Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 728: Do you have keys?

"Then I really sang? You will check my body data in time, right?"

When Ah Wei heard Zhang Tuohai say this, he couldn't hold back his heart.

In fact, he has always had a dream to travel around the world with a guitar on his back.

It's just that I used to be so poor that I couldn't even afford a guitar, so I could only occasionally squat in a bridge hole and sing.

However, even so, they are often chased by stray dogs.

Now, with the microphone in hand, his soul that wanted to sing couldn't hold back.

"Don't worry, I've been checking."

Zhang Tuohai gave Awei a thumbs up, and at the same time stuffed two **** of cotton into his ears, and at the same time asked Jinse to put a protective water polo on him.


Awei moved his body a few times and did a few warm-ups before taking the microphone and roaring directly.

"Yeah woah-"


The skin on the surface of the purple giant's body disintegrated instantly, and large pieces of skin and flesh rotted and fell, falling to the ground and turning into acid, emitting white smoke.

The huge purple giant was losing weight at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, the height has changed from seven meters to six meters, and it is still rapidly declining.

Wow, wow, huge chunks of meat fell from the purple giant, and soon they formed hills under the giant's feet, and the hills where the chunks of flesh were piled up, like snow covered by the sun, quickly melted away. Dissipated as a puff of white smoke.

Until the end, the meat pieces dissipated, and a white scepter fell to the ground.

"Finally killed."

Zhang Tuohai let out a long breath, then patted Awei on the shoulder and said, "It's alright, no need to sing."

However, Ah Wei was still immersed in his own singing, unable to extricate himself, and did not respond at all to the outside world. He was still singing loudly, even louder.

"Awei, Awei? Wake up, wake up." Zhang Tuohai poked Awei, hoping to wake him up.

However, no matter how he poked, Ah Wei didn't respond, still indulging in his singing.


At this moment, a sap hit Ah Wei on the back of the head.

With a puff, Awei fell to the ground, revealing Aya holding a wooden stick behind him.

"He's just like this. As soon as he sings, he falls into his own world. There is no other way to stop him, but this method can only stop him physically."

Aya said helplessly.


Hearing Aya's words, and looking at Awei who fainted on the ground, Zhang Tuohai didn't know what to say.

To be honest, although Awei's broken skill is not very effective, if it can be used in places, the effect is quite good, but it is a bit labor-intensive.

Fortunately, Ah Wei is immortal. If something goes wrong, just kill it and restore it with one click. It's easier than going to the medical cabin for a diagnosis, so Lilith often uses him for some tests.

"Everyone was killed, right? Tell the self-propelled machine to quickly clean the battlefield, gather everything, and leave here quickly."

Zhang Tuohai greeted.

Zhang Tuohai doesn't want to stay here any longer. He always feels that this place is not a good place. If he continues to stay here, he may cause some trouble. He should take the opportunity to clean up the battlefield and find a place to digest the resources. During the battle just now, he still had a few questions that he hadn't figured out, and he had to analyze it carefully.

The self-propelled machines scattered and began to collect those scattered bronze treasure chests.

At this moment, gunfire sounded not far away, and Xiao Ai also said in a timely manner: "Commander, someone in the west is attacking the self-propelled machine?"

"Huh? There are still enemies? Why are there so many? Didn't they all kill them just now?"

Zhang Tuohai asked with a frown.

"Those who attacked the self-propelled machines were players from our camp." Xiao Ai said with some embarrassment.

"Players of this faction?"

Hearing the words of classmate Xiao Ai, Zhang Tuohai hesitated for a while. If it was normal, he would directly order an unlimited counterattack.

No matter what the reason is, if you dare to shoot at him, it will be a dead end.

However, it is now the battle between the faction and the battle, and everyone is living under the command of the Liuli Goddess. For the sake of the Liuli Goddess, you should ask more clearly.

"Let the self-propelled machine find favorable terrain to retreat and ensure its own safety. I will go and see the situation."

Zhang Tuohai said and flew into the air.

A large number of flying gasoline-powered saws also extinguished the lights and sneaked after them.

Aya glanced at it, and also controlled the blisters to float into the air, and flew over with Zhang Tuohai.

Jinse can't fly, so he can only squat in the bathtub, waiting for news with his neck stretched.

Zhang Tuohai quickly flew to the battle scene.

On the battlefield, the most eye-catching are seventy or eighty players. These players are holding various individual weapons and are constantly attacking the direction of the self-propelled machine.

Da-da-da, bang-bang-bang, the sound of gunfire mixed with the explosion of rockets.

On the other side of the battlefield, the self-propelled machine strictly obeyed Zhang Tuohai's order, hugged the bronze treasure chest, and hid in a hidden corner to wait for the order.

Several of them were even damaged by rockets on their robotic arms and tracks, and remained in place to hide.

"Stop it all, whoever is doing it, don't blame me for being ruthless." Seeing that his self-propelled machine was injured, Zhang Tuohai's face turned gloomy, the electric current in his hand flickered, the high-voltage electricity and the electromagnetic gun quickly charged, ready to attack at any time .

Those players couldn't help but be stunned when they saw Zhang Tuohai's sudden arrival. None of them thought that at this time, someone wearing this epoch-making armor would come to the battlefield from the air.

"Who are you? Why do you stop when you say stop?"

One of the leading players said dissatisfiedly.

However, they still reduced the frequency of attacks. After all, when they were still full of body armor, an electromagnetic armor that could fly in mid-air was enough to make them fearful.

"The ones you attacked just now are my subordinates. For the sake of the same faction, I will not trouble you any more, and immediately withdraw from the battlefield and leave here."

Zhang Tuohai said with anger.

"The same faction? Are you also under the crown of the goddess Liuli?"

The leading player wearing a beret heard the words, and his eyes glowed.

"Yes, what do you want to do?" Zhang Tuohai asked in a bad tone.

"Since it's from the same faction, it's easy to deal That giant just now, you did everything that exploded, right? You speed up our cars, you need to compensate us for our losses, and in addition, Those tattered machines under your command rob us of our bronze treasure chests and ask them to return all the bronze treasure chests to us, and forget about it."

Beret said with a smile.

"Why?" Zhang Tuohai couldn't help sneering when he heard the words.

He raised his head and glanced into the distance. There were dozens of cars parked not far away, bubbling with smoke, which seemed to be the damage caused by Ah Wei's voice just now.

However, just because of this, you want him to compensate for the loss?

If it weren't for him, these people would have been killed by Shangguan Mobai with the ambush fleet, and even their lives were lost. He didn't ask them to save their lives.

What are you dreaming about?

What's more, those bronze treasure chests were all obtained by him by killing people, and he took them all as a matter of course. These people actually wanted to let him give some of them to them?

Do you have keys? How many?

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