be able to take a look at the e-sports facilities in the competition venue in advance and familiarize yourself with the environment, which will be beneficial to future competitions."

Zhang Hao also added:

"You should be able to see the other teams in the top 36 this time, right? They are all our possible opponents next."

Something happened at the moment... The time for the next chapter tonight is temporarily undecided~

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